I'm a beginner with AngularJS and ui-router, and am trying to handle 404s on resources not found. I would like an error to be displayed, without changing the URL in the address bar.
I have configured my states as such:
"$stateProvider", function($stateProvider) {
.state("home", {
url: "/",
templateUrl: "app/views/home/home.html"
.state("listings", {
abstract: true,
url: "/listings",
templateUrl: "app/views/listings/listings.html"
.state("listings.list", {
url: "",
templateUrl: "app/views/listings/listings.list.html",
.state("listings.details", {
url: "/{id:.{36}}",
templateUrl: "app/views/listings/listings.details.html",
resolve: {
listing: [
"$stateParams", "listingRepository",
function($stateParams, repository) {
return repository.get({ id: $stateParams.id }).$promise;
.state("listings.notFound", {
url: "/404",
template: "Listing not found"
(I'm actually using TypeScript, but I tried to change the above to be pure JavaScript)
If, say, I navigate to the following url:
That should open the listings.details state.
However if that resource does not exist, the promise returned from the resolve function will fail with a 404, which I catch here:
"$rootScope", "$state",
function($rootScope, $state) {
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeError", function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error) {
if (error.status === 404) {
$state.go("^.notFound", null, { location: true, relative: toState });
What I'm trying to do here is to go to the listings.notFound state, without changing the destination URL in the address bar.
I use a relative path because I would like to re-use this logic for other resources.
However, I get an exception:
Path '^.notFound' not valid for state 'listings.details'
This error happens because the toState argument given by the $stateChangeError event does not know its parent, i.e. toState.parent is undefined.
In the transitionTo function of ui-router, I can see that the object given as argument is to.self, which only provides a subset of the information.
Using relative: $state.get(toState.name) also doesn't help, because internally ui-router once again returns state.self
I would like to avoid maintaining a list of absolute paths, and rewrite the logic for navigating in the state hierarchy (no matter how simple it is, DRY and all that).
Am I going about it wrong, is there another proper way of handling 404?
If not, what is the best approach?
It's better to use $urlRouterProvider to handle this exceptions
"$stateProvider", "$urlRouterProvider", function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
// define states
I'm attempting to resolve some server-side data in an abstract parent state before the Home child state is loaded. I want to make sure I have the user's full name for examination in the state's data.rule function. However, using console.log statements, I can see the userFullName prints as an empty string to the console before the "done" statement in the factory.privilegeData method.
The data in the parent resolve is security data from the server that needs to be available globally before any controllers are initialized. Only one child state is listed here (for the sake of readability), but all states, outside of login are children of the abstract parent. Once the parent's resolves are complete the data is stored in the $rootScope and used to determine access rights via the data.rule function in each state.
UPDATE: per answer below I've updated the parent/child states as such, howeve I'm still running into the same issue:
.state('app', {
abstract: true,
template: '<div ui-view class="slide-animation"></div>',
privileges: ['$q', 'privilegesService', function($q, privilegesService){
console.log('from parent resolve');
return privilegesService.getPrivileges()
.state('app.home', {
url: '/home',
templateUrl: 'app/components/home/home.html',
controller: 'HomeController',
controllerAs: 'vm',
parent: 'app',
resolvePolicy: {when:'LAZY', async: 'WAIT'},
authenticate: true,
rule: function($rootScope){
console.log("from home state data rule");
return true;
factory.getPrivileges = function () {
console.log('from server call');
var queryString = "&cmd=privilege&action=user";
return $http.get(config.serviceBaseUri + queryString);
factory.privilegesData = function(priv){
console.log('from privilege data');
if(priv && priv.data) {
$rootScope.userFullName = priv.data.firstName + ' ' + priv.data.lastName;
Based on the console statments above I'm getting the following output. I need the from home state data rule to occur last...
