display data from featureLayer in one displayLevel - javascript

i have a problem with displaying informations on an Basemap in two of tree displayLevels.
I Have a program that is inspired from this esri sample:https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/jssamples/data_gas_prices.html
After this i have build my own zoomLevels or display Levels because i only need three.
My Problem is that i want to have only in two of three zoomLevels text in my featureLayer and i have no Idea how to do this. The only Example i found in the Internet was this Sample form Esri: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/jssamples/map_switch_layer_on_zoom.html
But they work with ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer and i'm not.
So please can anybody tell me a solution for this Problem?
Here is the code:
], function(
declare,array, Map, Graphic, esriLang, Extent, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleRenderer,
ClassBreaksRenderer, Font, TextSymbol,FeatureLayer, Legend, OverviewMap, InfoTemplate, esriRequest,Tip,
TooltipDialog, dijitPopup,JSON, JsonRest, arr, parser, conn, Color, number, dom, domConstruct, domStyle, Button) {
return declare (null, {
init: function (){
var lods = [
//{"level" : 1, "resolution" : 78271.5169639999, "scale" : 295828763.795777},
//{"level" : 2, "resolution" : 39135.7584820001, "scale" : 147914381.897889},
//{"level" : 3, "resolution" : 19567.8792409999, "scale" : 73957190.948944},
//{"level" : 4, "resolution" : 9783.93962049996, "scale" : 36978595.474472},
//{"level" : 5, "resolution" : 4891.96981024998, "scale" : 18489297.737236},
//{"level" : 6, "resolution" : 2445.98490512499, "scale" : 9244648.868618},
{"level" : 7, "resolution" : 1222.99245256249, "scale" : 4622324.434309},
//{"level" : 8, "resolution" : 611.49622628138, "scale" : 2311162.217155},
//{"level" : 9, "resolution" : 305.748113140558, "scale" : 1155581.108577},
{"level" : 10, "resolution" : 152.874056570411, "scale" : 577790.554289},
//{"level" : 11, "resolution" : 76.4370282850732, "scale" : 288895.277144},
{"level" : 12, "resolution" : 38.2185141425366, "scale" : 144447.638572},
//{"level" : 13, "resolution" : 19.1092570712683, "scale" : 72223.819286},
//{"level": 14, "resolution": 9.55462853563415, "scale": 36111.909643},
//{"level": 15, "resolution": 4.77731426794937, "scale": 18055.954822},
//{"level": 16, "resolution": 2.38865713397468, "scale": 9027.977411},
//{"level": 17, "resolution": 1.19432856685505, "scale": 4513.988705}
var fl = new FeatureLayer("someServer/arcgis/rest/services/someProject/FeatureServer/1", {
mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT,
//infoTemplate: template,
visible: true,
value: "OBJECTID",
window.map = new Map("map", {
center: [48.04, 28.50],
zoom: 0,
lods: lods,
var overviewMapDijit = new OverviewMap({
map: window.map,
visible: true
var updateEnd = fl.on("update-end", function() {
function updateRenderer(){
fl.setRenderer(new SimpleRenderer(null));
var kachelnamen = new JsonRest({
target: "someTargetURL",
idAttribute: "WA",
headers: { "X-Requested-With": "" },
kachelnamen.query(null).then(drawFeatureLayer, kachelnamenError);
function updateLables(){
var font = new Font("11px", Font.STYLE_NORMAL, Font.VARIANT_NORMAL, Font.WEIGHT_BOLDER);
arr.forEach(fl.graphics, function(graphic){
var centerPoint;
switch (graphic.geometry.type) {
case "point":
centerPoint = graphic.geometry;
case "extent":
centerPoint = graphic.getCenter();
centerPoint = graphic._extent.getCenter();
var textSymbol = new TextSymbol(graphic.attributes.NAME,font, new Color([0, 0, 0]));
