Refreshing gridx with server-side data - javascript

I'm thinking that I am overlooking something simple - I am so close to making this work. :)
I have a grid that needs to be updated with server information.
Here is the way that it should work:
A user selects an item
Make a JsonRest query with the item ID selected
Update the grid - showing notes relating to item selected
Here is how the grid is setup:
function noteTabSetup() {
var store = JsonRest({target:"//localhost/program/notes", idAttribute:"id"});
var structure = [{ field: 'id', name: 'Id', width: '5em' },
{ field: 'name', name: 'Name', width: '12%' },
{ field: 'description', name: 'Description' }];
var noteGrid = new Grid({
id: 'noteGrid',
pageSize: 20,
store: store,
cacheClass: Cache,
structure: structure,
filterServerMode: true,
selectRowTriggerOnCell: true,
bodyLoadingInfo: "Loading notes ...",
bodyEmptyInfo: "No notes found",
modules: [SingleSort, VirtualVScroller, moveColumn,
selectColumn, dndColumn, selectRow, Filter]}, noteTab);
When an item is selected, the selected item ID is passed to:
function noteLoad(itemId) {
console.log("In NoteLoad");
var grid = registry.byId("noteGrid");
if (!itemIds || 0 === itemIds.length) { console.log("no ItemId chosen"); }
else {
console.log("In NoteLoad with an itemId");
// Error on second run{ find: "ByItem", item: itemId }).then(function(result) {
grid.setStore(new ItemFileReadStore({data: {items : result}}));
console.log("model: " + grid.rowCount());
On the first item selected, everything works well - the query fires, and the grid is updated with notes related to the selected item.
On the second item selected, I receive this error from firebug:
TypeError: is not a function{ find: "ByItem", item: itemIds }).then(function(result) {
Any ideas?! Thank you in advance.
Thank you for the reply - that makes sense that store was being replaced by ItemFileReadStore. If possible, I would like to use JsonRest directly to update the grid.
I've tried a handful of variations based off of your comment, without luck:
Query fires and result is returned. Grid is not updated:
grid.model.clearCache();{ find: "ByItem", item: itemIds }).then(function(results){
console.log('notes: ' + results[0].name);
Error: is not a function:{ query: { find: "ByItem", item: itemIds }});
Syntax error in Dojo.js (line 15):{ find: "ByItem", item: itemIds }).then(function(result) {
grid.setStore(new JsonRest({data: {items : result}}));
I've done a lot of searches and can't find a good example where the grid is being updated from a JsonRest object. Thank you.

Because the code itself replaces the store the first time.{ find: "ByItem", item: itemId }).then(function(result) {
grid.setStore(new ItemFileReadStore({data: {items : result}}));
Here, the grid's store is initially JsonRest store, which after the query method is run, is replaced by the new ItemFileReadStore object. The mistake here is "query" is not a method of ItemFileReadStore, but the parameter passed to the "fetch" method. Check out some examples from dojo documentation on this.
On the other hand, JsonRest store has the method "query". Hence the contradiction. Change your code accordingly if you want ItemFileReadStore.
store.fetch( { query: { name: 'Ice cream' },
onItem: function(item) {
console.log( store.getValue( item, 'name' ) );
console.log( 'cost: ', store.getValue( item, 'cost' ) );


Filter duplicate values in select2 ajax call

I'm using select2 load remote data way to render results (50 at a time) from an api. The response of the api might have duplicate values in any page response.
I have tried formatting response but unfortunately the method is having access only to the current page data.
Below is my code,
minimumInputLength : 2,
placeholder : '-- Select Items --',
ajax : {
url : '/api/v1/items',
quietMillis : 200,
dataType : 'json',
data : function (term, page) {
return {
term : term,
page : page,
page_limit : 50
results : function(data, page) {
//Here I'm getting only current page data. How can i get previous page data to check for duplicate values.
So, how can I filter the response and eliminate duplicate values by checking against the data fetched so far.
Any help would be appreciated.
It would be better if you post an example of your code. Let's say you have some data with duplicated entries:
var rawData = [
id: 'AL',
name: 'Alaska'
id: 'GE',
name: 'Georgia'
id: 'WY',
name: 'Wyoming'
id: 'GE',
name: 'Georgia'
function clearDuplicates(data) {
var temp = {};
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
temp[data[i]['id']] = data[i];
return Object.values(temp);
var clearData = clearDuplicates(rawData);
See output: duplicated entry 'Georgia' is now in one record. There can be a lot of ways to eliminate duplicates. This is just one simple example.
If you use pagination (infinite scroll) in Select2, every page request is sent separately and you have to process result data and eliminate duplicates manually. it can be done by processResults parameter. (See example)
In that case, easiest way would be:
Handle every page request in processResults
Store all results in a global variable
Eliminate duplicates as described in the example above
Return desired result
return {
pagination: {
//paginatioin params