...since I'm using the the results of the data.rule function for authorization for each state. Below is the $stateChangeStart from my .run method
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
navigationService.addNavObject("activity", {
summary : "Page navigation",
page : $location.absUrl().replace("#/", "")
} else {
} else {
The child states need the parent state as a dependency in order for it to wait to load, even if its not used directly. Source
you have to try something like the following instead :
.state('app.home', {
url: '/home',
templateUrl: 'app/components/home/home.html',
controller: 'HomeController',
controllerAs: 'vm',
parent: 'app',
authenticate: true,
rule: function($rootScope){
return true;
You can use the property resolvepolicy and set it to LAZY as well, a state's LAZY resolves will wait for the parent state's resolves to finish before beginning to load.
I have userAccess flag in controller if it returns false i want hide all the application from user and redirect user to access.html with some access required form So with below code it throws error transition superseded, Any idea how to achieve this task with angularjs ui.router ?
$scope.cookie = $cookies.get(jklHr');
var parts = $scope.cookie.split("|");
var uidParts = parts[7].split(",");
$scope.newUser._id = uidParts[0];
var userAccess = AuthService.getCurrentUser($scope.newUser._id);
if(!userAccess) {
console.log("Access Deinied");
angular.module('App', [
]).config(function($stateProvider, $httpProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
'use strict'
$urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function($injector) {
var $state = $injector.get('$state');
.state('app', {
abstract: true,
url: '',
templateUrl: 'web/global/main.html',
controller: 'MainCtrl'
.state('app.home', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'view/home.html',
controller: 'MainCtrl'
.state('app.dit', {
url: '/dit',
templateUrl: 'view/partials/logs.html',
controller: 'LogsCtrl',
resolve: {
changeStateData: function(LogsFactory) {
var env = 'dit';
return LogsFactory.resolveData(env)
.then(function(response) {
return response.data
.state('app.access', {
url: '/access',
templateUrl: 'view/partials/access.html',
controller: 'AccessCtrl'
Create an interceptor, all http class will go thrown the interceptor. Once the "resolve" piece is executed and return 401 you can redirect to the login screen or 403 to the forbidden view.
The problem is that you are trying to change a state while a previous state change is still in course.
The ui-router has events for when a state change starts and ends.
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
So your redirect should be in there. Anyway I recommend you move that user check to a higher level in your app, like .run(), with some exception for the login states. That way you won't have to check in every controller individually.
Make sure you've most updated version of angularjs & angular-ui. If you're using older version then check compatibility of angular-ui version with your angular version. https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/3246
If that doesn't work, add following line inside app.config
don't forget add dependency $qProvider in config function.
I don't know why this first state works but the second one doesn't:
Working state:
.state('app.pages.invoice', {
url: '/invoice',
templateUrl: "assets/views/pages_invoice.html",
title: 'Invoice',
resolve: {
"currentAuth": ["Auth", function(Auth) {
return Auth.$requireSignIn();
Not working state, throwing the Error: [ng:areq]:
.state('app.form.validation', {
controller: "validationCtrl",
url: '/validation',
templateUrl: "assets/views/form_validation.html",
title: 'Form Validate',
resolve: {
"currentAuth": ["Auth", function(Auth) {
return Auth.$requireSignIn();
This second one works only when the controller is injected via this:
resolve: loadSequence('validationCtrl')
that is (controller is moved into the resolve and there is not currentAuth anymore):
.state('app.form.validation', {
url: '/validation',
templateUrl: "assets/views/form_validation.html",
title: 'Form Validate',
resolve: loadSequence('validationCtrl')
and then I don't know how to integrate my currentAuth element into the resolve again. How can I inject the validationCtrl.js via resolve and add the currentAuth element also into resolve?