var labelPointGraphic = new Graphic(centerPoint, textSymbol);
function drawFeatureLayer(data) {
// data comes back as text from apify...parse it
// loop through gas price data, find min/max and populate an object
// to keep track of the price of regular in each state
window.statekachelnamen = {};
var gasMin = Infinity;
var gasMax = -Infinity;
arr.forEach(data, function(g) {
var price = parseFloat(g.STAT_CALC);
statekachelnamen[g.WA] = price;
if ( price < gasMin ) {
gasMin = price;
if ( price > gasMax ) {
gasMax = price;
// format max gas price with two decimal places
gasMax = formatDollars(gasMax);
// add an attribute to each attribute so gas price is displayed
// on mouse over below the legend
arr.forEach(fl.graphics, function(g) {
//var displayValue = statekachelnamen[g.attributes.WA_NAME].toFixed(2);
var displayValue;
if (g.attributes.WA_NAME in statekachelnamen){
displayValue = statekachelnamen[g.attributes.WA_NAME].toFixed(2);
displayValue = 0;
g.attributes.STAT_CALC = displayValue;
// create a class breaks renderer
var breaks = calcBreaks(gasMin, gasMax, 4);
//gasMax = formatDollars(gasMax);
// console.log("gas price breaks: ", breaks);
var sfs = SimpleFillSymbol;
var sls = SimpleLineSymbol;
var outline = sls("solid", new Color("#444"), 1);
var br = new ClassBreaksRenderer(null, findGasPrice);
br.addBreak(breaks[0], breaks[1], new sfs("solid", outline, new Color([255, 255, 178, 0.75])));
br.addBreak(breaks[1], breaks[2], new sfs("solid", outline, new Color([254, 204, 92, 0.75])));
br.addBreak(breaks[2], breaks[3], new sfs("solid", outline, new Color([253, 141, 60, 0.75])));
br.addBreak(breaks[3], gasMax, new sfs("solid", outline, new Color([227, 26, 28, 0.75])));
var legend2 = new Legend({
map: window.map,
layerInfos: [{ "layer": fl, "title": "WA Statistic" }]
// remove the loading div
// function used by the class breaks renderer to get the
// value used to symbolize each state
function findGasPrice(graphic) {
var state = graphic.attributes.WA_NAME;
return statekachelnamen[state];
function calcBreaks(min, max, numberOfClasses) {
var range = (max - min) / numberOfClasses;
var breakValues = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++ ) {
breakValues[i] = formatDollars(min + ( range * i ));
// console.log("break values: ", breakValues)
return breakValues;
var myButton = new Button({
label: "Update Renderer!",
onClick: function(){
}, "progButtonNode");
function formatDollars(num) {
return num.toFixed(2);
//return number.format(num, { "places": 2 });
function kachelnamenError(e) {
console.log("error getting gas price data: ", e);
![here the text is correct][1]
![here the text is correct too ][2]
![I don't want to display text here][3]

OK I found a solution for my Problem.
Here is it
var updateEnd = fl.on("update-end", function() {
//show or hide the SWA text when the map's extent changes
window.map.on("extent-change", function(evt) {
var currentScale = map.getScale();
console.log('maponScale: ' + currentScale);
if (currentScale.toString() == "4622324.434309"){


mapbox geojson description for popup showing 'undefined'

I have the following code but when I click on a point to open a popup it returns 'undefined' and I cannot seem to work out why.
I'm pulling the description field from the geoJSON external source which I have control over but for some reason it just does not want to populate the description HTML in my array. I took the example for the popup from the mapbox website so I know it works there. I have checked, rechecked and triple checked but I think I cannot see the tree for the forest lol.
Could someone maybe help me please? thanks.
