Change the height of a Google 3D-pie chart - javascript

Is there a way to change the height of a 3D Pie Chart? We need to show users differences between a few of charts. Some must be larger in height (they must be rather like pillars then pies), some smaller. In other words, I want the pie itself tot be taller (the y-component of the pie), not the whole chart.
Here's the documentation and examples of the pie:
If it's not possible, maybe there are other good alternatives of 3D-pie charts?
I'd appreciate links to tutorials of how to draw a 3D-pie chart (using SVG or Canvas) too.

The code is right there on the page you linked!?
Here: 3d piechart with different height..


Bars chart for different number of bars in D3.js

I want to create chart only using d3 library. My chart will have different number of vertical bars depending on data and x-axis for this. My question is how to set chart dynamically and set x-axis ticks under every bar. It will be better if width of bars will be constant.
I tried to use ranges and scale but i dont actually understand how they works. Even with some topics)
I think you should use "Grouped Bar Chart".
Refer this block from Mike Bostock.

Interactive change-able pie chart

as a part of an app that I'm developing, I am looking for an open source pie chart which can be manipulated on mobiles effectively.
I've found great pie charts such as Flot, jqPlot, HighCharts, etc. however, they only show configured values. While I don't need slice animations of click events, I do need a pie chart with the capability of changing its values from the chart itself, in a way similar to this.
The point is that I want to force a user to have his values sum up at 100 by favoring a slice and increasing its size at the price of lowering another slice.
Thanks in advance.
Chart.js is what you're looking for. If you have a look on the bottom right of the home page you'll see interactivity. You can trigger events when an element is clicked that will resize the chart as long as you are willing to do some javascript yourself.

Google Charts Column chart - How can I show a tooltip when the value is so small the column height < 1 pixel?

I am displaying some visualizations using Google Charts.
There is great variance in the data so some large numbers co-exist with small ones. In the case of a Column Chart this results in a scaling whereby some of the small values probably compute to less than one pixel of height and are thus invisible.
As a result there is no area to hover above, so I cannot show a tooltip.
Is anyone aware of a way to show a tooltip in this situation?
How about the white space above columns? Is there a way to include that as part of the hover region? I cannot find info about this in the Google Charts documentation so it is unlikely, but maybe someone is aware of a way...
By using the option focusTarget: 'category', you can achieve this. It's mainly used for displaying multiple values from the same "grouping" at the hAxis, but it fulfills your needs for this as well.

How to render chart for 10,000+ records in EXT JS?

Currently I am facing issue while rendering chart for large data in EXT JS. Chart gets cut or overlapped.
For example, I have 500 names on x-axis to plot then chart displays only 15 to 20 of them and others get cut. According to my view there should be scroll bar to view whole chart rather cutting the legends. I have tried to found solution for having scroll bars for such large charts but I am not able to find it.
Any other way for viewing whole chart is also accepted.
One workaround I can think about is 'panzoom' interaction.
Please visit link given below to see an official example with 'panzoom'.
With 'panzoom', you can zoom in to the chart and then scroll/pan. Zooming in to the chart would make the hidden coordinates visible.
It may look like this because you might have smaller space to render the chart as your data is too big. So you can try with 'pan zoom'. But I don't think so you will get a useful chart. It will still get junked.

Adjusting radius of Shield UI donut chart

I am using a Shield UI Donut chart and I am in need to achieve some special layout of my chart. What I need is to have some of my points, let’s say the half of them displayed in one donut chart, and the other half again in a donut chart that to be surrounding the first one. Or to have two donut charts in one another.
And if this is possible how can I have adjust the radius of my donut charts?
What you seem to be in need is not possible. First of all because you may only have one chart per container. Speaking in terms of what the Shield UI Charting library permits. What you may find more useful is to try the polar charts series, where data is displayed around a center point.
In addition there isn’t a radius property for the donut chart. You may adjust dimensions by the width and height of the chart to achieve any special effects if needed.

