Error: No pending request to flush - when unit testing AngularJs service - javascript

I'm newbie to AngularJs, and I'm in the process of writing my first unit test; to test the service I wrote a test that simply returns a single Json object. However, everytime I run the test I get the error stated in the title. I don't know what exactly is causing this! I tried reading on $apply and $digest and not sure if that's needed in my case, and if yes how; a simple plunker demo would be appreciated.
here is my code
var allBookss = [];
var filteredBooks = [];
/*Here we define our book model and REST api.*/
var Report = $resource('api/books/:id', {
id: '#id'
}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
isArray: false
/*Retrive the requested book from the internal book list.*/
var getBook = function(bookId) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (bookId === undefined) {
} else {
var books= $filter('filter')(allBooks, function(book) {
return ( == bookId);
if (books.length > 0) {
deferred.resolve(books[0]);//returns a single book object
} else {
return deferred.promise;
describe('unit:bookService', function(){
var service, $httpBackend;
beforeEach(inject(function (_bookService_, _$httpBackend_) {
service = _bookService_;
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
$httpBackend.when('GET', "/api/books/1").respond(200, {
"book": {
"id": "1",
"author": "James Spencer",
"edition": "2",
afterEach(function() {
it('should return metadata for single report', function() {
service.getBook('1').then(function(response) {
$httpBackend.flush();// error is in this line
Error: No pending request to flush !
at c:/myapp/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1439
at c:/myapptest/tests/bookTest.js:34
libs version
AngularJS v1.2.21
AngularJS-mock v1.2.21

I don't see where you're actually issuing a Report.query(). The getBook function just returns an unresolved promise that will never be resolved because nothing in the function is async.
You need to call Report.query via the book function with the promise resolved in the .then() (in the book function). After that, flush the http backend in the service.getBook().then() and do the expect.


