This question is in JavaScript, but an answer in any language, pseudo-code, or just the maths would be great!
I have been trying to implement the Separating-Axis-Theorem to accomplish the following:
Detecting an intersection between a convex polygon and a circle.
Finding out a translation that can be applied to the circle to resolve the intersection, so that the circle is barely touching the polygon but no longer inside.
Determining the axis of the collision (details at the end of the question).
I have successfully completed the first bullet point and you can see my javascript code at the end of the question. I am having difficulties with the other parts.
Resolving the intersection
There are plenty of examples online on how to resolve the intersection in the direction with the smallest/shortest overlap of the circle. You can see in my code at the end that I already have this calculated.
However this does not suit my needs. I must resolve the collision in the opposite direction of the circle's trajectory (assume I already have the circle's trajectory and would like to pass it into my function as a unit-vector or angle, whichever suits).
You can see the difference between the shortest resolution and the intended resolution in the below image:
How can I calculate the minimum translation vector for resolving the intersection inside my test_CIRCLE_POLY function, but that is to be applied in a specific direction, the opposite of the circle's trajectory?
My ideas/attempts:
My first idea was to add an additional axis to the axes that must be tested in the SAT algorithm, and this axis would be perpendicular to the circle's trajectory. I would then resolve based on the overlap when projecting onto this axis. This would sort of work, but would resolve way to far in most situations. It won't result in the minimum translation. So this won't be satisfactory.
My second idea was to continue to use magnitude of the shortest overlap, but change the direction to be the opposite of the circle's trajectory. This looks promising, but there are probably many edge-cases that I haven't accounted for. Maybe this is a nice place to start.
Determining side/axis of collision
I've figured out a way to determine which sides of the polygon the circle is colliding with. For each tested axis of the polygon, I would simply check for overlap. If there is overlap, that side is colliding.
This solution will not be acceptable once again, as I would like to figure out only one side depending on the circle's trajectory.
My intended solution would tell me, in the example image below, that axis A is the axis of collision, and not axis B. This is because once the intersection is resolved, axis A is the axis corresponding to the side of the polygon that is just barely touching the circle.
My ideas/attempts:
Currently I assume the axis of collision is that perpendicular to the MTV (minimum translation vector). This is currently incorrect, but should be the correct axis once I've updated the intersection resolution process in the first half of the question. So that part should be tackled first.
Alternatively I've considered creating a line from the circle's previous position and their current position + radius, and checking which sides intersect with this line. However, there's still ambiguity, because on occasion there will be more than one side intersecting with the line.
My code so far
function test_CIRCLE_POLY(circle, poly, circleTrajectory) {
// circleTrajectory is currently not being used
let axesToTest = [];
let shortestOverlap = +Infinity;
let shortestOverlapAxis;
// Figure out polygon axes that must be checked
for (let i = 0; i < poly.vertices.length; i++) {
let vertex1 = poly.vertices[i];
let vertex2 = poly.vertices[i + 1] || poly.vertices[0]; // neighbouring vertex
let axis = vertex1.sub(vertex2).perp_norm();
// Figure out circle axis that must be checked
let closestVertex;
let closestVertexDistSqr = +Infinity;
for (let vertex of poly.vertices) {
let distSqr =;
if (distSqr < closestVertexDistSqr) {
closestVertexDistSqr = distSqr;
closestVertex = vertex;
let axis = closestVertex.sub(;
// Test for overlap
for (let axis of axesToTest) {
let circleProj = proj_CIRCLE(circle, axis);
let polyProj = proj_POLY(poly, axis);
let overlap = getLineOverlap(circleProj.min, circleProj.max, polyProj.min, polyProj.max);
if (overlap === 0) {
// guaranteed no intersection
return { intersecting: false };
if (Math.abs(overlap) < Math.abs(shortestOverlap)) {
shortestOverlap = overlap;
shortestOverlapAxis = axis;
return {
intersecting: true,
resolutionVector: shortestOverlapAxis.mul(-shortestOverlap),
// this resolution vector is not satisfactory, I need the shortest resolution with a given direction, which would be an angle passed into this function from the trajectory of the circle
collisionAxis: shortestOverlapAxis.perp(),
// this axis is incorrect, I need the axis to be based on the trajectory of the circle which I would pass into this function as an angle
function proj_POLY(poly, axis) {
let min = +Infinity;
let max = -Infinity;
for (let vertex of poly.vertices) {
let proj = vertex.projNorm_mag(axis);
min = Math.min(proj, min);
max = Math.max(proj, max);
return { min, max };
function proj_CIRCLE(circle, axis) {
let proj =;
let min = proj - circle.radius;
let max = proj + circle.radius;
return { min, max };
// Check for overlap of two 1 dimensional lines
function getLineOverlap(min1, max1, min2, max2) {
let min = Math.max(min1, min2);
let max = Math.min(max1, max2);
// if negative, no overlap
let result = Math.max(max - min, 0);
// add positive/negative sign depending on direction of overlap
return result * ((min1 < min2) ? 1 : -1);
I am assuming the polygon is convex and that the circle is moving along a straight line (at least for a some possibly small interval of time) and is not following some curved trajectory. If it is following a curved trajectory, then things get harder. In the case of curved trajectories, the basic ideas could be kept, but the actual point of collision (the point of collision resolution for the circle) might be harder to calculate. Still, I am outlining an idea, which could be extended to that case too. Plus, it could be adopted as a main approach for collision detection between a circle and a convex polygon.
