Temporarily Disable a DIV while setInterval is running - javascript

I want to disable some part of my html while Im running setInterval and make it back again after the setInterval is complete.
How is it?
<div id="on">CLICK THIS : <span id="status">ENABLED</span></div>
<button id="run">LOAD</button
$('#run').on('click', function () {
var i = 0;
var go = setInterval(function () {
$('#run').html('Loading ' + i + ' or 10...');
$('#on').unbind('click keyup keypress keydown');
if (i === 10) {
}, 1000);
$('#on').on('click', function () {
Here, what i want to achieve is that when i click the Loading Button the Click This should not accept any click event until the loading is DONE. But click is still triggered. Is there any other way to do this?
[And i dont want to use disabled="disabled"]

If you do not want a click event to trigger a callback unbind the event or set a flag that is checked in the callback. Also you are doing the unbind within the callback, so event will not be unbound till it is called for the first time
$('#run').on('click', function () {
var i = 0;
$("#on").unbind('click keyup keypress keydown');
var go = setInterval(function () {
$('#run').html('Loading ' + i + ' or 10...');
if (i === 10) {
}, 1000);
$('#on').on('click', onDivClicked);
function onDivClicked(){
Or setting a flag
$('#run').on('click', function () {
var i = 0;
var go = setInterval(function () {
$('#run').html('Loading ' + i + ' or 10...');
if (i === 10) {
}, 1000);
$('#on').on('click', function () {
if(!$(this).data("active")) return;

$('#run').on('click', function () {
var i = 0;
var go = setInterval(function () {
$('#run').html('Loading ' + i + ' or 10...');
if (i === 10) {
}, 1000);
$('#on').on('click', function () {
var running = $(this).attr('running');
if (typeof running !== typeof undefined && running !== false) {

Maybe this helps
function foo(){
var i = 0;
$('#on').off('click', foo);
var go = setInterval(function () {
$('#run').html('Loading ' + i + ' or 10...');
$(document).unbind('click keyup keypress keydown');
if (i === 10) {
$('#on').on('click', foo);
$('#on').on('click', foo);


Speed of increment number in TypeScript Angular 2

So I have a function which is triggered on arrow down in Angular 4, when you hit the arrow down the counter is incremented by 1. Inside that function I need to run another function if a certain counter speed is matched.
activeIndex = 0;
if (event.code === "ArrowDown") {
this.activeIndex++ // when you click arrow down, get the counter speed?
if (this.activeIndex === "the speed??"){
alert("function fired because the speed was...")
Is there any way to count the speed of the counter++
I'm having trouble understanding what do you mean by "speed of increment++", and I'll assume you mean "the interval between each event call".
in that case, you can simply store the timestamp between each event call:
let lastKeyDownEvent = undefined;
const INTERVAL = 5000;
function onKeyDown(event) {
if (event.code === "ArrowDown") {
let currentKeyDownEvent = new Date().getTime();
if (lastKeyDownEvent) {
if ((currentKeyDownEvent - lastKeyDownEvent) < INTERVAL) {
console.log('Events triggered in under ' + INTERVAL + ' milliseconds')
} else {
console.log('Events triggered in over ' + INTERVAL + ' milliseconds');
lastKeyDownEvent = currentKeyDownEvent;
You can, of course, include whatever other behavior you need within your keydown function.
Other way to approach this problem would be to use setTimeout to throttle your events:
let eventTimeout = undefined;
const INTERVAL = 5000;
function onKeyDown(event) {
if (event.code === "ArrowDown") {
if (eventTimeout) {
eventTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
console.log("No event has occured within " + INTERVAL + " milliseconds.")

