merging two data structures of different shapes - javascript

I have two data structures with different shapes that come from two different API's. The data is in JSON format, language is JavaScript.
Array 1:
[ { "document" : { "html" : "some_html", "name" : "DOCUMENT_NAME_1" },
"tooltips" : [ { "html" : "some_html", "name" : "TASK_NAME_1" },
{ "html" : "some_html", "name" : "TASK_NAME_2" } ] },
{ "document" : { "html" : "some_html", "name" : "DOCUMENT_NAME_2" },
"tooltips" : [ { "html" : "some_html", "name" : "TASK_NAME_3" },
{ "html" : "some_html", "name" : "TASK_NAME_4" } ] }]
Array 2:
[ [ { "name" : "TASK_NAME_1", "status" : "FINISHED" },
{ "name" : "TASK_NAME_2", "status" : "OPEN" } ],
[ { "name" : "TASK_NAME_3", "status" : "OPEN" },
{ "name" : "TASK_NAME_4", "status" : "FUTURE" } ] ]
The elements of the tooltips field from the array 1 contain the same "name"s as elements of array 2. How can I elegantly merge "status" from the array 2 into tooltips within array 1?
I thought that lenses could be the right answer, but I'm unsure as I've never used them.
I am aware of some ways I could solve it using nested iteration and updating array 1. I am ideally looking for an approach that doesn't modify existing data structures.

This is little complex but it should work for you
for (var i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < array1[i].tooltips.length; j++) {
var arr1Tooltip = array1[i].tooltips[j];
if( ==
arr1Tooltip.status = tooltip.status;

This is probably way over engineered and not very efficient, but you can do it as with this JSFiddle using recursive functions. I'm too tired to do it in a clever way.
var arr1 = [ { "document" : { "html" : "some_html", "name" : "DOCUMENT_NAME_1" },
"tooltips" : [ { "html" : "some_html", "name" : "TASK_NAME_1" },
{ "html" : "some_html", "name" : "TASK_NAME_2" } ] },
{ "document" : { "html" : "some_html", "name" : "DOCUMENT_NAME_2" },
"tooltips" : [ { "html" : "some_html", "name" : "TASK_NAME_3" },
{ "html" : "some_html", "name" : "TASK_NAME_4" } ] }];
var arr2 = [ [ { "name" : "TASK_NAME_1", "status" : "FINISHED" },
{ "name" : "TASK_NAME_2", "status" : "OPEN" } ],
[ { "name" : "TASK_NAME_3", "status" : "OPEN" },
{ "name" : "TASK_NAME_4", "status" : "FUTURE" } ] ];
var findStatus = function(name, searchArray) {
var r = '';
if (typeof searchArray === 'object') {
if ("name" in searchArray && "status" in searchArray) {
if ( == name) {
return searchArray.status;
} else {
return '';
} else {
for (var i in searchArray) {
r = findStatus(name, searchArray[i]);
if (r != '') {
return r;
return '';
var updateStatus = function(arrToUpdate, arrWithStatus) {
var copy = $.extend(true, {}, arrToUpdate);
var r = '';
if (typeof copy === 'object') {
if ("name" in copy) {
r = findStatus(, arrWithStatus);
if (r != '') {
copy.status = r;
} else {
for (var i in copy) {
copy[i] = updateStatus(copy[i], arrWithStatus);
return copy;
var arr3 = updateStatus(arr1, arr2); // Final combined array
I added the var copy = $.extend(true, {}, arrToUpdate); line so that it will do a deep copy and not modify the original array, as a result, it requires jQuery.

Since your data structure is nested, you will need two
zip(array1, array2).map(function([obj, tooltips]) { // ES6 destructuring syntax
return {
document: obj.document,
tooltips: zip(obj.tooltips, tooltips).map(function([tooltip, extender]) {
return {
html: tooltip.html,
status: extender.status
If you don't like to repeat those object literal structures, you might be able to use some copying function; for example
extend({}, document, {tooltips:…})
extend({}, tooltip, extender);
You also might use a lenses library like or for that, but I'm not sure whether that's worth the effort - the above code only needs underscore/lodash.
To get around the inner zipWith, you would need a Traversal lens (I assume you're familiar with this article), but I haven't yet seen a JavaScript library that offers such.


