object HTMLImageElement showing instead of image - javascript

I created an array of 2 images and tried to display them, but instead of the images I got the text:
object HTMLImageElement
I am sure my images are in the right directory which I am currently working with.
< template is="auto-binding">
<section flex horizontal wrap layout>
<template repeat="{{item in items}}">
(function() {
addEventListener('polymer-ready', function() {
var createImage = function(src, title) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = src;
img.alt = title;
img.title = title;
return img;
var items = [];
items.push(createImage("images/photos/1.jpeg", "title1"));
items.push(createImage("images/photos/2.jpeg", "title2"));
CoreStyle.g.items = items;
addEventListener('template-bound', function(e) {
e.target.g = CoreStyle.g;
e.target.items = items;
What am I missing here?

Edit: Changes to original question has rendered the rest of the answer obsolete. But I am leaving it anyway in the hope that OP or someone may learn something.
I got the text: object HTMLImageElement
I am pretty sure you are using something like this to add the new element to DOM:
document.getElementById('#insert_image_here').innerHTML = items[0];
(Edit: What happens here is this: your newly created object items[0] is an HTMLImageElement. When you try to assign it to innerHTML, since innerHTML is type of String, JavaScript will try to call the objects toString() method and set the returned value to innerHTML. For DOM elements toString always returns object XElement.)
What you need to do is this:

The easiest and safest way to do this is to put the img in the template and bind the src and title attributes like this:
<template repeat="{{item in items}}">
<my-panel><img src="{{item.src}}" alt="{{item.title}}" title="{{item.title}}"></my-panel>
Then createImage looks like this
var createImage = function(src, title) {
return {src: src, title: title};

var createImage = function(src, title) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = src;
img.alt = title;
img.title = title;
return img;
var createImage = function(src,title) {
title = title.replace(/"/g,""");
return '<img src="'+src+'" title="'+title+'" alt="'+title+'" />';
It looks like whatever framework thingy you're using is expecting strings, not Image objects ;)


Image Swap on MouseOut (JavaScript, not JQ)

I am trying to create functions to mouseover and mouseout of images. The tricky part is this function needs to work for any image, and I cannot use direct image names. I have to therefore use variables.
The HTML code is as follows for the images:
The HTML for the images is like this, and there are 3 images:
<img src="images/h1.jpg" alt="" id="images/h4.jpg" onmouseover="swapToNewImage(this)" onmouseout="swapImageBack(this)">
I'm expecting that you have to reference the id for the new image, and then the src attribute for the previous image to revert when you mouseout.
The problem is that, if I reference the id attribute, the image no longer has information on the src attribute so I cannot call it to revert back.
Here is the JavaScript I have thus far. It works to swap the image to a new one, but not to swap it back :(
var $ = function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
window.onload = function () {
var ulTree = $("image_rollovers");
var imgElements = ulTree.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i < imgElements.length; i++) {
console.log (imgElements[i]);
console.log (imgElements[i].getAttribute("src"));
var image = new Image();
image.setAttribute("src", imgElements[i].getAttribute("src"));
//3. Mouseover and Mouseout Functions Called
image.addEventListener("mouseover", swapToNewImage);
image.addEventListener("mouseout", swapImageBack);
var swapToNewImage = function(img) {
var secondImage = img.getAttribute("id", "src");
img.src = secondImage;
var swapImageBack = function(img) {
var previousImage = img.getAttribute("src");
img.src = previousImage;
Let me know if you can help me figure out how to call the image's src attribute so it can be reverted back. Again, I cannot reference specific image names, because that would be a lot easier (: Thank you!
Well, You can use a data attribute to store your src, and a data attribute to store the image you want to swap when mouseover.
Please try the following example.
var swapToNewImage = function(img) {
var secondImage = img.dataset.swapSrc
img.src = secondImage;
var swapImageBack = function(img) {
var previousImage = img.dataset.src
img.src = previousImage;
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/259803/pexels-photo-259803.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500" alt="" data-src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/259803/pexels-photo-259803.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500" data-swap-src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/416160/pexels-photo-416160.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500" onmouseover="swapToNewImage(this)" onmouseout="swapImageBack(this)">
I also notice that the image tag is generated by code, in order to set the dataset values, we can do this:
var image = new Image();
image.scr = [src]
image.dataset.src = [src]
image.dataset.swapSrc = [swap src]

