How to run QUnit tests from command line? - javascript

I recently started working on a Rails app that has a large amount of QUnit tests already in place for testing ember. I have been charged with the task of setting the app with a CI (I decided to use CodeShip). The issue I currently face is that the only way for me to run the qunit tests is to go to http://localhost:3000/qunit. I need to setup a way to run the tests from the command line. I have done a large amount of research, and have tried at least 10 different solutions but non have managed to work.
Currently I am attempting to use teaspoon but it I have not managed to get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated. Please let me know if I need to post more information about the setup.

node-qunit-phantomjs gets the job done easy enough and is standalone, not a Grunt-, Gulp-, whatever-plugin:
$ npm install -g node-qunit-phantomjs
$ node-qunit-phantomjs tests.html
Testing tests.html
Took 8 ms to run 1 tests. 0 passed, 1 failed.
$ echo $?

Use out-of-the-box qunit command (do npm install -g qunit beforehand), so you don't need additional dependencies.
Extending a bit Arthur's answer because he mentioned only simplest case which works only for simplest projects.
As mentioned on QUnit page, there is built-in possibility to run tests from command line. There is no need to install additional weird frameworks on top of QUnit!
npm install -g qunit
qunit # Will search for tests in "test" directory
This works for artificial tests as on their website, but in real project you probably will have your logic in some other .js file.
Having following structure:
│ index.js <--- Your script with logic
│ package.json <--- most probably you'll have npm file since qunit executable is installed via npm
tests.html <--- QUnit tests included in standard HTML page for "running" locally
tests.js <--- QUnit test code
And let's imagine that in your index.js you have following:
function doSomething(arg) {
// do smth
return arg;
And the test code in tests.js (not that it can be the whole content of the file - you don't need anything else to work):
QUnit.test( "test something", function( assert ) {
Running in browser
This is not related directly to the question, but just want to make a reference here.
Just put both your script and tests to tests.html and open the page in browser:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../index.js"></script>
<script src="tests.js"></script>
Running from command line
With the setup described below you can try to run qunit, but it will not work because it cannot find your function doSomething. To make it accessible you need to add two things to the scripts.
First is to explicitly "import" your script from tests. Since JS doesn't have sunch a functionality out-of-the box, we'll need to use require coming from NPM. And to keep our tests working from HTML (when you run it from browser, require is undefined) add simple check:
// Add this in the beginning of tests.js
// Use "require" only if run from command line
if (typeof(require) !== 'undefined') {
// It's important to define it with the very same name in order to have both browser and CLI runs working with the same test code
doSomething = require('../index.js').doSomething;
But if index.js does not expose anything, nothing will be accessible. So it's required to expose functions you want to test explicitly (read more about exports). Add this to index.js:
//This goes to the very bottom of index.js
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
exports.doSomething = doSomething;
When it's done, first check tests.html still working and not raising any errors (testing test infrastructure, yeah) and, finaly, try
And the output should be like
TAP version 13
ok 1 Testing index.js > returnTrue returns true
# pass 1
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 0
I don't want to deal with node for my simple (or not) project
This is an open question and I cannot answer this. But you'll need some runner to run QUnit tests anyway. So maybe having package.json with one devDependency like "qunit": "^2.6.1" is not the worst option here. There are several 3rd-party runners: grunt-qunit, PhantomJS runnner, ember-qunit-cli, also see more on official QUnit Plugins page
What if I have class, not function?
In JS everything is a function, right :)? So no problem, just change your script exports and tests import acordingly
exports.exportedMyClass = MyClass; // in index.js
MyClass= require('../index.js').exportedMyClass ; // in tests.js
See example a.k.a. small getting started here.

QUnit now has its own CLI:
$ npm install -g qunit
$ qunit 'tests/*-test.js'
TAP version 13
ok 1 Module > Test #1
ok 2 Module > Test #2
# pass 2
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 0
Run qunit --help for more usage information.

