bootstrap accordion how to check which panel is active - javascript

I am using Bootstrap's accordion widget to contain several forms i.e. each panel contains one form. When the last panel is selected, the data from the other panels is meant to be posted which will be used to graph the data. However, I am unable to get to the posting part as I cannot figure out which panel is currently selected. I know that this has to do with a class of active or inactive, but I don't think bootstrap's accordion supports that functionality unlike jquery accordion.
I am trying to figure out the first part i.e. check if the user has clicked on the last panel. In my HTML code it has an id of #results. Here's a jsfiddle that demonstrates the issue I am facing. It does not seem to trigger the second alert function when the user clicks on the #results tag, not sure why.
Sample javascript code:
$('#accordion').on('', function () {
$('#results').click(function () {
alert("works"); //testing purposes

Why don't you do?
$('#results').click(function (){
Just remove the accordion function and you'll get the on click event directly

Is this what you want?
Fiddle: Demo
take this outside the on function
$('#results').click(function (){

This is an old thread but I wanted to post an answer as the expected result is not suggested.
What you need to do here is to handle the currently selected collapse items with the event handler. If you use the this keyword for this, you can access the values of the selected object (For example only one item in the form).
Here you can get the $(".collapse") element.
You can get the index number of the active item with $(this).parent().index().
Likewise, you can get the id of the active item with $(this).attr('id').
Your jQuery structure would be:
$(".collapse").on('', function(){
var index = $(this).parent().index();
//collapseOne, collapseTwo, etc..
var id = $(this).attr('id')
//alert('Index: ' + index + '\nItem Id: ' + id );
console.log('Index: ' + index)
console.log('Item Id: ' + id)
if(id === 'collapseFour')
var username = $('#username').val();
var email = $('#email').val();
var age = $('#age').val();
//here you can check the data from the form
$("#result").html("<p> UserName: " + username + "</p> <p> EMail: " + email + "</p> <p> Age: " + age + "</p>");
I've included a working example here for you (jsfiddle).

$('#accordion').on('', function (accordion) {
var $activeCard = $(accordion.delegateTarget.children);
$('#accordion').on('', function () {
var $activeCard = $(this.children);


JavaScript to detect what checkboxes and checked and perform action

I have a jsp page with a checkbox declared like so
<form:checkbox path="affProgramSessionList[${status.index}].programSessionDetailId" id="checkbox_${}" data-id="${}" value="${}" />
it is contained within a for loop and basically a checkbox is displayed for each session. That all works fine and I have no issues.
currently when a check box is checked this function is ran
$("input[id*='checkbox_']").each(function () {
var dataid = $(this).attr("data-id");
var divId = "fullAttendence_" + dataid;
var divIdAttendee = "attendeeType_" + dataid;
$('#' + divId).toggle(this.checked);
$('#' + divIdAttendee).toggle(this.checked);
This then results in some other checkboxes being checked and some divs that were hidden being shown.
I am now adding in functionality for if someone had checked some check boxes and saved and comes back to the page then those check boxes will be checked.
I have that part working but I can't get the function to run properly.
I have the following
if ($("input[id*='checkbox_']").is(':checked')) {
var dataid = $(this).attr("data-id");
var divId = "fullAttendence_" + dataid;
var divIdAttendee = "attendeeType_" + dataid;
$('#' + divId).toggle(this.checked);
$('#' + divIdAttendee).toggle(this.checked);
This function DOES get called as I tested it with a console.log.
the issue is that
var dataid = $(this).attr("data-id");
comes back as
Now my assumption right now is just that my new function to check for checked boxes and the other function that gets call are not working quite the same and my function doesn't know which check box was checked just that at least one was?
any help is really appreciated.
if ($("input[id*='checkbox_']").is(':checked')) {
... will filter out the first checked input and operate on that. If you want to iterate on all checkboxes, use this construct:
$("input[id*='checkbox_']").each(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
// do something

gravity forms Displaying a message from dropdown select

Is it possible to display message/description when a user chooses an option from a dropdown menu.
if user chooses "London" from the dropdown menu then we want to display a message from the a database/file relating to "London" ideally using Ajax so not to reload the page.
Thanks in advance.
Yes it is possible. You can add a CSS Class Name to the select in Gravity Forms. This will make it easy for you to add an event listener via your custom Javascript/jQuery. You will need your ajax endpoint of course, but you can add a listener like so:
(function ($) {
$(function () {
// Set your variables here
var select_class = 'my-select-class',
endpoint = '/my_endpoint.php',
notification_class = 'notification-for-select';
var $my_select = $('.' + select_class);
$my_select.parent().prepend('<div class="' + notification_class + '"></div>');
$my_select.change(function (e) {
var my_data = $my_select.val();
$.post(endpoint, my_data, function (data) {
$('.' + notification_class).text(data);

How to get ID of listview item Clicked. [javascript / jquery / jquery mobile]

