Creating nested DIVs on the fly using jQuery - javascript

I need to create several DIVs on the fly. The first DIV will be created on the <body> and next 3 DIVs will be inside the newly created DIV. Below is my approach in creating this. Please let me know if this is the best way to do it.
I want to create this HTML in jQuery.
<div id="aTextDV" class="ui-widget-content">
<div class="txmoPos">
<img src="img/markers/img1.png"/>
<div class="txdlPos" id="dleTx" onclick="dTxt('aTextDV')">
<img src="img/markers/img3.png"/>
<div class="txrsPos">
<img src="img/markers/img2.png"/>
jQuery (I've created only 2 DIVs as for this example)
$(document).ready(function() {
$('button').on("click", function() {
.attr("id", "aTextDV")
.attr("src", "img/markers/move.png")

$(document).ready(function() {
$('button').on("click", function() {
$('body').append('<div id="aTextDV" class="ui-widget-content"></div>');
$('#aTextDV').append('<div class="txmoPos"><img src="img/markers/move.png"/></div>');
$('#aTextDV').append('<div class="txdlPos" id="dleTx" onclick="dTxt("aTextDV")"><img src="img/markers/delete.png"/></div>');
$('#aTextDV').append('<div class="txrsPos"><img src="img/markers/resize.png"/></div>');

step 1: minify the html.
i use this site:
step 2: make the minified html a javascript string, example:
var $divdata = '<div class="foo"><p>some child content</p><div><div></div></div></div>';
step 3: append the div to the container
Always store backups of the normal (unminified)html. editing the minified html will be a pain in the butt later on. better to keep the unminified html for quick edits and repeat the process each time you need to edit.

If the content you need is static - you can use jquery.load method - it's much more easier.


get code between divs

Using jquery, is there a way to capture all the code between two divs?
For example; using the code below, if Show info is clicked than the code between the ws-css-table divs should be retrieved, i.e.
<div class="ws-css-table-tr"><div class="ws-css-table-td">A</div>... <div class="ws-css-table-td">D</div></div>
should be put into a text variable.
Here is a fiddle for the current code.
Thanks for any help.
<div class="ws-css-table">
<div class="ws-css-table-tr">
<div class="ws-css-table-td">A</div>
<div class="ws-css-table-td">B</div>
<div class="ws-css-table-tr">
<div class="ws-css-table-td">C</div>
<div class="ws-css-table-td">D</div>
<div class='show_div_info'>Show info</div>
alert ("info?")
Here's the classic javascript and a single liner technique using innerHTML:
var children = $(".ws-css-table").html();
Do you mean to capture the elements inside the table and do something with it later?
var table = $(".ws-css-table");
// Do something
Do you mean to capture the literal code inside the table? Say hello to the html() function:
var table = $(".ws-css-table").html();
// Do something
Do you mean to capture the actual text inside the table? Say hello to the text() function:
var table = $(".ws-css-table").text();
// Do something
The more practical one would be the first one, since you will be able to use it to manipulate the elements inside as you need.
Second one just grabs the actual code, perhaps you need it to show off your awesome skills.
The last one will print the text, neat if you use it to parse or log what you have thus far done.
How did that help?

Cloning JS generated DIV to non generated DIV

I have a bit of what seems like a complicated issue(to me at least)
I've got an external javascript file generating html content for me. It's for tweets. It gives each one a individual ID, which I can see in the browser but of which is obviously not in my index.html.
The JS generates something like this in the browser
Heres the generated div
<div class="twitter-article" id="tw1"><div class="twitter-pic"><img src="" twitter-feed-icon.png"="" width="42" height="42" alt="twitter icon"></div><div class="twitter-text"><p><span class="tweetprofilelink"><strong>JGD</strong><br> #jdrawsthings</span></p><b><span class="tweet-time"></span></b><d>2h, Glasgow. Favorites: 0 Retweets: 0</d><br><c>Literally desperate and just need to secure a nice room in a nice flat close to DJCAD so I can move in June 20th</c></div><div class="favourite-item" id="fav1"><button class="favouriteButton" id="favBut1"></button></div><div id="twitter-actions" style="opacity: 0; margin-top: -20px; display: none;"><div class="intent" id="intent-reply"></div><div class="intent" id="intent-retweet"></div><div class="intent" id="intent-fave"></div></div></div>
Each one has a button assigned to it, which each also have individual IDs.
I'm wanting to use the clone function to copy across the contents of say, '#tw1' into '#faveDiv'. #faveDiv been a div on my index.html page.
<div id="favouriteStreamHolder">
<div id="favouriteStream" style="display: none;">
<div id="faveDiv"></div>
Here is the clone function I'm trying
$("input#favBut1").live( 'click', function(){
There's to much going on that relies on PHP that putting it into a simulator wouldn't achieve anything. Basically, that JS creates this. A stream of 25 tweets of which the content is created in that js function having been pulled from a JSON file. I'm under the assumption that the .clone() function should copy all within the div and duplicate it into the div ive specified. At the moment. It's doing nothing, the div is just empty. Bit new to this, sorry. If theres anything else you need to know. Just say.
Any idea why this isn't working?
Try this (pattern)
<div id="favouriteStreamHolder">
<div id="favouriteStream">
<div id="faveDiv"></div>
duplicate `favBut1` in `feedHTML`,
substitute `id` `feed` for `favBut1`
<input type="button" id="feed" value="click" />
$(function () {
// var feedHTML = `$.parseHTML(feedHTML)`
var feedHTML = $.parseHTML('<div class="twitter-article" id="tw1">..</div>');
$(document).on("click", "#feed", function (e) {

