Array length remains 0 even though I push 'objects' to it - javascript

I have a little piece of code that reads some ajax (this bit works) from a server.
var self = this;
var serverItems = new Array();
var playersOnlineElement = $("#playersOnline");
function DataPair(k, v) {
this.key = k;
console.log("new datapair: " + k + ", " + v);
this.value = v;
DataPair.prototype.getKey = function() {
return this.key;
DataPair.prototype.getValue = function() {
return this.value;
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
var pair = new DataPair(key, val);
console.log(serverItems.length); //Problem is here
for (var i = 0; i < serverItems.length; i = i + 1) {
var dpair = serverItems[i];
if (dpair.getKey() === "playersOnline") {
self.playersOnlineElement.text("Players Online: " + dpair.getValue());
The datapair and the JSON get loaded but when they are pushed to the array it doesn't seem to work. I tried with self.serverItems and just serverItems because netbeans showed me the scope of the variables being good if I used just serverItems but I am a bit confused as to why this doesn't work. Can anyone help me?
I put in comments where the error is. serverItems.length is 0 even though when debugging in a browser in the DOM tree it has an array serverItems with all the data inside.
Assumingly this serverItems is in another scope and not the one I am calling when I want to get the length?

add this code into the success part, since its asynchronous...
for (var i = 0; i < serverItems.length; i = i + 1) {
var dpair = serverItems[i];
if (dpair.getKey() === "playersOnline") {
self.playersOnlineElement.text("Players Online: " + dpair.getValue());
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
var pair = new DataPair(key, val);
for (var i = 0; i < serverItems.length; i = i + 1) {
var dpair = serverItems[i];
if (dpair.getKey() === "playersOnline") {
self.playersOnlineElement.text("Players Online: " + dpair.getValue());

Related is undefined: Cannot read property 'classList' of undefined

I'm making something to visualize photographs.
The goal is to select the picture you want in the "list" to make it appear on the main HTML element. But to help you find where you are in the list there's a class putting borders on the element you selected.
The issue :
The function executing with the event this.block.onclick = function () begins well, the .selected is removed from the initial selected element, but when comes this.block.classList.add('selected'); I get this error:
media_visu.js:26 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of undefined
I tried to put the function outside, tried className, setAttribute, but nothing changed: my this.block seems to be undefined.
mediavisu.js :
var mediaVisu = function () {
'use strict';
window.console.log('mediaVisu loaded');
var i,
visu = document.querySelector("#img"),
Album = [];
function Photo(nb, folder) {
this.block = document.querySelector("#list_img_" + nb); = 'url(../src/' + folder + '/' + nb + '.jpg)';
this.block.onclick = function () {
for (i = 0; i < Album.length; i += 1) {
if (Album[i].block.classList.contains('selected')) {
} =;
Album[Album.length] = this;
var test_a = new Photo(1, "test"),
test_b = new Photo(2, "test"),
test_c = new Photo(3, "test"),
test_d = new Photo(4, "test"),
test_e = new Photo(5, "test");
for (i = 0; i < Album.length; i += 1) {
in the onclick function, this will be the element that was clicked
so you can simply use
you may need to rethink using as this wont be the this you think it is .. a common solution is as follows
function Photo(nb, folder) {
this.block = document.querySelector("#list_img_" + nb); = 'url(../src/' + folder + '/' + nb + '.jpg)';
var self = this;
this.block.onclick = function () {
for (i = 0; i < Album.length; i += 1) {
if (Album[i].block.classList.contains('selected')) {
} =;
Album[Album.length] = this;
alternatively, using bind
function Photo(nb, folder) {
this.block = document.querySelector("#list_img_" + nb); = 'url(../src/' + folder + '/' + nb + '.jpg)';
this.block.onclick = function () {
for (i = 0; i < Album.length; i += 1) {
if (Album[i].block.classList.contains('selected')) {
} =;
Album[Album.length] = this;
note: now you go back to this.block.classList.add('selected') as this is now the this you were expecting before
You can access to it with 'this' (as mentionned in the previous answer) or with the event target :
this.block.onclick = function (e) {
for (i = 0; i < Album.length; i += 1) {
if (Album[i].block.classList.contains('selected')) {
} =;

