Use node rework css in browser - javascript
I would like to be able to use reworkcss/css in the browser. I downloaded version 2.0.0 from github and installed the needed packages with nmp install. I have tried requireJS (which claims to be able to process the CommonJS Module Format), requiring index.js, but an error occurs regarding "exports" being undefined. I also attempted to condense it using browserify, but this is evidently not what it was intended for. Does anyone know what I should do? I can't use node.js for the project, but need the CSS module's abilities in the browser.
I ended up condensing it by hand. Here's the result, if anyone's interested. It seems to work pretty well. If there are any mistakes, please mention them in a comment so they can be fixed.
* npm modules: reworkcss
* author: TJ Holowaychuk <>
* license: MIT
* url:
* Package condensed for client-side use by Aaron Fjerstad, July 2014.
//Compressed object
var Compressed = function (opts) {
this.options = opts || {};
//Emit 'str'
this.emit = function(str) {
return str;
//Visit 'node'
this.visit = function(node){
return this[node.type](node);
//Map visit over array of 'nodes', optionally using a 'delim'
this.mapVisit = function(nodes, delim){
var buf = '';
delim = delim || '';
for (var i = 0, length = nodes.length; i < length; i++) {
buf += this.visit(nodes[i]);
if (delim && i < length - 1) buf += this.emit(delim);
return buf;
//Compile 'node'
this.compile = function(node){
return node.stylesheet, this)
//Visit comment node.
this.comment = function(node){
return this.emit('', node.position);
//Visit import node.
this.import = function(node){
return this.emit('#import ' + node.import + ';', node.position);
//Visit media node. = function(node){
return this.emit('#media ' +, node.position)
+ this.emit('{')
+ this.mapVisit(node.rules)
+ this.emit('}');
//Visit document node.
this.document = function(node){
var doc = '#' + (node.vendor || '') + 'document ' + node.document;
return this.emit(doc, node.position)
+ this.emit('{')
+ this.mapVisit(node.rules)
+ this.emit('}');
//Visit charset node.
this.charset = function(node){
return this.emit('#charset ' + node.charset + ';', node.position);
//Visit namespace node.
this.namespace = function(node){
return this.emit('#namespace ' + node.namespace + ';', node.position);
//Visit supports node.
this.supports = function(node){
return this.emit('#supports ' + node.supports, node.position)
+ this.emit('{')
+ this.mapVisit(node.rules)
+ this.emit('}');
//Visit keyframes node.
this.keyframes = function(node){
return this.emit('#'
+ (node.vendor || '')
+ 'keyframes '
+, node.position)
+ this.emit('{')
+ this.mapVisit(node.keyframes)
+ this.emit('}');
//Visit keyframe node.
this.keyframe = function(node){
var decls = node.declarations;
return this.emit(node.values.join(','), node.position)
+ this.emit('{')
+ this.mapVisit(decls)
+ this.emit('}');
//Visit page node. = function(node){
var sel = node.selectors.length
? node.selectors.join(', ')
: '';
return this.emit('#page ' + sel, node.position)
+ this.emit('{')
+ this.mapVisit(node.declarations)
+ this.emit('}');
//Visit font-face node.
this['font-face'] = function(node){
return this.emit('#font-face', node.position)
+ this.emit('{')
+ this.mapVisit(node.declarations)
+ this.emit('}');
//Visit host node. = function(node){
return this.emit('#host', node.position)
+ this.emit('{')
+ this.mapVisit(node.rules)
+ this.emit('}');
//Visit custom-media node.
this['custom-media'] = function(node){
return this.emit('#custom-media ' + + ' ' + + ';', node.position);
//Visit rule node.
this.rule = function(node){
var decls = node.declarations;
if (!decls.length) return '';
return this.emit(node.selectors.join(','), node.position)
+ this.emit('{')
+ this.mapVisit(decls)
+ this.emit('}');
//Visit declaration node.
this.declaration = function(node){
return this.emit( + ':' + node.value, node.position) + this.emit(';');
//Identity object
var Identity = function (opts) {
this.options = opts || {};
//Emit 'str'
this.emit = function(str) {
return str;
//Visit 'node'
this.visit = function(node){
return this[node.type](node);
//Map visit over array of 'nodes', optionally using a 'delim'
this.mapVisit = function(nodes, delim){
var buf = '';
delim = delim || '';
for (var i = 0, length = nodes.length; i < length; i++) {
buf += this.visit(nodes[i]);
if (delim && i < length - 1) buf += this.emit(delim);
return buf;
//Compile 'node'.
this.compile = function(node){
return this.stylesheet(node);
//Visit stylesheet node.
this.stylesheet = function(node){
return this.mapVisit(node.stylesheet.rules, '\n\n');
//Visit comment node.
this.comment = function(node){
return this.emit(this.indent() + '/*' + node.comment + '*/', node.position);
//Visit import node.
this.import = function(node){
return this.emit('#import ' + node.import + ';', node.position);
//Visit media node. = function(node){
return this.emit('#media ' +, node.position)
+ this.emit(
' {\n'
+ this.indent(1))
+ this.mapVisit(node.rules, '\n\n')
+ this.emit(
+ '\n}');
//Visit document node.
this.document = function(node){
var doc = '#' + (node.vendor || '') + 'document ' + node.document;
return this.emit(doc, node.position)
+ this.emit(
' '
+ ' {\n'
+ this.indent(1))
+ this.mapVisit(node.rules, '\n\n')
+ this.emit(
+ '\n}');
//Visit charset node.
this.charset = function(node){
return this.emit('#charset ' + node.charset + ';', node.position);
//Visit namespace node.
