How to make list in jQuery mobile nested list? - javascript

Can you please tell me how to make list in jQuery mobile? I am trying to make this type list as given in fiddle on pop up screen dynamically .
Here is the fiddle
In this fiddle I make two rows.In first row there is only p tag. But in second row there is nested collapsible rows. I need to make same thing in pop up screen. I am able to make first row. But In my second row contend is null why? Can you suggest where I am wrong?
$(function () {
var tabsHeader = [ "InputParameter", "basic"];
var tabsHeader_basic = [ "XYZ", "Third Level",
function createCommandPopUpTabs(){
var header = "<h3 >dd</h3>";
var commmand = 'dd';
var button = '<button onclick="return submitCommand("'+
'")" style="" class="donebtn common-button1">Save</button>';
for ( var i = 0; i < tabsHeader.length; i++) {
var headerId = tabsHeader[i] + "_tab" + commmand;
var header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='false' id='"
+ headerId + "'><h3>InputParameter</h3></div>";
var content ;
content = "<p>yes</p>";
}else if(tabsHeader[i]=="basic"){
for ( var i = 0; i < tabsHeader_basic.length; i++) {
headerId = tabsHeader_basic[i] + "_tab" + commmand;
header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='false' id='"
+ headerId + "'><h3>basic</h3></div>";
content += getcontend(tabsHeader_basic[i]);
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId).append(content);
function getcontend(name){
if(name=="Third Level"){
return"<p>Third Level></p>";
} if(name=="XYZ"){
return"<p> second Level></p>";

There are errors in your code and logic. I will only go over a couple of them to hopefully get you on the right path:
In tabsHeader_basic array the Third Level has a space in it which you later use as an ID which makes it an invalid ID because you cannot have spaces in an ID.
From the HTML 5 Draft:
The value must not contain any space characters.
Also, the "basic" collapsible div needs to exist before you start adding the nested collapsible div.
So this line needs to come out of the for loop
header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='false' id='"+ headerId + "'><h3>basic</h3></div>";
Go through the JSFiddle and compare your code agaisnt my changes.
Hopefully that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

I have updated createCommandPopUpTabs() function.
Also removed space in Third Level on var tabsHeader_basic = ["XYZ", "ThirdLevel"];
Check the Updated Fiddle
function createCommandPopUpTabs() {
var header = "<h3 >dd</h3>";
var commmand = 'dd';
var button = '<button onclick="return submitCommand("' +
'")" style="" class="donebtn common-button1">Save</button>';
for (var i = 0; i < tabsHeader.length; i++) {
var headerId = tabsHeader[i] + "_tab" + commmand;
var header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='true' id='" + headerId + "'><h3>" + tabsHeader[i] + "</h3></div>";
var content;
if (tabsHeader[i] == "InputParameter") {
content = "<p>yes</p>";
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId).append(content);
} else if (tabsHeader[i] == "basic") {
for (var j = 0; j < tabsHeader_basic.length; j++) {
var headerId1 = tabsHeader_basic[j] + "_tab" + commmand;
var header1 = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='true' id='" + headerId1 + "'><h3>" + tabsHeader_basic[j] + "</h3></div>";
var content1 = getcontend(tabsHeader_basic[j]);
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId).append(header1);
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId1).append(content1);


Using variable for an identifier name (using jquery selectors)

Believe me, I've been looking for examples online for hours. None of them seem to help.
I'm working on making a table. There are some columns with dropdown menu and I've assigned ID to each menu. Inside a loop, I'm trying to assign selected value for each dropdown menu.
var row$ = $('<tr/>');
function updateDataBodyGenerator(myList) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < myList.length ; i++) {
var row$ = $('<tr/>');
var colIndex = 0;
for (var key in myList[i]) {
var cellValue = myList[i][columns[colIndex]];
if (cellValue == null) { cellValue = ""; }
var severityDropDownMenu = "severityDropDownMenu" + i;
switch (key) {
case "Test Case":
case "Test Result":
case "Severity":
var severitySting = '<td><select id="' + severityDropDownMenu + '" class="dropDownMenu">' +
'<option value="Red">Red</option>' +
'<option value="Green">Green</option>'+
'<option value="Yellow">Yellow</option>';
//$("#severityDropDownMenu" + i).val(cellValue);
//var selectorString = "#" + severityDropDownMenu.toString();
//$("#" + severityDropDownMenu).val(cellValue);
//var selectorString = '#' + severityDropDownMenu;
As you can see in the comments, I've tried several approaches and only 1 worked which was $('#severityDropDownMenu0').val(cellValue); but that will only change 1 dropdown menu.
I appreciate your time and assistance.
Currently you're trying to use the # selector to target the dropdown by ID.
The issue here (as mentioned in the comments) is that this selector will search the DOM for the element, however because you've never added this element to the DOM, it doesn't exist on the page; the selector will return nothing.
What you can do instead is actually turn your severitySting into a jQuery element to set its value. Whenever you do append it, the value will be properly set. Like so:
var $severity = $(severitySting); //This is the <td>
var $dropdown = $severity.find("select") //This is the <select>
$dropdown.val(cellValue); //Set dropdown value
var severityDropDownMenu = "mytest";
var cellValue = "Yellow";
var severitySting = '<td><select id="' + severityDropDownMenu + '" class="dropDownMenu">' +
'<option value="Red">Red</option>' +
'<option value="Green">Green</option>' +
'<option value="Yellow">Yellow</option>';
var $severity = $(severitySting);
var $dropdown = $severity.find("select");
<script src=""></script>