JSON return value to global variable

Simply my code looks like this:
var thevariable = 0;
//somecode using thevariable
//success and i want to set the returned value from php to my variable to use it in the forloop
thevariable = e.result;
my main problem that the variable value stays "0", during the whole For loop, while i only want it to be "0" at the first loop, then it takes the result returned from PHP to use it on for loop.
here it my real code if you need to take a look:
var orderinvoice = 0;
for(var i=0; i<table.rows.length; i++){
var ordername = table.rows[i].cells[5].innerText;
var orderqty = ((table.rows[i].cells[1].innerText).replace(/\,/g,'')).replace(/Qty /g,'');
var orderprice = (table.rows[i].cells[2].innerText).replace(/\$/g,'');
var ordertype = table.rows[i].cells[3].innerText;
var orderlink = table.rows[i].cells[4].innerText;
$.getJSON('orderprocess.php', {'invoice': orderinvoice, 'pay_email': email, 'ord_name': ordername, 'ord_qty': orderqty, 'ord_price': orderprice, 'ord_type': ordertype, 'ord_link': orderlink}, function(e) {
document.getElementById("result").innerText= document.getElementById("result").innerText + "Order #"+e.result+" Created Successfully ";
document.getElementById("invoker").innerText = ""+e.invoice;
orderinvoice = e.invoice;
if(i+1 == table.rows.length){
document.getElementById("result").innerText= document.getElementById("result").innerText + "With invoice #" + e.invoice;
in a loop block, before one ajax complete other one will be run and this's javascript natural treatment. For your case you can call a function at the end of success event. Do something like this:
var i = 0;
function doSt() {
var orderinvoice = 0;
var ordername = table.rows[i].cells[5].innerText;
var orderqty = ((table.rows[i].cells[1].innerText).replace(/\,/g, '')).replace(/Qty /g, '');
var orderprice = (table.rows[i].cells[2].innerText).replace(/\$/g, '');
var ordertype = table.rows[i].cells[3].innerText;
var orderlink = table.rows[i].cells[4].innerText;
$.getJSON('orderprocess.php', { 'invoice': orderinvoice, 'pay_email': email, 'ord_name': ordername, 'ord_qty': orderqty, 'ord_price': orderprice, 'ord_type': ordertype, 'ord_link': orderlink }, function(e) {
document.getElementById("result").innerText = document.getElementById("result").innerText + "Order #" + e.result + " Created Successfully ";
document.getElementById("invoker").innerText = "" + e.invoice;
orderinvoice = e.invoice;
if (i + 1 == table.rows.length) {
document.getElementById("result").innerText = document.getElementById("result").innerText + "With invoice #" + e.invoice;
if (i < table.rows.length) doSt();
I think you need a recursive function that always deals with the first element in your rows array and then splices it off and calls itself. For example, something like this:
function getStuff(rows, results) {
if (rows.length > 0) {
var ordername = rows[0].cells[5].innerText;
$.getJSON('orderprocess.php', { 'ord_name': ordername }, function (e) {
// do some stuff
results.push('aggregate some things here?');
rows.splice(0, 1);
return getStuff(rows, results);
} else {
return results;
When the array is spent, results will be returned with whatever aggregate you wanted at the end of the cycle. Then, you can do as you please with the results. I think you can also manipulate the DOM inside the function as you see fit if that makes more sense. Hope this helps.