How can I access(and convert) 'date' to Javascript?

Here is MongoDB scheme.
"_id" : ObjectId("222222"),
"active" : false,
"amount" : "15%",
"description" : "15% discount",
"name" : "20200628-test",
"policies" : {
"apply" : [
"name" : "expiryDate",
"params" : {
"date" : ISODate("2020-07-06T14:59:59.999Z")
"name" : "isApplyCategoryExist"
"discount" : [],
"conflict" : [
"name" : "exclusive"
"grant" : []
"target" : {
"sku" : "",
"products_ids" : [],
"category_ids" : [
"title" : "15% coupon"
I want to access date.
For example, ""...
I don't know how to access 'date' to Javascript.
Please let me know...
apply is an array, so you have to give it index which you want to get.
var num = 0; // pick up an array number you want
var date = policies.apply[num];
Your policies.apply is an array so if you want to access "2020-07-06T14:59:59.999Z", you should do this:
But the "policies.apply[1]" doesn't have params ( also) so you can write a function to get date like this:
function get_apply_date(index) {
if(policies.apply[index].params && policies.apply[index]
return policies.apply[index];
return undefined; // or null

Simplify forEach statement to update a mongoDB document with nested objects and arrays

I'd like to update the value of the key shouldSendAlert in the following document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5c61c4db46d18e1092c5b024"),
"service" : "SRVPVD",
"menu" : [
"sub" : [
"options" : [
"item" : [
"name" : "",
"actions" : [
"name" : "communicateClient",
"value" : true
"name" : "shouldSendAlert",
"value" : false
"name" : "Technology Support"
"item" : [
"name" : "",
"actions" : [
"name" : "communicateClient",
"value" : true
"name" : "Company Support"
"name" : "Support"
"name" : " FAQ"
"name" : "Help"
I've managed to do this, querying the document using a multiple $elemMatch query, and using forEach to run through the nested arrays in order to alter the value of shouldSendAlert:
let menuItems = db.getCollection('menumodels').find({menu: {$elemMatch: {name: 'Help',sub: {$elemMatch: {name: 'Support',motivos: {$elemMatch: {name: 'Technology Support'}}}}}}});
menuItems.forEach((r) => { => {
if ( == 'Help') {
menuItem.sub.forEach(sub => {
if ( == 'Support') {
sub.motivos.forEach(motivo => {
if ( == "Technology Support") {
motivo.item[0].actions.forEach(action => {
if ( == 'shouldSendAlert') {
action.value = true;
db.getCollection('menumodels').update({_id: r._id}, {$set: {menu:}})
Is it - regarding performance - necessary, to code this MongoDB query
or update logic into a smarter form? Does the multiple use of $elemMatch affect performance?

Group nested array in Javascript

I have an array of data that is being used for some visualisation and is in the below format
var Dataset1 = [
"commentBy" : "saurabh",
"comment" : "Testing",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
"weekcount" : 1
"commentBy" : "raman",
"comment" : "Planning",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
"weekcount" : 1
"commentBy" : "Execution",
"comment" : "Alfa Beta",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
"weekcount" : 2
"commentBy" : "Execution",
"comment" : "Zseta Gama",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
"weekcount" : 2
//although i have tried writing this function but this is not giving me the desired result.
var groupBy = function(xs, key) {
return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) {
(rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
return rv;
}, {});
var groubedByTeam=groupBy(Dataset1, 'weekcount')
I want to grouped the dataset by the weekcount so that the desired result should be like this.
{ "weekcount" : 1
"grouped" : [
{ "commentBy" : "saurabh",
"comment" : "Testing",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017"
"commentBy" : "raman",
"comment" : "Planning",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017"
}, {
"weekcount" : 2
"grouped" : [
"commentBy" : "Execution",
"comment" : "Alfa Beta",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
"commentBy" : "Execution",
"comment" : "Zseta Gama",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
const formatted = [];
Dataset1.forEach((data) => {
const { weekcount, comment, commentBy, datestamp } = data;
let obj = formatted.find((item) => item.weekcount === weekcount);
if (!obj) {
grouped: [{
} else {
const Dataset1 = [{
"commentBy": "saurabh",
"comment": "Testing",
"datestamp": "07/07/2017",
"weekcount": 1
}, {
"commentBy": "raman",
"comment": "Planning",
"datestamp": "07/07/2017",
"weekcount": 1
}, {
"commentBy": "Execution",
"comment": "Alfa Beta",
"datestamp": "07/07/2017",
"weekcount": 2
}, {
"commentBy": "Execution",
"comment": "Zseta Gama",
"datestamp": "07/07/2017",
"weekcount": 2
const formatted = [];
Dataset1.forEach((data) => {
const { weekcount, comment, commentBy, datestamp } = data;
let obj = formatted.find((item) => item.weekcount === weekcount);
if (!obj) {
grouped: [{
} else {
Here is a clean way to group the data, you should be able to figure out how to format it the way you want with this as a starting point.
grouped = {}
Dataset1.forEach(function(item, index){
if (!grouped[item.weekcount]) grouped[item.weekcount] = [];
grouped is an object keyed with the weekcount. If a certain weekcount doesn't exist as a key in the object, an empty array is created and then the data is pushed to it. On later iterations data with the same weekcount is added to the existing array.
You could check each weekcount from 0 to max, and filter your array. It could be something like this:
var Dataset1 = [
"commentBy" : "saurabh",
"comment" : "Testing",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
"weekcount" : 1
"commentBy" : "raman",
"comment" : "Planning",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
"weekcount" : 1
"commentBy" : "Execution",
"comment" : "Alfa Beta",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
"weekcount" : 2
"commentBy" : "Execution",
"comment" : "Zseta Gama",
"datestamp" : "07/07/2017",
"weekcount" : 2
var maxWeekCount = 3;
var result = []
for(var i=0; i<maxWeekCount; i++){
var group = Dataset1.filter(obj => obj.weekcount === i)
if(group.length) {
weekCount: i,
grouped: group
Use a helper object, that maintains a reference to the weekcount objects, to reduce the array to the grouped structure.
var Dataset1 = [{"commentBy":"saurabh","comment":"Testing","datestamp":"07/07/2017","weekcount":1},{"commentBy":"raman","comment":"Planning","datestamp":"07/07/2017","weekcount":1},{"commentBy":"Execution","comment":"Alfa Beta","datestamp":"07/07/2017","weekcount":2},{"commentBy":"Execution","comment":"Zseta Gama","datestamp":"07/07/2017","weekcount":2}];
var helperMap = {};
var result = Dataset1.reduce(function(arr, obj) {
var current = helperMap[obj.weekcount];
if(!current) {
current = {
weekcount: obj.weekcount,
grouped: []
helperMap[obj.weekcount] = current;
commentBy: obj.commentBy,
comment: obj.comment,
datestamp: obj.datestamp
return arr;
}, []);
var groupBy = function(xs, key) {
return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) {
if(rv[x[key]] == undefined){
rv[x[key]] = {"weekcount": x[key], "grouped": []}
stripped = {}
for(var k in x) if(k!=key) stripped[k]=x[k]; //strip "key" property
return rv;
}, []);
By stripping the "key" property, this solution works with any input without modification, so if you add/remove some properties from the input, it will still work as expected, reflecting the changes.