this.namespace = function(node){
return this.emit('#namespace ' + node.namespace + ';', node.position);
//Visit supports node.
this.supports = function(node){
return this.emit('#supports ' + node.supports, node.position)
+ this.emit(
' {\n'
+ this.indent(1))
+ this.mapVisit(node.rules, '\n\n')
+ this.emit(
+ '\n}');
//Visit keyframes node.
this.keyframes = function(node){
return this.emit('#' + (node.vendor || '') + 'keyframes ' +, node.position)
+ this.emit(
' {\n'
+ this.indent(1))
+ this.mapVisit(node.keyframes, '\n')
+ this.emit(
+ '}');
//Visit keyframe node.
this.keyframe = function(node){
var decls = node.declarations;
return this.emit(this.indent())
+ this.emit(node.values.join(', '), node.position)
+ this.emit(
' {\n'
+ this.indent(1))
+ this.mapVisit(decls, '\n')
+ this.emit(
+ '\n'
+ this.indent() + '}\n');
//Visit page node. = function(node){
var sel = node.selectors.length
? node.selectors.join(', ') + ' '
: '';
return this.emit('#page ' + sel, node.position)
+ this.emit('{\n')
+ this.emit(this.indent(1))
+ this.mapVisit(node.declarations, '\n')
+ this.emit(this.indent(-1))
+ this.emit('\n}');
//Visit font-face node.
this['font-face'] = function(node){
return this.emit('#font-face ', node.position)
+ this.emit('{\n')
+ this.emit(this.indent(1))
+ this.mapVisit(node.declarations, '\n')
+ this.emit(this.indent(-1))
+ this.emit('\n}');
//Visit host node. = function(node){
return this.emit('#host', node.position)
+ this.emit(
' {\n'
+ this.indent(1))
+ this.mapVisit(node.rules, '\n\n')
+ this.emit(
+ '\n}');
//Visit custom-media node.
this['custom-media'] = function(node){
return this.emit('#custom-media ' + + ' ' + + ';', node.position);
//Visit rule node.
this.rule = function(node){
var indent = this.indent();
var decls = node.declarations;
if (!decls.length) return '';
return this.emit({ return indent + s }).join(',\n'), node.position)
+ this.emit(' {\n')
+ this.emit(this.indent(1))
+ this.mapVisit(decls, '\n')
+ this.emit(this.indent(-1))
+ this.emit('\n' + this.indent() + '}');
//Visit declaration node.
this.declaration = function(node){
return this.emit(this.indent())
+ this.emit( + ': ' + node.value, node.position)
+ this.emit(';');
//Increase, decrease or return current indentation.
this.indent = function(level) {
this.level = this.level || 1;
if (null != level) {
this.level += level;
return '';
return Array(this.level).join(this.indentation || ' ');
//CSS object
var CSS = function () {
var commentre = /\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*\//g
* Trim `str`.
var trim = function (str) {
return str ? str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') : '';
//Adds non-enumerable parent node reference to each node.
var addParent = function (obj, parent) {
var isNode = obj && typeof obj.type === 'string';
var childParent = isNode ? obj : parent;
for (var k in obj) {
var value = obj[k];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach(function(v) { addParent(v, childParent); });
} else if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
addParent(value, childParent);
if (isNode) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'parent', {
configurable: true,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: parent || null
return obj;
this.parse = function(css, options){
options = options || {};
var lineno = 1;
var column = 1;
//Update lineno and column based on 'str'.
function updatePosition(str) {
var lines = str.match(/\n/g);
if (lines) lineno += lines.length;
var i = str.lastIndexOf('\n');
column = ~i ? str.length - i : column + str.length;
//Mark position and patch 'node.position'.
function position() {
var start = { line: lineno, column: column };
return function(node){
node.position = new Position(start);
return node;
//Store position information for a node
function Position(start) {
this.start = start;
this.end = { line: lineno, column: column };
this.source = options.source;
//Non-enumerable source string
Position.prototype.content = css;
//Error 'msg'.
function error(msg) {
if (options.silent === true) {
return false;
var err = new Error(msg + ' near line ' + lineno + ':' + column);
err.filename = options.source;
err.line = lineno;
err.column = column;
err.source = css;
throw err;
//Parse stylesheet.
function stylesheet() {
return {
type: 'stylesheet',
stylesheet: {
rules: rules()
//Opening brace.
function open() {
return match(/^{\s*/);
//Closing brace.
function close() {
return match(/^}/);
//Parse ruleset.
function rules() {
var node;
var rules = [];
while (css.length && css.charAt(0) != '}' && (node = atrule() || rule())) {
if (node !== false) {
return rules;
//Match 're' and return captures.
function match(re) {
var m = re.exec(css);
if (!m) return;
var str = m[0];
css = css.slice(str.length);
return m;
//Parse whitespace.
function whitespace() {
//Parse comments.
function comments(rules) {
var c;
rules = rules || [];
while (c = comment()) {
if (c !== false) {
return rules;
//Parse comment.
function comment() {
var pos = position();
if ('/' != css.charAt(0) || '*' != css.charAt(1)) return;
var i = 2;
while ("" != css.charAt(i) && ('*' != css.charAt(i) || '/' != css.charAt(i + 1))) ++i;
i += 2;
if ("" === css.charAt(i-1)) {
return error('End of comment missing');
var str = css.slice(2, i - 2);
column += 2;
css = css.slice(i);
column += 2;
return pos({
type: 'comment',
comment: str
//Parse selector.
