Does chrome extension has it's own document.cookie? - javascript

I'm writing a chrome extension. I want to store some data in the browser cookie so that I can use it later. Cookie is a perfect way to do that. Does chrome extension have it's own document cookie for this like all the websites?
I got this result when I did some research
But it mostly talks about cookie API and getting cookies of other websites hence the question. Also does chrome storage have any advantages over using a cookie? I just need to store 2/3 key value pairs.

I will say Just one line and you will understand it.
Cookies are always related to a website/domain.
It does not make sense to ask if Chrome extension has a cookie. You can have a cookie for every domain.
Some more information to help you solve your problem. If you see chrome extension model, you can see there are
Background Scripts
Content Scripts
Popup Page/Scripts
If you want to store cookie in a background script/ popup script, then you can definitely do it. But that cookie will be saved for the domain of your background script which is essentially your chrome extension id.
If you store cookie in a content script, then you are storing information in cookie which belongs to the domain on which your content script is injected.

One one hand, yes, cookies are available in Chrome extensions. But this is a very unorthodox method of storing data in extensions.
As you correctly pointed out, chrome.cookies API is for manipulating other pages' cookies. The common way of working with cookies in JS is document.cookie.
What are the common ways to store persistent data?
Two classic ways are localStorage and
I've answered about them before; see this answer for comparison between them, and this answer for a usage example.
To decide what you need, the most important question is: do you need to access data from a content script?
If no, using localStorage may be simpler.
If yes, you will need to use either, or message passing.


Cross domain local storage using iframes - "Block third-party cookies"

There are already a few questions related to using the local storage with iframes to be able to share data across different domains. However, none of them addresses the issue when the "Block third-party cookies" is enabled.
Currently, by default now Chrome uses the option "Block third-party cookies in Incognito" which breaks the localStorage use within iframes whenever you use the incognito mode.
Is there any workaround for this problem? We're using post message to send the data for the iframe.
The behavior you are describing sounds exactly like the pattern of behavior the Third-Party Cookie Block is intended to prevent.
There have been numerous changes in Chrome (and other browsers) regarding cookies and iframe.
The basics of what is changing is there is now a 'SameSite' cookie policy, where Only cookies set as SameSite=None; Secure will be available in third-party contexts, provided they are being accessed from secure connections.
Also in safari, the third-party frame will have to request access to the storage API before the cookie will be accessible.
Firefox is using a partitioned approach to the storage, and so the frame will behave as normal unless you then open your application as a new window then the cookie store may or may not follow depending on how the new window was created.
Cookie Status is an excellent resource to track how third party cookies work in the different browsers and what you should change to make it work.
I want to add my two cents here because all replies to this question completely miss the point of what's being asked. Take what I have here with a grain of salt, it's based on the most recent versions of Chromium and my personal experience, but maybe it can help someone understand the mess Chromimium has made.
Obscure Chromium Setting
First and foremost the setting within Chromium applications does not explicitly state that local storage or anything regarding "data" will be impacted by "blocking third-party cookies".
Ironically this setting used to actually explain that third-party cookies and data would be blocked, but in recent versions no longer mention data anymore, just cookies.
Is local storage a Cookie?
No. Local storage has nothing to do with cookies, and therefore the option for "blocking third-party cookies" is disingenuous because it lacks describing that local storage will also be blocked.
Local Storage data is stored by the browser for a particular domain. This data is not shared or exposed in any way.
So does local storage have "third-party data"?
No, there is also nothing "third-party" about local storage.
In context of cookies, a "third-party cookie" is a cookie for a domain that was created by a different domain, hence being "third-party". This allows domains to inject data into cookies that get sent to a different domain, which could be useful if you want to let that other domain know something, though this could also become nefarious. This essentially was a way of two domains to have a communication channel based on the user's session, but it becomes a privacy concern because it enables these domains to communicate in context of the user.
What does "third-party" mean for local storage? Nothing. Local storage is bound to the domain that's accessing the storage object - there is no "third-party" mechanism when setting or retrieving data from local storage since it is always in context of the window frame where the code is executing.
This further exasperates the problem: Why does "blocking third-party cookies" prevent local storage which is neither "third-party" nor a "cookie"?
So what does this setting do to local storage?
The "block third-party cookies" setting will block, as the name suggests, third-party cookies, but will also block local storage within an embedded iframe document. The embedded page will not be able to access the local storage property and will throw "Access denied" exceptions when the web page attempts to do so.
Blocking third-party cookies will have no impact to websites since it's used as a mechanism to share information with no returned output and no dependency of success. If your app uses local storage, it will likely break without it.
What's the security concern?
Doesn't that make sense that an embedded page can't access the local storage?
As other comments have incorrectly stated is that accessing the local storage within an embedded iframe would essentially enable cross-domain data access.
This is incorrect. The localStorage property is unique to the window variable of the frame, it is not unique to the parent domain. In other words, if you have an embedded iframe it will have a separate local storage than the parent window. This is because local storage is unique to the domain for which the code is executing in, and therefore there is no "cross-domain" access happening as part of it.
There must be other ways this is a security concern
As other comments have mentioned, the ultimate concern is leaking data across domains. So how can this happen?
It is technically possible to access the local storage property bi-laterally - child iframes can access their parent's window property and vice-versa, parent frames can access embedded iframe window objects, however Chromium blocks this by default. I tried turning off all security settings within Chromium and could not directly access the localStorage property in a parent/child or child/parent direction.
In the context of Chromium I have no reason to believe that local storage can be accessed across domains in any way unless it's explicitly instructed by the frame source page using a special header.
So why does Chromium block local storage in iframes?
Perhaps it made sense at a time before local storage became what it is today, or before accessing iframe window properties from relative frames was prevented.
Ultimately if Chromium implements local storage properly, there should be no possibility of cross-domain access without the hosting website being explicitly configured to allow such behavior. See FireFox for an example of this done properly.
What should Chromium do?
Separate out blocking local storage into it's own setting, and it should be disabled by default because there is very little reason to outright disable the entire feature that breaks a website.