Creating and Adding content dynamically

I'm creating some ul and span tags dynamically. Now, I'm trying to add content dynamically as well through a click function. The tags gets created inside a ul but the content doesn't get inserted. Here is the code for it:
<div class="main"></div>
<div class="content-list"><ul class="information"> </ul></div>
Here's the Javascript with the function and the listener:
var $contentHandler = $(".content-list");
var $mainHandler = $(".main");
var $infoHandler = $(".information");
var circleCounter = 1;
$ {
var htmlString = "<li class='" + circleCounter + "'> <span class='circle-color'> var color = <div class='circle-color-input' contentEditable autocorrect='off'> type a color</div> ; </span> <br> <span class='circle-radius'> This is supposed to change </span> <br> <span class='circle'> This is supposed to change </span> </li>"
function updateList() {
var listItems = $('.information').find('li#' + circleCounter);
var len = circleCounter;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
//We create one reference. This makes looking for one element more effective. Unless we need to search for a particular element
var currentItem = circles[i];
var updateStringRadius = "var radius = " + circleCounter + ";";
var updateStringCircle = "circle (" + circleCounter + " ," + circleCounter + ", radius)";
//This is the div Item for the particular div of each element
var divItem = $(listItems[i]);
var radiusItem = divItem.find("");
var circleItem = divItem.find("");
// divItem.text(updateString);
var $circleRadiusHandler = $(".circle-radius");
Any suggestions in how to make it work. Here's a JSFiddle for that:
Thank you kindly,
You just need to change:
var listItems = $('.information').find('li#' + circleCounter);//this searches by id
var listItems = $('.information').find('li.' + circleCounter);//this searches by class`
//And remove:
var currentItem = circles[i];
Why are you trying to edit your HTML after you've defined it? Why not use a template like this:
var listItemClass = 'someclass',
typeOfColor = 'somecolor',
radiusOne = 'someradius',
radiusTwo = 'anotherradius';
var listItem = "<li class='{0}'> \
<span class='circle-color'> var color = \
<div class='circle-color-input' contentEditable autocorrect='off'> {1}</div> ; \
</span> \
<br> \
<span class='circle-radius'>{2}</span> \
<br> \
<span class='circle'>{3}</span> \
listItem.format(listItemClass, typeOfColor, radiusOne, radiusTwo);
With the following format definition:
String.prototype.format = String.prototype.f = function () {
var s = this,
i = arguments.length;
while (i--) {
s = s.replace(new RegExp('\\{' + i + '\\}', 'gm'), arguments[i]);
return s;
This way, you don't have to worry about finding certain elements within your predefined structure after the fact. You're just replacing certain parts with whatever you specify.

How to clear a listbox value when another listbox value selected

I have created a depending on radio button click listbox will display now if user click a one radio button listbox will display and again user select other option but its not clear a previous value of listbox how to clear it by javascript????
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function fun(s)
Here is the example which i have tried JS FIDDLE
Try this:
var listBox = document.getElementById("listboxID");
listBox.innerHTML = "";
I think show/hide method is not good for programming.
I dont know whether it is useful or not but this might be helpful to you.
You can make it dynamic like
var mainGroup = ["aa","bb","cc"];
var subGourp = ["dd","ee","ff"];
var itemName = ["gg","ee","ff"];
var Country = ["jj","hh","ii"];
var Zone = ["kk","ll","mm"];
if(s == A)
var i=0;
var str = "";
str += "<option value='" + (i+1) + "'>" + mainGroup[i] + "</option>";
document.getElementById("maingroup").innerHTML = str;
else if(s == B)
var i=0;
var str = "";
str += "<option value='" + (i+1) + "'>" + subGourp[i] + "</option>";
document.getElementById("maingroup").innerHTML = str;
This is my idea(not tested). Give every your listbox a class name like class='lst'. After that when you click on a radio button just use:
`document.getElementsByClassName('lst').style.display = 'none';`
and show current listbox.
`document.getElementsByClassName('currentListboxID').style.display = 'block';`
Here is DEMO

Display the checkboxes selected into a section and the unselected into another one

