How to structure large AngularJS applications - javascript

I have a web app that I'm building in AngularJS. It has accumulated 500 lines of code and is quite a burden to sort through it all. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to break off the logic into multiple files but still be able to interact with some of the $scope variables. Any resources on this topic would be appreciated.
Ex: I have a bunch of logic dealing with tables generated by ng-repeat that doesn't need to interact with code from graphs that I'm generating using Canvas.JS

These articles might help you:
Also read this answer.
I mostly choose the Modular approach.

Did you code all your app in a single controller?
I would think about:
Having an skinny controller (only exposing the scope content needed, and grabbing the content from services).
Implement services (Factories), in this factories you can for instance encapsulate your $http request to get the data you want to show.
Implement directives: e.g. if you are building a common chart, you can encapsulate it in a directive (it's like a control), is easier to maintain and reuse.
Once you have that I would jump into Danilo great suggestions.

Another link that might help you:
It's about a solution with RequireJS to partition the application in multiple modules that can be hooked together very easy.


best practice controller / services

I have built an Angular app that consumes data from different sources (SharePoint lists). I setup a controller for each source.
What is the best practice for this? Use only one controller for the app and different services? Or one service and one controller? Or multiple services and controllers?
In the app I do not use routing.
First I'd recommend reading these articles. Also, go through their angular implementation and see how they've achieved some of their effects. It will throw you in a world of problems that you'll feel like "Why? I mean, why? why did I ever got into this mess?" But, grit your teeth and get through it. Then you'll see how much you can achieve. Learning Angular JS is a never-ending cycle of this.
Angular Style Guide
Advanced Design Patterns and Best Practices
The Top 10 Mistakes AngularJS Developers Make
Ok, and to answer your question: your way isn't wrong.
But controllers are not designed to be used like that. Controllers are a unit of code which co-ordinates your data into the UI, handle UI events, etc. generally of a certain view - i.e. a portion of your UI (navigation bar, home page, edit form, etc.). Of course this can be your entire page as well. But it's best to break it down so that it's easier to manage.
Use services for what you described. Create a service for each data source or type of data (users, equipment, roles, etc.). I recommend that latter, since sometimes you need to pull data from multiple ends and tie them together. This can be done inside your controller as well, but having services will enable you to re-use that functionality in another part of your application.
To summarize a long answer, I'd say go through these articles, code and tips. Then build a structure that will help build your application. Just don't over-engineer it.
I would say: use a controller for every "piece" of HTML in your app, (and it depends on the scale of your app how big that piece is, it could be just one controller if your app is really small). And use a service for each data source. Then you can use the services your need in your controllers. You could also use one service if you don't need a lot of behavior. It all depends on how big your application will be.

AngularJS, Tabbed Forms and Directives

I'm building a view like the one below but have some doubts on how to do it. I don't want to make unneccessary calls to the service but I want to keep things simple.
My thoughts
The small piece of basic information with name etc will always be visible. I guess this little piece would be a nice directive? (never wrote one myself)
For the tabs I'm not sure how to do it at all? Will I make every tab a view with it's own controller (and a service that will fetch specific data for that view) or should I fetch a huge customerobject and put in some storage or..?
Would appreciate your thoughts and answers about best practice, regards!
I think you can use angular-ui-bootstrap directives, it includes some useful directives.

Best way to structure a multiple page application in Javascript

As an Actionscript programmer shifting to JS/jQuery I often have to author multipage apps targeted mainly to iOS and I'd like to know what is the best way to structure such apps.
Most of the time my apps are presentations, where each page has a different behavior (i.e., some popups on page1, a group of sliders on page2, some drag and drop action on page3... you get the picture), and more often than not I have to keep track of several variables across different pages.
Right now I handle it like this: I have a group of common functions in a script named my_app.js, while each page has its dedicated pageX.js script to account for its specific duties. I store persistent values through the storage.js library and somehow manage to stick it all together and make it work.
However I recognize that there may be a vast area for improvement to this approach, so I'd like to know how more seasoned developers deal with this situation.
Thanks a lot,
What you've done seems OK for a smallish app, but as another answerer said, I'd look at an MVC architecture. I can heartily recommend backbone.js, it's pretty lightweight, and simple to use.
You could easily make a controller for each type of view that you need (e.g. sliderController, dragDropController, etc) and then if you needed to, subclass ('extend') these controllers to be platform specific (e.g. iPhoneSliderController, iPadSliderController, desktopSliderController, etc).
If I had more info about this app - like the data behind it, what the user is achieving by dragging/sliding - then I might be able to give a more specific layout for the models, views, and controllers you might want. But hopefully this is a good starting point, and if you take a look at the backbone.js documentation, it should give you a good idea if it's appropriate for your app.
The structure you have sounds sensible enough (common JS file complemented by page-specific JS files). It also sounds like you're onto the right lines with storage.
What I would do in your situation is focus on how your code is structured in terms of architecture. Chapter 6 of Stoyan Stefanov's Javascript Patterns (O'Reilly) would probably be quite enlightening.
I would also probably explore JS MVC implementations given your situation would lend itself well to this methodology (lots of views).
I realise this is only scattered thoughts, but hopefully it might give you some ideas.
Here is how I organize stuff
in /
in /js/
resourceloader.php //this is a resource loader, so I can load multiple JS in a single request
in /js/pages
modBAR.js //javascript that for page modBAR
in /css/
resourceloadercss.php //this a resource loader, so I can load multiple CSS in a single request
in /css/pages/
With this setup I know exactly where to find stuff, and where to put stuff. And based on the filename, modepic.css, I know exactly where to put the file, and what is (the CSS file for modepic).

javascript frameworks: What are UI bindings and composed views?