jQuery click function affecting multiple divs

I'm trying to use jQuery's click function to apply a hover state to a selected div, without differentiating the div's in the JavaScript. I'm currently using:
$(".project").click(function() {
var selected_tab = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
return false;
With the HTML:
<div class="project first project_gizmoscoop">
<div class="title">
<div class="date">2012</div>
<a class="expand" title="(Caption)" href="#project_1">GizmoScoop!</a>
<div class="project project_sc">
<div class="title">
Striking Code
<div class="date">2011</div>
<a class="expand" title="(Caption)" href="#project_2">Striking Code</a>
The .hovered class is applied to the clicked link (specific styles from an external CSS file). However, everything is being chosen. (See for an example).
I know what I'm doing wrong (I should be specifying the individual ID's or using HTML5 data attributes), but I'm stuck unnecessarily. I feel like a complete newb right now, that I can't do something this simple (although I've done more advanced stuff).
You simply need to take advantage of jQuery's flexibility (and good programming practice) and reduce your scope accordingly. You're already doing something similar with your variable definition. For example, to target only those a.expand elements inside the instance of .project that's clicked:
$(".project").click(function() {
$(".expand").click(function() {

JQuery Mobile Dynamic Div Pages

I'm new to JQuery + JQuery mobile.
I am attempting to create dynamic div elements for styling purposes. I am pulling in JSON from an AJAX call, tossing it into an unordered list, and wrapping it into a div. The AJAX + JSON works beautifully, but when I go to create the DIV within the script and attach it into another div container, it doesn't work. I've done a lot of reading on this, but none of the solutions I've found seems to work for the div part.
I've simplified my code down to the following:
<div data-role="page">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>Page Title</h1>
</div><!-- /header -->
<div id="someDiv" data-role="content"></div>
<div id="anotherDiv"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var newDiv = '<div id="d1"><p>This will attach to the content</p></div>';
var aDiv = '<div id="test" data-role="page"><p>This never gets displayed because of data-role?</p></div>';
Note how aDiv doesn't attach to anotherDiv. I suspect this has something to do with the data-role="page" attribute in aDiv.
JSFiddle Link
I've been stuck on this for 1+ day. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
In fact your aDiv is being attached, just not displayed (you can examine your markup in Firebug/WebInspector/DragonFly and see this) since only one JQM page at a time is displayed.
If you want to attach a new page you can try adding it to your body
Here's a fork of your fiddle

How to keep jQuery from parsing inserted HTML?

Does anyone know how to stop jQuery fromparsing html you insert through before() and after()? Say I have an element:
<div id='contentdiv'>bla content bla</div>
and I want to wrap it in the following way:
<div id='wrapperDiv'>
<div id='beforeDiv'></div>
<div id='contentDiv'>bla content bla</div>
<div id='afterDiv'></div>
I use the following jQuery/Javascript
$('#contentDiv').each( function() {
var beforeHTML = "<div id='wrapperDiv'><div id='beforeDiv'></div>";
var afterHTML = "<div id='afterDiv'></div></div>";
This however will not result in the correct wrapping, it will create:
<div id='wrapperDiv'>
<div id='beforeDiv'></div>
<div id='contentDiv'>bla content bla</div>
<div id='afterDiv'></div>
Using wrap() won't work either since that gets jQuery even more mixed up when using:
$(this).wrap("<div id='wrapperDiv'><div id='beforeDiv'></div><div id='afterDiv'></div></div>");
How should I solve this?
Thanks in advance!
$('#contentDiv').each(function() {
$(this).wrap('<div id="wrapperDiv">');
$(this).before('<div id="beforeDiv">');
$(this).after('<div id="afterDiv">');
<div id='wrapperDiv'>
<div id='beforeDiv'></div>
<div id='contentDiv'>bla content bla</div>
<div id='afterDiv'></div>
your markup isn't complete...before and after are to take complete nodes only...
what you are trying to do is wrap your content, which is different.
you want this:
I think you're approaching it wrong. Think about what you actually want to achieve...
You want to WRAP everything with one div. Then insert 1 div before, and 1 div after.
so do .wrap() first, then append before and after-divs relative to the content-div.
if you happen to have the actual HTML as a string (from an XHR or something) then you need to read out the html and concatenate it yourself as Douglas Mayle suggested.
I'm sorry, but this one should be obvious. In your case, you can't use wrap because it sticks the original node into the deepest node it finds in the wrapping HTML. You don't want that. Instead, read out the HTML from your object and combine it with what you have:
$('#contentDiv').each( function() {
var beforeHTML = "<div id='wrapperDiv'><div id='beforeDiv'></div>";
var afterHTML = "<div id='afterDiv'></div></div>";
// This line below will do it...
$(this).html(beforeHTML + $(this).html() + afterHTML);

