Specifying Mongo Query Parameters From Client Controller (MEAN.JS) - javascript

I am building an application using MongoDB, Angular, Express, and Node (MEAN stack).
I used the MEAN.JS generator to scaffold my application.
I will use the articles module as a reference.
Suppose I have 7000 records in my articles collection, and each record has a date associated with it. It is inefficient to load all 7000 records into memory every time I load the page to view the records in a table and I am seeing terrible performance losses because of it. For this reason, I would only like to load records with a date in the range of (1 Month Ago) to (1 Year From Now) and display them in the table. I can currently do this with the following:
In my articles.client.controller.js:
$scope.find = function() {
$articles = Articles.query();
...and in my articles.server.controller.js:
var now = new Date();
var aYearFromNow = new Date(now.getTime() + 86400000*365); //add a year
var aMonthAgo = new Date(now.getTime() - 86400000*30); //subtract roughly a month
exports.list = function(req, res) { Article.find().where('date').lt(aYearFromNow).gt(aMonthAgo).sort('-created').populate('user', 'displayName').exec(function(err, articles) {
if (err) {
return res.send(400, {
message: getErrorMessage(err)
} else {
The problem is that this is not a dynamic way of doing things. In other words, I want the user to be able to specify how far back and how far forward they want to see.
How can I bind to variables (e.g. 'aYearFromNow' and 'aMonthAgo') in my client view that will change the query parameters in my server controller?

Another way is to just pass the search parameters in the query method, like this:
$scope.searchart = function() {
Articles.query({start:$scope.startDate, end:$scope.endDate}, function(articles) {
$scope.articles = articles;
and then at the server side controller, read your query string parameters like this:
exports.searcharticle = function(req, res) {
Article.find().where('date').gt(req.query['start']).lt(req.query['end']).exec(function(err, articles) {
if (err) {
res.render('error', {
status: 500
} else {
This way doesn't require more routes or services.

It's probably not the cleanest way, but you can create a new service (or edit the current one to work with several parameters):
.factory('ArticlesService2', ['$resource',
function($resource) {
return $resource('articles/:param1/:param2', {
param1: '',
param2: ''
}, {
update: {
method: 'PUT'
Then call it in your controller :
$scope.findWithParams = function() {
$scope.article = ArticlesService2.query({
param1: $scope.aYearFromNow,
param2: $scope.aMonthAgo
On the back-end, you'll need to prepare a route :
Add a function to your back-end controller :
exports.listWithParams = function(req, res) {
.sort('-created').populate('user', 'displayName')
.exec(function(err, articles) {
if (err) {
return res.send(400, {
message: getErrorMessage(err)
} else {
Should work, haven't tested it though.


Kibana Customized Visualization with ES and Angular Doesn't Work

First, I try to make a custom visualization in Kibana with learning here.
Then, I want my custom visualization to display like the clock how many hits my elasticsearch index has dynamically .
So, I changed some codes in above tutorial but they don't work.
Chrome Devtools tells says Error: The elasticsearch npm module is not designed for use in the browser. Please use elasticsearch-browser
I know I had better use elasticsearch-browser perhaps.
However, I want to understand what is wrong or why.
define(function(require) {
var module = require('ui/modules').get('<my-plugin>');
module.controller('MyController', function($scope, $timeout) {
var setTime = function() {
$scope.time = Date.now();
$timeout(setTime, 1000);
var es = function(){
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'localhost:9200',
log: 'trace'
index: 'myindex',
}).then(function (resp) {
$scope.tot = resp.hits.total;
}, function (err) {
function MyProvider(Private) {
return MyProvider;
<div class="clockVis" ng-controller="MyController">
{{ time | date:vis.params.format }}
Thank you for reading.
Looks like the controller in angularjs treats the elasticsearch javascript client as if it was accessing from the browser.
To elude this, one choice will be by building Server API in index.js and then make kibana access to elasticsearch by executing http request.
// Server API (init func) will call search api of javascript
export default function (kibana) {
return new kibana.Plugin({
require: ['elasticsearch'],
uiExports: {
visTypes: ['plugins/sample/plugin']
init( server, options ) {
// API for executing search query to elasticsearch
path: '/api/es/search/{index}/{body}',
method: 'GET',
handler(req, reply) {
// Below is the handler which talks to elasticsearch
server.plugins.elasticsearch.callWithRequest(req, 'search', {
index: req.params.index,
body: req.params.body
}).then(function (error, response) {
In the controller, you will need to call GET request for above example.
$http.get( url ).then(function(response) {
$scope.data = response.data;
}, function (response){
$scope.err = "request failed";
In my case, I used url instead of absolute or relative path since path of dashboard app was deep.
http://[serverip]:5601/iza/app/kibana#/dashboard/[Dashboard Name]
Your here
http://[serverip]:5601/iza/[api path]
api path will start here
I used this reference as an example.

