Create object on cloud code (Parse) with data from http request - javascript

Relatively new to Parse, but can't seem to find any help on this topic although it seems to be a basic thing to do.
In a cloud function, I am requesting JSON data from an API and want to turn this data into a PFObject so that I can access the data from an iOS app much quicker than just calling the data straight from the API. At the moment in my cloud function I have the following code which is happily retrieving the data. I have tried for a while now but not been able to create a Parse object from this JSON data. As an example I have put the facebook website API in.
Parse.Cloud.define("updateUniversities", function(request, response) {
url: '',
success: function(httpResponse) {
error: function(httpResponse) {
console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
I assume that I will have to create my object in the success part and then create and instance of it and manipulate it somehow, something along the lines of:
var NewObject = Parse.Object.extend("Object");
var newObject = new NewObject();
Any help would be amazing, thanks a lot!


Passing the value of JSON Object from HTTP Request to another JSON Object

I'm working on simple Chatbot in Line Messenger. I found some API which I want to use in the following way:
User sends specific key word like !send data. Then I send HTTP Request using request module. I'm getting the response and I output it in the console just to see if everything is correct. I'm parsing the repsonse with JSON.parse(body) and I'm able to access its specific values with
result = JSON.parse(body);
Now I want to send result.value.text as a reply mesaage to the Line client.
Message has form
message = {
type: "text",
text: "someString"
But how can I pass the part of HTTP response to this object? Trying something like this
LINEResponse = {
type: "text",
text: result.value.text
leads to
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Request failed with status code 400
I'm not 100% sure if its even correct approach implement this. I would appreciate any help

Native JS fetch API complete error handling. How?

I've put together the following code from learning about the fetch API. I am trying to replace AJAX and this looks wonderful so far.
Main Question:
According to the Fetch API documentation...
A fetch() promise will reject with a TypeError when a network error is
encountered or CORS is misconfigured on the server side, although this
usually means permission issues or similar — a 404 does not constitute
a network error, for example.
Having the 3 technologies working together...
If I disable the Web Server I get:
NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
Wonderful. That works great.
If I disable MySQL I get my custom error from PHP:
MySQL server down?
Wonderful. That works great.
If I disable PHP I get exactly nothing because the only way I can think of to pass through the Web Server request and trigger an error at the PHP level is with a... timeout.
After some research, I don't think there is a timeout option... at least not yet.
How could I implement it in the code below?
$( "#btn_test" ).on('click', function() {
// Call function
function test1() {
// json() - Returns a promise that resolves with a JSON object.
function json_response(response) {
// Check if response was ok.
if(response.ok) {
return response.json()
// data - Access JSON data & process it.
function json_response_data(data) {
console.log('json_response_data: ', data);
// URL to post request to...
var url = 'data_get_json_select_distinct_client.php';
// Sample serializeArray() from html form data.
// <input type="text" name="CLIENT_ID" value="1000">
var post_data = [{
post_data = JSON.stringify(post_data);
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
headers: new Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'}),
body: post_data
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Web server down?: ', error.message);
<script src=""></script>
<button type="button" id="btn_test">FETCH RECORD</button>
Your server should be returning some sort of 5xx error code, should there be a problem server-side. This error is catchable in your JS.

How to consume a JSON endpoint?

So I have been supplied an URL for an "exposed JSON endpoint" similar to one found here-only difference is the functions are different. First of all what does this mean("exposed JSON endpoint") ? And how do I call this web service ? I have used web services like the Google Maps with C# where I would download and parse the XML from URL and use the data. But with this, I have no idea how to use the service. (any code in Javascript, C#, Java is fine). Thanks for any help !
An "exposed JSON endpoint" is a publicly available URL (sometimes with query or path parameters added by you) which you can send an HTTP request to and it will return JSON from the remote server that is related to the request you sent.
You then parse the returned JSON (into the structure of whatever programming language you are using) so you can then use the returned data in your own code.
Maybe you can try something like this:
WebClient client = new WebClient();
Stream stream = client.OpenRead("Endpoint");
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(reader.ReadLine());
As the service end point states:
You need to include the following element in your page
<script src=""/></script>
Then you call the service using something like this
try {
devKey : "key",
program : "program"
function(returnValue) {
// it worked do something with returnValue
function(response, status, exception) {
// something went wrong
catch (e) {

In javascript how do you open a file from the server?