I have not considered all possible cases, which may include special or extreme situations, but at least it gives you a direction to explore.
Transform in your mind the collision between the circle and the polygon into a collision between the center of the circle (a point) and a version of the polygon thickened by the circle's radius r, i.e. (i) each edge of the polygon is offset (translated) outwards by radius r along a vector perpendicular to it and pointing outside of the polygon, (ii) the vertices become circular arcs of radius r, centered at the polygons vertices and connecting the endpoints of the appropriate neighboring offset edges (basically, put circles of radius r at the vertices of the polygon and take their convex hull).
Now, the current position of the circle's center is C = [ C[0], C[1] ] and it has been moving along a straight line with direction vector V = [ V[0], V[1] ] pointing along the direction of motion (or if you prefer, think of V as the velocity of the circle at the moment when you have detected the collision). Then, there is an axis (or let's say a ray - a directed half-line) defined by the vector equation X = C - t * V, where t >= 0 (this axis is pointing to the past trajectory). Basically, this is the half-line that passes through the center point C and is aligned with/parallel to the vector V. Now, the point of resolution, i.e. the point where you want to move your circle to is the point where the axis X = C - t * V intersects the boundary of the thickened polygon.
So you have to check (1) first axis intersection for edges and then (2) axis intersection with circular arcs pertaining to the vertices of the original polygon.
Assume the polygon is given by an array of vertices P = [ P[0], P[1], ..., P[N], P[0] ] oriented counterclockwise.
(1) For each edge P[i-1]P[i] of the original polygon, relevant to your collision (these could be the two neighboring edges meeting at the vertex based on which the collision is detected, or it could be actually all edges in the case of the circle moving with very high speed and you have detected the collision very late, so that the actual collision did not even happen there, I leave this up to you, because you know better the details of your situation) do the following. You have as input data:
C = [ C[0], C[1] ]
V = [ V[0], V[1] ]
P[i-1] = [ P[i-1][0], P[i-1][1] ]
P[i] = [ P[i][0], P[i][1] ]
Normal = [ P[i-1][1] - P[i][1], P[i][0] - P[i-1][0] ];
Normal = Normal / sqrt((P[i-1][1] - P[i][1])^2 + ( P[i][0] - P[i-1][0] )^2);
// you may have calculated these already
Q_0[0] = P[i-1][0] + r*Normal[0];
Q_0[1] = P[i-1][1] + r*Normal[1];
Q_1[0] = P[i][0]+ r*Normal[0];
Q_1[1] = P[i][1]+ r*Normal[1];
Solve for s, t the linear system of equations (the equation for intersecting ):
Q_0[0] + s*(Q_1[0] - Q_0[0]) = C[0] - t*V[0];
Q_0[1] + s*(Q_1[1] - Q_0[1]) = C[1] - t*V[1];
if 0<= s <= 1 and t >= 0, you are done, and your point of resolution is
R[0] = C[0] - t*V[0];
R[1] = C[1] - t*V[1];
(2) For the each vertex P[i] relevant to your collision, do the following:
solve for t the quadratic equation (there is an explicit formula)
norm(P[i] - C + t*V )^2 = r^2
or expanded:
(V[0]^2 + V[1]^2) * t^2 + 2 * ( (P[i][0] - C[0])*V[0] + (P[i][1] - C[1])*V[1] )*t + ( P[i][0] - C[0])^2 + (P[i][1] - C[1])^2 ) - r^2 = 0
or if you prefer in a more code-like way:
a = V[0]^2 + V[1]^2;
b = (P[i][0] - C[0])*V[0] + (P[i][1] - C[1])*V[1];
c = (P[i][0] - C[0])^2 + (P[i][1] - C[1])^2 - r^2;
D = b^2 - a*c;
if D < 0 there is no collision with the vertex
i.e. no intersection between the line X = C - t*V
and the circle of radius r centered at P[i]
D = sqrt(D);
t1 = ( - b - D) / a;
t2 = ( - b + D) / a;
where t2 >= t1
Then your point of resolution is
R[0] = C[0] - t2*V[0];
R[1] = C[1] - t2*V[1];
Circle polygon intercept
If the ball is moving and if you can ensure that the ball always starts outside the polygon then the solution is rather simple.
We will call the ball and its movement the ball line. It starts at the ball's current location and end at the position the ball will be at the next frame.
To solve you find the nearest intercept to the start of the ball line.
There are two types of intercept.
Line segment (ball line) with Line segment (polygon edge)
Line segment (ball line) with circle (circle at each (convex only) polygon corner)
The example code has a Lines2 object that contains the two relevant intercept functions. The intercepts are returned as a Vec2containing two unit distances. The intercept functions are for lines (infinite length) not line sgements. If there is no intercept then the return is undefined.
