AngularJS $http - IE11 issues with POST calls using Restangular - javascript

I'm using Restangular to interface with REST services in my AngularJS project and some POST calls seem to get skipped on IE11 alone (possibly IE10 too, but I haven't checked). The strange thing is that, everything works fine when the Developer Options tab is open, so am unable to inspect the behaviour. But, I placed alerts and they execute until the line before the actual call.
alert("Executes till here");$scope.value).then(function(newResource){
alert("No response!");
I thought it might be a caching problem and set it to 'false' as below, but that doesn't help either.
Has anybody else faced a similar issue?


Why does React log to Chrome-Console "Content-script injection failed" (from allpages.js) when I never set up code to inject a script?

I am nearly done with my code for my new Website but am really bothered that the following gets somehow logged to my Chrome-Console:
For instance, it gets printed when I switch between pages of my Website (using react-router-dom). I am not consciously injecting any script (nor do I know how that would work or why I would do such a thing).
I don't even know what "allpages.js" is, I never came across it so far.
If I click on it, to see the area that throws the error, I get the following (it is on line 83):
Happy to provide any further info or code and thanks everyone!

Chrome Javascript Console Stopped Working

I am working on a meteor.js app and I am using Session.set and Session.get to pass data along. Now last night my app was working just fine but this morning none of it seems to be working. And whenever i try to get a session from the chrome console it just prints out whatever I typed with out giving any messages or any data.
just prints out: Session.get("min-distance-query");
I also have functions to get my lon/lat coords Geolocation.latLng(); which was working as well before I went to bed and this morning it is also not working.
And again it does the same thing in the console when I try to run the function in there. It just prints out Geolocation.latLng(); where it used to print out an object with a lng/lat value in it.
Has any one experienced this before?
Thanks to Niloct I have been able to get the console to function as expected.
As he mentioned in the comments I just had to reinstall chrome and it began working again.
NOTE: the Gelocation.lngLat(); function is apparently not working because of an unrelated issue regarding chrome. A stack overflow post about this issue can be found here: Chrome navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() error 403
Hopefully it will get resolved soon.

Twitter feed not displaying in Chrome

I have browsed the web trying to find a solution to this problem, many people have suggested disabling avast plugin, add blocker within chrome extensions yet none of these worked.
the url is you will see half way down next to the facebook feed the twitter feed is empty when using chrome, when I view this in IE, FireFox it displays as I would expect.
I've checked the console log in Firefox and I receive no errors, when I go to chrome on the other hand I see the following:
I personally do not think these are related it any way but I thought I would provide as much information as possible to try and get this fixed.
update Turns out the errors are related to google-cast-sdk instead of silently dumping the errors they have decided to dump them straight in to the console. Read more about it here
I've checked and made sure I'm referencing the correct twitter widget.
We build it as follows as pass it to the page
sb.Append("<div class=\"twitterWidget\"><a class=\"twitter-timeline\" href=\"//\" data-widget-id=\"345026269295038465\" data-chrome=\"nofooter noscrollbar transparent\" data-tweet-limit=\"3\">Tweets by #telstracareers</a></div>");
The website runs under https, I have tried the following:
Still have no luck, I'm not sure what else I could try any suggestions?

appMobi / phonegap setting/deleting cookie click action required 2 times before working?

I can't figure out for the life of me whats up with this. I dunno if this is appMobi/phonegap centric, cause they have there own special ways of setting cookies, and handling them. But I have what seems to be a unique problem overall, and it only occurs in the process of actually writing a cookie for the first time. Or removing it if it exists which is kind of like writing it.
Anyway I have 2 functions that worked perfectly up til the point of introducing the cookies to them. But I need the cookies also as its part of a login check, and a handful of other things. So this is my issue.
I type my user/pass, hit login. get nothing. hit login again, works.
I hit logout after being logged in, nothing works. hit it again.. works..
These are ajax driven functions as well. Dunno if that has anything to do with it or not, but in both cases cookies are being written in one shape form or another and thats when the functions seem to break in respect to the fact that I need to click the buttons that trigger them twice to get the desired effect despite them being a single click action.
If I remove the cookie lines from my functions everything works normally again without problem, with exception that the cookies are required to actually use half the stuff I am building. Also its a lone cookie being written with a numeric value.
AppMobi.cache.setCookie('AutoRemember', uid, 90);
This one line if its there, i have to double click for my functions to work, if its not there my functions work as expected..
a sample of one of my function would be (quickly typing one out here for example sake)
url = '';
$.post(url, function(data)
if(data.status == "good")
AppMobi.cache.setCookie('AutoRemember', uid, 90);
window.location = 'dashboard.html';
}, 'json')
Ah yes, I ran into the same thing. You'll need to download and init the local_bootstrap.js lib and something from "Develop In Eclipse For Android " (I downloaded the .zip "appMobi Cloud Services library for PhoneGap Android development"). I'm doing the Android app with Eclipse, and I assume you are too, your post didn't mention what IDE you were using.
The .zip file has a great readme.txt on where & what to copy (.java files, jar file, etc.)
found here:
Well, come to find out or as far as I can figure at least. This appears to be a glitch between browser and emulator more so than it is my coding. When I run the app in the sandboxed appMobi application from "Test Anywhere" things work as expected all around.
I will be opening up a bug ticked on appMobi where every they take bug reports and I will come back here with a link later so others may follow it as well when and if they come across a similar issue.

What might cause an XMLHttpRequest to never change state in Firefox?

I'm working on some old AJAX code, written in the dark dark days before jQuery. Strangely, it has been working fine for years, until today when it suddenly stopped firing its callback. Here's the basic code:
var xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); // only needs to support Firefox"GET", myRequestURL, true);
xml.onreadystatechange = function() { alert ('test'); };
Checking the Firebug console, the request is being sent with no worries, and it is receiving the correct XML from the request URL, but the onreadystatechange function is not working at all. There's no javascript errors or anything else strange happening in the system.
I wish I could just rewrite everything using jQuery, but I don't have the time right now. What could possibly be causing this problem??
A further update - I've been able to test my code in a different browser (FFx 3.0) and it was working there, so it must be a problem with my browser. I'm running Firefox 3.5b4 on Vista, and I've tried it now with all my addons disabled with no luck. It's still really bugging me because I was working on this site yesterday (with the same browser setup) and there were no problems at all...
Actually I just took a look back in my Addons window and saw that Firebug was still enabled. If I disable Firebug, it works perfectly. If I enable it, it's broken. Firebug version 1.40.a31
is the url malformed?
have you tried putting the whole thing in a try-catch and alerting the errors (if any)
is it failing on an authorization check?
does the url in question require http-auth? (though there should be state changes in this case, I'll admit)
I have a really funny thought here. Are you using firefox 3.5 beta4? I develop a firefox extension for a browser-based game and recently discovered some odd behvaviour. With my extension or firebug observing the ajax requests made from the page, the script ccreating them would never get calledback. The request would be correctly observed and processed by both firebug and my extension (I could observe what was sent and received)... but the page itself would never hear from the request again -- like it had disappeared into a black hole.
Try turning off firebug (or at least turn off listening to 'Net' for that domain) and test it again
Known Firefox bug affecting Firebug; see for details :-)
It seems unlikely that onreadystatechange would stop working. Is it possible that the 'alert' function has somehow been disabled or overridden? Can you replace the alert with some code to make a visible change in the page, and check its functionality that way? (I know, its a stretch, but it just seems so strange that onreadystatechange wouldn't work!)