// ajax loading gif
$(document).ready(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 6000);
// vars
var initialOpacity = 0.2;
var opacity = initialOpacity;
// mapbox api
mapboxgl.accessToken = "hidden_api_key";
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: "map", // container ID
style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v10",
center: [-2.582861, 53.5154517],
zoom: 5,
maxZoom: 16,
minZoom: 0,
map.on("load", function () {
// get hotspot locations
map.addSource("hotspot_locations", {
type: "geojson",
data: "https://netmaker.io/dashboard/public_actions.php?a=ajax_helium_miners_location",
cluster: false,
clusterMaxZoom: 10, // max zoom to cluster points on
clusterRadius: 50, // radius of each cluster when clustering points (defaults to 50)
// add 300m circle around each hotspot
id: "circle500",
type: "circle",
source: "hotspot_locations",
paint: {
"circle-radius": {
stops: [
[0, 1],
[16, 600],
base: 2,
"circle-color": "green",
"circle-opacity": 0.1,
"circle-stroke-width": 0,
"circle-stroke-color": "white",
// add hotspot location
id: "hotspots-layer",
type: "circle",
source: "hotspot_locations",
paint: {
"circle-radius": 2,
"circle-stroke-width": 2,
// "circle-color": "#36d293",
"circle-color": "white",
"circle-stroke-color": [
["get", "status"],
"orange", // other
// "circle-stroke-color": '#36d293',
// ajax call hotspots location by name
var customData;
async: false,
type: "GET",
global: false,
dataType: "json",
url: "https://netmaker.io/dashboard/public_actions.php?a=ajax_helium_miners_location_customdata",
success: function (data) {
customData = data;
// custom data using hotspot name
function forwardGeocoder(query) {
var matchingFeatures = [];
for (var i = 0; i < customData.features.length; i++) {
var feature = customData.features[i];
if (feature.properties.title.toLowerCase().search(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
// feature["place_name"] = '<img src="https://netmaker.io/dashboard/images/helium_logo.svg" alt="" width="15px"> ' + feature.properties.title;
feature["place_name"] = feature.properties.title;
feature["center"] = feature.geometry.coordinates;
feature["place_type"] = ["hotspot"];
return matchingFeatures;
// add the control to the map.
new MapboxGeocoder({
accessToken: mapboxgl.accessToken,
localGeocoder: forwardGeocoder,
zoom: 14,
placeholder: "Search: address or hotspot name",
mapboxgl: mapboxgl,
map.on("click", "hotspots-layer", function (e) {
var coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice();
var description = e.features[0].properties.description;
while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) {
coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360;
new mapboxgl.Popup().setLngLat(coordinates).setHTML(description).addTo(map);
map.on("mouseenter", "hotspots-layer", function () {
map.getCanvas().style.cursor = "pointer";
map.on("mouseleave", "hotspots-layer", function () {
map.getCanvas().style.cursor = "";
You're recieving an undefined because e.features[0].properties.description doesn't exist in the "hotspots-layer" data.
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"status": "online"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
The only "description" in this case that you can return is the e.features[0].properties.status as seen here:
map.on("click", "hotspots-layer", function (e) {
var coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice();
var description = e.features[0].properties.status;
while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) {
coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360;
new mapboxgl.Popup().setLngLat(coordinates).setHTML(description).addTo(map);
This code snippet will allow the click event to show you the status when you interact with the hotspot location.

appcelerator : webview to show graph using HighCharts

I am developing an application which sends data to a webview and it uses highcharts to draw graph . The problem I am facing is I am using same graph to display different data series , so when I am calling the graph for 10th time , it firsts shows the y axis labels of all the previous 9 graphs , then the graph is loaded with labels of 10th graph . Any help .