Angular Unit Test Failing Expected spy

I have below controller to get the books list and single books detail. It's working as expected but the unit test is not working as expected.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp');
function BooksController($log, $routeParams, BooksService) {
// we declare as usual, just using the `this` Object instead of `$scope`
const vm = this;
const routeParamId = $;
if (routeParamId) {
.then(function (data) {
$'==> successfully fetched data for book id:', routeParamId); = data;
.catch(function (err) {
vm.errorMessage = 'OOPS! Book detail not found';
.then(function (data) {
$'==> successfully fetched data');
vm.books = data;
.catch(function (err) {
vm.errorMessage = 'OOPS! No books found!';
BooksController.$inject = ['$log', '$routeParams', 'BooksService'];
myApp.controller('BooksController', BooksController);
Spec for above controller in which I want to test the getBook(id) service but somehow I am not able to pass the id of book.
describe('Get All Books List: getBooks() =>', () => {
const errMsg = 'OOPS! No books found!';
beforeEach(() => {
// injecting rootscope and controller
inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$controller_, _$q_, BooksService) {
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$service = BooksService;
$q = _$q_;
deferred = _$q_.defer();
// Use a Jasmine Spy to return the deferred promise
spyOn($service, 'getBooks').and.returnValue(deferred.promise);
// The injector unwraps the underscores (_) from around the parameter names when matching
$vm = _$controller_('BooksController', {$scope: $scope, $service: BooksService});
it('should defined getBooks $http methods in booksService', () => {
expect(typeof $service.getBooks).toEqual('function');
it('should able to fetch data from getBooks service', () => {
// Setup the data we wish to return for the .then function in the controller
deferred.resolve([{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]);
// We have to call apply for this to work
// Since we called apply, now we can perform our assertions
it('should print error message if data not fetched', () => {
// Setup the data we wish to return for the .then function in the controller
// We have to call apply for this to work
// Since we called apply, now we can perform our assertions
describe('Get Single Book Detail: getBook() =>', () => {
const errMsg = 'OOPS! Book detail not found';
const routeParamId = '59663140b6e5fe676330836c';
beforeEach(() => {
// injecting rootscope and controller
inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$controller_, _$q_, BooksService) {
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$ = routeParamId;
$service = BooksService;
$q = _$q_;
var deferredSuccess = $q.defer();
// Use a Jasmine Spy to return the deferred promise
spyOn($service, 'getBook').and.returnValue(deferredSuccess.promise);
// The injector unwraps the underscores (_) from around the parameter names when matching
$vm = _$controller_('BooksController', {$scope: $scope, $service: BooksService});
it('should defined getBook $http methods in booksService', () => {
expect(typeof $service.getBook).toEqual('function');
it('should print error message', () => {
// Setup the data we wish to return for the .then function in the controller
// We have to call apply for this to work
// expect($service.getBook(123)).toHaveBeenCalled();
// expect($service.getBook(123)).toHaveBeenCalledWith(routeParamId);
// Since we called apply, now we can perform our assertions
"Get Single Book Detail: getBook()" this suit is not working. Please help me, how to short out this kind of situation.
Error I am getting is below
Chrome 59.0.3071 (Mac OS X 10.12.5) Books Controller Get Single Book Detail: getBook() => should print error message FAILED
Expected 'OOPS! No books found!' to be 'OOPS! Book detail not found'.
Chrome 59.0.3071 (Mac OS X 10.12.5) Books Controller Get Single Book Detail: getBook() => should print error message FAILED
Expected 'OOPS! No books found!' to be 'OOPS! Book detail not found'.
at (test/client/controllers/books.controller.spec.js:108:38)
Chrome 59.0.3071 (Mac OS X 10.12.5): Executed 7 of 7 (1 FAILED) (0 secs / 0.068 secs)
Chrome 59.0.3071 (Mac OS X 10.12.5): Executed 7 of 7 (1 FAILED) (0.005 secs / 0.068 secs)
you need to mock $rootScope. with provide.
The value of id is not getting avaibale in controller which is undefined.
So, non-id condition getting executing.
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$ = routeParamId;
module(function ($provide) {
$provide.value('$rootScope', scope); //mock rootscope with id
Real router should never be used in unit tests, with ngRoute module preferably be excluded from tested modules.
$ = routeParamId is assigned before controller instantiation, but it isn't used at all. Instead, it should be done with mocked $routeParams.
There's no $service service. It's called BooksService. Thus getBooks isn't a spy. It's preferable to mock the service completely, not only a single method.
mockedBooksService = jasmine.createSpyObj('BooksService', ['getBooks']);
var mockedData1 = {};
var mockedData2 = {};
$vm = $controller('BooksController', {
$scope: $scope,
BooksService: mockedBooksService,
$routeParams: { id: '59663140b6e5fe676330836c' }
['59663140b6e5fe676330836c'], []
// then another test for falsy $
The test reveals the problem in controller code. Since tested code is called on controller construction, $controller should be called every time in it. A good way to avoid this is to put initialization code into $onInit method that could be tested separately.
EDIT (removed original, 2am answer)
Are you using strict mode? There appear to be a few scoping issues going on:
On line 9 (in the "Get All Books List" spec), deferred is not declared, making it global implicitly
The last test ran on the "Get All Books List" spec fails the global deferred promise
On line 60 (in the "Get Single Book Detail" spec), deferredSuccess is declared with var making it local to the function passed to inject()
On line 70 (the test in question), where (I assume) you meant to reject the "Single Book" deferredSuccess, you're actually failing the global/list deferred promise. This has no effect, since as mentioned in item 2 that promise was already failed and Q ignores repeated rejections.
So, that should explain why the error is not what you think it should be.
deferred isn't the only variable with scoping issues in your example; those should be addressed. I suggest wrapping the file in an IFFE and using strict mode. It'll make the code more predictable and avoid issues like this.
Doing this will only get you halfway there; #estus's response should round out the job.