For the line intercepts Line2.unitInterceptsLine(line, result = new Vec2()) the unit values (in result) are the unit distance along each line from the start. negative values are behind the start.
To take in account of the ball radius each polygon edge is offset the ball radius along its normal. It is important that the polygon edges have a consistent direction. In the example the normal is to the right of the line and the polygon points are in a clockwise direction.
For the line segment / circle intercepts Line2.unitInterceptsCircle(center, radius, result = new Vec2()) the unit values (in result) are the unit distance along the line where it intercepts the circle. result.x will always contain the closest intercept (assuming you start outside the circle). If there is an intercept there ways always be two, even if they are at the same point.
The example contains all that is needed
The objects of interest are ball and poly
ball defines the ball and its movement. There is also code to draw it for the example
poly holds the points of the polygon. Converts the points to offset lines depending on the ball radius. It is optimized to that it only calculates the lines if the ball radius changes.
The function poly.movingBallIntercept is the function that does all the work. It take a ball object and an optional results vector.
It returns the position as a Vec2 of the ball if it contacts the polygon.
It does this by finding the smallest unit distance to the offset lines, and point (as circle) and uses that unit distance to position the result.
Note that if the ball is inside the polygon the intercepts with the corners is reversed. The function Line2.unitInterceptsCircle does provide 2 unit distance where the line enters and exits the circle. However you need to know if you are inside or outside to know which one to use. The example assumes you are outside the polygon.
Move the mouse to change the balls path.
Click to set the balls starting position.
Math.EPSILON = 1e-6;
Math.isSmall = val => Math.abs(val) < Math.EPSILON;
Math.isUnit = u => !(u < 0 || u > 1);
Math.TAU = Math.PI * 2;
/* export {Vec2, Line2} */ // this should be a module
var temp;
function Vec2(x = 0, y = (temp = x, x === 0 ? (x = 0 , 0) : (x = x.x, temp.y))) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Vec2.prototype = {
init(x, y = (temp = x, x = x.x, temp.y)) { this.x = x; this.y = y; return this }, // assumes x is a Vec2 if y is undefined
copy() { return new Vec2(this) },
equal(v) { return (this.x - v.x) === 0 && (this.y - v.y) === 0 },
isUnits() { return Math.isUnit(this.x) && Math.isUnit(this.y) },
add(v, res = this) { res.x = this.x + v.x; res.y = this.y + v.y; return res },
sub(v, res = this) { res.x = this.x - v.x; res.y = this.y - v.y; return res },
scale(val, res = this) { res.x = this.x * val; res.y = this.y * val; return res },
invScale(val, res = this) { res.x = this.x / val; res.y = this.y / val; return res },
dot(v) { return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y },
uDot(v, div) { return (this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y) / div },
cross(v) { return this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x },
uCross(v, div) { return (this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x) / div },
get length() { return this.lengthSqr ** 0.5 },
set length(l) { this.scale(l / this.length) },
get lengthSqr() { return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y },
rot90CW(res = this) {
const y = this.x;
res.x = -this.y;
res.y = y;
return res;
const wV1 = new Vec2(), wV2 = new Vec2(), wV3 = new Vec2(); // pre allocated work vectors used by Line2 functions
function Line2(p1 = new Vec2(), p2 = (temp = p1, p1 = p1.p1 ? p1.p1 : p1, temp.p2 ? temp.p2 : new Vec2())) {
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
Line2.prototype = {
init(p1, p2 = (temp = p1, p1 = p1.p1, temp.p2)) { this.p1.init(p1); this.p2.init(p2) },
copy() { return new Line2(this) },
asVec(res = new Vec2()) { return this.p2.sub(this.p1, res) },
unitDistOn(u, res = new Vec2()) { return this.p2.sub(this.p1, res).scale(u).add(this.p1) },
translate(vec, res = this) {
this.p1.add(vec, res.p1);
this.p2.add(vec, res.p2);
return res;
translateNormal(amount, res = this) {
this.asVec(wV1).rot90CW().length = -amount;
this.translate(wV1, res);
return res;
unitInterceptsLine(line, res = new Vec2()) { // segments
const c = wV1.cross(wV2);
if (Math.isSmall(c)) { return }
res.init(wV1.uCross(wV3, c), wV2.uCross(wV3, c));
return res;
unitInterceptsCircle(point, radius, res = new Vec2()) {
var b = -2 * this.p1.sub(point, wV2).dot(wV1);
const c = 2 * wV1.lengthSqr;
const d = (b * b - 2 * c * (wV2.lengthSqr - radius * radius)) ** 0.5
if (isNaN(d)) { return }
return res.init((b - d) / c, (b + d) / c);
/* END of file */ // Vec2 and Line2 module
/* import {vec2, Line2} from "whateverfilename.jsm" */ // Should import vec2 and line2
const POLY_SCALE = 0.5;
const ball = {
pos: new Vec2(-150,0),
delta: new Vec2(10, 10),
radius: 20,
drawPath(ctx) {