Angular with Kendo, Using Grid Values Asynchronously

Ok I'm pretty sure I know exactly what I need to do here but I'm not sure how to do it. Basically I have a grid that I want to make a key column bind to an array of key/values, which I've done before with kendo (not using Angular) and I know that when I'm creating my key/value array asynchronously then that needs to complete before I can get them show-up with kendo, which I have done using promises before.
So here I have the same issue only angular is also involved. I need to fetch and format an array of data into the format in which a kendo grid column can digest it, so no problem here is my controller code:
var realm ={
id: 'realmID',
fields: {
realmID: { editable: false, nullable: true }
realmType: { type: 'string', validation: { required: true } }
var ds1 = kendoHelpers.dataSourceFactory('realms', realm, 'realmID')
var realmType ={
id: 'realmTypeID',
fields: {
realmTypeID: { editable: false, nullable: true },
name: { type: 'string', validation: { required: true } }
var ds2 = kendoHelpers.dataSourceFactory('realms/types', realmType, 'realmTypeID')
$scope.mainGridOptions = {
dataSource: ds1,
editable: true,
navigatable: true,
toolbar: [
{ name: "create" },
{ name: 'save' },
{ name: 'cancel' }
columns: [
{ field: 'realmID', title: 'ID' }
{ field: 'realmTypeID', title: 'Realm Type', editor: realmTypesDDL, values: $scope.realmTypeValues },
{ command: "destroy" }
$scope.secondGridOptions = {
dataSource: ds2,
editable: true,
navigatable: true,
toolbar: [
{ name: "create" },
{ name: 'save' },
{ name: 'cancel' }
columns: [
{ field: 'realmTypeID', title: 'ID' },
{ field: 'name', title: 'Name' }
{ command: "destroy" }
ds2.fetch(function () {
$scope.realmTypeValues = [{ text: 'Test', value: "24bc2e62-f761-4e70-804c-bc36fdeced3d" }];
// (v, i) {
// $scope.realmTypeValues.push({ text:, value: v.realmTypeID})
function realmTypesDDL(container, options) {
$('<input />')
dataSource: ds2,
dataTextField: 'name',
dataValueField: 'realmTypeID'
I made this dataSourceFatory helper method above to return me a basic CRUD kendo dataSource that uses transport and also injects an authorization header which is working fine so don't get hung up on that, ultimately I'm going to be using this data in another grid as well as for reference values for the main grid, but I've hard coded some values that I can use to test with in the ds2.fetch callback.
My HTML is pretty plain:
<kendo-grid options="mainGridOptions"></kendo-grid>
<h2>Realm Types</h2>
<kendo-grid options="secondGridOptions"></kendo-grid>
This all works fine and well except I am only seeing the GUID of the realmTypeID in the grid, I click it and the editor is populated correctly so that's good but I want the text value to be displayed instead of the GUID. I'm sure the issue is that the array of values is empty whenever angular is binding to the grid options. My questions are:
How do I either delay this bind operation or manually rebind it after the fetch call?
Is there a better way to handle a situation like this? I try not to expend finite resources for no reason (IE making server calls when unnecessary)
Note: When I move the creation of the text/value array to happen before the grid options, I get the desired behavior I am after
EDIT A work around is to not use the directive to create the grid and instead defer the grid creation until the callback of whatever data your column is dependent on, I was hoping for a more elegant solution but this is better than nothing. So your HTML becomes something like
<div id="realms"></div>
<h2>Realm Types</h2>
<kendo-grid options="secondGridOptions"></kendo-grid>
Then you can create the grid in the fetch callback for example:
ds2.fetch(function () { (v, i) {
$scope.realmTypeValues.push({ text:, value: v.realmTypeID})
But this doesn't feel very angularish so I'm really hoping for a better solution!
Ok...well I think I hacked this enough and without another suggestion I'm going to go forward with this approach. I'm just going to move the binding logic to the requestEnd event of the second grid so that the values array can be populated right before the binding even. I'm also reworking the values array in this method. It is a bit weird though, I think there is some kendo black magic going on with this array because I can't just set it to a new empty array without it breaking completely...which is why I'm poping everything out prior to repopulating the array. That way when something is deleted or edited in the second grid, the DDL in the first grid is updated in the callback.
function requestEnd(e) {
for (var i = $scope.realmTypeValues.length; i >= 0; i--) $scope.realmTypeValues.pop();
var data;
if (e.type == "read")
data = e.response;
data =; (v, i) { $scope.realmTypeValues.push({ text:, value: v.realmTypeID }); });
if ($('#realms').data('kendoGrid') == undefined) {
$('#realms').data('kendoGrid').columns[4].values = $scope.realmTypeValues;
ds2.bind('requestEnd', requestEnd);
So I'm going to accept my own answer unless anyone has a better approach!

