AngularJS+Jasmine - Get a controller scope write in a directive - javascript

I'm kinda new in AngularJS unit testing and I'm having some troubles to test a controller method that was written in a directive.
This is my directive.js
app.directive('formLogin', ['AuthService', function(AuthService){
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: utils.baseUrl + 'partials/_home-form-login.html',
replace: true,
controller: function ($scope, $element, $http, $location) {
$scope.visible = false;
$scope.showForm = function () {
$scope.visible = !$scope.visible;
And here goes my unit-test.js
describe('formLogin ctrl', function () {
var element, scope, compile;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $compile) {
element = angular.element('<form-login></form-login>');
scope = $rootScope.$new();
compile = $compile(element)($scope);
it('Test', function() {
And by doing this the "scope.visible" come as undefined.
There are some way to take the $scope from my controller that assumes in "scope" variable the "visible" property and the "showForm" method?

From this link
it looks like you might need to do a scope.$digest();

You appear to have a couple problems:
compile = $compile(element)($scope); -- here, $scope is undefined. It should be compile = $compile(element)(scope);
As mentioned by smk, you need to digest your scope to finish the directive creation process
This is especially important because you are using templateUrl. When you just use a locally-defined template, as Krzysztof does in his example, you can get by with skipping this step.
You will probably notice that when you add scope.$digest() you will get a different problem about an unexpected GET request. This is because Angular is trying to GET the templateUrl, and during testing all HTTP requests must be configured / expected manually. You might be tempted to inject $httpBackend and do something like $httpBackend.whenGet(/partials\//).respond('<div/>'); but you will end up with problems that way.
The better way to accomplish this is to inject the template $templateCache -- Karma has a pre-processor to do this for you, or you can do it manually. There have been other StackOverflow questions you can read about this, like this one.
I've modified your example to manually insert a simple template into the $templateCache as a simple example in this plunkr.
You should take a look into Karma's html2js pre-processor to see if it can do the job for you.

If your directive hasn't isolated scope, you can call methods from directive controller and test how it impacts to scope values.
describe('myApp', function () {
var scope
, element
beforeEach(function () {
describe('Directive: formLogin', function () {
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $compile) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
element = angular.element('<form-login></form-login>');
it('.showForm() – changes value of $scope.visible', function() {


testing angularjs 1 factory method is automatically called inside a controller with jasmine

I'm using ruby on rails with angularjs one, and testing it with teaspoon-jasmine for the first time and am running into issues. Basically, I have a controller that creates an empty array and upon load calls a factory method to populate that array. The Factory makes an http request and returns the data. Right now, i'm trying to test the controller, and i'm trying to test that 1) the factory method is called upon loading the controller, and 2) that the controller correctly assigns the returned data through it's callback. For a while I was having trouble getting a mocked factory to pass a test, but once I did, I realized I wasn't actually testing my controller anymore, but the code below passes. Any tips on how I can still get it to pass with mock, promises/callbacks, but accurately test my controller functionality. Or should I even test the this at all in my controller since it calls a factory method and just gives it a callback? My 3 files are below. Can anyone help here? It would be greatly appreciated
'use strict';
myApp.controller('mainController', [ 'mainFactory', '$scope', '$resource', function(factory, scope, resource){
//hits the /games server route upon page load via the factory to grab the list of video games = [];
factory.populateTable(function(data){ = data;
'use strict';
myApp.factory('mainFactory', ['$http', '$routeParams', '$location', function(http, routeParams, location) {
var factory = {};
factory.populateTable = function(callback) {
return factory;
And finally my mainController_spec.js file
'use strict';
describe("mainController", function() {
var scope,
var gamesArray = [
{name: 'Mario World', manufacturer: 'Nintendo'},
{name: 'Sonic', manufacturer: 'Sega'}
var ngInject = angular.mock.inject;
var ngModule = angular.mock.module;
var setupController = function() {
ngInject( function($rootScope, $controller, $q) {
deferred = $q.defer();
mainFactoryMock = {
populateTable: function() {}
spyOn(mainFactoryMock, 'populateTable').and.returnValue(deferred.promise);
scope = $rootScope.$new();
ctrl = $controller('mainController', {
mainFactory: mainFactoryMock,
$scope: scope
it('should start with an empty games array and populate the array upon load via a factory method', function(){
mainFactoryMock.populateTable().then(function(d) { = d;
scope.$apply(); // resolve promise
Your code looks "non-standard" e.g still using scope.
If you are just starting with angular I hardly recommend you to read and follow this:
Angular controllers cannot be tested, extract the logic into factories/services and test from there.