here is the loadsequence function:
// Generates a resolve object previously configured in constant.JS_REQUIRES (config.constant.js)
function loadSequence() {
var _args = arguments;
return {
deps: ['$ocLazyLoad', '$q',
function ($ocLL, $q) {
var promise = $q.when(1);
for (var i = 0, len = _args.length; i < len; i++) {
promise = promiseThen(_args[i]);
return promise;
function promiseThen(_arg) {
if (typeof _arg == 'function')
return promise.then(_arg);
return promise.then(function () {
var nowLoad = requiredData(_arg);
if (!nowLoad)
return $.error('Route resolve: Bad resource name [' + _arg + ']');
return $ocLL.load(nowLoad);
function requiredData(name) {
if (jsRequires.modules)
for (var m in jsRequires.modules)
if (jsRequires.modules[m].name && jsRequires.modules[m].name === name)
return jsRequires.modules[m];
return jsRequires.scripts && jsRequires.scripts[name];
My first state doesn't have any controller, so I am fine resolving the currentAuth alone. But when the view has a controller, add the currentAuth causes the controller not to work anymore.
my currentAuth is taken from here.
herer is the validationCtrl.js:
app.controller('ValidationCtrl', ["$scope", "$state", "$timeout", "SweetAlert", "$location",
function ($scope, $state, $timeout, SweetAlert, $location) {
update 2:
basically the question is to allow only currently signed in users to view the pages which are children of app.; so my parent view is like this: so basically I am looking to inject the currentAuth factory into the main parent view and the children should inherit this. They cannot be viewed unless the currentAuth in the parent is resolved.
$stateProvider.state('app', {
url: "/app",
templateUrl: "assets/views/app.html",
resolve: loadSequence('modernizr', 'moment', 'angularMoment', 'uiSwitch', 'perfect-scrollbar-plugin', 'toaster', 'ngAside', 'vAccordion', 'sweet-alert', 'chartjs', 'tc.chartjs', 'oitozero.ngSweetAlert', 'chatCtrl'),
abstract: true
edit 1:
I have put the question in other words as well here and trying to find an answer to multiple resolve states.
edit 2:
here is the main.js: pastebin url
and the validationCtrl.js pastebin url.
actually, the validationCtrl is just an example controller among other controllers I have.
Question is how to block view permission for child views unless the parent currentAuth is resolved? given that I don't know how to handle multiple resolve with loadsequence and a singleton factory.
Assuming you are using ui router as a routing framework for your SPA app.
Error: [ng:areq]
the error you get:
is due to the declaration of the controller within the state, the name of the controller function is not resolved because "ValidationCtrl" is not equal to "validationCtrl" then correct state is:
.state('app.form.validation', {
controller: "ValidationCtrl",
url: '/validation',
templateUrl: "assets/views/form_validation.html",
title: 'Form Validate',
resolve: {
"currentAuth": ["Auth", function(Auth) {
return Auth.$requireSignIn();
Abstract States - Nested States
to answer the second question, a useful example for your case may be this:
$stateProvider.state('app', {
url: "/app",
templateUrl: "assets/views/app.html",
resolve: {
scripts: loadSequence('modernizr', 'moment', 'angularMoment', 'uiSwitch', 'perfect-scrollbar-plugin', 'toaster', 'ngAside', 'vAccordion', 'sweet-alert', 'chartjs', 'tc.chartjs', 'oitozero.ngSweetAlert', 'chatCtrl').deps,
currentAuth: function(Auth){ return Auth.$requireSignIn();}
abstract: true
.state('app.pages.invoice', {
// url will become '/app/invoice'
url: '/invoice',
templateUrl: "assets/views/pages_invoice.html",
title: 'Invoice'
.state('app.form.validation', {
controller: "ValidationCtrl",
// url will become '/app/validation'
url: '/validation',
templateUrl: "assets/views/form_validation.html",
title: 'Form Validate'
As you can see from the example in the resolve of the abstract state you can define different factory functions, ui router will wait until all dependencies are resolved before resolving the children states.
Resolve property explanation :
The resolve property is a map object. The map object contains key/value pairs of:
key – {string}: a name of a dependency to be injected into the controller.
factory - {string|function}:
If string, then it is an alias for a service.
Otherwise if function, then it is injected and the return value is treated as the dependency. If the result is a promise, it is resolved before the controller is instantiated and its value is injected into the controller.
for more details I refer you to ui router doc.
