how to pass json parameters btween 2 files using module - javascript

i am trying to call function in other js file using require.all these the parameters
> Login = require("LoginRequest");
Create = require("CreateView");
var params = { username : username.value , password : password.value};
var type ="POST";
var URL = "https://localhost/post_auth.php";
var Result; </li>
and here the call funcion from LoginScreen.js
if (username.value != '' && password.value != '')
// warning alert
alert("Username/Password are required");
if (Result.logged == true)
alert("Welcome " + + ", Please answer the following question");
when i try to pass the parameters to LoginRequest.
function Request(params,type,url){
var Result;
var loginReq = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();,url);
loginReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
//send parameters
loginReq.onload = function()
var json = this.responseText;
Result = JSON.parse(json);
alert (Result.logged);
alert (;
return Result;
exports.Request = Request;
the calling return undifiend object , where is my wrong here ?

That's because you are making an async call.
when you call loginReq.send() the call will be made and it will continue executing the rest of the code without waiting for the async call to be finished, that's why the function returns undefined.
To fix this you can make a sync call instead of an async call (this is a bad bad bad idea) or you could restructure your code, maybe LoginRequest could return the loginReq instance instead of the result


Call a function within the .done of a call

I am confused on this one.
I am trying to call another defined function within the AJAX done and i get the function cannot be found error.
I have also tried to declare this as a variable and use that still get the same issue, cannot find the function.
var self = this
$.post.done(function(respose) {
If i call the function outside of the AJAX request works fine
Here is the full code block
$('.save-client-modal').on('click', function(e) {
//Save Cutomer to Database
var url = admin_url + "clients/create_client_ajax";
var data = {};
$.post(url, data).done(function (response){
response = JSON.parse(response);
if(response.success == true || response.success == "true")
init_customer_dropdown(); <-- will not run this function
alert_float('warning', response.message);
function init_customer_dropdown()
alert("Customer Dropdown");
Thanks in Advance

Updating outside variables inside a javascript function in Node.js

I am developing a NodeJS application and encountered following problem:
I am using node module node-rest-client to issue REST requests using an API. I use post method provided by the module for my purpose. I need to fetch the json response and write it to seperate variables and return them.
I have defined returnData variable outside the method. I need to update this returnData variable inside the function which is passed as a parameter to the method.
But I have a scope issue here. Although I try to update the returnData variable inside that function, when execution returns from function, I see that the same values I have set (in this case null, but may be any value) before calling function still persists in the variable.
How can I define scope well so that I can update an outside variable inside the function which I pass as a parameter to another function? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Following is my Code:
module.exports = function(){
var restClient = require('node-rest-client').Client;
var client = new restClient();
var sessionID = null,
reqID = 1;
var login = function(username, password){
var requestParams = {};
var apiParams = {};
requestParams.jsonrpc = "2.0";
requestParams.method = ZABBIX_API_METHODS.login;
apiParams.user = username;
apiParams.password = password;
requestParams.params = apiParams; = reqID;
requestParams.auth = null;
var args = {
data: requestParams,
headers:{"Content-Type": "application/json-rpc"} // ask response type to be application/json-rpc
var returnData = {};
returnData.status = null; = null, args, function(resData,rawRes){
if(rawRes.statusCode == 200){
returnData.status = rawRes.statusCode; = resData;
returnData.status = rawRes.statusCode; = "Request Failed!";
reqID = reqID + 1;
return returnData;
var functions = {
login: login
return functions;
Thank you.
.post is Async, you should do it like this,
var login = function(username, password, callback){
.................., args, function(resData,rawRes){
if(rawRes.statusCode == 200){
returnData.status = rawRes.statusCode; = resData;
returnData.status = rawRes.statusCode; = "Request Failed!";
reqID = reqID + 1;
return {login: returnData};
//remove all below return statements