Profiling Javascript in PyV8

I have a JS codebase running within PyV8. Now I'd like to improve its performance, but there don't seem to be any hooks to enable the V8 profiler. In an older trunk version of PyV8 there are some options referencing the profiler but I don't find any documentation on it. Do you have any idea on how to profile in PyV8 without me having to rewrite the Python-to-JS wrapper?
Do you know of any JS-only-framework that uses monkey patching in order to generate a timing profile? It's not a big deal if there is some overhead involved - better than not having a profile at all.
At the end I've found the hint I needed in the book 'Pro Javascript Design Patterns': Use a closure together with func.apply to apply instrumentation on functions. Unfortunately, the JS way of decorating functions is not quite as clean as Python's - but hey, it works and I get the information I need to drill down into the code's performance characteristics.
function mod_profiler() {
var profile_by_function_name = {};
var total_time = 0;
var time_counting_for_function = null;
function get_function_name(func) {
var result = func.toString();
result = result.substr('function '.length);
result = result.substr(0, result.indexOf('('));
return result;
function update_profile(function_name, elapsed_time) {
var profile = profile_by_function_name[function_name];
if (profile === undefined) {
profile = {calls:0, elapsed_time:0};
profile_by_function_name[function_name] = profile;
profile.calls += 1;
profile.elapsed_time += elapsed_time;
if (time_counting_for_function === function_name) {
total_time += elapsed_time;
function profile(func) {
function profiled() {
var function_name = get_function_name(func);
if (time_counting_for_function === null) {
time_counting_for_function = function_name;
var start_time = new Date().getTime()
var result = func.apply(undefined, arguments);
var elapsed_time = new Date().getTime() - start_time;
update_profile(function_name, elapsed_time);
if (time_counting_for_function === function_name) {
time_counting_for_function = null;
return result;
return profiled;
function get_formatted_result() {
function get_whitespace(length) {
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += " ";
return result;
var function_names = Object.keys(profile_by_function_name);
var function_names_sorted_by_elapsed_time = function_names.sort(function (a,b) {
var elapsed_a = profile_by_function_name[a].elapsed_time;
var elapsed_b = profile_by_function_name[b].elapsed_time;
if (elapsed_a < elapsed_b) {
return 1;
if (elapsed_a > elapsed_b) {
return -1;
return 0;
var max_name_length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < function_names_sorted_by_elapsed_time.length; i++) {
if (function_names_sorted_by_elapsed_time[i].length > max_name_length) {
max_name_length = function_names_sorted_by_elapsed_time[i].length;
var result = "\n" + get_whitespace(max_name_length) + " " + "#calls\telapsed\t% of total\n";
for (var i = 0; i < function_names_sorted_by_elapsed_time.length; i++) {
if (total_time === 0) {
var function_name = function_names_sorted_by_elapsed_time[i];
var percentage_elapsed = profile_by_function_name[function_name].elapsed_time * 100 / total_time;
if (percentage_elapsed < 0.3) {
result += function_name + ":" + get_whitespace(max_name_length - 1 - function_name.length) + profile_by_function_name[function_name].calls + "\t" + profile_by_function_name[function_name].elapsed_time + "\t" + percentage_elapsed.toFixed(2) + "\n";
result += "==========\n";
result += "total time accounted for [ms]: " + total_time;
return result;
return {
profile: profile,
get_formatted_result: get_formatted_result
function mod_1(profiler_param) {
var profiler = profiler_param;
function my_private_func() {
return "hello world2";
if (typeof(profiler) === 'object' && profiler !== null) {
render_user_menu = profiler.profile(render_user_menu);
} //private functions need the instrumentation to be added manually or else they're not included in the profiling.
function my_public_func1() {
return "hello world";
function my_public_func2(input1, input2) {
return my_private_func() + input1 + input2;
//public functions get the instrumentations automatically as long as they're called from outside the module
var public_function_by_names = {
my_public_func1: my_public_func1
my_public_func2: my_public_func2
var result = {};
var public_function_names = Object.keys(public_function_by_names);
for (var i = 0; i < public_function_names.length; i++) {
var func = public_function_by_names[public_function_names[i]];
if (typeof(profiler) === 'object' && profiler !== null) {
result[public_function_names[i]] = profiler.profile(func);
else {
result[public_function_names[i]] = func;
return result;
PyV8 side
with X4GEJSContext(extensions=['profile', 'my_module_1']) as ctx:
if self.enable_profiling == True:
ctx.eval("var profiler = mod_profiler();")
ctx.eval("var mod1 = mod_1(profiler);")
#note: you can pass profiler to as many modules as you want and they get instrumented together."mod1.my_public_func_1() + mod1.my_public_func_2('a', 3);"))"profiler.get_formatted_result();"))
ctx.eval("var mod1 = mod_1();") #it still works without the profiler
"hello worldhelloworld2a3"
#calls elapsed % of total
my_public_func1: 1 31 50.00
my_public_func2: 1 31 50.00
my_private_func: 1 31 50.00
total time accounted for [ms]: 62