ctx.arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.radius, 0, Math.TAU);
const poly = {
bRadius: 0,
lines: [],
set ballRadius(radius) {
const len = this.points.length
this.bRadius = ball.radius;
i = 0;
while (i < len) {
let line = this.lines[i];
if (line) { line.init(this.points[i], this.points[(i + 1) % len]) }
else { line = new Line2(new Vec2(this.points[i]), new Vec2(this.points[(i + 1) % len])) }
this.lines[i++] = line.translateNormal(radius);
this.lines.length = i;
points: [
new Vec2(-200, -150).scale(POLY_SCALE),
new Vec2(200, -100).scale(POLY_SCALE),
new Vec2(100, 0).scale(POLY_SCALE),
new Vec2(200, 100).scale(POLY_SCALE),
new Vec2(-200, 75).scale(POLY_SCALE),
new Vec2(-150, -50).scale(POLY_SCALE),
drawBallLines(ctx) {
if (this.lines.length) {
const r = this.bRadius;
for (const l of this.lines) {
ctx.moveTo(l.p1.x, l.p1.y);
ctx.lineTo(l.p2.x, l.p2.y);
for (const p of this.points) {
ctx.moveTo(p.x + r, p.y);
ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, r, 0, Math.TAU);
drawPath(ctx) {
for (const p of this.points) { ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y) }
movingBallIntercept(ball, res = new Vec2()) {
if (this.bRadius !== ball.radius) { this.ballRadius = ball.radius }
var i = 0, nearest = Infinity, nearestGeom, units = new Vec2();
const ballT = new Line2(ball.pos, ball.pos.add(, new Vec2()));
for (const p of this.points) {
const res = ballT.unitInterceptsCircle(p, ball.radius, units);
if (res && units.x < nearest && Math.isUnit(units.x)) { // assumes ball started outside poly so only need first point
nearest = units.x;
nearestGeom = ballT;
for (const line of this.lines) {
const res = line.unitInterceptsLine(ballT, units);
if (res && units.x < nearest && units.isUnits()) { // first unit.x is for unit dist on line
nearest = units.x;
nearestGeom = ballT;
if (nearestGeom) { return ballT.unitDistOn(nearest, res) }
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var w = canvas.width, cw = w / 2;
var h = canvas.height, ch = h / 2
// line and point for displaying mouse interaction. point holds the result if any
const line = new Line2(ball.pos, ball.pos.add(, new Vec2())), point = new Vec2();
function mainLoop() {
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // reset transform
if(w !== innerWidth || h !== innerHeight){
cw = (w = canvas.width = innerWidth) / 2;
ch = (h = canvas.height = innerHeight) / 2;
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,cw,ch); // center to canvas
if (mouse.button) { ball.pos.init(mouse.x - cw, mouse.y - ch) }
line.p2.init(mouse.x - cw, mouse.y - ch);
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000"
ctx.strokeStyle = "#F804"
ctx.strokeStyle = "#F00"
ctx.arc(ball.pos.x, ball.pos.y, ball.radius, 0, Math.TAU);
ctx.moveTo(line.p1.x, line.p1.y);
ctx.lineTo(line.p2.x, line.p2.y);
ctx.strokeStyle = "#00f"
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
if (poly.movingBallIntercept(ball, point)) {
ctx.arc(point.x, point.y, ball.radius, 0, Math.TAU);
} else {
ctx.arc(line.p2.x, line.p2.y, ball.radius, 0, Math.TAU);
const mouse = {x:0, y:0, button: false};
function mouseEvents(e) {
const bounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
mouse.x = e.pageX - bounds.left - scrollX;
mouse.y = e.pageY - - scrollY;
mouse.button = e.type === "mousedown" ? true : e.type === "mouseup" ? false : mouse.button;
["mousedown","mouseup","mousemove"].forEach(name => document.addEventListener(name,mouseEvents));
#canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
Click to position ball. Move mouse to test trajectory
Vec2 and Line2
To make it easier a vector library will help. For the example I wrote a quick Vec2 and Line2 object (Note only functions used in the example have been tested, Note The object are designed for performance, inexperienced coders should avoid using these objects and opt for a more standard vector and line library)
It's probably not what you're looking for, but here's a way to do it (if you're not looking for perfect precision) :
You can try to approximate the position instead of calculating it.
The way you set up your code has a big advantage : You have the last position of the circle before the collision. Thanks to that, you can just "iterate" through the trajectory and try to find a position that is closest to the intersection position.
I'll assume you already have a function that tells you if a circle is intersecting with the polygon.
Code (C++) :
// What we need :
Vector startPos; // Last position of the circle before the collision
Vector currentPos; // Current, unwanted position
Vector dir; // Direction (a unit vector) of the circle's velocity
float distance = compute_distance(startPos, currentPos); // The distance from startPos to currentPos.
Polygon polygon; // The polygon
Circle circle; // The circle.
unsigned int iterations_count = 10; // The number of iterations that will be done. The higher this number, the more precise the resolution.
// The algorithm :
float currentDistance = distance / 2.f; // We start at the half of the distance.