How should I extract value from Url in Node Js

I recently started programming on nodeJs.
I am using Angular JS, resource to call API's as
demoApp.factory('class', function ($resource) {
return $resource('/class/:classId', { classId: '#_classId' }, {
update: { method: 'PUT' }
And in Controller, I have delete method as;
// The class object, e {classId: 1, className: "Pro"}
$scope.deleteClass = function (class) {
var deleteObj = new Class();
deleteObj.classId = class.classId;
deleteObj.$delete({classId : deleteObj.classId}, function() {
growl.success("Class deleted successfully.");
},function () {
growl.error("Error while deleting Class.");
Using browser, I verified call goes to :
Now in node Js, How should I extract value from Url,
In server.js
app.use('/class', classController.getApi);
In classController.js
exports.getApi = function(req, resp){
switch(req.method) {
case 'DELETE':
if (req) {
// how to extract 1 from url.
else {
httpMsgs.show404(req, resp);
I have tried ,
But no luck.
I am seeing
query: null,
pathname: '/class/1',
path: '/class/1',
Any help appreciated.
This should be a get call right ? You can use angular $http service, with method as get. Replace your app.use('/class') with app.get('/class', function). Then you can use req.param('classId') to retrieve data. I think it should work.
Try updating your app.use to app.use('/class/:classId'), then try req.params.classId
Try using req.hostname as in:
Check this answer.
var url = require('url');
var url_parts = url.parse(request.url, true);
var query = url_parts.query;
Also read the docs on node url.

Using epilogue, is it possible to get back a resource without associations?

I have
model: db.Question,
endpoints: ['/api/questions', '/api/questions/:id'],
associations: true
So when I hit /api/questions, I get back all the associations with the resources. Is there something I can pass to not get the associations in certain cases? Or should I create a new endpoint:
model: db.Question,
endpoints: ['/api/questions2', '/api/questions2/:id']
One way of doing is by using milestones you can define milestone for list and read behaviour in certain case, you have access to req object so you can do changes accordingly
Here is an example of list call modification
// my-middleware.js
module.exports = {
list: {
write: {
before: function(req, res, context) {
// modify data before writing list data
return context.continue;
action: function(req, res, context) {
// change behavior of actually writing the data
return context.continue;
after: function(req, res, context) {
// set some sort of flag after writing list data
return context.continue;
// my-app.js
var epilogue = require('epilogue'),
restMiddleware = require('my-middleware');
app: app,
sequelize: sequelize
var userResource = epilogue.resource({
model: User,
endpoints: ['/users', '/users/:id']