Convert Indented Text List to HTML List (jQuery)

I am attempting to create a jQuery script which will convert an indented text list of arbitrary length and depth into a properly formatted HTML list. The lists on which I will be running this script are simple tree structures for directories. Within the tree structures, folders are denoted by a semicolon following the folder name (and files have no ending punctuation). Given this, I would like to attach a <span class="folder"></span> or <span class="file"></span> to the lines as appropriate.
I've found it to be fairly easy to generate most of the structure, but I cannot seem to get the recursion (which I suspect will be necessary) down to ensure that the tags are properly nested. The page on which this will be implemented will include the most recent (i.e., 3.0.3) version of Bootstrap, so feel free to use any of its functionality. I have about two dozen (generally abortive) fragments of code which I've tried or which I'm currently attempting to tweak to produce the desired result. Instead of posting a mass of (likely unhelpful) code, I've created a JSFiddle with the basic form which will be used for input/output, a bit of jQuery, and an example list and some external libraries loaded.
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Try this. I copied it to your fiddle and it seems to work.
var indentedToHtmlList = function indentedToHtmlList (text, indentChar, folderChar, listType, showIcons) {
indentChar = indentChar || '\t';
folderChar = folderChar || ':';
listType = listType || 'ul';
showIcons = !!showIcons;
var lastDepth,
lines = text.split(/\r?\n/),
output = '<' + listType + '>\n',
depthCounter = new RegExp('^(' + indentChar + '*)(.*)');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var splitted = lines[i].match(depthCounter),
indentStr = splitted[1],
fileName = splitted[2],
currentDepth = (indentStr === undefined) ? 0 : (indentStr.length / indentChar.length),
isFolder = (fileName.charAt(fileName.length - 1) === folderChar);
if (isFolder) {
fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length -1);
if (lastDepth === currentDepth) {
output += '</li>\n';
} else if (lastDepth > currentDepth) {
while (lastDepth > currentDepth) {
output += '</li>\n</' + listType + '>\n</li>\n';
} else if (lastDepth < currentDepth) {
output += '\n<' + listType + '>\n';
output += '<li>';
if (showIcons) {
output += '<span class=" glyphicon glyphicon-' +
(isFolder ? 'folder-open' : 'file') +
'"></span> ';
output += fileName;
lastDepth = currentDepth;
while (lastDepth >= 0) {
output += '\n</li>\n</' + listType + '>';
return output;
You could use spans and classes to denote files and folders, but you should consider using ul and li elements, they were built for that.
The whole list should be enclosed within an ul element. Each entry on the top level list should create an li element inside of the main element. If the element is a folder, then it should also append another ul. This is where you'll need recursion to allow proper nesting.
However, if you intend to use indentation (no pun indented) the tab and or whitespace parsing is a problem by itself which I'm not solving in this answer. For the sake of this example, I'll just pretend you have a magic function that turns text into a parsed list called MyList, and that files that belong to a folder are whatever lies after the first semicolon of each list element.
var turnTextIntoList=function(AText) {
//magic stuff;
return SomeList;
var populateList=function(AList) {
var mainelement=jQuery('<ul></ul>');
for(element in AList) {
var the_li=jQuery('<li></li>');
if(element.indexOf(';')!=-1) {
the_li.append('<span class="file">'+element+'</span>');
} else {
var thefolder=element.split(';')
the_li.append('<span class="folder">'+thefolder[0]+'</span>');
return mainelement;
var MyList=turnTextIntoList(MyText);
See, the recursion part is where you do
which will keep drilling into nesting levels until it reaches a file so it can start its way back.
It appears that someone already created a script which does this. Unfortunately, that script is in CoffeeScript, not JavaScript. However, there are a number online converters which will convert from CoffeeScript to JavaScript. Thanks to #charlietfl who provided a link to a working converter, supra.
Here is the converted, working code:
var bind, blank, convert, index, li, lineToMap, linesToMaps, parse, parseTuples, ptAccum, runConvert, tabCount, ul, ulEnd;
convert = function(text) {
return parse(text.split('\n'));
li = function(t) {
var html;
html = "<li>" + t['line'] + "</li>";
return html;
ul = function(t) {
return ptAccum.push("<ul>" + (li(t)));
ulEnd = function() {
return ptAccum.push("</ul>");
ptAccum = [];
index = 0;
parse = function(lines) {
var ts;
ts = linesToMaps(lines);
ptAccum = ["<ul>"];
index = 0;
parseTuples(ts, 0);
return ptAccum.join("\n");
parseTuples = function(tuples, level) {
var stop, _p, _results;
stop = false;
_p = function() {
var curLevel, t;
t = tuples[index];
curLevel = t['level'];
if (curLevel === level) {
return li(t);
} else if (curLevel < level) {
return stop = true;
} else {
parseTuples(tuples, level + 1);
return ulEnd();
_results = [];
while (!stop && index < tuples.length) {
return _results;
tabCount = function(line) {
var c, count, i, inc, isTab, tc;
tc = 0;
c = '\t';
count = 0;
if (line) {
count = line.length;
i = 0;
isTab = function() {
return c === '\t';
inc = function() {
c = line.charAt(i);
if (isTab()) {
return i++;
while (isTab() && i < count) {
return tc;
lineToMap = function(line) {
return {
line: line,
level: tabCount(line)
blank = function(line) {
return !line || line.length === 0 || line.match(/^ *$/);
linesToMaps = function(lines) {
var line, _i, _len, _results;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = lines.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
line = lines[_i];
if (!(blank(line))) {
return _results;
runConvert = function() {
var result;
result = convert($('#textarea-plain-text').val());
return $('#div-converted-text').html(result);
bind = function() {
return $('#list-conversion-button').click(runConvert);