localstorage or sessionstorage can't persist data on cross browser

I am working on a small application but I am stuck on a problem. I want stored form element values on a HTML page when filled in on one browser(Ex. Firefox) and auto fill data when same page is loaded in another browser(Ex. Chrome). If anybody has any ideas please help me.
Unless clients can login and you're willing to share this data via your server, you can not change behavior of a different browser from your current, so in your example Firefox can not change a cookie, localstorage or whatever of Chrome. Browsers tend to only share information like cookies when they are first ran; such as with you the import wizard from Firefox.
I can think of two alternatives to achieve this:
An authentication system where the data is stored server-side.
Through custom browser extensions. You could create a custom browser extension that directly writes the data of the other browsers. This does require the user to install that extension though.
This link explain how to achieve that
It's not simple, but it's the way that I know it can be done at the moment without the use of cookies.

How can I watch cookies on a website to see how they're set?

First, should this be on anther StackExchange site?
I'm trying to scrape a site and it appears to set a cookie in Javascript: when looking at the HTTP requests all of a sudden the cookie appears as a request cookie without a preceding response command to set it. Is there any way in any major browser (ideally on OS X but I can boot into Windows or Linux) to watch a site's cookies and pause loading or execution of a page when there's a change and highlight the Javascript code or HTTP response that is responsible?
Cookies are not asked for, they are given, therefore you wont see it being requested.
They will come down in the headers and there is no way to determine, what, who or where they came from (apart from knowing they came from the site you are browsing or possibly sites it is linked to).
Open up Webkit Inspector and look at the network/resources tabs. Filter by "documents". Go through each documents' response headers and see if there is a cookie set. If not, then it must be JavaScript in which case you can do a search for "document.cookie".

Google Chrome Extension Persistence

My question is quite simple, i need to develop a Google Chrome Extension and by the way create dynamically HTML/CSS files. Basically i was thinking to do this with javascript but it's not possible for security reason. So i'm thinking about using directly Chrome API.
Is there a persistance API with chrome ?
Chrome Extensions use localStorage for data persistence. Check out for a tutorial.
Note that only strings can be saved to localStorage. You'll need a JSON parser/stringifier if you want to load/save objects.
It is possible to do this with javascript. Chrome is very strict when it comes to calling scripts outside its domain(your extension folder I mean).
1. Make sure you are making js calls from your background page and not your content scripts.
2. If you are making js/ajax calls, note that chrome always sends an OPTIONS request. even for GET requests. So your server have to be able to grant permisions.
I hope these 2 points help your js. However, as everyone is saying, LocalStorage does a really good job.
I'm not completely sure of what you are asking but take a look at Local Storage
Hope it helps!

Prevent loss of variables when browser reload button is pressed [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Persist variables between page loads
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is it possible to keep my (global) variables when the page is reloaded? If yes, how?
Thanks for any help.
Best regards.
Try this cookie-less javascript function.
It basically store your data in the property which does not clear the value when you reload the page or goes to another site.
You can persist data across page reloads via something like window.localStorage, window.sessionStorage (proprietary Mozilla extension) or database abstraction (window.openDatabase) provided by some of the WebKit -based browsers. See this article on MDC for a nice overview of Storage interfaces and this WebKit article on their database introduction.
In the same style you can store string values in the hash key.
Using the property:
window.location.hash = 'flight/105';
Then when refreshing the page you initialize back your variables.
The JavaScript environment will be reset when the browser leaves your page. However, you could register an onUnload handler to serialise your array to a cookie, then check for this every time the page is loaded and unserialise it if present.
Does your browser have a reset button, or do you mean the reload button?
When the page loads, everything is loaded fresh. There is nothing left from any previous page. The only place to store anything that survives loading a page is in a cookie.
Note that the amount of data that you can put in cookies is limited to a few kilobytes per site. The exact limit varies from browser to browser, but you can't expect to be able to put more than perhaps a kilobyte or two worth of data in cookies.
Are you talking about Cookies? If so you might want to review this open-source module
This will easily allow you to store cookies, that is data, even after a browser reload click. This makes doing it really easy and it is what I use.
var cookie = new HTTP.Cookies();
cookie.write('mydata', 'myvalue', '+1y');
//later on you can get that data EVEN AFTER a reload
var x ='mydata');
You probably shouldn't try to make a cookies implementation from scratch though because it is very painful and you have to do a lot of testing across web browsers, such as to make sure Internet Explorer works.