promise resolution with a mocked service within the tested service

My question: In Karma, I am mocking an injected service while testing the actual service. The mocked service gets some data, and sends back a promise. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
I know there are a number of issues with the actual "Login" mechanism, but I am using it to illustrate this Karma question. I do not plan to use it as production code. (However, any suggestions for a better illustration of the problem are welcome!)
First, I wrote this in a generic .js file, and said "node testcode.js"
function Login(name,password,callback){
var response;
var promise = getByUserName();
function successCb(userObj){
if ( userObj != null && userObj.password === password ) {
response = { success : true };
} else {
response = { success: false, message: 'Username or password is incorrect' };
function getByUserName(){
return Promise.resolve(user);
var user = {
username : 'test',
id : 'testId',
password : 'test'
var test = undefined;
function testCb(response){
test = response;
console.log("Final: " + JSON.stringify(test));
This gives me my expected result:
Final: {"success":true}
Now, I try to repeat this in Karma...
"use strict";
TestService.$inject = ['$http','$cookieStore','$rootScope','$timeout','RealService'];
function TestService($http,$cookieStore,$rootScope,$timeout,RealService){
var service = {};
service.Login = Login;
/* more stuff */
return service;
function Login(username,password,callback){
$timeout(function () {
var response;
var promise = UserService.GetByUsername(username);
function successCb(user){
if (user !== null && user.password === password) {
response = { success: true };
} else {
response = { success: false, message: 'Username or password is incorrect' };
}, 1000);
My Karma-Jasmine Test:
var service,$rootScope,
user = {
username : 'test',
id : 'testId',
password : 'test'
function MockService() {
return {
GetByUsername : function() {
return Promise.resolve(user);
$rootScope = $rs;
service = ts;
* ERROR: To the best of my knowledge, this should not pass
it('should Login',function(){
var answer = {"success":true};
//$rootScope.$apply(); <-- DID NOTHING -->
//$rootScope.$digest(); <-- DID NOTHING -->
function testCb(response){
console.log("I'm never called");
Why is the promise not being resolved? I have tried messing with $rootScope.$digest() based on similar questions I have read on SO, but nothing seems to get testCb to be called.
Somebody let me know if I can give 'estus' the credit for this answer.
The magic is in the $timeout angular mock service:$timeout
and the $q service:$q
I updated two things. First, my MockUserService is using $q.defer instead of native promise. As 'estus' stated, $q promises are synchronous, which matters in a karma-jasmine test.
function MockUserService(){
return {
GetByUsername : function(unusedVariable){
//The infamous Deferred antipattern:
//var defer = $q.defer();
//return defer.promise;
return $q.resolve(user);
The next update I made is with the $timeout service:
it('should Login',function(){
$timeout.flush(); <-- NEW, forces the $timeout in TestService to execute -->
$timeout.verifyNoPendingTasks(); <-- NEW -->
function testCb(response) {
Finally, because I'm using $q and $timeout in my test, I had to update my inject method in my beforeEach:
function(_$q_,$rs,$to,ts) {
$q = _$q_;
$rootScope = $rs;
$timeout = $to;
service = ts;

Test Async $http real calls for angularjs

I want to do an e2e test of a angularjs service, without mocking the $http call. The call to fsSvc.getSubject results in multiple embedded async calls, eventually ending in calling the callback function where I have put the call to done.
Not sure this doesn't work - shouldn't $http make the call for real if its not mocked?:
it('should pass auth', function(done) {
inject(function (fsSvc) {
var cb = sinon.spy();
stubs.updateRecord = sinon.stub(dataSvc, 'updateRecord');
dataSvc.LO.famSrch.access_token_expires = false;
fsSvc.getSubject("abc", function(err, data) {
console.log("err:" + err);
I don't see any issue with including e2e. Why is that an issue for you?
If you do decide to give ngMockE2E a try than keep in mind that it does not handle async / promise responses.
For example, if your mock response is a promise it won't work. Instances like going to the DB or using something like WebSQL / IndexedDB ( or other in memory DB ) won't work.
I have developed an angular plugin called angular-mocks-async to work it out. Here is an example of a mock:
var app = ng.module( 'mockApp', [
]); [ '$httpBackend', '$q', function( $httpBackend, $q ) {
new RegExp( '$' )
).respond( function( method, url, data, config ) {
var re = /.*\/user\/(\w+)/;
var userId = parseInt(url.replace(re, '$1'), 10);
var response = $q.defer();
setTimeout( function() {
var data = {
userId: userId
response.resolve( [ 200, "mock response", data ] );
}, 1000 );
return response.promise;

How do I prevent a slow $http initiated in one route from potentially resolving after the user has changed routes?