<script src="./jquery.min.jsl"></script>
<script src="./highcharts.jsl"></script>
<script src="./exporting.jsl"></script>
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no">
function renderGraph(graphdata) {
var graphObj = JSON.parse(graphdata);
var chart = null;
lang : {
numericSymbols : ["K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"]
var change = {
0 : '$0K',
2 : '$2K',
4 : '$4K',
6 : '$6K',
8 : '$8K'
var xAxisLegends = graphObj.bottomLegends;
var seriesData = graphObj.seriesData;
var xAxisLegends = graphObj.bottomLegends;
//['Q2, 16', 'Q3, 16', 'Q4, 16', 'Q1, 17'];
var columnColors = ["#69C3DB", "#3a8a9f"];
var seriesData = graphObj.seriesData;
name : 'Budget',
showInLegend : false,
data : [2, 4, 6, 8]
}, {
name : 'Utilisation',
showInLegend : false,
data : [1, 2, 3, 4]
// variables which have diff values according to OS
var chartProperties = {};
// properties to assign to Charts's object
var graphHeight = 0;
// height of chart
var graphWidth = 0;
//Width of the column
var pointWidth;
// Separating the graph dimensions & styling properties as per OS name & version
if (graphObj.osname == "iphone") {
chartProperties = {
type : 'column',
renderTo : 'container'
xAxisProp = {
gridLineWidth : 0,
categories : xAxisLegends,
crosshair : true
yAxisProp = {
min : 0,
gridLineWidth : 0,
tickAmount : 5,
title : {
text : ' '
labels : {
formatter : function() {
var value = this.axis.defaultLabelFormatter.call(this);
return '$' + value;
pointWidth = 5;
} else if (graphObj.osname == "android") {
chartProperties = {
type : 'column',
plotBackgroundColor : null,
plotBackgroundImage : null,
plotBorderWidth : 0,
plotShadow : false,
height : 450,
marginTop : 100,
marginLeft : 120
xAxisProp = {
categories : xAxisLegends,
width : 800,
tickmarkPlacement : 'on',
labels : {
y : 40,
style : {
color : '#333333',
fontSize : '25',
fontFamily : 'Metropolis-Light',
opacity : '.6'
yAxisProp = {
gridLineWidth : 0,
min : 0,
tickAmount : 5,
offset : 60,
title : {
text : ''
labels : {
align : 'left',
style : {
color : '#333333',
fontSize : '28',
fontFamily : 'Metropolis-Light',
opacity : '.5'
formatter : function() {
var value = this.axis.defaultLabelFormatter.call(this);
return '$' + value;
pointWidth = 10;
if (parseInt(graphObj.osversion) >= 500 && parseInt(graphObj.osversion) <= 600) {
graphHeight = 600;
} else {
graphHeight = 630;
chart =
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart : chartProperties,
credits : {
enabled : false
tooltip : {
enabled : false
exporting : {
enabled : false
title : {
text : ''
xAxis : xAxisProp,
yAxis : yAxisProp,
plotOptions : {
column : {
pointPadding : 0.2,
borderWidth : 0,
groupPadding : 0.38,
pointWidth : pointWidth
colors : columnColors,
series : seriesData
<div id="container" style="height: 100%; width: 100%; position : center;"></div>
Here is the function inside the controller which calls the graph using evalJS.
$.webViewPerformanceGraph.url = "/html/Performance.html";
$.webViewPerformanceGraph.addEventListener('load', function() {
$.webViewPerformanceGraph.evalJS("renderGraph('" + JSON.stringify(params) + "');");

Pikaday.js : Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I created a simple app which have table and chart with date filters. There's 4 choices. Today, Yesterday, This Month, and Last Month, and one Submit button. It's working perfectly when page load. The table show list all of model and the chart show data what I want expected, perfect.
When I choosed a choice (for example : This Month) and click submit for first time, table and chart is refreshing, perfect.