Adding different images to a form according to name using if/else

I am trying to insert image values into the html to replace the src according to the name so if the name for the templateName = Javascript I can make the src value = something like say (http://www.w3devcampus.com/wp-content/uploads/logoAndOther/logo_JavaScript.png) and do that for other categories as well using an if/else statement in javascript.
my script look like this but it has a few errors with the syntax
var imageChoosernator = function () {
if (#templateName == "Javascript")
img = <img src="htp://www.w3devcampus.com/wp-content/uploads/logoAndOther/logo_JavaScript.png">;
` }
Can someone guide me toward the proper solution?
# in #templateName is wrong. Know your allowed variable characters.
img = <img the <img is an unstarted String. Know how to enclose values into String.
` <<< you cannot have such character floating around your code (hopefully just an edit typo).
Since you didn't showed most of your code, a fix would be something like:
var img = "";
var templateName = "Javascript";
function imageChoosernator () {
if (templateName === "Javascript") { // remove unallowed #
img = '<img src="js.png">'; // enclose into String
} else {
img = '<img src="someting.png">';
// Finally append img to element #imgContainer
document.querySelector("#imgContainer").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", img );
imageChoosernator(); // Do the magic
You can use jQuery .prepend() method to replace the image src on loading the query into the page.
If in html you have given the id name as 'JavaScript' like-
div id="JavaScript"><img id="imgNew1" src="oldImg1.png" />
div id="templateName2"><img id="imgNew2" src="oldImg2.png" />
To change the image source following can be used-
$('#templateName1').prepend('<img id="imgNew" src="newImg1.png" />')
$('#templateName2').prepend('<img id="imgNew" src="newImg2.png" />')
You need to read the documentation here
To automatize the src change while creating intances of the same will go like-
<script type="text/javascript">
var slideimages = new Array() // create new array to preload images
slideimages[0] = new Image() // create new instance of image object
slideimages[0].src = "firstImg.png" // set image object src property to an image's src, preloading that image in the process
slideimages[1] = new Image()
slideimages[1].src = "secondcarImg.png"
slideimages[2] = new Image()
slideimages[2].src = "thirdImg.png"
<img src="firstImg.img" id="slide" width=100 height=56 />
<script type="text/javascript">
//variable that will increment through the images
var step = 0
var whichimage = 0
function slideit(){
//if browser does not support the image object, exit.
if (!document.images)
document.getElementById('slide').src = slideimages[step].src
whichimage = step
if (step<2)

Check if an element has a background-image with pure JS?

What is the correct way to check if a particular element has a background-image associated with it, in pure Javascript?
Right now I have this:
var elementComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
var hasBGImage = elementComputedStyle.getPropertyValue('background-image') !== 'none'
What you have works, but there are alternate ways of finding the property that you might find easier. I don't believe there is a single 'correct' way to do it, however.
Just javascript:
var hasBGImage = element.style.backgroundImage !== '';
Using jQuery:
var hasBGImage = $(element).css('background-image') !== 'none';
Make sure you declare the background image "inline", otherwise .style.backgroundImage won't work.
window.onload=function() {
var bg = document.getElementById('el').style.backgroundImage.length!=0;
<div id='el' style="background-image: url('a.jpg');"></div>
If you can use inline CSS, that's the way. If, for some reason, you can't use that, let me know, I'll try to find out something else :)
I used this code in last one project and works perfect
// Check all background images exists
var imageURLs = $('.image-container ');
imageURLs.each(function(index, element){
var imageURL = $(element).css('background-image').replace('url("', '').replace('")', '');
var img = new Image();
img.onerror = function() { $(element).css('background-image','url(/build/images/missing-image.svg)'); };
img.src = imageURL;

Display image through html image element object

I have the following code :
function createImage(source) {
var pastedImage = new Image();
pastedImage.onload = function() {
pastedImage.src = source;
The function createImage contain the source parameter which contain the source of an image. After that I created the object pastedImage of class Image and after alerting that I am getting the html image element object like [object HTMLImageElement].
My question is how I can display image into my html page using that object. I want to display it after onload function.
Hiya : Working demo http://jsfiddle.net/wXV3u/
Api used = .html http://api.jquery.com/html/
In demo click on the click me button.
Hope this helps! Please lemme know if I missed anything! B-)
$('#foo').click(function() {
function createImage(source) {
var pastedImage = new Image();
pastedImage.onload = function() {
pastedImage.src = source;
Also you can do like this :
function createImage(source) {
var pastedImage = new Image();
pastedImage.onload = function() {
document.write('<br><br><br>Your image in canvas: <img src="'+pastedImage.src+'" height="100" width="200"/>');
pastedImage.src = source;
Simple, and better, using javascript dom primitive (replaceChild):
Get the parent of the image, the div or span that contains it, and replace the old img tag with the new image object you created with your function
var domImgObj = document.getElementById("image");
var imgObj = createImage(src); // your function
imgObj.id = pageimgObj.id; // necessary for future swap-outs
const img = new Image()
img.src = "https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/Img/favicon.ico"
const frag = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(`${img.outerHTML}`)

displaying photo?

I was trying to do this in an alert box only to find out that I can't now. I cannot manage to get this to display at all. Instead of the variable I get [object HTMLImageElement]. I am missing something but what is it?
function joePic(){
var joe_fat = new Image;
joe_fat.src = "pic1.jpg";
document.getElementById('photo').innerHTML = joe_fat;
<input type="button" value="Click here it find out" name="joePhoto" onclick="joePic()"
height="150" width="150" />
Well, you're trying to assign an Image as HTML, but it's not HTML. It's an Image.
You have two options:
Append joe_fat into the #photo element using the proper DOM function (which is appendChild) instead of pretending it's a string of HTML:
function joePic() {
var joe_fat = new Image;
joe_fat.src = "pic1.jpg";
var photoElm = document.getElementById('photo');
photoElm.innerHTML = ''; // clear target first
photoElm.appendChild(joe_fat); // now add image
Get rid of the Image object and actually do present a string of HTML instead:
function joePic() {
document.getElementById('photo').innerHTML = '<img src="pic1.jpg" />";
Use appendChild() instead of innerHTML:
function joePic(){
var joe_fat = new Image;
joe_fat.src = "pic1.jpg";
To do this via innerHTML (which isn't the preferred method), you would need to set #photo's innerHTML property to be the actual <img> markup, as in:
document.getElementById('photo').innerHTML = "<img src='pic1.jpg' alt='alttext' />";
This would overwrite any existing contents of #photo. The correct method is to use appendChild() to manipulate the DOM.
function joePic() {
var joe_fat = new Image();
joe_fat.src = "pic1.jpg";