Add elements in a while loop JavaScript

I'm trying to make a while loop that contains two if statements and I don't want to increment until those are done. How would I go by to solve this issue, now the page freezes when I implement the while loop.
var task = 0;
while(task < 3) {
//Enter the title and url and add it to site
if(window.location.href.indexOf("website.com") > -1) {
$("input[name=Title]").val(GM_getValue("title" + task));
$("input[name=SvURL-1]").val(GM_getValue("url" + task));
$( 'button[name=submit]' ).click();
//Enters the imdbid to the stream
if(window.location.href.indexOf("anotherwebsite.com") > -1) {
console.log(GM_getValue("imdid" + task));
if ($("input[name=EmbedID]").val() != GM_getValue("imdid" + task)) {
$( "a[data-target=#EditURL]" ).click();
$("input[name=EmbedID]").attr("value", GM_getValue("imdid" + task));
$( 'button:contains("Ok")' ).click();
}, 1000);
$( 'button[name=submit]' ).click();
}, 1000);
} else {
}, 1000);
alert("task when done: " + task);
I would rather suggest to go with a method & call the method.
Something like this
var task = 0;
var taskMethod = function(){
//Enter the title and url and add it to site
if(window.location.href.indexOf("website.com") > -1) {
$("input[name=Title]").val(GM_getValue("title" + task));
$("input[name=SvURL-1]").val(GM_getValue("url" + task));
$( 'button[name=submit]' ).click();
//Enters the imdbid to the stream
if(window.location.href.indexOf("anotherwebsite.com") > -1) {
console.log(GM_getValue("imdid" + task));
if ($("input[name=EmbedID]").val() != GM_getValue("imdid" + task)) {
$( "a[data-target=#EditURL]" ).click();
$("input[name=EmbedID]").attr("value", GM_getValue("imdid" + task));
setTimeout(function(){ $( 'button:contains("Ok")' ).click();}, 1000);
setTimeout(function(){ $( 'button[name=submit]' ).click();}, 1000);
} else {
setTimeout(function(){ window.location.replace("https://website.com");}, 1000);
console.log("task when done: " + task);
if(task < 3)
//Initial (First Time) method call
Hope this will help you.
I can see that you're only incrementing the variable task when a certain condition is met. But since you're inside a while loop, if none of the conditions are met for the variable task to increment, then the while loop will not exit. Thus explains the freezing of the page.
What you can do is something like this:
var flag = false;
var task = 0;
while (task < 3) {
if (condition) {
// some code here...
if (condition) {
if (condition) {
// some code here...
} else {
// some code here...
flag = true;
if (flag) {
// do something here...

JavaScript clearTimeout not firing correctly

I have a submit function on a textbox with JavaScript. When the script fires, it checks a Kendo grid for a certain article and adds +1 to its quantity as well as opening the corresponding cell in editing mode. What I want to achieve is that on every submit the timer that starts grid.editCell() will reset its timer.
Currently, the event fires properly. However, the timer doesn't get reset, although the clearTimeout() does work if I just simply start the timer and then clear it right afterwards.
$('#txtBarcode').submit(function (e) {
var grid = $("#PickListDetailGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var dataSource = $("#PickListDetailGrid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource;
var allData = grid.dataSource.data();
var code = this.value;
var notification = $("#notification").data("kendoNotification");
var timer = null;
$.each(allData, function (index, item) {
if (item.ArticleID == code) {
timer = null;
if (item.Quantity > item.PickedQuantity && item.PickedQuantity.toString().length < 4) {
var edit = function () {
if (item.PickedQuantity != item.Quantity && timer != null) {
grid.select("tr:eq(" + (index) + ")");
grid.editCell("tr:eq(" + (index + 1) + ") td:eq(" + (5) + ")");
} else {
//do nothing
item.dirty = true;
if (item.PickedQuantity != item.Quantity) {
console.log("tik tok");
if (timer) {
clearTimeout(timer); //cancel the previous timer.
timer = null;
timer = setTimeout(edit, 3000);
} else {
timer = null;
document.getElementById("txtBarcode").value = "";
} else {
if (item.PickedQuantity.toString().length > 4) {
message: "Added item"
}, "upload-success");
} else {
title: "Quantity Error",
message: "You already picked this item to the maximum"
}, "error");
document.getElementById("txtBarcode").value = "";
grid.select("tr:eq(" + (index) + ")");
grid.editCell("tr:eq(" + (index + 1) + ") td:eq(" + (5) + ")");
$('.focus :input').focus();
You can try delay function like this. The delay function should be outside of the each function.
var delay = (function() {
var timer = 0;
return function(callback, ms) {
timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);
delay(function() {
//do something
}, 3000);
The problem was that var timer = null; had to be outside of the submit function to be properly cleared and set to null before assigning a new setTimeout() to it.