function selector() {
var m = match(/^([^{]+)/);
if (!m) return;
/* #fix Remove all comments from selectors
* */
return trim(m[0])
.replace(/\/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*\/+/g, '')
.replace(/(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*')/g, function(m) {
return m.replace(/,/g, '\u200C');
.map(function(s) {
return s.replace(/\u200C/g, ',');
//Parse declaration.
function declaration() {
var pos = position();
// prop
var prop = match(/^(\*?[-#\/\*\\\w]+(\[[0-9a-z_-]+\])?)\s*/);
if (!prop) return;
prop = trim(prop[0]);
// :
if (!match(/^:\s*/)) return error("property missing ':'");
// val
var val = match(/^((?:'(?:\\'|.)*?'|"(?:\\"|.)*?"|\([^\)]*?\)|[^};])+)/);
var ret = pos({
type: 'declaration',
property: prop.replace(commentre, ''),
value: val ? trim(val[0]).replace(commentre, '') : ''
// ;
return ret;
//Parse declarations.
function declarations() {
var decls = [];
if (!open()) return error("missing '{'");
// declarations
var decl;
while (decl = declaration()) {
if (decl !== false) {
if (!close()) return error("missing '}'");
return decls;
//Parse keyframe.
function keyframe() {
var m;
var vals = [];
var pos = position();
while (m = match(/^((\d+\.\d+|\.\d+|\d+)%?|[a-z]+)\s*/)) {
if (!vals.length) return;
return pos({
type: 'keyframe',
values: vals,
declarations: declarations()
//Parse keyframes.
function atkeyframes() {
var pos = position();
var m = match(/^#([-\w]+)?keyframes */);
if (!m) return;
var vendor = m[1];
// identifier
var m = match(/^([-\w]+)\s*/);
if (!m) return error("#keyframes missing name");
var name = m[1];
if (!open()) return error("#keyframes missing '{'");
var frame;
var frames = comments();
while (frame = keyframe()) {
frames = frames.concat(comments());
if (!close()) return error("#keyframes missing '}'");
return pos({
type: 'keyframes',
name: name,
vendor: vendor,
keyframes: frames
//Parse supports.
function atsupports() {
var pos = position();
var m = match(/^#supports *([^{]+)/);
if (!m) return;
var supports = trim(m[1]);
if (!open()) return error("#supports missing '{'");
var style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("#supports missing '}'");
return pos({
type: 'supports',
supports: supports,
rules: style
//Parse host.
function athost() {
var pos = position();
var m = match(/^#host */);
if (!m) return;
if (!open()) return error("#host missing '{'");
var style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("#host missing '}'");
return pos({
type: 'host',
rules: style
//Parse media.
function atmedia() {
var pos = position();
var m = match(/^#media *([^{]+)/);
if (!m) return;
var media = trim(m[1]);
if (!open()) return error("#media missing '{'");
var style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("#media missing '}'");
return pos({
type: 'media',
media: media,
rules: style
//Parse custom-media.
function atcustommedia() {
var pos = position();
var m = match(/^#custom-media (--[^\s]+) *([^{;]+);/);
if (!m) return;
return pos({
type: 'custom-media',
name: trim(m[1]),
media: trim(m[2])
//Parse paged media.
function atpage() {
var pos = position();
var m = match(/^#page */);
if (!m) return;
var sel = selector() || [];
if (!open()) return error("#page missing '{'");
var decls = comments();
// declarations
var decl;
while (decl = declaration()) {
decls = decls.concat(comments());
if (!close()) return error("#page missing '}'");
return pos({
type: 'page',
selectors: sel,
declarations: decls
//Parse document.
function atdocument() {
var pos = position();
var m = match(/^#([-\w]+)?document *([^{]+)/);
if (!m) return;
var vendor = trim(m[1]);
var doc = trim(m[2]);
if (!open()) return error("#document missing '{'");
var style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("#document missing '}'");
return pos({
type: 'document',
document: doc,
vendor: vendor,
rules: style
//Parse font-face.
function atfontface() {
var pos = position();
var m = match(/^#font-face */);
if (!m) return;
if (!open()) return error("#font-face missing '{'");
var decls = comments();
// declarations
var decl;
while (decl = declaration()) {
decls = decls.concat(comments());
if (!close()) return error("#font-face missing '}'");
return pos({
type: 'font-face',
declarations: decls
//Parse import
var atimport = _compileAtrule('import');
//Parse charset
var atcharset = _compileAtrule('charset');
//Parse namespace
var atnamespace = _compileAtrule('namespace');
//Parse non-block at-rules
function _compileAtrule(name) {
var re = new RegExp('^#' + name + ' *([^;\\n]+);');
return function() {
var pos = position();
var m = match(re);
if (!m) return;
var ret = { type: name };
ret[name] = m[1].trim();
return pos(ret);
//Parse at rule.
function atrule() {
if (css[0] != '#') return;
return atkeyframes()
|| atmedia()
|| atcustommedia()
|| atsupports()
|| atimport()
|| atcharset()
|| atnamespace()
|| atdocument()
|| atpage()
|| athost()
|| atfontface();
//Parse rule.