Display Custom Boolean Value in Angular ui-grid

Ok, I'm new to angular and angular ui-grid.
I'm using angularjs(v1.4) with angular-ui-grid(v3.0.7).
I have defined a grid as below
seec.gridOptions = {};
seec.gridOptions.rowEditWaitInterval = -1;
seec.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
gridApi.rowEdit.on.saveRow($scope, $scope.saveRow);
seec.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
{name: 'pouch', displayName: 'Pouch', enableCellEdit: false, enableHiding: false, width: 250},
{name: 'content', displayName: 'Content', enableHiding: false, width: 150},
name: 'units',
displayName: 'Number of Items',
type: 'number',
enableHiding: false,
width: 150
{name: 'active', displayName: 'Status', type: 'boolean', enableHiding: false, width: 150}
The controller basically makes a http call and feeds data to the grid.
if (response.status === 200) { = angular.copy(;
Currently, the last item in the grid is being displayed as either 'true' or 'false' based on the boolean field value., and when I double click on the field a checkbox appears.
So, I need to display true as 'active' and false as 'inactive'.
Is there any way of doing this with angular ui-grid?
There certainly is! One approach could be to use a cellTemplate and map your rowvalues to something different.
I created a Plunkr showcasing a possible setup.
There are two steps to take. First add a cellTemplate to your column:
cellTemplate: "<div ng-bind='grid.appScope.mapValue(row)'></div>"
Note: Instead of ng-bind you could also use "<div>{{grid.appScope.mapValue(row)}}</div>", if you are more familiar with that.
Second step is to define your mapping function, for example:
appScopeProvider: {
mapValue: function(row) {
// console.log(row);
return ? 'active' : 'inactive';
#CMR thanks for including the Plunkr. As I was looking at it I checked, and in this case it seems overkill to have the mapValue function.
This worked for me:
cellTemplate: "<div class='ui-grid-cell-contents'>{{ ? 'active' : 'inactive'}}</div>"
(I added the class in there to match the other cells). I will say that this still smells a little hacky to me.
This question leads to using a function as the field itself: In ui-grid, I want to use a function for the colDef's field property. How can I pass in another function as a parameter to it?
I'd still like to see an answer with the logic directly in the columnDefs.
You can use angular filter specifying in your columnDef for a column cellFilters : 'yourfiltername:args'.
args can be a variable or a value, in that case pay attention to use right quoting. if args is a string cellFilters : 'yourfiltername:"active"'
Your filter can be directly a function or a filter name. Here a plunkr

PersistenceJS: Updating an existing database using migrate()