Im working in an application that uses java + spring on the server side aswell as extdirectspring. On the client side it uses extjs/javascript.
I want to poke a method on the serverside and retrieve a file from the database. If the file doesn't exist then I'd like to display an error in some way.
The attempt to retrieve the file and the check it exists need to happen in the same call - the file could be deleted in between calls.
The way I can see people have done it in the current application is using spring controllers + request mappings and a"someUrl/filename.blah"); with the server returning the file from the mapped method.
This doesnt seem to let you handle the case where the file doesn't exist though.
Ideally I'd just like to send some json back from the server which has the file data (possibly null) and sucess/failure. When I get the response I can then either show some information about the failure or open the file. Unfortunately I can't observe the current failure mode because something somewhere is caching the files - if I delete them from the database then they appear to still exist and you can still download them!
By 'open' I mean show the standard 'what do you want to do with this file open/save' dialog. I'm not trying to parse the file or do anything with it - I just want to serve it up to the browser/user.
Is there a way to do that without using a url and Eg some method that takes a blob of data and a file name or similar?
The transfer of the data/json isn't the problem I'm trying to solve.
As I'm using extdirect I'll probably just do it like this:
public class SomeClass
public AFile getFile(Long id) throws Exception
//do stuff
Then on the clientside you just do:
someClass.getFile(id, function(file){
SomeHowGiveThisToTheUser(,; ????
The bit I dont know how to do is the give the file to the user.
Further update
I dont think it's possible to do this without blob urls or data uri's. Both of these are mentioned in this post. I haven't tried them out as we are having to support a browser that is too old for both techniques.
You are wanting to do some standard Ajax (Assuming you have jQuery available).
Something like:
$.getJSON( url, function( data ) {
if (data.success){
} else {
And on the server side, add code to return the expected JSON.
In extJS:
url : url,
method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
params : params,
success: function (response) {
var jsonResp = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
if (response.success){
// do success stuff, like using response.fileData
} else {
// do fail stuff
failure: function (response) {
var jsonResp = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
// etc.
On the server in a Java servlet you could something like this (assumes apache commons file util):
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
InputStream in = new URL( "http://remote.file.url" ).openStream();
IOUtils.copy(in, response.getOutputStream());
Probably a more spring specific way to do it, but that gives you an idea.
For your case, you want to wrap the file contents in a JSON object that includes the success proeprty. For that, use the Java JSON jar:
Update: Finally understand what you are asking.
It finally occurred to me that you are asking how to handle the actual download.
There's a couple ways these days.
Take a look at this SO answer, this is using an iFrame: Download File Using Javascript/jQuery
There are also several fancy downloader components, including several for jQuery.
So you would do a two part process: check for the file availability using a standard ajax call, and then if response.success, use the downloader to serve the file to the user.

Adding HTTP Basic Authentication Header to Backbone.js Sync Function Prevents Model from Being Updated on Save()

I'm working on a web application that is powered by a restful API written with Python's CherryPy framework. I started out writing the user interface with a combination of jQuery and server side templates, but eventually switched to Backbone.js because the jQuery was getting out of hand.
Unfortunately, I'm having some problems getting my models to sync with the server. Here's a quick example from my code:
$(function() {
var User = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
id: null,
username: null,
token: null,
token_expires: null,
created: null
url: function() {
return '/api/users';
parse: function(response, options) {
return response;
var u = new User();{'username':'asdf', 'token':'asdf'}, {
wait: true,
success: function(model, response) {
As you can probably tell, the idea here is to register a new user with the service. When I call;, Backbone does indeed send a POST request to the server. Here are the relevant bits:
Request URL: http://localhost:8080/api/users
Request Method: POST
Request Body: {"username":"asdf","token":"asdf","id":null,"token_expires":null,"created":null}
Status Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 109
Response Body: {"username": "asdf", "created": "2013-02-07T13:11:09.811507", "token": null, "id": 14, "token_expires": null}
As you can see, the server successfully processes the request and sends back an id and a value for created. But for some reason, when my code calls console.log(;, I get null, and when my code calls console.log(u.created);, I get undefined.
tl;dr: Why isn't Backbone.js persisting changes to my objects after a call to save()?
I've modified the above code so that the model properties are accessed using the get function in a success callback. This should solve any concurrency problems with the original code.
I've also added some console logging in the model's parse function. Oddly enough, each of these is undefined... Does that mean that Backbone.js is failing to parse my response JSON?
Edit 2:
A few days ago, I found out that issue was actually a custom header that I was adding to every request to enable HTTP Basic Authentication. See this answer for details.
This code:;
Runs immediately... after that there is nothing to run and the queued ajax request begins. The response then comes a bit later and only at that point have the values changed.
It also seems that those properties are not directly on the object, but the asynchronous processing of the save still holds in that you wouldn't get expected results even if you corrected that code to have console.log(u.get("id")) etc.
I figured out the issue, although I'm still at a loss to explain why it's an issue at all. The web app that I'm building has an authentication process that requires an HTTP basic Authentication header to be passed with all requests.
In order to make this work with Backbone, I overrode the Backbone.sync function and changed line 1398 to add the header.
Original Code:
var params = {type: type, dataType: 'json'};
Modified Code:
var params = {
type: type,
dataType: 'json',
headers: {
'Authorization': getAuthHash()
The function getAuthHash() just returns a Base64 string that represents the appropriate authentication information.
For some reason, the addition of this header makes the sync/save functions fail. If I take it out, everything works as you might expect it to.
The bounty is still open, and I'll happily reward it to anybody who can explain why this is, as well as provide a solution to the problem.
It looks like the problem was the way that I was adding the header to the request. There's a nice little JavaScript library available on Github that solves this problem by correctly adding the HTTP Basic Auth header.
i have tested your code, its works fine for me.
See Demo here,
Try to add a custom beforeSend method to the ajax request to add the custom header.
For example:

