Angularjs and jquery html5Loader - javascript

In my app i try to create a preloader with jquery.html5loader like this :
filesToLoad: 'load.json', // this could be a JSON or simply a javascript object
onBeforeLoad: function () {
$('body').append('<div id="load">Loading....</div>');
onComplete: function () {
console.log('Complete Loaded');
onElementLoaded: function ( obj, elm) { },
onUpdate: function ( percentage ) {
// sleep(100000);
$("#load").text(' '+percentage);
the script correctly work and i get Complete loaded log in console when all script loaded but i get another error on angular
Uncaught object angular.js:36
in my json file i load all script except jquery,angular.js,angular-route.js . i think the problem is because i have a this code in my html :
<html ng-app="myApp">

Probably you are doing something wrong. I've created this simple jsfiddle embedding angularjs in the page and everything seems to work.
filesToLoad: {
files: [{
"type": "SCRIPT",
"source": "//",
"size": 4.096,
onBeforeLoad: function() {
console.log('Before load');
$('body').append('<div id="load">Loading....</div>');
onComplete: function() {
console.log('Complete Loaded');
onUpdate: function(percentage) {
// sleep(100000);
$("#load").text(' ' + percentage);


JS - Function for showing the Source of a WebPage

We use AngularJS to override the Browser Context Menu (
Here is the some example code
$scope.menuOptions = [
text: \'Cut\',
click: function () {
text: \'Copy\',
click: function () {
text: \'Pase\',
click: function () {
' . $showDebugMenu . '
The showDebugMenu var gets a further function to show the source code of the website if the setting in the database is set to on.
My question: Is there a function to show the source code or to call the browser to show source code function?

Argument is returning empty value on console.log

I am trying to pass an argument down the tree to the successResponse errorResponse functions and display the value in the console before I do any work with it.
Currently I am getting an empty value in the console so there must be something missing in my code. I am thinking its a return statement but when I attempt this I get no result.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The console.log is below.
successResponse: function (getSel) {
requestResponses.errorCode = false;
Here is the full version of my code
var requestResponses = {
greenLight: $('.cp_trafficLight_Light--greenDimmed'),
redLight: $('.cp_trafficLight_Light--redDimmed'),
greenBright: 'cp_trafficLight_Light--greenBright',
redBright: 'cp_trafficLight_Light--redBright',
settings: {
flashError: 400,
requestTime: 10000
init: function (url, getSel) {
requestResponses.url = url;
requestResponses.getResponse(requestResponses.url, getSel);
setInterval(function () {
if (requestResponses.errorCode === true) {
}, requestResponses.settings.flashError);
successResponse: function (getSel) {
requestResponses.errorCode = false;
errorResponse: function () {
getResponse: function (serverURL, getSel) {
$.ajax(serverURL, {
success: function (getSel) {
requestResponses.errorCode = false;
error: function () {
requestResponses.errorCode = true;
complete: function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, requestResponses.settings.requestTime);
errorCode: false
Appreciate any help.
Your code looks fine. Make sure that the server actually responds with data. The problem is most likely on back-end.

angular doesn't print data after scanning qr

I'm working with NativeStorage and barcodeScanner plugins for cordova.
The capture works well, and I receive the QRCode, but for any reason angular doesn't print it.
After working a lot on my code, I'm not able to do a valid callback, so angular can print it binding the data.
Here bellow I paste the code.
(function() {
'use strict';
var read = angular.module('', ['monospaced.qrcode']);
read.controller('ReadController', [
function() {
var data = this;
var qr = function(string) {
data.code = string;
function(result) {
if (!result.cancelled) {
if (result.format === "QR_CODE") {
(function(cb) {
NativeStorage.getItem("historic", function(d) {
var storage = JSON.parse(d);
NativeStorage.setItem("historic", JSON.stringify(storage), function(response) {}, function(e) {
}, function(e) {
window.alert("Scanning failed: " + e);
function(e) {
window.alert("Scanning failed: " + e);
}, {
"preferFrontCamera": true, // iOS and Android
"showFlipCameraButton": true, // iOS and Android
"prompt": "Place a barcode inside the scan area", // supported on Android only
"formats": "QR_CODE,PDF_417", // default: all but PDF_417 and RSS_EXPANDED
"orientation": "portrait" // Android only (portrait|landscape), default unset so it rotates with the device
<div ng-controller="ReadController as myRead">
<qrcode version="5" error-correction-level="H" size="200" data="{{myRead.code}}" href="{{myRead.code}}"></qrcode>
Just adding some extra tests I have done before, I just missed the barcodeScanner.scan process and I did just the storage as I show bellow:
NativeStorage.getItem("historic", function (d) {
var storage = JSON.parse(d);
data.code = '';
NativeStorage.setItem("historic", JSON.stringify(storage), function (response) {}, function (e) {
}, function (e) {
window.alert("Scanning failed: " + e);
Could you show me where am I wrong?
Thanks in advice.
A qualified guess is that the callbacks from cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan doesn't trigger AngularJS' digest cycle, which means no dirty checking will be performed, no changes will be detected and the UI won't be updated.
Try wrapping the code in the success callback in $apply:
function(result) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
if (!result.cancelled) {
if (result.format === "QR_CODE") {
(function(cb) {
NativeStorage.getItem("historic", function(d) {
var storage = JSON.parse(d);
NativeStorage.setItem("historic", JSON.stringify(storage), function(response) {}, function(e) {
}, function(e) {
window.alert("Scanning failed: " + e);

Call function on navigate with angular

I am using ChartJS to create a chart on a page in angular. I am running into the issue of when I navigate to a new page, and back to the original page, the JS is not called again.
Is there a way to call a javascript function or file every time an angular page navigates? I guess I'd then just see if my selector exists on the page and then call the function.
$(document).ready(function () {
//Call on every page:
(function ($) {
$(window).load(function () {
theme: "rounded-dots"
//theme: "minimal-dark",
theme: "rounded-dots-dark",
axis: "x",
advanced: {autoExpandHorizontalScroll: true},
mouseWheelPixels: 150
// on all chart pages:
var ctx = $('#chart-TicketsResolved').get(0).getContext("2d");
var data = [
value: 300,
color: "#50AD7E",
label: "Resolved"
value: 200,
color: "#d9d9d9",
label: "Open"
var myDoughnutChart = new Chart(ctx).Gauge(data);
You can call your function by listenning to window.hashchanged event.
window.onhashchange = function () {
console.log('my function runs every time the # hash changes');
See more here: How to detect URL change in JavaScript

Creating a jQuery container to hold other functions

I am trying to create a simple class or a container to hold few JavaScript methods as shown below.
var Core = (function () {
var Error = {
alert: function() {
alert('Error => alert called');
display: function() {
alert('Error => display called');
var ajax = {
view: function(){
alert('Ajax => view called');
update: function(){
alert('Ajax => update called');
var call = function(){
call(); // This works fine.
But for some reason I am not able to call these methods outside the container. For instance calling functions as shown below throws error.
Core.Error.alert(); // This doesn't work.
Core.Call(); // This doesn't work.
Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Error' of undefined
I can call the functions from within the container. I am new to the concept of jQuery plugins and would appreciate if someone can help me with this.
You can export these methods (read more about Module Pattern), like so
var Core = (function () {
return {
Error: Error,
Ajax: ajax,
Call: call
Change it in:
var Core = {
error: {
alert: function () {
alert('Error => alert called');
display: function () {
alert('Error => display called');
ajax: {
view: function () {
alert('Ajax => view called');
update: function () {
alert('Ajax => update called');
call: function () {
$(document).ready(function () {; // This works
Working fiddle