function rule() {
var pos = position();
var sel = selector();
if (!sel) return error('selector missing');
return pos({
type: 'rule',
selectors: sel,
declarations: declarations()
return addParent(stylesheet());
this.stringify = function(node, options){
options = options || {};
var compiler = options.compress
? new Compressed(options)
: new Identity(options);
// source maps
if (options.sourcemap) {
var sourcemaps = require('./source-map-support');
var code = compiler.compile(node);
return { code: code, map: };
var code = compiler.compile(node);
return code;
If evaluation not working properly
I have an if statement that when I print the result in the console, I can see sometimes its true, and sometimes its false. However, whats inside the IF, its never executed and the resulting array is always empty. var createQuery = function(viewFields,clientCode) { return '<View Scope="RecursiveAll">' + viewFields + '<Query>' + '<Where>' + '<And>' + '<Eq>' + '<FieldRef Name="ClientCode" />' + '<Value Type="Text">'+ clientCode + '</Value>' + '</Eq>' + '<Neq>' + '<FieldRef Name="ContentType" />' + '<Value Type="Computed">Bill Cycle</Value>' + '</Neq>' + '</And>' + '</Where>' + '</Query>' + '</View>'; }; var createListItemValues = function(filter) { return function(listItems,selectProperties) { var listItemsWithValues = []; if (listItems) { var enumerator = listItems.getEnumerator(); while (enumerator.moveNext()) { var listItem = enumerator.get_current(); var listItemValues = []; selectProperties .forEach(function (propertyName) { var value = listItem.get_item(propertyName); if (propertyName === "JobCodesMulti") { jobvalue = ""; value.forEach(function (jobvalues) { jobvalue += jobvalues.get_lookupValue() + ";"; }) listItemValues[propertyName] = jobvalue; } else { listItemValues[propertyName] = value; } }); if(filter(listItemValues)){//only push if filter returns true listItemsWithValues.push(listItemValues); } } } return listItemsWithValues; }; }; var processListItemWithValue = function(listItemsWithValues) { return function(listItem) { var fileDirRef = listItem["FileRef"]; var id = listItem["ID"]; var title = listItem["Title"]; var serverUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl.replace(_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl, ""); var dispFormUrl = serverUrl + "/sites/billing/_layouts/15/DocSetHome.aspx?id=" + fileDirRef; var parentLink = listItem["FileRef"]; //!!!PLEASE NOTE: made arrayofstrings a local variable var arrayofstrings = parentLink.split("/"); var billCycleFolderName = arrayofstrings[arrayofstrings.length - 2]; arrayofstrings.pop(); var hyperLink = '' + billCycleFolderName + ''; listItem["Bill Cycle"] = hyperLink; listItemsWithValues["Document Type"] = getContentTypeOfCurrentItem(listItem.ID.toString()); } }; function GetRelatedBillingDocumentsFromList(selectProperties, currentBillCyclePath, clientCode, jobCodes, engagementCode, enhanceFunctions) { $"Retrieving related billing documents for bill cycle with name [" + currentBillCyclePath + "]"); //pass filter function to createListItemValues to get a new function that // creates filtered list item values var createFilteredListItemsWithValues = createListItemValues( function(listItemValues) { var x1=listItemValues && typeof listItemValues.FileRef === "string" && listItemValues.FileRef.split("/")[4]; var x2= currentBillCyclePath.split("/")[8] console.log(x1===x2); return !(//pass filter function to createListItemValues listItemValues && typeof listItemValues.FileRef === "string" && listItemValues.FileRef.split("/")[4] ) === currentBillCyclePath.split("/")[8]; } ); var webUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl; selectProperties = selectProperties.concat("ContentTypeId"); var viewFields = spService.ConvertSelectPropertiesToViewFields(selectProperties); // query must return the documents for the same client but in other bill cycles not the current one var camlQuery = createQuery(viewFields,clientCode); var billCyclesListId = "{c23bbae4-34f7-494c-8f67-acece3ba60da}"; //return a promise like here so the caller knows if something went wrong return spService.GetListItems(billCyclesListId, camlQuery, selectProperties) .then( function(listItems){ console.log("currentBillCyclePath:",currentBillCyclePath); var listItemsValues = createFilteredListItemsWithValues (listItems,selectProperties); return $q.all( .then(function(){ return listItemsValues; })//finished asynchronously mutating array of listItems } ).then( function(listItemsWithValues) { listItemsWithValues.forEach(processListItemWithValue(listItemsWithValues)); return $q.all( spService.SpSearchQuery.EnhanceSearchResults(listItemsWithValues, enhanceFunctions) ) } ) } the important lines are: var createFilteredListItemsWithValues and if(filter(listItemValues))
You filter function will always return false because you're checking if a String value equals a boolean value. !( listItemValues && typeof listItemValues.FileRef === "string" && listItemValues.FileRef.split("/")[4] ) Is a boolean, while currentBillCyclePath.split("/")[8]; is a string.