But when I choosed for second time, It's give me error, and page is freeze
pikaday.js:70 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
Here's my part code
chartView.on("form:filter", function(data){
var criterion = data
data1 = filteredData.filter(criterion)
Here's full part code
programming.module("Program.Chart",function(Chart, programming, Backbone, Marionette, $, _){
Chart.Controller = {
getData : function(){
var data1 = programming.request("data:entities");
if(data1 !== undefined){
var filteredData = programming.Program.FilteredCollection({
collection : data1,
filterFunction : function(criterion){
return function(data){
var dateModel = moment(data.get("tanggal"),'DD/MM/YYYY');
var startDate = moment(criterion.date1,'DD/MM/YYYY')
var endDate = moment(criterion.date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')
return data
chartView = new Chart.chartV({
collection: filteredData
chartView.on("form:filter", function(data){
var criterion = data
data1 = filteredData.filter(criterion)
chartView.on("view:render", function(){
var format = "DD/MM/YYYY"
var date1 = new Pikaday({
field : $("#date1",this.el)[0],
format : format
$("#date1",this.el)[0].value = moment().add('days').format(format)
var date2 = new Pikaday({
field : $("#date2",this.el)[0],
format : format
$("#date2",this.el)[0].value = moment().add('days').format(format)
var selectdate = $('#publicdate',this.el)[0];
var value = selectdate.value;
var date1 = $('#date1',this.el)[0];
var date2 = $('#date2',this.el)[0];
date1.value = moment().add('days').format(format)
date2.value = moment().add('days').format(format)
} else if(value==="yesterday"){
date1.value = moment().add(-1,'days').format(format)
date2.value = moment().add(-1,'days').format(format)
} else if(value==="thismonth"){
date1.value = moment().add('month').startOf('month').format(format)
date2.value = moment().add('month').endOf('month').format(format)
} else if(value==="lastmonth"){
date1.value = moment().add(-1,'month').startOf('month').format('DD/MM/YYYY')
date2.value = moment().add(-1,'month').endOf('month').format('DD/MM/YYYY')
//Chartist JS
var labels = data1.models.map(function(model){
return model.get("tanggal");
var tshirtv = [];
var casev = [];
var tanggal = [];
var series = data1.models.map(function(model,index){
tanggal[index] = model.get("tanggal");
tshirtv[index] = model.get("jumlah");
casev[index] ="0";
} else if(model.get("produk")==="Case"){
casev[index] = model.get("jumlah");
tshirtv[index] ="0";
tshirtv = tshirtv.filter(()=>true)
casev = casev.filter(()=>true)
var series = [
name : "T-shirt",
data : tshirtv
name : "Case",
data : casev
//Line Chart
var data = {
labels : labels,
series : series
var option = {
showArea : true,
lineSmooth : false,
showPoint : true,
chartPadding : {
axisX : {
axisY : {
onlyInteger : true,
plugins : [
axisX: {
axisClass: 'ct-axis-title',
offset: {
x: 0,
y: 50
textAnchor: 'middle'
axisY: {
axisTitle: 'Jumlah Penjualan',
axisClass: 'ct-axis-title',
offset: {
x: 0,
y: 0
textAnchor: 'middle',
flipTitle: false
textAnchor : "middle"