I need advice on how to detect which <li> is tap/click by the user, then write the 'ID' of the tap/clicked <li> into Localstorage, then use the saved Localstorage to retrieve data for Detail Page.
I'm new to javascript/jquery, if you can provide some simple example code will be very much appreciated.
I know how to write Localstorage, read Localstorage, get JSON data from server API, generate Loop for Listview with unique ID for each <li>.
What I need is, how to use JS to make <li> clickable (link to Detail Page) and write to Localstorage at the same time.
I have tried:
$('.liClass').click(function() { //block of code to write Localstorage };
But the <li> is not clickable and no key/value written to Localstorage. Not to mention to detect which <li> is clicked (this I have no idea).
Please advice, thank you.
Code update:
//Show restaurant listing - NOTE: This is not first page. Link from other Page.
$('#restaurantList').on("pagebeforecreate", function() {
$.getJSON("", function( data ) {
function rstListing(data) {
if ($.isEmptyObject(data) === true) {
alert ('JSON return empty');
} else {
for (i=0; i<data.length; i++){
$('#restaurantListing').append('<li id="' + data[i].restaurant_id + '" class="rstList"><img src="' + data[i].restaurant_logo + '"><h2>' + data[i].name + '</h2><p>' + data[i].city + '</p></li>');
//Listview link to Detail Page
$('.rstList').click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id"); // Get the ID
Also tried:
//Listview link to Detail Page
$('#restaurantList').on("pageload", function() {
$('.rstList').click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id"); // Get the ID
You don't need to make any <li> element to be clickable by your self, when you add the click event to any element, that will be triggered when the item is clicked.
Your problem will basically be that the element is not loaded when the event is bind to it. So you have to add your code inside document ready event like this.
$('.liClass').click(function() {
var id= $(this).attr("id"); // Get the ID
$('.liclick').click(function() {
alert($(this).attr("id"));//Get id of clicked li
localStorage.setItem($(this).attr("id"),$(this).attr("id")); //stored into localStorage
alert("Data from localStorage "+localStorage.getItem($(this).attr("id"))); // get stored id
Working Fiddle
You will need to use the event delegation to assign the click event since you are building the HTML DOM dynamically via JSON request, thus not being able to locate the 'li' elements at the time of the page load. So, it would look like:
$(document).on("click", ".rstList", function (event) {
// click event
See this link for more details:
jQuery event delegation
I have solved my problem with the example code provided by stackoverflow member here. My previous problem is because I separate the creation of the listview and bind the click listener in two different page event.
After testing the page event sequence, I'm now putting the click listener into the same page event instead of separate to two. Now my code look like this, hope this will help someone bump into the same problem as me:
//Show restaurant listing
$('#restaurantList').on("pagebeforecreate", function() {
alert('pagebeforecreate event triggered');
$.getJSON("", function( data ) {
function rstListing(data) {
if ($.isEmptyObject(data) === true) {
alert ('JSON return empty');
} else {
for (i=0; i<data.length; i++){
$('#restaurantListing').append('<li id="' + data[i].restaurant_id + '" class="rstList"><img src="' + data[i].restaurant_logo + '"><h2>' + data[i].name + '</h2><p>' + data[i].city + '</p></li>');
alert('rstListing() executed');
$('.rstList').click(function() {
alert($(this).attr("id"));//Get id of clicked li
localStorage.setItem($(this).attr("id"),$(this).attr("id")); //stored into localStorage
alert("Data from localStorage "+localStorage.getItem($(this).attr("id"))); // get stored id

Why is my JQuery function not triggered on a cloned element when the event becomes "true"?

I have been making this form that must enable the back-end user to create new questions for users to answer. The form is cloned and appended to a div (selector #content) successfully after the first .on(click) event, but it won't duplicate the form again if the cloned button is pressed. The .on(change) event applied to my drop-down selection does change the content of respective divs like it is supposed to, but only on the original form.
Here's the JQuery code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.addAnswer').on("click", function () {
var idx = $('#mp div[name^="antwoord"]:last').index() + 1;
$clone = $('#mp div[name^="antwoord"]:first').clone(true, true).attr('class', 'answer content_' + idx);
$('.answer:last').each(function () {
$('b:last').prepend(String.fromCharCode(64 + idx) + ". ")
$('.addAnswer').on("click", function () {
if (idx == 2) {
$('.nextq').click(function () {
var newqid = $('#content form:last').index() + 1;
$('.done, .nextq, .remove').hide();
$('#content').append($('form').html()).attr('class', 'q_' + newqid);
$('.nextq').on("click", function () {
$('.done:last, .nextq:last, .remove:last').show();
return false;
$('.select:last').on("change", function () {
$('#' + $(this).val() + ':last').fadeIn();
$('button.' + $(this).val() + ':last').fadeIn();
Because I thought posting the whole HTML template would be a tad bit too much, I provided a JSFiddle for you people.
One extra question for the ones that are feeling kind: In the JQuery code it is seen that the contents of the HTML are being parsed using .html() and appended with .append.(Line 33 on the JSFiddle) As the .on(change) function switches the contents of the divisions it should change, .html() sees those changes and takes those along with it. I'd like the .on(click) function to append the div's content in its original state, unchanged by the changes made beforehand by the back-end user. Any help with this would be much obliged.
In order to have jQuery trigger on new elements you would do something like
$( document ).on( "click", "<your id or class>", function() {
//Do stuff

How to have Jquery blur trigger on everything except hyperlinks/input buttons

I'm having a slight issue getting a jquery action to function ideally. Currently everything is working properly on a blur from a particular field, which is called "person_email". The issue is that if the end user does this, and decides to click a hyperlink for example on the rest of the page that jquery from the blur triggers, the user see's this briefly, and then continues to the corresponding link.
Ideally this would work that the blur would only trigger if a hyperlink was not clicked.
var $email = $("#person_email");
var $hint = $("#hint_edit");
$email.on('blur',function() {
$hint.hide; // Hide the hint
suggested: function(element, suggestion) {
// First error - Fill in/show entire hint element
var suggestion = "Did you mean: <span class='suggestion'>" +
"<span class='address'>" + "</span>" +
"<a href='#' class='domain'>" + suggestion.address +
"#" + suggestion.domain + "</a></span>?";
$hint.on('click', '.domain', function() {
// On click, fill in the field with the suggestion and remove the hint
$hint.fadeOut(200, function() {
return false;
I assume you want off
$("a").on("click",function() {