Sails.js Set model value with value from Callback

i need to provide something like an association in my Model. So I have a Model called Posts with an userid and want to get the username from this username and display it.
So my ForumPosts.js Model looks like the following:
module.exports = {
schema: true,
attributes: {
content: {
type: 'text',
required: true
forumTopicId: {
type: 'text',
required: true
userId: {
type: 'integer',
required: true
getUsername: function(){
User.findOne(this.userId, function foundUser(err, user) {
var username = user.username;
return username;
I know that this return will not work because it is asynchronus... But how can i display it in my view? At the Moment i retrive the value with:
<%= forumPost.getUsername() %>
And for sure get an undefined return...
So the question is: How can I return this value - or is there a better solution than an instanced Model?
Thanks in advance!
Off the top of my head, you can just load associated user asynchronously before rendering:
loadUser: function(done){
var that = this;
User.findOne(this.userId, function foundUser(err, user) {
if ((err)||(!user))
return done(err);
that.user = user;
then in your controller action:
module.exports = {
index: function(req, res) {
// Something yours…
forumPost.loadUser(function(err) {
if (err)
return res.send(err, 500);
return res.view({forumPost: forumPost});
and in your view:
<%= forumPost.user.username %>
This is kind of a quick and dirty way. For a more solid and long-term solution (which is still in development so far) you can check out the alpha of Sails v0.10.0 with the Associations API.
So this particularly case of associations between your models. So here you have a User model and ForumPost model and you need the user object in place of your user_id as user_id works as a relationship mapping field to your User model.
So if your are using sails V0.9.8 or below you need to handle this logic in your controller where ever you want to access User model attributes in your view.
In your controller write your logic as:
model.export = {
//your getForumPosts method
getForumPosts : function(req,res){
var filters = {};
if(err) return res.send(500,err);
// Considering only one post obj
posts = posts[0];
posts.user = obj.msg;
delete posts.user_id;
function postByUser(user_id,cb){
if(err) return cb({status:false, msg:err});
cb({status:true, msg:user});
and then you can access your post object in your view.
Or else you can keep watch (at GitHub) on next version of sails as they have announced associations in V0.10 n it is in beta testing phase as if now.

AngularJS redirection after ng-click

I have a REST API that read/save data from a MongoDB database.
The application I use retrieves a form and create an object (a job) from it, then save it to the DB. After the form, I have a button which click event triggers the saving function of my controller, then redirects to another url.
Once I click on the button, I am said that the job has well been added to the DB but the application is jammed and the redirection is never called. However, if I reload my application, I can see that the new "job" has well been added to the DB. What's wrong with this ??? Thanks !
Here is my code:
Sample html(jade) code:
button.btn.btn-large.btn-primary(type='submit', ng:click="save()") Create
Controller of the angular module:
function myJobOfferListCtrl($scope, $location, myJobs) {
$scope.save = function() {
var newJob = new myJobs($scope.job);
newJob.$save(function(err) {
console.log('Impossible to create new job');
else {
console.log('Ready to redirect');
Configuration of the angular module:
var myApp = angular.module('appProfile', ['ngResource']);
myApp.factory('myJobs',['$resource', function($resource) {
return $resource('/api/allMyPostedJobs',
save: {
method: 'POST'
The routing in my nodejs application :
app.post('/job', pass.ensureAuthenticated, jobOffers_routes.create);
And finally the controller of my REST API:
exports.create = function(req, res) {
var user = req.user;
var job = new Job({ user: user,
title: req.body.title,
description: req.body.description,
salary: req.body.salary,
dueDate: new Date(req.body.dueDate),
category: req.body.category});
job.save(function(err) {
if(err) {
else {
console.log('New job for user: ' + user.username + " has been posted."); //<--- Message displayed in the log
//res.redirect('/offers'); //<---- triggered but never render
I finally found the solution ! The issue was somewhere 18inches behind the screen....
I modified the angular application controller like this :
$scope.save = function() {
var newJob = new myJobs($scope.job);
newJob.$save(function(job) {
if(!job) {
$log.log('Impossible to create new job');
else {
$window.location.href = '/offers';
The trick is that my REST api returned the created job as a json object, and I was dealing with it like it were an error ! So, each time I created a job object, I was returned a json object, and as it was non null, the log message was triggered and I was never redirected.
Furthermore, I now use the $window.location.href property to fully reload the page.