object.push(array) is not working

I am using for loop to get the units onebyone and inside loop I am getting the array of volumes like below. now I want to push that array to respective unit so I used push but here I am getting error.
My code is below
$scope.UnitDetails = [{
UnitId : "001"
Unit1 : "A"
Fields: [{"one" : "true","Isactive" : true },
{"two" : "false","Isactive" : true }
UnitId : "002"
Unit1 : "B"
Fields: [{"one" : "true","Isactive" : true },
{"two" : "false","Isactive" : true }
for(i= 0; i < $scope.UnitDetails.length ; i++){
var volume = [];
volume.Volume_AL = eval($scope.VolumeFormula.AL);
volume.Volume_BL = eval($scope.VolumeFormula.BL);
volume.Volume_CL = eval($scope.VolumeFormula.CL);
volume.Volume_DL = eval($scope.VolumeFormula.DL);
Can anyone find where i am doing mistake
When I try as below then it is creating another array in object as below
for(i= 0; i < $scope.UnitDetails.length ; i++){
var volume = {};
volume.Volume_AL = eval($scope.VolumeFormula.AL);
volume.Volume_BL = eval($scope.VolumeFormula.BL);
volume.Volume_CL = eval($scope.VolumeFormula.CL);
volume.Volume_DL = eval($scope.VolumeFormula.DL);
What I got
$scope.UnitDetails = [{
UnitId : "001"
Unit1 : "A"
Fields: [{"one" : "true","Isactive" : true },
{"two" : "false","Isactive" : true }
UnitId : "002"
Unit1 : "B"
Fields: [{"one" : "true","Isactive" : true },
{"two" : "false","Isactive" : true }
Volume_RW: 24
My Expected :
$scope.UnitDetails = [{
UnitId : "001"
Unit1 : "A"
Fields: [{"one" : "true","Isactive" : true },
{"two" : "false","Isactive" : true }
volume : [ {
Volume_RW: 24
UnitId : "002"
Unit1 : "B"
Fields: [{"one" : "true","Isactive" : true },
{"two" : "false","Isactive" : true }
volume : [ {
Volume_RW: 24
To achieve the desired result you could append the volume array dynamically to each element of $scope.UnitDetails:
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.UnitDetails.length; i++) {
$scope.UnitDetails[i].volume = [{
Volume_AL: eval($scope.VolumeFormula.AL),
Volume_BL: eval($scope.VolumeFormula.BL),
Volume_CL: eval($scope.VolumeFormula.CL),
Volume_DL: eval($scope.VolumeFormula.DL)
Remark: The eval statement allows for execution of arbitrary javascript code and if the input is coming from your users you might want to ensure that it doesn't contain any malicious code before passing it to this function. Or even better do not use eval at all. Depending on your requirements you might find a more appropriate and restrictive function to achieve your goal. For example if you are expecting to evaluate only mathematical expressions written from your clients you might find a library designed exactly for this purpose rather than using the general purpose eval statement.

How to access specific elements in a Json array?

I have a Json array which has the elements below:
"adjacencies", "data", "id", "name".
In some elements, "adjacencies" does not exist.
This is an example:
var JsonArray = [
"id" : "id1",
"name" : "name1",
"data" : {
"$type" : "circle",
"$color" : "#AEC43B"
}, //Without "adjacencies"
"id" : "id2",
"name" : "name2",
"data" : {
"$type" : "circle",
"$color" : "#AEC43B"
}, //Without "adjacencies"
"adjacencies": [
"nodeTo": "id1",
"nodeFrom": "id3",
"data": {
"$color": "#416D9C"
"id" : "id3",
"name" : "name3",
"data" : {
"$type" : "circle",
"$color" : "#AEC43B"
} //With "adjacencies"
The first and the second elements doesn't contain "adjacencies", but the third element does.
In the loop for (i = 0; i < JsonArray.length; i++) how do I access the third element?
Is there a .contain property for example?
Thanks in advance:)
One way to do it is by checking if the value is of type undefined:
for (i = 0; i < JsonArray.length; i++) {
var item = JsonArray[i];
if (typeof item.adjacencies !== "undefined") {
// item has adjacencies property
As an aside: this is not a JSON array -- it's a Javascript array. There are no JSON objects, no JSON arrays, no JSON nothing. The only JSON-y thing that exists is plain JSON, which is a serialization format.
use hasOwnProperty
So you can do this
for (i = 0; i < JsonArray.length; i++){
if( JsonArray[i].hasOwnProperty('adjacencies') ){
//Do something here