You can use Grunt (task runner) for this. You would also need to install these two packages: grunt-contrib-qunit and grunt-contrib-connect
I did just recently set up a GitHub repository when trying to figure out how to run QUnit on Travis CI:
You're welcome to fork it and try it out for yourself.


Jest "No tests found, exiting with code 1" error on Windows 10 in React Redux application

I am attempting to run Jest on my project. I am on a Windows 10. I only have one test in one test file.
In package.json:
"test": "jest"
My directory structure:
My output:
No tests found, exiting with code 1
Run with `--passWithNoTests` to exit with code 0
In C:\Users\myUsername\Documents\myApp
47 files checked.
testMatch: **/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x), **/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x) - 0 matches
testPathIgnorePatterns: \\node_modules\\ - 47 matches
testRegex: - 0 matches
Pattern: - 0 matches
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
According to the documentation here, Jest should look for anything that has test.js in the name.
I have also tried tests.js and that didn't work either.
I created a folder in the root of the project and put a test in there as __tests__/tests.js and that did work, but I do not want it placed there.
I have seen several tickets and questions about questions that are superficially similar, but all of those involve more complex configurations, or bugs that were supposedly patched already. I have no special configurations set. The documentation says this should work. Tutorials I have read for Jest include the exact setup I am currently using.
I am using Babel and Webpack. I installed the jest and babel-jest packages. I also added jest to the ESLint environment.
[edit] updated to properly document my problem, which I answered below. I lost track of my file naming.
I am a bloody idiot and I didn't pay attention to the details.
Jest is looking for test.js specifically. Not testS.js. My files were labeled as tests.js. It worked inside __tests__/ because Jest just looks for anything inside there.
I got it working just fine now, and it shall remain up as a testament to me not looking at the specifics of the regex matches.
I had the same Problem with a React-App. Make sure, that the jest config file has the correct file pattern to find the tests:
// jest.config.js
module.exports = {
testMatch: [
From my side, I was getting this error because I had placed myself (cd) in the directory where the chromeDriver was installed, so as not to have to add its path to $Path. After I added chromeDriver to $Path, and placed myself in the directory of my project, everything went fine.
No tests found, exiting with code 1
All I had to do was npm install.
Then I hit the Debug link at the top of my test. The test was found and execution stopped at the breakpoint. A simple solution to a very frustrating problem.
You just need to change the name of the file. For example
if you have a customer.js or customer.ts file and you want to test it. Create a new file name is customer.test.js or
customer.test.ts after npm test it will test the file which just for testing .
I had the same problem, I wanted to run my tests inside drone CI pipeline and had the same error what solved my problem was simply adding workspace to my project.
check if it is small case like filename.test.js.
I made a mistake ComponentName.Test.js and got error, fixed it by ComponetName.test.js