Let's say my current route is /books and I make an $http call to get all of the books we want to show a user. Normally, the call would resolve quickly and the books would be ng-repeated into the DOM. When we have an error, though (such as a timeout or there are no books returned), we update a common, global view that will overlay the content view and display a message like, "There are no books available." The common view is handled via a service with methods like CommonView.showLoading(), CommonView.showError("There are no books available."), and CommonView.hide(), etc.
Recently, I discovered that if the $http is not resolved quickly, the user may leave and go to another route (maybe /dinosaurs). Eventually, when the $http ends up resolving or being rejected, the promise call to display that common, global view will happen, resulting in an error view being displayed when there shouldn't be one, and the error will make no sense to the user (ie, user is at /dinosaurs and the error screen pops up with "There are no books available.").
I've seen that you can cancel an $http with a timeout promise, but this still seems like it could lead to race conditions (maybe you call cancel after processing of the resolve() or reject() has begun). I think it would be messy to have to check that the current route matches the route the $http was initiated from.
It seems like there should be some standard way to destroy $http calls on a route change or from a controller's $destroy method. I'd really like to avoid adding a lot of conditionals all over my gigantic app.
I can't find a great way to stop the processing of my callback if it's already started, but here's the $http wrapper I made to try and stop delayed callbacks from getting called after route changes. It doesn't replicate all of the $http methods, just the ones I needed. I haven't fully tested it, either. I've only verified that it will work in normal conditions (normal bandwidth with standard calls, ie httpWrapper.get(url).success(cb).error(err)). Your mileage may vary.
angular.module('httpWrapper', []).provider('httpWrapper', function() {
this.$get = ['$rootScope','$http','$q', function($rootScope, $http, $q) {
var $httpWrapper = function(config) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var hasChangedRoute = false;
var canceler = $q.defer();
var http = null;
var evListener = null;
var promise = deferred.promise;
if ((config || {}).timeout && typeof config.timeout === 'Object') {
// timeout promise already exists
canceler.promise = config.timeout;
} else {
angular.extend(config || {}, {
timeout: canceler.promise
http = $http(config)
.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// only call back if we haven't changed routes
if (!hasChangedRoute) {
deferred.resolve({data:data, status:status, headers:headers, config:config});
.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// only call back if we haven't changed routes
if (!hasChangedRoute) {
deferred.reject({data:data, status:status, headers:headers, config:config});
evListener = $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(scope, next, current) {
hasChangedRoute = true;
canceler.resolve('killing http');
evListener(); // should unregister listener
promise.success = function(fn) {
promise.then(function(response) {
fn(, response.status, response.headers, config);
return promise;
promise.error = function(fn) {
promise.then(null, function(response) {
fn(, response.status, response.headers, config);
return promise;
return promise;
angular.forEach(['get', 'delete', 'head', 'jsonp'], function(method) {
$httpWrapper[method] = function(url, config) {
return $httpWrapper(
angular.extend(config || {}, {
method: method,
url: url
angular.forEach(['post', 'put'], function(method) {
$httpWrapper[method] = function(url, data, config) {
return $httpWrapper(
angular.extend(config || {}, {
method: method,
url: url,
data: data
return $httpWrapper;