Why HttpRequest callbacks not working without alert

I have a issue in getting response in Kony application. this is the code
function getServerResponceOption(url){
var httpclient2 = new;
var requestMethod = constants.HTTP_METHOD_GET;
var async = true;, url,async);
if(getAccessToken() != null && getAccessToken() != ""){
httpclient2.onReadyStateChange = HandleResponce(httpclient2);
function HandleResponce(obj)
alert("Getting data "+obj.readyState+" Status "+obj.status+" Response "+obj.response );
if(obj.readyState == 4 )
if (obj.response != null && obj.response != "")
var jsonObj = obj.response;
var state = obj.status;
alert("Readystate "+obj.readyState+" Status = "+state);
if (obj.response != null && obj.response != "")
var jsonObj = obj.response;
Here i got server response if i put the alert message in HandleResponce(obj) without the alert i didn't get any response. the ready state is 1 and status is 0. What is the problem occurred if i remove the alert message?
Note: URL and getAccessToken() is getting values.
You are calling function in line, When you use HandleResponce(httpclient2) function is immediately executed.
httpclient2.onReadyStateChange = HandleResponce(httpclient2);
Change your code as
httpclient2.onReadyStateChange = function(){ HandleResponce(httpclient2) };

Node file uploads and sychronicity

While I'm generally comfortable with rudimentary asynch patterns in node I have come across a situation where I need the return value from an asynch call in a generally synchronous situation.
Given the function:
modelHelper.saveFile = function(field) {
var url = cloudinary.uploader.upload(this.req.files[].path, function(result) {
if(typeof result.url != "undefined" && result.url.length > 0)
console.log(" \n\n\n Inside the cloudinary call.");
console.log("\n\n URL = " + result.url);
return result.url;
return false;
console.log("\n\n\n Outside the load, URL =" + url);
if(!url) return "";
return url;
This function is called in the case of uploading a file to a server, and is called by a simple loop which loops over all of the elements of a page. For the majority of cases it's a simple mapping of variable to value, as such I really don't want to need to inject a next into this function.
Here's the caller:
modelHelper.parseField = function(field) {
var type = field.type;
switch(type) {
case "email":
case "url":
return strings.exists(this.param( ?
this.param( : "";
case "file":
return modelHelper.resolveFile.bind(this)(field);
return strings.exists(this.param( ?
strings.makeSafe(this.param( : "";
and this, in turn is called by:
modelHelper.populate = function(elements, record, next){
var len = elements.length;
parseField = modelHelper.parseField.bind(this);
if((elements[len]["type"] != "captcha"))
this[record][elements[len]['name']] = parseField(elements[len]);
as such, I'm looking for a pattern that will block execution until the file operation in saveFile returns a variable; something like wrapping it in a setInterval type call was my first thought, but is there a better way?
Pass a callback to saveFile and call it with the url once the upload is complete
modelHelper.saveFile = function(field, callback) {
var url = cloudinary.uploader.upload(this.req.files[].path, function(result) {
if(typeof result.url != "undefined" && result.url.length > 0) {
console.log(" \n\n\n Inside the cloudinary call.");
console.log("\n\n URL = " + result.url);
return callback(null, result.url);
return callback();

How to use YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest and return results?

I'm using YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest to get data from database, here is the code :
function getCountArticle(contentCurValue) {
var handleSuccess = function (res) {
var countPubmed = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(res.responseText);
var contentCountPubmed = countPubmed.totalArticleRecords;
alert(contentCountPubmed); //return 15 for example
var handleFailure = function () {
alert("Error connecting data : Bad pubmed query");
var callback =
timeout: 5000
var sURL = 'qct-list-article.html?term=' + contentCurValue + '&retstart=0' + '&retmax=1';
var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET',sURL,callback);
I would like this function return : "contentCurValue" (eg:15), but when I try to use this code I get "undefined" :
var test = getCountArticle();
alert(test); // return undefined, should return 15
My error is probably due to asynchronous query, but how can I force "var test = getCountArticle();" to wait for results ?
Since the call is by nature asynchronous, rather than try to wait for the response, you would be better off specifying a callback function to execute with the data. You could modify your method like this:
function getCountArticle(contentCurValue, callback) {
var handleSuccess = function (res) {
var countPubmed = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(res.responseText);
var contentCountPubmed = countPubmed.totalArticleRecords;
callback(contentCountPubmed); //return 15 for example
// ...
then your calling code would be:
getCountArticle("contentCurValue", function(test) {
Any further execution using the value returned from your AJAX query would proceed inside of your callback method.
This SO post is essentially the same problem, but not YUI specific: Getting undefined in javascript when calling ajax