//Donut Chart
var data2 = {
labels : ['T-Shirt', 'Case'],
series : [12,23]
var option2 = {
chartPadding : {
top : 0,
labelInterpolationFnc : function(value,series){
return value + ": " +data2.series[series].value
donutWidth : 60,
plugins : [
new Chartist.Line($('.statistic',this.el)[0],data,option)
//new Chartist.Pie($('.statistic2',this.el)[0],data2,option2)
} else {
chartView = new Chart.notfound()

Three.js - include mesh data in code

I have this Three.js code with JSON loader loading mesh from file /models/mountain.json:
var Three = new function () {
this.scene = new THREE.Scene()
this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000)
this.camera.position.set(20, 52, 20);
this.camera.rotation.order = 'YXZ';
this.camera.rotation.y = -Math.PI / 4;
this.camera.rotation.x = Math.atan(-1 / Math.sqrt(2));
this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer()
this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
var ground = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(436, 624),
new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: '#808080'}));
ground.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2; //-90 degrees around the x axis
var light = new THREE.PointLight(0xFFFFDD);
light.position.set(-1000, 1000, 1000);
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
this.loadMountain = function (x, y) {
loader.load('/models/mountain.json', Three.getGeomHandler('#808080', x, y, 1))
this.loadFields = function () {
for (var i=0;i<4000;i++) {
Three.loadMountain(x, y)
this.getGeomHandler = function (color, x, y, scale) {
return function (geometry) {
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: color}));
mesh.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
mesh.position.set(x, 0, y);
this.init = function () {
this.render = function () {
Three.renderer.render(Three.scene, Three.camera);
$(document).ready(function () {
and this is /models/mountain.json content:
"metadata": {
"formatVersion" : 3.1,
"generatedBy" : "Blender 2.7 Exporter",
"vertices" : 39,
"faces" : 62,
"normals" : 36,
"colors" : 0,
"uvs" : [],
"materials" : 1,
"morphTargets" : 0,
"bones" : 0
"scale" : 1.000000,
"vertices" : [2.47941e-07,-1.13504e-07,-2.59668,-2.41031,-6.2081e-08,-1.42025,-2.2107,4.55942e-08,1.04307,2.16045,1.84802,0.183901,-0.427399,1.11956e-07,2.56126,1.23588,9.98242e-08,2.28371,2.50387,4.55942e-08,1.04307,2.58781,9.37308e-09,0.214431,2.17385,-0.0483214,-1.42025,1.40026,-0.0483214,-1.74566,1.50645e-07,2.13114,-1.9421,-0.6306,2.13114,-1.52968,-1.04238,2.48498,-1.06715,-1.23632,3,-0.856474,-1.5574,2.62306,-0.476759,-1.68478,2.74775,0.160378,-1.20001,3,0.780135,-1.14654,3,1.41015,-0.31966,3,1.91562,0.31966,2.48498,1.46763,0.92434,3,1.70803,0.754272,2.73835,0.751422,1.90443,2.61032,0.780134,1.52632,2.76301,0.160377,1.78144,2.69402,-0.47676,1.9564,3,-1.06223,0.807846,2.13114,-1.68984,1.32727,3.09213,-1.10549,1.13568,1.38919,-1.21096,1.98255,0.969716,-1.07503,0.529022,2.81989,0.43993,0.969891,3.32801,-1.43745,-0.39848,2.2361,-1.12285,-1.00579,1.31316,2.27174,-0.789081,1.31316,2.34614,0.888122,0.684588,2.17543,0.568656,2.07869,1.615,2.13863,1.49103,1.32889,2.52981,0.924307,0.978923],