pause and continue using setInterval

what i want to achieve is when you click this href pause/continue the timer pauses and continues when pressed again.
$(document).ready(function () {
var counter = 10;
var id = setInterval(function() {
if(counter > 0) {
var msg = 'You can continue ' + counter + ' seconds';
} else {
}, 1000);
My HTML in relevance to the jQuery is here if you need.
Continue !!<p id="notice">
You can continue in 10 seconds</p>
Well, I would just have your pause event set a boolean, and then check that boolean before you decrement your counter:
var ispaused=false;
function setPause(){
$(document).ready(function () {
var counter = 10;
var id = setInterval(function() {
if(!ispaused){ ////the only new line I added from your example above
if(counter > 0) {
var msg = 'You can continue ' + counter + ' seconds';
} else {
}, 1000);
That should do it, right?

How can I re enable a setInterval after I called clearInterval?

Here's my javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
var timer;
$(document).ready(function () {
timer = setInterval(updatetimerdisplay, 1000);
$('.countdown').change(function () {
timer = setInterval(updatetimerdisplay, 1000);
function updatetimerdisplay() {
$(".auctiondiv .auctiondivleftcontainer .countdown").each(function () {
var newValue = parseInt($(this).text(), 10) - 1;
if (newValue >= 9) {
$(this).css("color", "");
$(this).css("color", "#4682b4");
if (newValue == 8) {
$(this).css("color", "");
$(this).css("color", "#f3982e");
if (newValue == 5) {
$(this).css("color", "");
$(this).css("color", "Red");
if (newValue <= 1) {
var updateauctionstimer = setInterval(function () {
}, 2000);
function updateauctions(response) {
var data = $.parseJSON(response);
$(data).each(function () {
var divId = "#" + this.i;
if ($(divId + " .auctiondivrightcontainer .latestbidder").text() != this.b) {
$(divId + " .auctiondivrightcontainer .latestbidder").fadeOut().fadeIn();
$(divId + " .auctiondivrightcontainer .auctionprice .actualauctionprice").fadeOut().fadeIn();
$(divId + " .auctiondivleftcontainer .countdown").fadeOut().fadeIn();
$(divId + " .auctiondivrightcontainer .latestbidder").html(this.b);
$(divId + " .auctiondivrightcontainer .auctionprice .actualauctionprice").html(this.p);
if ($(divId + " .auctiondivleftcontainer .countdown").text() < this.t) {
$(divId + " .auctiondivleftcontainer .countdown").html(this.t);
Basically, I want to turn the timer back on, if any .countdown element has it's text change.
The text will change because of an AJAX call I use to update that value.
Currently the timer doesn't re enable and the countdown freezes after the value of .Countdown is changed. I think that the change() event fires when the text of an element changes. Is this correct?
Any glaring mistakes on my part?
Your code contains a loop and condition:
function updatetimerdisplay() {
$(".auctiondiv .auctiondivleftcontainer .countdown").each(function () {
if (newValue <= 1) {
It's very likely that one of these elements have a value which satisfy the condition newValue <= 1. In that case, the timer will stop. Even when you change the contents of an input field, the timer will immediately stop after that run.
If you have to support multiple timers, use a wallet of timers (var timers = {};timers.time1=... or var timers = [];timers[0] = ...). If you have to support only a few timeouts, you can even use variables (var timer1=... ,timer2=..., timer3=...;).
You are trying to bind the change event before the elements exist. Put that code inside the ready event handler:
$(document).ready(function () {
timer = setInterval(updatetimerdisplay, 1000);
$('.countdown').change(function () {
timer = setInterval(updatetimerdisplay, 1000);
You also might want set the timer variable to an identifiable value when the timer is off (e.g. null), so that you can check for that value before you start a timer to prevent from starting multiple timers.