Highlight.js and Showdown.js not work together
I am trying to be able to use highlight.js when my preview is enabled Unable to get the highlightjs to work with my preview using showdown.js Question: How to get the highlight.js to work with showdown.js Codepen Demo Note all the .js files and css files are loaded in the codepen settings I have tried using $(document).ready(function() { $('pre code').each(function(i, block) { hljs.highlightBlock(block); }); }); $("#message").on('keyup paste cut', function() { var text = document.getElementById('message').value, target = document.getElementById('showdown'), converter = new showdown.Converter({ parseImgDimensions: true }), html = converter.makeHtml(text); target.innerHTML = html; }); Full Script $(document).ready(function() { $('pre code').each(function(i, block) { hljs.highlightBlock(block); }); }) $('#button-link').on('click', function() { $('#myLink').modal('show'); }); $('#button-image').on('click', function() { $('#myImage').modal('show'); }); $('#button-smile').on('click', function() { $('#mySmile').modal('show'); }); $('#myLink').on('', function() { var textarea = document.getElementById("message"); var len = textarea.value.length; var start = textarea.selectionStart; var end = textarea.selectionEnd; var selectedText = textarea.value.substring(start, end); $('#link_title').val(selectedText); $('#link_url').val('http://'); }); $('#myImage').on('', function() { $("#image_url").attr("placeholder", ""); }); $("#save-image").on('click', function(e) { var textarea = document.getElementById("message"); var len = textarea.value.length; var start = textarea.selectionStart; var end = textarea.selectionEnd; var selectedText = textarea.value.substring(start, end); var counter = findAvailableNumber(textarea); var replace_word = '![enter image description here]' + '[' + counter + ']'; if (counter == 1) { if ($('input#image_width').val().length > 0) { var add_link = '\n\n' + ' [' + counter + ']: ' + $('#image_url').val() + ' =' + $('input#image_width').val() + 'x' + $('input#image_height').val(); } else { var add_link = '\n\n' + ' [' + counter + ']: ' + $('#image_url').val(); } } else { var add_link = '\n' + ' [' + counter + ']: ' + $('#image_url').val(); } textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, start) + replace_word + textarea.value.substring(end, len) + add_link; $("#message").trigger('change'); }); $("#save-link").on('click', function(e) { var textarea = document.getElementById("message"); var len = textarea.value.length; var start = textarea.selectionStart; var end = textarea.selectionEnd; var selectedText = textarea.value.substring(start, end); var counter = findAvailableNumber(textarea); if ($('#link_title').val().length > 0) { var replace_word = '[' + $('#link_title').val() + ']' + '[' + counter + ']'; } else { var replace_word = '[enter link description here]' + '[' + counter + ']'; } if (counter == 1) { var add_link = '\n\n' + ' [' + counter + ']: ' + $('#link_url').val(); } else { var add_link = '\n' + ' [' + counter + ']: ' + $('#link_url').val(); } textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, start) + replace_word + textarea.value.substring(end, len) + add_link; $("#message").trigger('change'); }); // Editor Buttons $('#bold').on('click', function(e) { text_wrap("message", "**", "**", 'strong text'); }); $('#italic').on('click', function(e) { text_wrap("message", "*", "*", 'emphasized text'); }); $('#quote').on('click', function(e) { text_wrap("message", "> ", "", 'Blockquote'); }); $('#code').on('click', function(e) { code_wrap("message", "", "", 'enter code here'); }); function text_wrap(elementID, openTag, closeTag, message) { var textArea = $('#' + elementID); var len = textArea.val().length; var start = textArea[0].selectionStart; var end = textArea[0].selectionEnd; var selectedText = textArea.val().substring(start, end); if (selectedText.length > 0) { replacement = openTag + selectedText + closeTag; } else { replacement = openTag + message + closeTag; } textArea.val(textArea.val().substring(0, start) + replacement + textArea.val().substring(end, len)); } function code_wrap(elementID, openTag, closeTag, message) { var textArea = $('#' + elementID); var len = textArea.val().length; var start = textArea[0].selectionStart; var end = textArea[0].selectionEnd; var selectedText = textArea.val().substring(start, end); var multiLineReplace = '\n' + openTag; if (selectedText.length > 0) { //using regex to replace all instances of `\n` with `\n` + your indent spaces. replacement = ' ' + openTag + selectedText.replace(/\n/g, multiLineReplace) + closeTag; } else { replacement = ' ' + openTag + message + closeTag; } textArea.val(textArea.val().substring(0, start) + replacement + textArea.val().substring(end, len)); } function findAvailableNumber(textarea) { var number = 1; var a = textarea.value; if (a.indexOf('[1]') > -1) { //Find lines with links var matches = a.match(/(^|\n)\s*\[\d+\]:/g); //Find corresponding numbers var usedNumbers = { return parseInt(match.match(/\d+/)[0]); }); //Find first unused number var number = 1; while (true) { if (usedNumbers.indexOf(number) === -1) { //Found unused number return number; } number++; } } return number; } $("#message").on('keyup paste cut', function() { var text = document.getElementById('message').value, target = document.getElementById('showdown'), converter = new showdown.Converter({ parseImgDimensions: true }), html = converter.makeHtml(text); target.innerHTML = html; }); $(function() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() });
Stuck with migrating to youtube api v3
so im trying to make a script for youtube in my psp and when i try to play it crashes. var YouTube = new Object(); YouTube.rev = 4; YouTube.SearchDesc = "YouTube by NT and JCRV"; YouTube.Name = "YouTube"; YouTube.Search = function(keyword, page) { var result = new Object(); result.bypage = 20; result.start = (page - 1) * result.bypage + 1; var sortBy = "relevance"; var catSpecified = false; if (keyword.charAt(0) == '$') { var keywordBu = keyword; var kpos = keyword.indexOf(" "); var category = keyword.substring(1, kpos); keyword = keyword.substring(kpos + 1); catSpecified = true; } if (keyword.charAt(0) == '#') { sortBy = "published"; } if (catSpecified == false) { c = GetContents('' + escape(keyword) + '&maxResults=' + result.bypage + '&order=' + sortBy + '&part=snippet&key=AIzaSyD6Bdt4uJP0ewhNtgagGbSszfrYqcx6ydU'); } else { c = GetContents('' + escape(keyword) + '&maxResults=' + result.bypage + '&order=' + sortBy + '&part=snippet&key=AIzaSyD6Bdt4uJP0ewhNtgagGbSszfrYqcx6ydU'); } = ext("<openSearch:totalResults>"); result.VideoInfo = new Array(); v = {attr: 2}; = 0; v.Title = "YouTube Search Help"; v.Description = "#query = search by upload date\n$category query = search in a category"; v.URL = ''; p = 0; result.VideoInfo.push(v); while (p = c.indexOf("<entry", p) + 1) { v = {attr: 2};//neither IDA|npp find this string ...0=RD 1= 2=SRD 3=S = ext("", "&key=AIzaSyD6Bdt4uJP0ewhNtgagGbSszfrYqcx6ydU&part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status&forMine=true&type=video"); v.Title = ext("<title type='text'>"); v.Description = ext("content type='text'>") + '\nUploader:' + ext("<name>"); v.CommentCount = ext("statistics.commentCount='") * 1; v.Tags = ext("keywords>").replace(/,/g, ""); v.LengthSeconds = ext("contentDetails.duration='") * 1; v.RatingAvg = ext("contentDetails.contentRating='") * 1; v.RatingCount = ext("statistics.likeCount='") * 1; v.MylistCount = ext("statistics.favoriteCount='") * 1; v.ViewCount = ext("statistics.viewCount='") * 1; v.ThumbnailURL = '' + + '/default.jpg'; v.SaveFilename = + ".flv"; v.URL = '"' + + '")'; result.VideoInfo.push(v); } result.end = result.start - 1 + result.VideoInfo.length; return result; } = function(id) { var pos; c = GetContents("" + id); //PSPTube.log("\n" + c + "\n"); pos = c.indexOf("url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"); if (pos == -1) { alert("Can not be played"); return ""; } c = ext('url_encoded_fmt_stream_map', "&"); p = 0; c = unescape(c); var url = c.match(/url=(.+?itag%3D5.*?)[&,]/); //PSPTube.log("\n" + url + "\n"); url = url[1]; //PSPTube.log("\n" + url + "\n"); pos = url.lastIndexOf("http"); url = url.substr(pos); url = unescape(url); //PSPTube.log("\n" + url + "\n"); return url; } SiteList.push(YouTube);
cookie is always not set
I am using the following code to set cookie, however, when I use document.cookie in console, it doesn't print the key-value pair I passed via setItem(). Anybody know what is the matter? var docCookies = { getItem: function (sKey) { return decodeURIComponent(document.cookie.replace(new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;)\\s*" + encodeURIComponent(sKey).replace(/[\-\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"), "$1")) || null; }, setItem: function (sProperties) { var cookieString = ""; var sExpires = ""; for (var sKey in sProperties){ console.log("inside for"); if (sProperties.hasOwnProperty(sKey)) { // alert("Key is " + k + ", value is" + target[k]); console.log("inside if"); cookieString += encodeURIComponent(sKey) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(sProperties[sKey])+"; "; } } console.log("outside for"); document.cookie = cookieString.substring(0,cookieString.length-2); return true; }, hasItem: function (sKey) { return (new RegExp("(?:^|;\\s*)" + encodeURIComponent(sKey).replace(/[\-\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "\\s*\\=")).test(document.cookie); } }; var expireDate = (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + (60*24*60*60*1000))).toUTCString(); var sProperties = []; sProperties['_country'] = _country ; sProperties['_language'] = _language ; sProperties['_pageName'] = _pageName ; sProperties['_products'] = _products ; sProperties['_events'] = _events ; sProperties['_server'] = _server ; sProperties['_href'] = _href ; sProperties['expires'] = expireDate ; docCookies.setItem(sProperties);
the cookie you want to save should be an Object var sProperties = {};
Significance of '&' Symbol in JavaScript
I am currently working on a form that posts data to SAP. I am using JavaScript to invoke a Web Service to do this. I am running into an issue where one of the fields in the form has the value of 'GT&N' and I only get an error when the '&' symbol is present. I have looked on Google but have found nothing in relation the the & Symbol and JavaScript. Error Message I'm receiving from the Web Page: Unexpected end of file. Following elements are not closed: Characteristic_Value, RunParameter, Run, Body, Envelope. Line 1, position 2520 **The 'Characteristic_Value' is my field within the form. Error I see when I debug: Whenever I do not use the '&' Symbol, everything works great. I also tried using other special charecters and it posts just fine. There is quite a bit of code to this so I am not going to post all of it unless requested as this is just a general question in regards to the '&' Symbol and JavaScript. The JavaScript Code //Create var WebServer = "http://webserver"; var WebServiceName = "CreateIngredient"; var ScriptType = "Transaction"; var RepeatingTableXMLPath = "/my:myFields/my:CreateIngredient/my:CreateIngredient_Repeat"; // To Call Web service from infopath function CreateIngredient(theXmlNode) { //Add parameter into the request var addBatchRequest = new SOAPClientParameters(); var Addresses = new Array(); var AddressXmlNodes = theXmlNode.selectNodes(RepeatingTableXMLPath); // Loop for Input Field from Repeating Table for (var i = 0; i < AddressXmlNodes.length; i++) { var xPath = AddressXmlNodes[i].getXPath(); // Input field, It can be n number of fields addBatchRequest.add("Material_description", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Material_description").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Base_Unit_of_Measure", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Base_Unit_of_Measure").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Material_group", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Material_group").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("External_Material_Group", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:External_Material_Group").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Division", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Division").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Authorization_Group", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Authorization_Group").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Gross_weight", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Gross_weight").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Weight_Unit", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Weight_Unit").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Net_weight", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Net_weight").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Dangerous_Goods_Indicator_Profile", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Dangerous_Goods_Indicator_Profile").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Class_number", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Class_number").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Characteristic_Value", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Characteristic_Value").getValue().toString()); addBatchRequest.add("Class_number1", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Class_number1").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Plant", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Plant").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Checking_Group_for_Availability_Check", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Checking_Group_for_Availability_Check").