"faces" : [34,0,11,10,0,0,1,2,34,1,13,12,0,3,4,5,34,0,12,11,0,0,5,1,34,0,1,12,0,0,3,5,34,38,3,37,0,6,7,8,34,9,31,28,0,9,10,11,34,0,10,26,0,0,2,12,34,9,26,31,0,9,12,10,34,9,0,26,0,9,0,12,35,18,17,33,34,0,13,14,15,16,35,37,3,23,22,0,8,7,17,18,34,29,27,25,0,19,20,21,34,28,31,27,0,11,10,20,34,29,28,27,0,19,11,20,34,12,19,20,0,5,22,23,34,5,6,20,0,24,25,23,34,6,38,37,0,25,6,8,34,37,22,21,0,8,18,26,34,30,27,31,0,26,20,10,34,6,37,20,0,25,8,23,34,30,31,32,0,26,10,27,34,37,21,20,0,8,26,23,34,30,32,26,0,26,27,12,34,21,30,20,0,26,26,23,34,11,12,20,0,1,5,23,34,26,10,11,0,12,2,1,34,30,11,20,0,26,1,23,34,30,26,11,0,26,12,1,34,20,35,5,0,23,28,24,34,20,19,36,0,23,22,28,34,20,36,35,0,23,28,28,35,6,7,3,38,0,25,29,7,6,34,7,23,3,0,29,17,7,34,29,25,24,0,19,21,30,34,7,24,23,0,29,30,17,34,7,8,29,0,29,31,19,34,7,29,24,0,29,19,30,34,18,36,19,0,13,28,22,34,4,5,35,0,32,24,28,34,18,35,36,0,13,28,28,34,18,34,4,0,13,16,32,34,18,4,35,0,13,32,28,35,13,14,15,16,0,4,33,33,34,34,30,25,27,0,26,21,20,34,23,24,25,0,17,30,21,34,21,22,23,0,26,18,17,34,30,21,25,0,26,26,21,34,21,23,25,0,26,17,21,35,8,9,28,29,0,31,9,11,19,34,26,32,31,0,12,27,10,34,2,16,15,0,35,34,33,34,14,13,1,0,33,4,3,34,14,2,15,0,33,35,33,34,14,1,2,0,33,3,35,34,2,17,16,0,35,14,34,34,4,34,33,0,32,16,15,34,2,33,17,0,35,15,14,34,2,4,33,0,35,32,15,34,16,12,13,0,34,5,4,34,18,19,12,0,13,22,5,34,16,17,18,0,34,14,13,34,16,18,12,0,34,13,5],
"uvs" : [],
"normals" : [0.094028,0.298624,-0.949705,-0.162755,0.939238,-0.302133,0.228248,0.832942,-0.504044,-0.822016,0.351848,-0.447707,-0.253456,0.911466,-0.323923,-0.004059,0.913785,-0.40614,0.788598,0.576983,0.21247,0.952086,0.29432,-0.082797,0.625996,0.719138,0.301553,0.474441,0.29017,-0.83105,0.255501,0.796655,-0.547746,0.441328,0.166265,-0.881802,0.221656,0.483047,-0.847041,0.192999,0.761406,0.618824,-0.352977,0.778008,0.5197,-0.653584,0.252663,0.713401,-0.29136,0.293313,0.91052,0.688314,0.722556,0.063967,0.612629,0.761834,0.210364,0.718711,0.280313,-0.63625,0.370495,0.893033,-0.255287,0.629627,0.578692,-0.518326,0.229896,0.680258,0.695944,-0.064241,0.589251,0.805353,0.205145,0.606586,0.768059,0.734519,0.631458,0.24839,0.211341,0.910367,0.355693,-0.135533,0.925748,-0.352916,-0.03061,0.231269,0.972381,0.975982,0.184362,-0.11594,0.694266,0.717338,0.058412,0.712027,0.350871,-0.608173,-0.201483,0.259865,0.944365,-0.820185,0.572069,-0.001556,-0.322733,0.944334,0.063509,-0.922117,0.223151,0.315958],
"skinIndices" : [],
"skinWeights" : [],
"morphTargets" : [],
"bones" : [],
"animations" : [],
"colors" : [],
"materials" : [
"DbgColor": 15658734,
"DbgIndex": 0,
"DbgName": "default",
"vertexColors": false
Is it possible to use this content in code as a variable and add it to scane?
Here is the pattern to follow if you want to load a model by parsing a JSON data structure.
Modify your mountain.json file and give your data structure a name.
var mountain = {
"metadata": {
"formatVersion" : 3.1,
"generatedBy" : "Blender 2.7 Exporter",
... etc ...