I'm currently trying to make changes to an existing DB using the migrations plugin for PersistenceJS. I can add/edit/delete items in the DB just fine — but…
How to add a column to an existing(!) table?
How to change the type of an existing(!) column, e.g. from 'text' to 'integer'?
These changes should retain currently existing data.
Sadly, the documentation is a little scarce, maybe you could help?
Here's the current, working setup:, 'tododatabase', 'todos are fun', 5*1024*1024);
var Todo = persistence.define('Todo', {
task: 'TEXT',
priority: 'INT',
done: 'BOOL'
function addTodo( item ){
var todo = new Todo();
todo.task = item.task;
todo.priority = item.priority;
todo.done = item.done;
function deleteTodo( item, callback ){
// was created automatically by calling "new Todo()"
Todo.all().filter('id','=', ).destroyAll( function(){
persistence.flush( callback );
The migration code that kinda works:
persistence.defineMigration(1, {
up: function() {
this.createTable('Todo', function(t){
down: function() {
persistence.defineMigration(2, {
up: function() {
this.addColumn('Todo', 'due', 'DATE');
down: function() {
this.removeColumn('Todo', 'due');
function migrate( callback ){
persistence.migrations.init( function(){
console.log('migration init');
// this should migrate up to the latest version, in our case: 2
persistence.migrate( function(){
console.log('migration complete!');
} );
calling migrate() will only log up to "migration init", the complete handler is never called, the "due" column is not created
not calling schemaSync() before calling migrate() as Zef Hemel himself proposed in this post yields the same result as 1.
changing the first line to, 'newdatabase', 'testing migration', 5*1024*1024);, not calling schemaSync() and only calling migrate() will successfully log "migration complete!" — but it does so in a new, completely empty database "newdatabase", which will of course not retain any exsiting data.
There is a database that was created using, persistence.define('Todo',...) and persistence.schemaSync().
I now want to keep all the data that already exist in that database, but want to
change the type of column priority from 'integer' to 'text'
add a column due with type 'date' to all existing Todos
If you could push me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it!
I finally got it working. There are a number of issues with my initial requirements that I'd like to point out for future reference. Take a look at the first migration definition:
persistence.defineMigration(1, {
up: function() {
this.createTable('Todo', function(t){
Not surprisingly, createTable will do exactly that: it will execute the SQL statement 'CREATE TABLE Todo ...', which will silently fail and halt the migration if there is a table with the name Todo already. This is why it worked with a new database, but not with the existing one. Bear in mind: I already had a live database with a table "Todo" that needed updating. If you're starting fresh (i.e. you've not used schemaSync), createTable works just fine. Since the Migrations plugin does not provide a createTableIfNotExists method, I needed to utilize executeSql as follows:
persistence.defineMigration(1, {
up: function() {
this.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Todo (id VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, task TEXT, priority INT, done BOOL)');
Now that the migration from schema version 0 to 1 succeeded, the migration to version 2 was successful as well.
With the migration to version 3 the type of the priority column needed to change from int to text. This would normally be done using the ALTER COLUMN SQL command, wich is not supported by Web SQL / SQLite. See Omitted Features for SQLite.
Altering a column with SQLite requires a 4-step workaround:
persistence.defineMigration(3, {
up: function() {
// rename current table
this.executeSql('ALTER TABLE Todo RENAME TO OldTodo');
// create new table with required columns and column types
this.executeSql('CREATE TABLE Todo (id VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, task TEXT, priority TEXT, done BOOL)');
// copy contents from old table to new table
this.executeSql('INSERT INTO Todo(id, task, priority, done) SELECT id, task, priority, done FROM OldTodo');
// delete old table
this.executeSql('DROP TABLE OldTodo');
Of course, after changing the column type, the entity definition for 'Todo' should also be changed:
var Todo = persistence.define('Todo', {
task: 'TEXT',
priority: 'TEXT', // was 'INT'
due: 'DATE',
done: 'BOOL'
And finally, the complete source:, 'tododatabase', 'todos are fun', 5*1024*1024);
// persistence.debug = true;
//v0 + v1
// var Todo = persistence.define('Todo', {
// task: 'TEXT',
// priority: 'INT',
// done: 'BOOL'
// });
// var Todo = persistence.define('Todo', {
// task: 'TEXT',