Circle temp_copy; // A copy of the real circle to "play" with.
for (int i = 0; i < iterations_count; ++i) {
temp_copy.pos = startPos + currentDistance * dir;
if (checkForCollision(temp_copy, polygon)) {
currentDistance -= currentDistance / 2.f; // We go towards startPos by the half of the current distance.
else {
currentDistance += currentDistance / 2.f; // We go towards currentPos by the half of the current distance.
// currentDistance now contains the distance between startPos and the intersection point
// And this is where you should place your circle :
Vector intersectionPoint = startPos + currentDistance * dir;
I haven't tested this code so I hope there's no big mistake in there. It's also not optimized and there are a few problems with this approach (the intersection point could end up inside the polygon) so it still needs to be improved but I think you get the idea.
The other (big, depending on what you're doing) problem with this is that it's an approximation and not a perfect answer.
Hope this helps !
I'm not sure if I understood the scenario correctly, but an efficient straight forward use case would be, to only use a square bounding box of your circle first, calculating intersection of that square with your polygone is extremely fast, much much faster, than using the circle. Once you detect an intersection of that square and the polygone, you need to think or to write which precision is mostly suitable for your scenarion. If you need a better precision, than at this state, you can go on as this from here:
From the 90° angle of your sqare intersection, you draw a 45° degree line until it touches your circle, at this point, where it touches, you draw a new square, but this time, the square is embedded into the circle, let it run now, until this new square intersects the polygon, once it intersects, you have a guaranteed circle intersection. Depending on your needed precision, you can simply play around like this.
I'm not sure what your next problem is from here? If it has to be only the inverse of the circles trajectory, than it simply must be that reverse, I'm really not sure what I'm missing here.
I have an array of objects. Each object represents a point has an ID and an array with x y coordinates. , e.g.:
let points = [{id: 1, coords: [1,2]}, {id: 2, coords: [2,3]}]
I also have an array of arrays containing x y coordinates. This array represents a polygon, e.g.:
let polygon = [[0,0], [0,3], [1,4], [0,2]]
The polygon is closed, so the last point of the array is linked to the first.
I use the following algorithm to check if a point is inside a polygon:
pointInPolygon = function (point, polygon) {
// from
let x = point.coords[0]
let y = point.coords[1]
let inside = false
for (let i = 0, j = polygon.length - 1; i < polygon.length; j = i++) {
let xi = polygon[i][0]
let yi = polygon[i][1]
let xj = polygon[j][0]
let yj = polygon[j][1]
let intersect = ((yi > y) !== (yj > y)) &&
(x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi)
if (intersect) inside = !inside
return inside
The user draws the polygon with the mouse, which works like this:
Every time the mouse moves (gets new coordinates), we have to add the current mouse location to the polygon, and then we have to loop through all the points and call the pointInPolygon function on the point on every iteration. I have throttled the event already to improve performance:
handleCurrentMouseLocation = throttle(function (mouseLocation, points, polygon) {
let pointIDsInPolygon = []
for (let point in points) {
if (pointInPolygon(point, polygon) {
return pointIDsInPolygon
}, 100)
This works fine when the number of points is not that high (<200), but in my current project, we have over 4000 points. Iterating through all these points and calling the pointInPolygon function for each point every 100 ms makes the whole thing very laggy.
I am looking for a quicker way to accomplish this. For example: maybe, instead of triggering this function every 100 ms when the mouse is drawing the polygon, we could look up some of the closest points to the mouse location and store this in a closestPoints array. Then, when the mouse x/y gets higher/lower than a certain value, it would only loop through the points in closestPoints and the points already in the polygon. But I don't know what these closestPoints would be, or if this whole approach even makes sense. But I do feel like the solution is in decreasing the number of points we have to loop through every time.
To be clear, the over 4000 points in my project are fixed- they are not generated dynamically, but always have exactly the same coordinates. In fact, the points represent centroids of polygons, which represent boundaries of municipalities on a map. So it is, for example, possible to calculate the closestPoints for every point in advance (in this case we would calculate this for the points, not the mouse location like in the previous paragraph).
Any computational geometry expert who could help me with this?
If I understand you correctly, a new point logged from the mouse will make the polygon one point larger. So if at a certain moment the polygon is defined by n points (0,1,...,n-1) and a new point p is logged, then the polygon becomes (0,1,...,n-1,p).
So this means that one edge is removed from the polygon and two are added to it instead.
For example, let's say we have 9 points on the polygon, numbered 0 to 8, where point 8 was the last point that was added to it:
The grey line is the edge that closes the polygon.
Now the mouse moves to point 9, which is added to the polygon:
The grey edge is removed from the polygon, and the two green ones are added to it. Now observe the following rule:
Points that are in the triangle formed by the grey and two green edges swap in/out of the polygon when compared to where they were before the change. All other points retain their previous in/out state.
So, if you would retain the status of each point in memory, then you only need to check for each point whether it is within the above mentioned triangle, and if so, you need to toggle the status of that point.
As the test for inclusion in a triangle will take less time than to test the same for a potentially complex polygon, this will lead to a more efficient algorithm.