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Batch_management_requirement_indicator", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Batch_management_requirement_indicator").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Transportation_group", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Transportation_group").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Loading_group", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Loading_group").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Profit_Center", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Profit_Center").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Purchasing_group", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Purchasing_group").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Plant-Specific_Material_Status", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Plant-Specific_Material_Status").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Tax_indicator_for_material__Purchasing_", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Tax_indicator_for_material__Purchasing_").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Indicator___automatic_purchase_order_allowed_", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Indicator___automatic_purchase_order_allowed_").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Purchasing_Value_Key", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Purchasing_Value_Key").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Storage_location", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Storage_location").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Temperature_conditions_indicator", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Temperature_conditions_indicator").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Label_type", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Label_type").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Label_form", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Label_form").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Minimum_remaining_shelf_life", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Minimum_remaining_shelf_life").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Total_shelf_life", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Total_shelf_life").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Storage_percentage", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Storage_percentage").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Documentation_required_indicator", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Documentation_required_indicator").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("QM_in_Procurement_is_Active", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:QM_in_Procurement_is_Active").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Control_Key_for_Quality_Management_in_Procurement", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Control_Key_for_Quality_Management_in_Procurement").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Valuation_Class", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Valuation_Class").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Price_control_indicator", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Price_control_indicator").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Price_unit", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Price_unit").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Standard_price", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Standard_price").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Price_unit_for_valuation_prices_based_on_tax_commercial_law", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Price_unit_for_valuation_prices_based_on_tax_commercial_law").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Material-related_origin", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Material-related_origin").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Variance_Key", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Variance_Key").getValue()); addBatchRequest.add("Lot_Size_for_Product_Costing", AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:Lot_Size_for_Product_Costing").getValue()); // Output field has been field with text Retrieving... in Gray color for presentation purpose only var LogFieldNode = AddressXmlNodes[i].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:LogField"); var txtLog = document.getElementById("SV_" + LogFieldNode.getAttribute("SVFormElementId")); txtLog.value = "Retrieving..."; = 'Gray'; // Final web service call parameter var pl = new SOAPClientParameters(); pl.add("RunParameter", addBatchRequest.toXml()); pl.toXml(); SOAPClient.invoke(WebServer + "/formsservice.svc/basic", "Run", pl, true, CreateIngredient_callBack, i); } } // To display the retrieved result in the proper output fields function CreateIngredient_callBack(u, xmlresponse, RowNumber) { var theXmlNode1 = SVFormInternalGetProperXmlNode(SVForms[0]); var AddressXmlNodes1 = theXmlNode1.selectNodes(RepeatingTableXMLPath); var xPath = AddressXmlNodes1[RowNumber].getXPath(); var LogFieldNode = AddressXmlNodes1[RowNumber].selectSingleNode(xPath + "/my:LogField"); var txtLog = document.getElementById("SV_" + LogFieldNode.getAttribute("SVFormElementId")); = ""; txtLog.value = ""; if (u == null) alert("No data retrieved for Row Number " + (RowNumber + 1) + "."); else { //Display result in repeating table if (u.LogField) { LogFieldNode.setValue(u.LogField); document.getElementById("SV_" + LogFieldNode.getAttribute("SVFormElementId")).value = u.LogField; } } } ///////////////////// Do not modify below this line /////////////////////////////// var WsdlResult = null; //Helping method: To build xml function SOAPClientParameters() { var _pl = new Array(); this.add = function (name, value) { _pl[name] = value; return _pl; } this.toXml = function () { var xml = ""; for (var p in _pl) { if (typeof (_pl[p]) != "function") xml += "<" + p + ">" + _pl[p].toString() + "</" + p + ">"; } return xml; } } function SOAPClientRepeatingParametersXml(name, values) { var xml = ""; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { xml += "<" + name + ">" + values[i].toString() + "</" + name + ">"; } return xml; } function SOAPClient() { } SOAPClient.invoke = function (url, method, parameters, async, callback, RowNumber) { if (async) SOAPClient._loadWsdl(url, method, parameters, async, callback, RowNumber); else return SOAPClient._loadWsdl(url, method, parameters, async, callback, RowNumber); } // private: wsdl cache SOAPClient_cacheWsdl = new Array(); // private: invoke async SOAPClient._loadWsdl = function (url, method, parameters, async, callback, RowNumber) { // load from cache? var