// priority: 'INT',
// due: 'DATE',
// done: 'BOOL'
// });
var Todo = persistence.define('Todo', {
task: 'TEXT',
priority: 'TEXT',
due: 'DATE',
done: 'BOOL'
persistence.defineMigration(1, {
up: function() {
this.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Todo (id VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, task TEXT, priority INT, done BOOL)');
down: function() {
persistence.defineMigration(2, {
up: function() {
this.addColumn('Todo', 'due', 'DATE');
down: function() {
this.removeColumn('Todo', 'due');
persistence.defineMigration(3, {
up: function() {
// rename current table
this.executeSql('ALTER TABLE Todo RENAME TO OldTodo');
// create new table with required columns
this.executeSql('CREATE TABLE Todo (id VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, task TEXT, priority TEXT, due DATE, done BOOL)');
// copy contents from old table to new table
this.executeSql('INSERT INTO Todo(id, task, priority, due, done) SELECT id, task, priority, due, done FROM OldTodo');
// delete current table
this.executeSql('DROP TABLE OldTodo');
down: function() {
this.executeSql('ALTER TABLE Todo RENAME TO OldTodo');
this.executeSql('CREATE TABLE Todo (id VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, task TEXT, priority INT, due DATE, done BOOL)');
this.executeSql('INSERT INTO Todo(id, task, priority, due, done) SELECT id, task, priority, due, done FROM OldTodo');
this.executeSql('DROP TABLE OldTodo');
function migrate( callback ){
persistence.migrations.init( function(){
console.log('migration init');
persistence.migrate( function(){
console.debug('migration complete!');
} );
migrate( onMigrationComplete );
function onMigrationComplete(){
// database is ready. do amazing things...
That's a great explanation, thank you! But I think I know an easier way to achieve this.
I got in the same trouble like you: I'v got a set of schemas described with persistence.define and created with persistence.schemaSync.
So this is my particular case:
// This is my mixin for all schemas
var Versioned = persistence.defineMixin('Versioned', {
serverId: "TEXT",
intVersion: "INT",
dtSynced: "DATE",
dtCreatedAt: "DATE",
dtUpdatedAt: "DATE",
delete: "BOOL",
update: "BOOL",
add: "BOOL",
isReadOnly: "BOOL"
// This is one of the schemas I need to update with a new field.
var Person = persistence.define('Person', {
fullName: "TEXT",
rate: "INT"
//... More schema definitions
// Setup mixin;
// Sync schemas
Ok. Nothing special about it. Now after a few months my app's being in production I want to add a new field isEmployed to the Person schema.
According to the docs I should rewrite all of my schema definitions to the migrations and to stop using persistence.schemaSync(). But I don't want to rewrite all of my definitions. Instead of it I define a new migration right behind the PersistenceJS init code:
// Init ORM
' database',
100 * 1024 * 1024,
// Define Migrations
persistence.defineMigration(1, {
up: function () {
this.addColumn('Person', 'isEmployed', 'BOOL');
// ... describing isVersioned mixin
// Updated schema definition with a new field 'isEmployed'
var Person = persistence.define('Person', {
fullName: "TEXT",
rate: "INT",
isEmployed: "BOOL"
//... More schema definitions
// Setup mixin;
// Apply the migration right away from the schemaSync call.
persistence.schemaSync(function (tx) {
persistence.migrations.init(function () {
// Optional callback to be executed after initialization
So that's it! I tested this approach only to add new fields to the schema.
Let me know if it does or doesn't work for you.

How to add a new object to an array nested inside an object?

I'm trying to get a handle on using $resource in angularjs and I keep referencing this answer AngularJS $resource RESTful example for good examples. Fetching a record and creating a record work fine, but now i'm trying to add a "section" to an existing mongo record but can't figure it out.
documents collection
_id: 'theid',
name: 'My name",
sections: [
title: 'First title'
title: 'Second title'
angular controller snippet
var document = documentService.get({_id: 'theid'});
//document.sections.push($scope.section); <-- This does NOT work
//document.new_section($scope.section); <-- could do this and then parse it out and insert it in my backend code, but this solution seems hacky and terrible to me.
document.$save(function(section) {
return $resource(SETTINGS.base + '/documents/:id', { id: '#id' },
update: { method: 'PUT' }
From the link i posted above, If I was just updating the name field, I could just do something like this:
var document = documentService.get({_id: 'theid'}); = "My new name";
document.$save(function(section) {
I'm just trying to add an object to a nested array of objects.
Try this:
documentService.get({_id: 'theid'}, function(document) {