$scope property gets updated in test browser, but not in tests

test file:
describe('$rootScope', function() {
describe('$on', function() {
var credentials = "Basic abcd1234";
var $scope;
var $rootScope;
var $httpBackend;
beforeEach(inject(function($injector, $controller, _$rootScope_, $state, _$q_, currentUserService) {
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$httpBackend.when('GET', 'dist/app/login/login.html').respond({'title': 'TEST_TITLE'}, {'A-Token': 'xxx'});
it('should set $scope.title if noAuthorization', function() {
spyOn($rootScope, '$on');
$controller('AppCtrl', {$scope: $scope});
$scope.title is always undefined in my tests. the expect always fails. I've tried $emit, $apply, etc. This is within a controller, inside of a $rootScope.on method.
But if I console log $scope.title inside of the js file, it does show that $scope.title has bene updated.
I should also mention that the function being called is not in $scope, ie it is not $scope.updateTitle, it is just function updateTitle(...)
I don't feel the actual code is necessary to show because it does it's job. I am just wondering why the $scope in the tests is not getting updated.
In a nutshell: don't forget .andCallThrough() on the spy. The Jasmine spy needed andCallThrough(). Use element.scope() to access the correct scope.
spyOn(scope, '$apply').andCallThrough();

Test Angular scope variables inside ajax request with Jasmine

I would like to know how to test some Angular scope variables at my controller that was created inside an ajax request.
What I mean is... This is my controller:
app.controller('NewQuestionCtrl', function ($scope, Question) {
loadJsonAndSetScopeVariables($scope, Question);
function loadJsonAndSetScopeVariables(scope, Question) {
Question.loadJson().then(function(success) {
var result =;
scope.levels = result.levels;
scope.tags = result.tags;
scope.difficulties = result.difficulties;
scope.questionTypes = result.questionTypes;
scope.areas = result.areas;
One of the prerequisites is not to use mock.
At my test I was able to inject my Question service:
describe('Controller: NewQuestionCtrl', function () {
var NewQuestionCtrl, scope, QuestionService;
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, Question) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
QuestionService = Question;
NewQuestionCtrl = $controller('NewQuestionCtrl', {
$scope: scope
it('should attach a list of areas to the scope', function (done) {
Please, someone could help me?
Create a mock for Question and use that. There are several ways to do this. This is just one of them.
You could alternatively inject a real instance of Question and spy on that instead, but a mock is preferred to isolate these unit tests from the Question unit tests.
var questionDeferred, myController, scope;
var mockQuestion = {
loadJson: angular.noop
beforeEach(inject(function($q, $rootScope, $controller) {
questionDeferred = $q.defer();
scope = $rootScope.$new();
spyOn(mockQuestion, 'loadJson').and.returnValue(questionDeferred);
// Because your function is run straight away, you'll need to create
// your controller in this way in order to spy on Question.loadJson()
myController = $controller('NewQuestionCtrl', {
$scope: scope,
Question: mockQuestion
it('should attach a list of areas to the scope', function (done) {
questionDeferred.resolve({/*some data*/});