You can further improve the efficiency, if you take the bounding rectangle of the triangle with corners at (x0, y0),(x1, y0),(x1, y1),(x0, y1). Then you can already skip over points that have an x or y coordinate that is out of range:
Any point outside of the blue box will not change state: if it was inside the polygon before the last point 9 was added, it still is now. Only for points within the box you'll need to do the pointInPolygon test, but on the triangle only, not the whole polygon. If that test returns true, then the state of the tested point must be toggled.
Group points in square boxes
To further speed up the process you could divide the plane with a grid into square boxes, where each point belongs to one box, but a box will typically have many points. For determining which points are in the triangle, you could first identify which boxes overlap with the triangle.
For that you don't have to test each box, but can derive the boxes from the coordinates that are on the triangle's edges.
Then only the points in the remaining boxes would need to be tested individually. You could play with the box size and see how it impacts performance.
Here is a working example, implementing those ideas. There are 10000 points, but I have no lagging on my PC:
canvas.width = document.body.clientWidth;
const min = [0, 0],
max = [canvas.width, canvas.height],
points = Array.from(Array(10000), i => {
let x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max[0]-min[0]) + min[0]);
let y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max[1]-min[1]) + min[1]);
return [x, y];
polygon = [],
boxSize = Math.ceil((max[0] - min[0]) / 50),
boxes = (function (xBoxes, yBoxes) {
return Array.from(Array(yBoxes), _ =>
Array.from(Array(xBoxes), _ => []));
})(toBox(0, max[0])+1, toBox(1, max[1])+1),
insidePoints = new Set,
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
function drawPoint(p) {
ctx.fillRect(p[0], p[1], 1, 1);
function drawPolygon(pol) {
ctx.moveTo(pol[0][0], pol[0][1]);
for (const p of pol) {
ctx.lineTo(p[0], p[1]);
function segmentMap(a, b, dim, coord) {
// Find the coordinate where ab is intersected by a coaxial line at
// the given coord.
// First some boundary conditions:
const dim2 = 1 - dim;
if (a[dim] === coord) {
if (b[dim] === coord) return [a[dim2], b[dim2]];
return [a[dim2]];
if (b[dim] === coord) return [b[dim2]];
// See if there is no intersection:
if ((coord > a[dim]) === (coord > b[dim])) return [];
// There is an intersection point:
const res = (coord - a[dim]) * (b[dim2] - a[dim2]) / (b[dim] - a[dim]) + a[dim2];
return [res];
function isLeft(a, b, c) {
// Return true if c lies at the left of ab:
return (b[0] - a[0])*(c[1] - a[1]) - (b[1] - a[1])*(c[0] - a[0]) > 0;
function inTriangle(a, b, c, p) {
// First do a bounding box check:
if (p[0] < Math.min(a[0], b[0], c[0]) ||
p[0] > Math.max(a[0], b[0], c[0]) ||
p[1] < Math.min(a[1], b[1], c[1]) ||
p[1] > Math.max(a[1], b[1], c[1])) return false;
// Then check that the point is on the same side of each of the
// three edges:
const x = isLeft(a, b, p),
y = isLeft(b, c, p),
z = isLeft(c, a, p);
return x ? y && z : !y && !z;
function toBox(dim, coord) {
return Math.floor((coord - min[dim]) / boxSize);
function toWorld(dim, box) {
return box * boxSize + min[dim];
function drawBox(boxX, boxY) {
let x = toWorld(0, boxX);
let y = toWorld(1, boxY);
drawPolygon([[x, y], [x + boxSize, y], [x + boxSize, y + boxSize], [x, y + boxSize], [x, y]]);
function triangleTest(a, b, c, points, insidePoints) {
const markedBoxes = new Set(), // collection of boxes that overlap with triangle
box = [];
for (let dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++) {
const dim2 = 1-dim,
// Order triangle points by coordinate
[d, e, f] = [a, b, c].sort( (p, q) => p[dim] - q[dim] ),
lastBox = toBox(dim, f[dim]);
for (box[dim] = toBox(dim, d[dim]); box[dim] <= lastBox; box[dim]++) {
// Calculate intersections of the triangle edges with the row/column of boxes
const coord = toWorld(dim, box[dim]),
intersections =
[ Set([...segmentMap(a, b, dim, coord),
...segmentMap(b, c, dim, coord),
...segmentMap(a, c, dim, coord)])];
if (!intersections.length) continue;
intersections.sort( (a,b) => a - b );
const lastBox2 = toBox(dim2, intersections.slice(-1)[0]);
// Mark all boxes between the two intersection points
for (box[dim2] = toBox(dim2, intersections[0]); box[dim2] <= lastBox2; box[dim2]++) {
if (box[dim]) {
// Perform the triangle test for each individual point in the marked boxes
for (const box of markedBoxes) {
for (const p of box) {
if (inTriangle(a, b, c, p)) {
// Toggle in/out state of this point
if (insidePoints.delete(p)) {
ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = '#e0e0e0';
// Draw points
// Distribute points into boxes
for (const p of points) {
let hor = Math.floor((p[0] - min[0]) / boxSize);
let ver = Math.floor((p[1] - min[1]) / boxSize);
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {
if (e.buttons !== 1) return;
polygon.push([Math.max(e.offsetX,0), Math.max(e.offsetY,0)]);
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';
const len = polygon.length;
if (len > 2) {
triangleTest(polygon[0], polygon[len-2+len%2], polygon[len-1-len%2], points, insidePoints);
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
// Start a new polygon
polygon.length = 0;
Drag mouse to draw a shape:
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
Keep a background image where you perform polygon filling every time you update the polygon.