AngularJs - doesn't skip request when waiting for new token

I have implemented authentication system and after upgrading from angular 1.0.8 to 1.2.x,
system doesn't work as it used to. When user logs in it gets a token. When token is expired,
a refresh function for new token is called. New token is successfully created on a server and it is
stored to database. But client doesn't get this new token, so it requests a new token again,
and again and again until it logs out. Server side (MVC Web Api) is working fine, so problem must
be on client side. The problem must be on a retry queue. Below I pasted relevant code and
a console trace for both versions of applications (1.0.8 and 1.2.x).
I am struggling with this for days now and I can't figure it out.
In the link below, there are 5 relevant code blocks:
interceptor.js (for intercepting requests, both versions)
retryQueue.js (manages queue of retry requests)
security.js (manages handler for retry queue item and gets a new token from api)
httpHeaders.js (sets headers)
tokenHandler.js (handles tokens in a cookies)
Console traces for app in angular 1.0.8:
and angular 1.2.x:
interceptor.js (angular 1.2.x version)
angular.module('security.interceptor', ['security.retryQueue'])
.factory('securityInterceptor', ['$injector', 'securityRetryQueue', '$q',
function ($injector, queue, $q) {
return {
response: function(originalResponse) {
return originalResponse;
responseError: function (originalResponse) {
var exception;
if (originalResponse.headers){
exception = originalResponse.headers('x-eva-api-exception');
if (originalResponse.status === 401 &&
(exception === 'token_not_found' ||
exception === 'token_expired')){
queue.pushRetryFn(exception, function retryRequest() {
return $injector.get('$http')(originalResponse.config);
return $q.reject(originalResponse);
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
angular.module('security.retryQueue', [])
.factory('securityRetryQueue', ['$q', '$log', function($q, $log) {
var retryQueue = [];
var service = {
onItemAddedCallbacks: [],
hasMore: function(){
return retryQueue.length > 0;
push: function(retryItem){
angular.forEach(service.onItemAddedCallbacks, function(cb) {
try {
$log.error('callback threw an error' + e);
pushRetryFn: function(reason, retryFn){
if ( arguments.length === 1) {
retryFn = reason;
reason = undefined;
var deferred = $q.defer();
var retryItem = {
reason: reason,
retry: function() {
$q.when(retryFn()).then(function(value) {
}, function(value){
cancel: function() {
return deferred.promise;
retryAll: function() {
while(service.hasMore()) {
return service;
angular.module('security.service', [
.factory('security', ['$location', 'securityRetryQueue', '$q', /* etc. */ function(){
var skipRequests = false;
queue.onItemAddedCallbacks.push(function(retryItem) {
if (queue.hasMore()) {
if(skipRequests) {return;}
skipRequests = true;
if(retryItem.reason === 'token_expired') {
service.refreshToken().then(function(result) {
if(result) { queue.retryAll(); }
else {service.signout(); }
skipRequests = false;
} else {
skipRequests = false;
var service = {
showSignin: function() {
signout: function() {
service.currentUser = null;
refreshToken: function() {
var d = $q.defer();
var token = TokenHandler.getRefreshToken();
if(!token) { d.resolve(false); }
var session = new Session({ refreshToken: token });
if(result) {
} else {
return d.promise;
return service;
angular.module('session.service', ['ngResource'])
.factory('Session', ['$resource', '$rootScope', function($resource, $rootScope) {
var Session = $resource('../api/tokens', {}, {
create: {method: 'POST'}
Session.prototype.passwordSignIn = function(ob) {
return Session.create(angular.extend({
grantType: 'password',
clientId: $rootScope.clientId
}, this), ob);
Session.prototype.tokenRefresh = function(ob) {
return Session.create(angular.extend({
grantType: 'refresh_token',
clientId: $rootScope.clientId
}, this), ob);
return Session;
Thanks to #Zerot for suggestions and code samples, I had to change part of the interceptor like this:
if (originalResponse.status === 401 &&
(exception === 'token_not_found' || exception === 'token_expired')){
var defer = $q.defer();
queue.pushRetryFn(exception, function retryRequest() {
var activeToken = $cookieStore.get('authorization-token').accessToken;
var config = originalResponse.config;
config.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + activeToken;
return $injector.get('$http')(config)
.then(function(res) {
}, function(err)
return defer.promise;
Many thanks,
Have you tried to fix the error you have in the 1.2 log?
Error: [ngRepeat:dupes] Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: project in client.projects, Duplicate key: string:e
That error is at the exact point where you would need to see the $httpHeaders set line. It looks like your session.tokenrefresh is not working(and that code is also missing from the pastebin so I can't check.)
Interceptors should always return a promise.
So in responseError, you should better return $q.reject(originalResponse); instead of just return originalResponse.
Hope this helps
I think that your interceptor returns wrong result in errorResponse method.
I faced some "undebuggable" issue for the same reason.
With this code you could fall in some infinite loop flow...
Hope this helps.