I'm reading this:
I'm using backbone.js. I love it, though it requires too much boilerplate. Anyway.
The author of the post seems to put great importance on UI-bindings and composed view.
I think I know the basic advantage of ui bindings, you can change small parts of the view as the model changes without re-rendering the entire view. I don't necessarily see the point though. If your view is huge maybe you should make smaller views? I've seen knockoutjs's code and it's littered with ugly data-bind stuff. How does emberjs handle it? Is there an example?
I have no idea what he means by composed views, could someone elucidate?
Composed Views - Like all software developers, I enjoy creating modular reusable code. For this reason, when programming UI, I would
like to be able to compose views (preferably at the template layer).
This should also entail the potential for a rich view component
hierarchy. An example of this would be a reusable pagination widget.
Is there an example?
Would this help make something like composed Views?
Composed views are used to divide the view into small blocks which can be reused or adapted to different scenarios.
For example, in a form where you are editing a user, you could create a view for the address field and just call it from the main page/template. The author mentions pagination as an example too, in this case you could create a model that knows how to handle retrieving data as you switch between pages and just apply it to a table in your page.
Regarding the "ugly" data-binding code, backbone needs to know how to attach itself to the existing markup and how to modify it when an event occurs.
Maybe this example will help:
Traditional web pages are monolithic. User calls a page and server constructs the page and browser renders it. Here author is referring to breaking down that kind of code in to a set of views. So your page is made up of multiple parts. And each part gets rendered and updated independently. Or one model change can trigger a series of updates on some or all parts.
Basically this allows you to create 'desktop' kind of applications on web. And you don't have to resort to iframe hacks to do this.
Gmail and Google Reader are good examples of web applications built with composed views.
I created LayoutManager for Backbone.js because I too wanted to composite views.
Let me know if you find this approach helpful.
It sounds to me like the author is talking about server-side code here. Building a system of reusable page templates, that generate pages from a common set of widgets, html snippets, etc...
Apache's Tiles is one way of doing this.

Is Backbone.js only for single page applications?

I'm searching for a simple architecture for my UI that will have some basic javascript functions in like: select all checkbox's, image crop, some pop-ups and some other plugins.
I found this article: Organizing Your Backbone.js Application With Modules
My application is not a SPA (Single Page Application). I want to know if Backbone.js with jQuery will help me even if my application is not a SPA.
The strength of Backbone is really in its ability to manage many models (even complex ones) and keep the rendered page in sync with their current values. It provides an interface to getter/setter functions so that the changing of a model value (there are many different flavors of "change") will call render on the corresponding view and the page will correctly reflect the underlying models. Furthermore, it provides interfaces to saving, paging, and routing actions on models.
I have used Backbone extensively for both SPA's (where it shines) as well as more traditional, multiple page applications. It has no special support for UI and DOM manipulation, but combined with jQuery/Prototype/Zepto it manages their rendering/manipulation.
Basically, backbone works best to untangle elaborate chains of rendering logic and model updating. If you feel that your application has a lot of view elements that need to stay in sync with models that the client will be updating on the page, Backbone is a wonderful solution. If you just need to select and manipulate DOM elements, it's overkill. jQuery alone can handle that.
Backbone is really not about the things you mentioned, but I wouldn't say it is strictly for single-age apps (SPA) either. I'd say it is for any case where you've got quite complicated pages and it would benefit you to break them up into multiple pieces (for example, several views that all pull data from one model).
However, I would say the strength of Backbone.js is in the SPA realm.
You could probably find some jQuery pieces that answer some of your needs if you're not already using jQuery as part of your app. However, jQuery is all about the parts you mentioned (easy DOM manipulation, popups if you use jQuery UI, etc.) and not about structure or organization.
I believe that the principal idea of backbone, is organize you JS code in complex app using the MVC concept.
This way your app becomes easier to mantain and add new features, It get easy to use frameworks tests like jasmine.
Backbone also make possible (and very good) work based on SPA approach, using ajax request to server. It is completely based on Restful concept, to get a code using backbone, is important to understand what is Restful.
Basically Backbone have a Router (that can work like a controller. but is not a controller).
Model that is where you can manage all the data logic of your application.
Collection that is like a list of models.
View that is where you will react accordingly the model changes.
There are other things, but basically, is this.
But as I said before, you can use it without have a SPA.
The most important thing to have in mind is that the concept of MVC must be followed when using backbone. If you don't do that, it doesn't make sense use backbone.