Testing JavaScript Written for the Browser in Node JS

I have some JavaScript that is going to run in the browser, but I have broken the logic based functions that have nothing to do with the DOM into their own js files.
If it's possible, I would prefer to test these files via command line, why have to open a browser just to test code logic? After digging through multiple testing libraries for Node.js. I suppose it's not a big deal, but that seems to require that I build a whole node project, which requires that I provide a main, which doesn't really exist in my project since it's just functions that get fired from a web page.
Is there a solution for testing JavaScript functions that can be as simple as just writing a .js file with tests in it and calling a utility to run those tests? Something more simple than having to set up a runner, or build a project and manage dependencies? Something that feels like writing and running JUnit Tests in Eclipse, and a little less like having to set up a Maven project just to run MVN test?
As a follow-up question, is this even the right way to go about it? Is it normal to be running tests for JavaScript that is meant to run in the browser in Node.js?
Use test runners like mocha or jasmine. Very easy to setup and start writing test code. In mocha for example, you can write simple test cases like
var assert = require('assert');
var helper = require('../src/scripts/modules/helper.js');
var model = require('../src/scripts/modules/model.js');
model.first.setMenuItem ({
'title': 'Veggie Burger',
'count': 257,
'id': 1
describe('increment', function(){
console.log ("Count : " + model.first.getMenuItem().count);
it('should increment the menu item', function(){
assert.equal(model.first.getMenuItem().count, 258);
and run them like
$ ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha test/*.js
where test/*.js are the specifications file (unit test file like the one above)
the output will be something like:
Count : 257
✓ should increment the menu item
1 passing (5ms)
You can even use headless browser like PhantomJS to test containing DOM manipulation code.
I'm going to accept Ari Singh's answer for recommending Mocha, and special kudos to Ayush Gupta for leading me down a road that eventually let me write my js files in a format that could be ran in the browser and node.js.
Just to expand on Ari's answer a bit on some things that made life a little easier.
I installed mocha globally using npm install -g mocha. Additionally, I created a test directory that I put all my test in. By doing this, all I had to do to run my unit tests was call mocha test. No package.json, no lengthy paths into node_modules to run mocha.
Node js requires you to export the functions in one file that you want to use in another file, which JavaScript in browsers does not. In order to support both Node.js and JavaScript, I did the following:
In my root directory, I have foo.js with the following contents:
function bar() {
module.export = bar
Then in the test directory I have test_foo.js with the following contents (Note this example doesn't have a test, see Ari's answer for an example of writing tests in Mocha):
var bar = require('../foo.js')
Using this approach, I can test the bar function in node using mocha test and still use it in my HTML page by importing it as a script.

unti testing in sails js [duplicate]

I'm completely new to sails, node and js in general so I might be missing something obvious.
I'm using sails 0.10.5 and node 0.10.33.
In the sails.js documentation there's a page about tests, but it doesn't tell me how to actually run them.
I've set up the directories according to that documentation, added a test called test/unit/controllers/RoomController.test.js and now I'd like it to run.
There's no 'sails test' command or anything similar. I also didn't find any signs on how to add a task so tests are always run before a 'sails lift'.
UPDATE-2: After struggling a lil bit with how much it takes to run unit test this way, i decided to create a module to load the models and turn them into globals just as sails does, but without taking so much. Even when you strip out every hook, but the orm-loader depending on the machine, it can easily take a couple seconds WITHOUT ANY TESTS!, and as you add models it gets slower, so i created this module called waterline-loader so you can load just the basics (Its about 10x faster), the module is not stable and needs test, but you are welcome to use it or modify it to suit your needs, or help me out to improve it here ->
I've added the info related to running your tests with mocha to the docs under Running tests section.
Just to expand on what others have said (specially what Alberto Souza said).
You need two steps in order to make mocha work with sails as you want. First, as stated in the sails.js Docs you need to lift the server before running your test, and to do that, you create a file called bootstrap.test.js (It can be called anything you like) in the root path (optional) of your tests (test/bootstrap.test.js) that will be called first by mocha, and then it'll call your test files.
var Sails = require('sails'),
before(function(done) {
// configuration for testing purposes
}, function(err, server) {
sails = server;
if (err) return done(err);
// here you can load fixtures, etc.
done(err, sails);
after(function(done) {
// here you can clear fixtures, etc.
Now in your package.json, on the scripts key, add this line(Ignore the comments)
// package.json ....
scripts": {
// Some config
"test": "mocha test/bootstrap.test.js test/**/*.test.js"
// More config
This will load the bootstrap.test.js file, lift your sails server, and then runs all your test that use the format 'testname.test.js', you can change it to '.spec.js' if you prefer.
Now you can use npm test to run your test.
Note that you could do the same thing without modifying your package.json, and typying mocha test/bootstrap.test.js test/**/*.test.js in your command line
PST: For a more detailed configuration of the bootstrap.test.js check Alberto Souza answer or directly check this file in hist github repo
See my test structure in we.js:
You can copy and paste in you sails.js app and remove we.js plugin feature in bootstrap.js
And change you package.json to use set correct mocha command in npm test:
-- edit --
I created a simple sails.js 0.10.x test example, see in:
Given that they don't give special instructions and that they use Mocha, I'd expect that running mocha from the command line while you are in the parent directory of test would work.
Sails uses mocha as a default testing framework.
But Sails do not handle test execution by itself.
So you have to run it manually using mocha command.
But there is an article how to make all Sails stuff included into tests.