As said in my comment i suggest you to try the following :
.state('app.form.validation', {
url: '/validation',
templateUrl: "assets/views/form_validation.html",
title: 'Form Validate',
controller: "validationCtrl",
"myCtrl": loadSequence('validationCtrl'),
"currentAuth": ["Auth", function(Auth) {
return Auth.$requireSignIn();
The other part of my comment was about the fact that child states inherits parent's resolve and children can override it.
So you can just do the following :
.state('app', {
// all states require logging by default
"currentAuth": ["Auth", function(Auth) {
return Auth.$requireSignIn();
// i'm guessing we're redirecting toward app.login if not logged
.state('app.login', {
"currentAuth": ["Auth", function(Auth) {
return true;// just be sure to not do infinite redirections
Note if you have some trouble because Auth isn't yet loaded with lazy loading, you should be able to load it in a angular.run.
Firstly coming to the error
Error: [ng:areq]:
controller: "validationCtrl", change it according to the main controller
that is
This means there is no validationCtrl function.
I may be wrong but i think there is a small typo' in this line in your controller controller: "validationCtrl", change it according to the **main controller** controller: "ValidationCtrl"
that is
This error happens due to either defining two angular.modules with the same name in different files containing different arguments as you may be trying to implement the dependancy injection.
It causes the problem as the script loaded inyour main html file won't know which angular.module to be configured.
To resolve this define the angular.modules with different names.
How to block view permission for child views unless the parent currentAuth is resolved
You can install this package angular middlewareThis middleware package contains some pre-defined route functions or you can also create your own functions.Along with this $http documentation using the success and callback functions,you can create your own middleware and the auth service while using a singleton factory
Assuming that you are using node.js as your backend you can use [middleware][3] routing in your server using express and map it to the frontend routes.
Here is a perfect tutorial for middleware authentication in nodejs
I have the following question... or situation. I have states defined in my AngularJS app, like so...
.state('myApp', {
abstract: true,
template: '<ui-view/>'
.state('myApp.stateOne', {
url: 'state1',
templateUrl: '/an/views/state-1.html',
controller: 'StateOneCtrl'
.state('myApp.stateTwo', {
url: 'state2',
templateUrl: '/an/views/state-2.html'
controller: 'StateTwoCtrl'
.state('myApp.stateThree', {
url: 'state3',
templateUrl: '/an/views/state-3.html'
controller: 'StateThreeCtrl'
There are more states and I have changed the naming for this example, but suppose I need to check if the user is allowed to see / load 'mayApp.stateThree'. I can determine this by asking the backend. I have a service (in this example called IsAllowedService) to deal with this requests / provide the access and normally I would write the logic to do the check in the .run() block in my app.js file for example:
.run(['IsAllowedService', '$state', function (IsAllowedService, $state) {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState) {
// check if we are going to sfm.addContacts and if we are allowed to...
if (toState.name === 'myApp.stateThree') {
IsAllowedService.checkIfIsAllowed().then(function (resp) {
if(resp.allowed === false) {
This works well but doesn't wait until we get the result from the service so 'mayApp.stateThree' is loaded then we a redirected if necessary. So we get a quick flash of the page before we are redirected. I could put the same code into the 'StateThreeCtrl' but I still get the flash / FOUC. Would it be possible to resolve this when defining the states, I know this won't work but something like this...
.state('myApp.stateThree', {
url: '/an/state3',
templateUrl: '/an/views/state-3.html'
controller: 'StateThreeCtrl',
resolve: {
isAllowed : function () {
IsAllowedService.checkIfIsAllowed().then(function (resp) {
return resp;
I realise that I wouldn't be able to inject the service (or even the $http service) but is it possible for me to somehow pause the loading of the view / controller of 'mayApp.stateThree' until I get the result from IsAllowedService.checkIfIsAllowed(). Any advice on how to structure my app / code would be appreciated. I have used ng-cloak in my HTML view but this did nothing!