Then testing any point for interiorness will take constant time independently of the polygon complexity.
I am programming a game in HTML5 canvas. If a line touches any point of its own or opponents line, that line stops moving. The Function I wrote follows below.
function hasPoints(x, y) {
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(points[i][0] - x) < 2 && Math.abs(points[i][1] - y) < 2) {
return true;
return false;
//check if this point crosses other players' points
if (hasPoints(p1.x,p1.y) || canPlay==false) {
context.fillStyle = "green";
context.fillRect(p1.x,p1.y, 5,5);
loopTimer = setTimeout('drawLine()', 50);
It works most of the time. But in some special case(As you can see in the picture below) it simply fails to return false.
Could anyone help me to improve this function, so that it works flawless?
Do not use dots, use vectors. An array of vectors.
To find out if a point is in contact with a line (vector)
Just mount a triangle with two points and the point vector analysis, if the area of the triangle is near zero (sets a limit), then this contact.
y1 x1 1
y2 x2 1 = (y1*x2*1)+(x1*1*y3)+(1*y2*x3)-(x1*y2*1)-(y1*1*x3)-(1*x2*y3)
y3 x3 1
the result should be close to zero (0.012121 ...)
This a way to discovery if a line is align in direction of a target
Use math's expression to vectors then you can check if the vectors cross thenselves
EDIT: I updated the program with the answer and it works great!
I am making a program (feel free to try it out) that lets users draw polygons which it then triangulates. They can click to add vertices and hit enter to triangulate. Anyways, the algorithm works fine as long as I tell it if the points were drawn in a clockwise or counterclockwise fashion (right now I have it set only to work with clockwise polygons). I have been trying to figure this out for days, but have no idea how to determine whether the points are clockwise or counterclockwise. Try drawing shapes with the program mentioned earlier to get a better idea, you can experience what I am talking about better than I can try to explain it.
Here is how the points are defined:
function Point(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
var vertices = [];
// Called on click
function addPoint(mouseX, mouseY) {
vertices.push(new Point(mouseX, mouseY));
Here is an image of a clockwise polygon:
Here is an image of a counterclockwise polygon:
If you could help me figure out how to determine the "clockwise-ness" of the points, I would be very grateful!
Compute the polygon area using the shoelace formula, but without the absolute value sign. If the result is positive, the points are ordered counterclockwise, and if negative - clockwise.
function polygonArea() {
var area = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
j = (i + 1) % vertices.length;
area += vertices[i].x * vertices[j].y;
area -= vertices[j].x * vertices[i].y;
return area / 2;
var clockwise = polygonArea() > 0;
In case someone is using three.js the ShapeUtils comes with an inbuilt isClockWise method which internally uses the area method to determine the sign of the calculated area.
isClockWise: function ( pts ) {
return ShapeUtils.area( pts ) < 0;
The ShapeUtils.isClockWise Method can be found here.
area: function ( contour ) {
var n = contour.length;
var a = 0.0;
for ( var p = n - 1, q = 0; q < n; p = q ++ ) {
a += contour[ p ].x * contour[ q ].y - contour[ q ].x * contour[ p ].y;
return a * 0.5;
The ShapeUtils.area Method can be found here.
A general idea would be to take a look at the convex hull of your polygone and guess the orientation from there. However, I think that you do not need to build the whole hull to find the orientation, but just one segment belonging to it.
Find two points of your polygones so that all the other points are on one side of this line.
If all the points are on the left (just check one of the points), it's counterclockwise. If they are on the right, it's clockwise.
On the top figure: 4-5 let the figure on the right, 5-11 let the figure on the right, ...
On the bottom figure: 6-7 let the figure on the left, 7-14 let the figure on the left, ...
Warning: While "walking" on your polygon, do not restart the numeration, otherwise it will be wrong. On the top figure, 4-(n-1) let the figure on the left!
Your intuitive definition of clockwisedness is not well defined. For example, If I draw a horseshoe:
/ _d_c_ \
/ / \ \
| | | |
| | | |
\ \ / /
\ \ / /
-- --
If 0 = a < b < b < d and I look at a and b I would conclude from your description that the shape has been drawn clockwise, but if 0 = c < d < a < b I would conclude that the shape has been drawn anticlockwise. Since both of these scenarios involve the same direction in which the points were drawn, just from different starting points, I can only conclude that your definition is lacking.
The horseshoe I drew isn't the best; the idea is that it is almost a circle with just a small hole at the bottom, to allow the other side to be drawn in the opposite direction.
If you are interested in defining things more strictly, then I suggest something along the following lines:
Considering any finite simple polygon as separating the plane into two distinct areas (one finite and one infinite), we can always consider the finite area to be the interior of the polygon. In such a scenario we define a vertex ordering to be clockwise iff the order of the points runs with the exterior along its right-hand side. This is called curve orientation.