AngularJS pass Javascript object to controller

I'm trying to pass a Javascript object into my AngularJS controller and having no luck.
I've tried passing it into an init function:
<div ng-controller="GalleryController" ng-init="init(JSOBJ)">
And on my controller side:
$scope.init = function(_JSOBJ)
$scope.externalObj = _JSOBJ;
console.log("My Object.attribute : " + _JSOBJ.attribute );
Though the above doesn't seem to work.
Alternatively, I've tried pulling the attribute from the AngularJS controller that I am interested in for use in an inline <script> tag:
var JSOBJ.parameter = $('[ng-controller="GalleryController"]').scope().attribute ;
console.log("My Object.parameter: " + JSOBJ.attribute );
Can anyone tell me: what is the best practice regarding this?
I don't have the option to rewrite the plain Javascript object as it is part of a 3rd party library.
Let me know if I need to provide further clarification and thanks in advance for any guidance!
-- JohnDoe
Try setting it as a value:
.value('JSOBJ', JSOBJ);
Then inject it into your controller:
.controller('GalleryController', ['JSOBJ', function (JSOBJ) { ... }]);
Since your object is a part of third-party library you have to wrap it app in something angular.
Your options are:
if it is jquery pluging init'ed for a DOM node etc you can create a directive
myApp.directive('myplugin', function myPlanetDirectiveFactory() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
link: function($scope, $element) { $($element).myplugin() }
if it is something you need to init you can use factory or service
myApp.service(function() {
var obj = window.MyLib()
return {
do: function() { }
if it is plain javascript object you can use value
myApp.value('planet', { name : 'Pluto' } );
if it is constant ( number, string , etc) you can use constant
myApp.constant('planetName', 'Greasy Giant');
Reference to this doc page:
Also I strongly encourage you to read answer to this question: "Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background?
If you have JSOBJ accessible via global scope (via window), than you can access it through window directly as in plain JavaScript.
window.JSOBJ = {x:1};
Option 1.
angular.module('app',[]).controller('ctrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.someObject = window.JSOBJ;
However it makes the controller code not testable. Therefore $window service may be used
Option 2.
angular.module('app',[]).controller('ctrl', ['$scope', '$window', function($scope, $window) {
$scope.someObject = $window.JSOBJ;
If you want to make some abstraction layer to make your controller agnostic for the source from where you get the object, it is recommended to define service which is responsible for fetching value and then inject it to your controllers, directives, etc.
Option 3.
.service('myService', function() {
var JSOBJ = ...; // get JSOBJ from anywhere: localStorage, AJAX, window, etc.
this.getObj = function() {
return JSOBJ;
.controller('ctrl', ['$scope', 'myService', function($scope, myService) {
$scope.someObject = myService.getObj();
Besides of it, for simple values you can define constant or value that may be injected to any controller, service, etc.
Option 4.
value('JSOBJ', JSOBJ).
controller('ctrl', ['$scope', 'JSOBJ', function($scope, JSOBJ) {
$scope.someObject = JSOBJ;

$observe function never gets called in my tests

We have a directive that has an optional attribute on it. If the attribute is not there, it provides a default value. The attribute is usually set from data in the scope (i.e., the value of the attribute is usually an expression and not a literal string. See
As such, we are using attrs.$observe in the directive to set up the scope properly. This works great in the app itself. However, when trying to test this (using Jasmine), the function in the $observe never gets run. Our test looks something like this:
describe("myDirective", function(){
function getDirectiveScope(compile, rootScope, directiveHTML)
return (compile(directiveHTML)(rootScope)).scope();
describe("foo", function () {
it("should return the default value", inject(function ($compile, $rootScope) {
var directiveScope = getDirectiveScope($compile, $rootScope, '<div my-directive></div>');
expect("No Value");
it("should now return the value given", inject(function ($compile, $rootScope) {
$ = "asdf";
var directiveScope = getDirectiveScope($compile, $rootScope, '<div my-directive foo="{{foo}}"></div>');
These then fail with the following errors:
Expected undefined to be 'No Value'.
Expected undefined to be 'asdf'.
I put a console.log in the $observe function to try to see what was going on, and when the tests run, I never see the log. Is there an explicit call I have to make for the $observe to run? Is there something else going on here?
You need to trigger a digest cycle to let the AngularJS magic happen in your test. Try:
it("should return the default value", inject(function ($compile, $rootScope) {
var directiveScope = getDirectiveScope($compile, $rootScope, '<div my-directive></div>');
expect("No Value");