Jasmine unit-tests not started on travis

I want to make continuous integration for my chrome extension.
Using tools: GitHub, Travis, Bower, components-jasmine.
In .travis.yml:
install bower
in bower download jasmine
change default SpecRunner.html on my SpecRunner.html, which contains my src and specs
load my SpecRunner.html in phantomjs
language: node_js
- "0.10"
- npm install -g bower
- bower install
- mv -f ./test/SpecRunner.html ./vendor/components-jasmine
- phantomjs ./test/runTests.js
var page = require('webpage').create();'../vendor/components-jasmine/SpecRunner.html', function(){
Tests should be failed, but status on travis - passed.
Why my tests don't run?
Results of tests is showing on the same SpecRunner.html.
For getting results need to print this loaded page.
If html loaded in phantomjs locally, then url should to follow classic Url/Uri rules, especially for a local file (that's why page not loaded):
file:///c:/path/to/the%20file.txt #win
file:///etc/fstab #unix
For getting results of tests need parse logs in after_script in .travis.yml and return value - 0 if tests passed or non-null if tests failed.
Also, probably, it's possible with help itself jasmine (but i'm not sure).
Try to add after_script: echo $? to .travis.yml to see what is the return value of your test. If it's 0 then Travis behavior is correct.
I merely guess that your test just return 0 regardless of a result. According to the documentation this code just tries to open the file and calls a callback on failure - since there is no not-0-exit callback whole scripts exits normally and build passes.
From what you wrote I understand that Travis runs just fine, and it's phantomjs ./test/runTests.js that isn't returning non 0 value. Try to change:
into something like:
if (status === 'success')
And say it that fail the build (I assume that page opening always fails).

TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'sinon.spy()')

I'm trying to use sinon.js in testing of a backbone application. But unfortunately I cannot use spy method due to error:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'sinon.spy()')
Here is the steps to reproduce the error:
Create an empty project with backbone yeoman generator
Install sinon: cd test && bower install sinon
Include in test/index.html <script src="bower_components/sinon/lib/sinon.js"></script>
Create spy in test/spec/test.js:
describe('Give it some context', function () {
describe('maybe a bit more context here', function () {
it('should run here few assertions', function () {
var spy = sinon.spy();;
Run the test with grunt: grunt test
The test will fail with a described error.
Could anyone help to find out what is wrong?
I'll just leave here the list of files that sinon conveniently forgets to load if it is loaded as a <script> or with require.js (as AMD module) - basically anything else than in node.js:
Feel free to skip any of those but expect sinon to fail in curious ways.
It turned out that such functionality as spies, stubs, etc should be added manually by including scripts from lib/sinon folder. This fact is mentioned in Installation section. And due to the code of the core sinon.js file only in Node.js environment it is done automatically.
I encountered the same problem with sinon 1.17.2 and Chrome 47.0. After trying the above solutions and variations of those, I ended up using the nuclear option and switching to Jasmine.
For my test suite, it only took about 15 minutes of some global find-and-replace to convert my chai 'expects' into Jasmine ones and some differences around mocha before syntax; Jasmine flagged the unexpected syntax clearly. Jasmine spy objects were a fine substitute for sinon.
Unlike the other answers, I didn't install simon manually by including each individual source file. Instead I followed the advice of How To Install Sinon.JS In The Browser With Bower.
bower install
bower list -p
'sinon-1.17.6': 'bower_components/sinon-1.17.6/index.js'
<script src="bower_components/sinon-1.17.6/index.js"></script>
Worked for me.