Once you have this more solid definition, implementation can be as simple as counting the winding number. Take the midpoint of any ordered pair, say 0 and 1, take a line segment to the right of the ordered pair (at any angle, say perpendicular), and count how many intersections it has with other line segments: The curve is clockwise iff the number is odd.
This is simple to implement, linear in time O(n), and adds constant space O(1).
This a function function that specialized for OpenLayers. As You Can See The Condition Of Clockwise Polygon Is area<0 This Reference Confirm It.
function IsClockwise(feature)
if(feature.geometry==null)return -1;
var vertices=feature.geometry.getVertices();
var area=0;
for (var i = 0; i < (vertices.length); i++)
j = (i + 1) % vertices.length;
area += vertices[i].x * vertices[j].y;
area -= vertices[j].x * vertices[i].y;
// console.log(area);
return (area < 0);
For one of my application I would need to draw a dashed curves on the bezier path in Html5 canvas... The dash' length and gaps in between should be variable... It is achivable in JavaFx, see this link... I would like to achieve same effect using Html5 canvas. I know how to draw dashed straight lines, but not curved lines along the bezier...
Though I am not an expert, I know the bezier drawing algorithm, problem I see with this algorithm is, it allows you to identify coordinates on the bezier using the time parameter which ranges from 0 to 1...
This is not sufficient because to draw a dashed bezier, I would need to draw many small beziers, with specified length parameter and at given gap distance, on the main bezier path. There must be some algorithm which is used by JavaFx. If anyone can help me out that would be great.
I would presume that JavaFX is using a general technique for drawing any dashed curve and just happens to be using it on a bezier in that example.
The hard part is figuring out where to start and stop each dash, which requires knowing the arc length of your bezier curve at various points along it.
There is an analytic approach, but I would suggest the following:
var bezier = function(controlPoints, t) {
/* your code here, I'll presume it returns a 2-element array of x and y. */
//just figure out the coordinates of all the points in each dash, don't draw.
//returns an array of arrays, each sub-array will have an even number of nu-
//merical elements, to wit, x and y pairs.
//Argument dashPattern should be an array of alternating dash and space
//lengths, e.g., [10, 10] would be dots, [30, 10] would be dashes,
//[30, 10, 10, 10] would be 30-length dash, 10-length spaces, 10-length dash
// and 10-length space.
var calculateDashedBezier = function(controlPoints, dashPattern) {
var step = 0.001; //this really should be set by an intelligent method,
//rather than using a constant, but it serves as an
//possibly gratuitous helper functions
var delta = function(p0, p1) {
return [p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1]];
var arcLength = function(p0, p1) {
var d = delta(p0, p1);
return Math.sqrt(d[0]*d[0] + d[1] * d[1]);
var subPaths = [];
var loc = bezier(controlPoints, 0);
var lastLoc = loc;
var dashIndex = 0;
var length = 0;
var thisPath = [];
for(var t = step; t <= 1; t += step) {
loc = bezier(controlPoints, t);
length += arcLength(lastLoc, loc);
lastLoc = loc;
//detect when we come to the end of a dash or space
if(length >= dashPattern[dashIndex]) {
//if we are on a dash, we need to record the path.
if(dashIndex % 2 == 0)
//go to the next dash or space in the pattern
dashIndex = (dashIndex + 1) % dashPattern.length;
//clear the arclength and path.
thisPath = [];
length = 0;
//if we are on a dash and not a space, add a point to the path.
if(dashIndex % 2 == 0) {
thisPath.push(loc[0], loc[1]);
if(thisPath.length > 0)
return subPaths;
//take output of the previous function and build an appropriate path
var pathParts = function(ctx, pathParts) {
for(var i = 0; i < pathParts.length; i++) {
var part = pathParts[i];
if(part.length > 0)
ctx.moveTo(part[0], part[1]);
for(var j = 1; j < part.length / 2; j++) {
ctx.lineTo(part[2*j], part[2*j+1]);
//combine the above two functions to actually draw a dashed curve.
var drawDashedBezier = function(ctx, controlPoints, dashPattern) {
var dashes = calculateDashedBezier(controlPoints, dashPattern);
ctx.strokeStyle = /* ... */
ctx.lineWidth = /* ... */
pathParts(ctx, dashes);
The main problem with this approach is its unintelligent granularity. When step is too big for your (small) dashes or (big) curve, the step size will not work well and dash boundaries will not fall exactly where you want them to. When step is too small, you may end up doing lineTo()s on points that are a sub-pixel distance away from each other, making for AA artifacts sometimes. Filtering out sub-pixel distance coordinates is not hard, but it is inefficient to generate more 'vertices' than you really need. Coming up with a better step size is actually something I'd consider attacking more analytically.
There is one bonus to using this approach: if you replace bezier(controlPoints, t) with anything else that evaluates to a curve, you'll be drawing dashed whatevers!-- again with the same potential problems listed in the previous paragraph. But a really good solution to the granularity problem could work for all 'well-behaved' curves.
In the future we might be able to use context.setLineDash(segments) :