Actually you're doing it almost right in the application's run block. Except you are not preventing anything. You can achieve that by adding:
event.preventDefault(); //Prevent from going to the page
Furthermore, you can add custom data to your $states , which will allow you to verify those conditions with your criteria. e.g.:
$stateProvider.state('home', {
controller: 'HomeController as home',
url: '/home',
templateUrl: 'home.html',
data: { roles: [ROLES.ANONYMOUS] }}); //This can be any condition
$stateProvider.state('user', {
controller: 'UserController as user',
url: '/user',
templateUrl: 'user.html',
data: { roles: [ROLES.ADMIN, ROLES.USER] }});
You can retrieve this custom data in the $stateChangeStart event:
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, next) {
if (!yourService.isAuthorized(next.data.roles)) {
event.preventDefault(); //Prevent from going to the page -> no flickering
$state.go('403'); //Or whatever is desired.
You see the flickering because you're using a Promise and the first page only gets redirected when the promise is furfilled. You can stop the flickering by preventing the default action, authorize and continue your flow as you desire when the promise resolves.
if (toState.name === 'myApp.stateThree') {
event.preventDefault(); //preventing the request.
IsAllowedService.checkIfIsAllowed().then(function (resp) {
if(resp.allowed === false) {
} else { //he actually is allowed to go to state three.
}, function() { //in case the server has no answer
$state.go('myApp.stateOne'); //you probably want to prevent it too
} );
In my opinion, if these conditions do not change during runtime, i.e. user role based, you can retrieve them upon user verification so you don't need a promise to begin with. Hope this helps.
I made a similar post before and added a working plunker.
Here is what i have so far with ui-router states:
.state('tools', {
url: '/tools/:tool',
template: '<div ui-view=""></div>',
abstract: true,
onEnter: function ($stateParams, $state, TOOL_TYPES) {
if (TOOL_TYPES.indexOf($stateParams.tool) === -1) {
.state('tools.list', {
url: '',
templateUrl: 'app/tools/tools.tpl.html',
controller: 'ToolsController'
.state('tools.view', {
url: '/:id/view',
templateUrl: 'app/tools/partials/tool.tpl.html',
controller: 'ToolController'
As you can see parent state has parameter tool which can be only in TOOL_TYPES array. So in case when tool is not available, i want to redirect to the error page.
Actually, everything works as expected, but i get two errors:
TypeError: Cannot read property '#' of null
TypeError: Cannot read property '#tools' of null
So i guess, child states have been 'hit' anyway. Is it possible to prevent this? Or maybe there is some other way to achieve what i want?
Angular ui-router's documentation mentions that onEnter callbacks gets called when a state becomes active, hence, the child states were activated.
To solve this problem you need to implement two things:
Create a resolve that returns a rejected promise once a specific condition does not apply to that state. Make sure that the rejected promise is passed with information regarding the state to redirect to.
Create a $stateChangeError event handler in the $rootScope and use the 6th parameter which is the representation of the information you have passed in the rejected promise. Use the information to create your redirect implementation.
angular.module('app', ['ui.router'])
.value('TOOL_TYPES', [
'tool1', 'tool2', 'tool3'
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('error', {
url: '/error',
template: 'Error!'
.state('tools', {
url: '/tools/:tool',
abstract: true,
template: '<ui-view></ui-view>',
resolve: {
tool_type: function($state, $q, $stateParams, TOOL_TYPES) {
var index = TOOL_TYPES.indexOf($stateParams.tool);
if(index === -1) {
return $q.reject({
state: 'error'
return TOOL_TYPES[index];
.state('tools.list', {
url: '',
template: 'List of Tools',
controller: 'ToolsController'
.state('tools.view', {
url: '/:id/view',
template: 'Tool View',
controller: 'ToolController'
.run(function($rootScope, $state) {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', function(
event, toState, toStateParams,
fromState, fromStateParams, error) {
if(error && error.state) {
$state.go(error.state, error.params, error.options);
.controller('ToolsController', function() {})
.controller('ToolController', function() {});