wsdl = SOAPClient_cacheWsdl[url]; if (wsdl + "" != "" && wsdl + "" != "undefined") return SOAPClient._sendSoapRequest(url, method, parameters, async, callback, wsdl, RowNumber); // get wsdl var xmlHttp = SOAPClient._getXmlHttp();"GET", url + "?wsdl", async); if (async) { xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) SOAPClient._onLoadWsdl(url, method, parameters, async, callback, xmlHttp, RowNumber); } } xmlHttp.send(null); if (!async) return SOAPClient._onLoadWsdl(url, method, parameters, async, callback, xmlHttp, RowNumber); } SOAPClient._onLoadWsdl = function (url, method, parameters, async, callback, req, RowNumber) { var wsdl = req.responseXML; SOAPClient_cacheWsdl[url] = wsdl; // save a copy in cache return SOAPClient._sendSoapRequest(url, method, parameters, async, callback, wsdl, RowNumber); } SOAPClient._sendSoapRequest = function (url, method, parameters, async, callback, wsdl, RowNumber) { // get namespace try { var ns = ""; // build SOAP request var sr = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" + "<soap:Envelope " + "xmlns:xsi=\"\" " + 'xmlns:api="http://IPAddress/Integrics/Enswitch/API" ' + "xmlns:xsd=\"\" " + "xmlns:soap=\"\">" + "<soap:Body>" + "<" + method + " xmlns=\"" + ns + "\">" + parameters.toXml() + "</" + method + "></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>"; // send request var xmlHttp = SOAPClient._getXmlHttp();"POST", url, async); var soapaction = ((ns.lastIndexOf("/") != ns.length - 1) ? ns + "/" : ns) + method; xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "" + ScriptType + "Service/Process(" + WebServiceName + ")"); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"); if (async) { xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) SOAPClient._onSendSoapRequest(method, async, callback, wsdl, xmlHttp, RowNumber); } } xmlHttp.send(sr); } catch (ex) { } if (!async) return SOAPClient._onSendSoapRequest(method, async, callback, wsdl, xmlHttp, RowNumber); } SOAPClient._onSendSoapRequest = function (method, async, callback, wsdl, req, RowNumber) { var o = null; var nd = SOAPClient._getElementsByTagName(req.responseXML, method + "Result"); if (nd.length == 0) { if (req.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("faultcode").length > 0); alert(req.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("faultstring") [0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); } else o = SOAPClient._soapresult2object(nd[0], wsdl); if (callback) callback(o, req.responseXML, RowNumber); if (!async) return o; } // private: utils SOAPClient._getElementsByTagName = function (document, tagName) { try { // trying to get node omitting any namespaces (latest versions of MSXML.XMLDocument) return document.selectNodes(".//*[local-name()=\"" + tagName + "\"]"); } catch (ex) { } // old XML parser support return document.getElementsByTagName(tagName); } SOAPClient._soapresult2object = function (node, wsdl) { return SOAPClient._node2object(node, wsdl); } SOAPClient._node2object = function (node, wsdl) { // null node if (node == null) return null; // text node if (node.nodeType == 3 || node.nodeType == 4) return SOAPClient._extractValue(node, wsdl); // leaf node if (node.childNodes.length == 1 && (node.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3 || node.childNodes[0].nodeType == 4)) return SOAPClient._node2object(node.childNodes[0], wsdl); var isarray = SOAPClient._getTypeFromWsdl(node.nodeName, wsdl).toLowerCase().indexOf("arrayof") != -1; // object node if (!isarray) { var obj = null; if (node.hasChildNodes()) obj = new Object(); for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { var p = SOAPClient._node2object(node.childNodes[i], wsdl); obj[node.childNodes[i].nodeName] = p; } return obj; } // list node else { // create node ref var l = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) l[l.length] = SOAPClient._node2object(node.childNodes[i], wsdl); return l; } return null; } SOAPClient._extractValue = function (node, wsdl) { var value = node.nodeValue; switch (SOAPClient._getTypeFromWsdl(node.parentNode.nodeName, wsdl).toLowerCase()) { default: case "s:string": return (value != null) ? value + "" : ""; case "s:boolean": return value + "" == "true"; case "s:int": case "s:long": return (value != null) ? parseInt(value + "", 10) : 0; case "s:double": return (value != null) ? parseFloat(value + "") : 0; case "s:datetime": if (value == null) return null; else { value = value + ""; value = value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf(".")); value = value.replace(/T/gi, " "); value = value.replace(/-/gi, "/"); var d = new Date(); d.setTime(Date.parse(value)); return d; } } } SOAPClient._getTypeFromWsdl = function (elementname, wsdl) { var ell = wsdl.getElementsByTagName("s:element"); // IE if (ell.length == 0) ell = wsdl.getElementsByTagName("element"); // MOZ for (var i = 0; i < ell.length; i++) { if (ell[i].attributes["name"] + "" == "undefined") // IE { if (ell[i].attributes.getNamedItem("name") != null && ell[i].attributes.getNamedItem("name").nodeValue == elementname && ell[i].attributes.getNamedItem("type") != null) return ell[i].attributes.getNamedItem("type").nodeValue; } else // MOZ { if (ell[i].attributes["name"] != null && ell[i].attributes["name"].value == elementname && ell[i].attributes["type"] != null) return ell[i].attributes["type"].value; } } return ""; } // private: xmlhttp factory SOAPClient._getXmlHttp = function () { try { if (window.XDomainRequest) { var req = new window.XDomainRequest(); if (req.readyState == null) { req.readyState = 1; req.addEventListener("load", function () { req.readyState = 4; if (typeof req.onreadystatechange == "function") req.onreadystatechange(); }, false); } return req; } } catch (ex) { try { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); // some versions of Moz do not support the readyState property and the onreadystate event so we patch it! if (req.readyState == null) { req.readyState = 1; req.addEventListener("load", function () { req.readyState = 4; if (typeof req.onreadystatechange == "function") req.onreadystatechange(); }, false); } return req; } } catch (ex) { try { // Internet Explorer if (window.ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); //ActiveXObject(SOAPClient._getXmlHttpProgID()); } catch (e) { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!"); return false; } } } } } } SOAPClient._getXmlHttpProgID = function () { if (SOAPClient._getXmlHttpProgID.progid) return SOAPClient._getXmlHttpProgID.progid; var progids = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"]; var o; for (var i = 0; i < progids.length; i++) { try { o = new ActiveXObject(progids[i]); return SOAPClient._getXmlHttpProgID.progid = progids[i]; } catch (ex) { }; } throw new Error("Could not find an installed XML parser"); } Thanks in advance for any helpful input. Cheers
Try & instead of & sign.