I want to show the checkboxes selected into a div but actually I have a duplicate item in the list and I'm not sure how to display the unselected items into another div.
You can try out here
Here my code:
/* Array */
var list = new Array("valuetext000", "valuetext001", "valuetext002", "valuetext003", "valuetext004", "valuetext005", "valuetext006", "valuetext007", "valuetext008", "valuetext009", "valuetext010", "valuetext011", "valuetext012", "valuetext013", "valuetext014", "valuetext015", "valuetext016", "valuetext017")
var html = "";
/* Array will be converted to an ul list */
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
html += "<input type='checkbox' name='boxvalue' value='" + list[i] + "' /><label>" + list[i] + "</label><br>";
<div id="elmAv"></div>
<div id="selectionResult"></div>
/* Function to display the items selected */
function showBoxes(frm) {
var checkedItems = "\n";
//For each checkbox see if it has been checked, record the value.
for (i = 0; i < frm.boxvalue.length; i++) {
if (frm.boxvalue[i].checked) {
checkedItems = checkedItems + "<li>" + frm.boxvalue[i].value + "<li>";
<input type="Button" value="Get Selection" onClick="showBoxes(this.form)" />
Simply add another div after selectionResult like this:
<div id="unselectedResult"></div>
And then update showBoxes() with the following code:
function showBoxes(frm) {
var checkedItems = "Checked:<br>\n";
var uncheckedItems = "Unchecked:<br>\n";
//For each checkbox see if it has been checked, record the value.
for (i = 0; i < frm.boxvalue.length; i++) {
if (frm.boxvalue[i].checked) {
checkedItems = checkedItems + "<li>" + frm.boxvalue[i].value + "</li>";
else {
uncheckedItems = uncheckedItems + "<li>" + frm.boxvalue[i].value + "</li>";
Should get the result you're looking for.
This should work. Added another array listChecked to track checked values.
/* Array */
var list = new Array("valuetext000", "valuetext001", "valuetext002", "valuetext003", "valuetext004", "valuetext005", "valuetext006", "valuetext007", "valuetext008", "valuetext009", "valuetext010", "valuetext011", "valuetext012", "valuetext013", "valuetext014", "valuetext015", "valuetext016", "valuetext017")
var listChecked = new Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Array will be converted to an ul list */
function displayUnchecked()
var html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if ($.inArray(list[i], listChecked) == -1)
html += "<input type='checkbox' name='boxvalue' value='" + list[i] + "' /><label>" + list[i] + "</label><br>";
<div id="elmAv"></div>
<div id="selectionResult"></div>
/* Display the items selected */
function showBoxes(frm) {
var checkedItems = "\n";
//For each checkbox see if it has been checked, record the value.
for (i = 0; i < frm.boxvalue.length; i++) {
if (frm.boxvalue[i].checked) {
$.each(listChecked, function (index, value)
checkedItems = checkedItems + "<li>" + value + "</li>";
<input type="Button" value="Get Selection" onClick="showBoxes(this.form)" />

Creating html table using Javascript not working

Basically, I want the user the just change the 'height' variable to how ever many rows he wants, and then store the words which each td in the row should contain, and the code should then generate the table.
My html is just this:
<table id="newTable">
This is my Javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
var height = 2; // user in this case would want 3 rows (height + 1)
var rowNumber = 0;
var height0 = ['HeadingOne', 'HeadingTwo']; // the words in each td in the first row
var height1 = ['firstTd of row', 'secondTd of row']; // the words in each td in the second row
var height2 = ['firstTd of other row', 'secondTd of other row']; // the words in each td in the third row
$(document).ready( function() {
function createTr () {
for (var h=0; h<height + 1; h++) { // loop through 3 times, in this case (which h<3)
var theTr = "<tr id='rowNumber" + rowNumber + "'>"; // <tr id='rowNumber0'>
$('#newTable').append(theTr); // append <tr id='rowNumber0'> to the table
for (var i=0; i<window['height' + rowNumber].length; i++) {
if (i == window['height' + rowNumber].length-1) { // if i==2, then that means it is the last td in the tr, so have a </tr> at the end of it
var theTd = "<td class='row" + rowNumber + " column" + i + "'>" + window['height' + rowNumber][i] + "</td></tr>";
$('#rowNumber' + rowNumber).append(theTr); // append to the end of the Tr
} else {
var theTd = "<td class='row" + rowNumber + " column" + i + "'>" + window['height' + rowNumber][i] + "</td>";
$('#rowNumber' + rowNumber).append(theTr);
rowNumber += 1;
I did 'alert(theTr);' and 'alert(theTd);' and they looked correct. How come this code doesn't generate any table?
You should change the line
$('#rowNumber' + rowNumber).append(theTr);
$('#rowNumber' + rowNumber).append(theTd);
You are adding the Tr-Code again in the inner loop, but you actually wanted to add the Td-Code.
All that window["height"+rowNumber] stuff is a poor way to do it. Use an array, and pass it as a parameter to the function so you don't use global variables. And use jQuery DOM creation functions instead of appending strings.
<script type="text/javascript">
var heights = [['HeadingOne', 'HeadingTwo'], // the words in each td in the first row
['firstTd of row', 'secondTd of row'], // the words in each td in the second row
['firstTd of other row', 'secondTd of other row'] // the words in each td in the third row
$(document).ready( function() {
function createTr (heights) {
for (var h=0; h<heights.length; h++) { // loop through 3 times, in this case (which h<3)
var theTr = $("<tr>", { id: "rowNumber" + h});
for (var i=0; i<heights[h].length; i++) {
theTr.append($("<td>", { "class": "row"+h + " column"+i,
text: heights[h][i]
$('#newTable').append(theTr); // append <tr id='rowNumber0'> to the table