Include the following code in your source:
<script src="mountain.js"></script>
Now you can load your model like so:
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
var model = loader.parse( mountain );
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( model.geometry, model.materials[ 0 ] );
scene.add( mesh );
three.js r.70

Creating Markers from my JSON file

I am creating a map with markers from a json file, my issue is that I am unable to get the markers to show on the map. I can link a basic json file, but when I try with an array file I get no markers. My code is:
<script src="js/mapping.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
window.onload = function () {
// Creating a new map
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
center : new google.maps.LatLng(51.50746, -0.127594),
zoom : 8,
mapTypeId : google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
// Creating a global infoBox object that will be reused by all markers
infoBubble = new InfoBubble({
minWidth: 300,
maxWidth: 400,
minHeight: 300,
maxHeight: 400,
arrowSize: 50,
arrowPosition: 50,
arrowStyle: 2,
borderRadius: 0,
shadowStyle: 1,
}); // end Creating a global infoBox object
// Creating a global infoBox object tabs
// end Creating a global infoBox object tabs
// Custom Markers
var markers = {};
var categoryIcons = {
1 : "images/liver_marker1.png",
2 : "images/liver_marker2.png",
3 : "images/liver_marker3.png",
4 : "images/liver_marker4.png",
5 : "images/liver_marker.png",
6 : "images/liver_marker6.png",
7 : "images/liver_marker.png"
} // end Custom Markers
// Looping through the JSON data
for (var i = 0, length = json.length; i < length; i++) {
var data = json[i],
latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(data.Latitude, data.Longitude);
// Creating a marker and putting it on the map
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position : latLng,
map : map,
title : data.title,
icon : categoryIcons[data.category]
// Creating a closure to retain the correct data, notice how I pass the current data in the loop into the closure (marker, data)
(function (marker, data) {
// Attaching a click event to the current marker
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(e) {
infoBubble.updateTab(0, 'Details', data.deviceOwnerName);
infoBubble.updateTab(1, 'Info', data.name);
infoBubble.open(map, marker);
}); // end Attaching a click event to the current marker
})(marker, data); // end Creating a closure
} // end Looping through the JSON data
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
And my json array file is:
"Device" : [{
"DeviceId" : "e889",
"DeviceRef" : "Te889",
"DeviceName" : null,
"DeviceText" : "Operated by SE",
"DeviceLocation" : {
"Latitude" : "51.484804",
"Longitude" : "-0.103226",
"Address" : {
"SubBuildingName" : null,
"BuildingName" : null,
"BuildingNumber" : null,
"Thoroughfare" : null,
"Street" : "Volcan Road North",
"DoubleDependantLocality" : null,
"DependantLocality" : null,
"PostTown" : "Norwich",
"PostCode" : "NR6 6AQ",
"Country" : "gb"
"LocationShortDescription" : null,
"LocationLongDescription" : null
"Connector" : [{
"ConnectorId" : "JEV01",
"ConnectorType" : "JEVS G 105 (CHAdeMO)",
"RatedOutputkW" : "50.00",
"RatedOutputVoltage" : null,
"RatedOutputCurrent" : null,
"ChargeMethod" : "DC",
"ChargeMode" : "1",
"ChargePointStatus" : "In service",
"TetheredCable" : "0",
"Information" : null
"Controller" : {
"OrganisationName" : "SE",
"Website" : null,
"TelephoneNo" : null,
"ContactName" : null
"DeviceOwner" : {
"OrganisationName" : "Unknown",
"Website" : null,
"TelephoneNo" : null,
"ContactName" : null
"DeviceAccess" : {
"RegularOpenings" : [{
"Days" : "Monday",
"Hours" : {
"From" : "08:00",
"To" : "18:00"
}, {
"Days" : "Tuesday",
"Hours" : {
"From" : "08:00",
"To" : "18:00"
}, {
"Days" : "Wednesday",
"Hours" : {
"From" : "08:00",
"To" : "18:00"
}, {
"Days" : "Thursday",
"Hours" : {
"From" : "08:00",
"To" : "18:00"
}, {
"Days" : "Friday",
"Hours" : {
"From" : "08:00",
"To" : "18:00"
}, {
"Days" : "Saturday",
"Hours" : {
"From" : "08:30",
"To" : "05:00"
"Open24Hours" : true
"PaymentRequiredFlag" : false,
"SubscriptionRequiredFlag" : true,
"Accessible24Hours" : false,
"PhysicalRestrictionFlag" : false,
"PhysicalRestrictionText" : null,
"OnStreetFlag" : false,
"Bearing" : null
I am trying to link to the Latitude and Longitude, but I am also looking to display the DeviceId.
Any help would be appreciated.
Latitude and Longitude are nested members within your JSON file. You cannot access them without first delving into the DeviceLocation member. I recommend you read this article (http://www.w3schools.com/json/) to understand how JSON works.