overwriting a property in a string

Is there someone out there who can help me with this function. What it suppose to do is set a property in a string and this string is split firstly by a colon (:) for each control and the it checks if there is an id matching and if there is it then checks if there is a property matching if there is a property overwrite the value but my function doesn't seem to overwrite the property it just returns the original string. can someone help
var cookieValue = 'id=1&state=normal&theme=purple:id=2&state=maximized&theme=pink:id=3&state=maximized&theme=black';
var setProperties = function (cookie, id, prop, prop_value) {
var windows = cookie.split(':');
var result = $.each(windows, function(index, value) {
var temp1 = [];
if(value.indexOf(id) > -1) {
var temp2 = [];
var properties = value.split('&');
var result2 = $.each(properties, function(index, value) {
if(value.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
temp3 = [];
temp3 = value.split('=');
temp3[1] = prop_value;
}else {
return temp2.join('&')
return temp1
return temp1;
return alert(result.join(':'));
setProperties(cookieValue, '2', 'theme', 'black');
function setProperties(cookie, id , name, value) {
var sections = $.map(cookie.split(":"), function (section) {
var pairs, found = false;
if (section.indexOf("id=" + id) === 0) {
pairs = $.map(section.split("&"), function (pair) {
if (pair.indexOf(name + "=") === 0) {
found = true;
return name + "=" + value;
} else {
return pair;
if (!found) {
pairs.push(name + "=" + value);
return pairs.join("&");
} else {
return section;
return sections.join(":");
Each doesn't return a value. You had some semicolons missing I edited the code a little.
It's not production worthy but at least it returns the (partially) correct value.
You will have to figure out how to replace that value in the cookie. I think regex is the best approach or of course you can pass temp1 array between the function but you will have to re-factor your code quite a lot.
var cookieValue = 'id=1&state=normal&theme=purple:id=2&state=maximized&theme=pink:id=3&state=maximized&theme=black';
var setProperties = function (cookie, id, prop, prop_value) {
var windows = cookie.split(':');
var result = $.each(windows, function(index, value) {
var temp1 = [];
console.log('value' + value);
console.log('windows' + windows);
if(value.indexOf(id) > -1) {
var temp2 = [];
var properties = value.split('&');
var windows = $.each(properties, function(index, value) {
if(value.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
temp3 = [];
temp3 = value.split('=');
temp3[1] = prop_value;
}else {
cookieValue = temp2.join('&');
cookieValue = temp1;
cookeValue = temp1;
console.log("new cookie" + cookieValue); // PRINTS new cookieid=2&state=maximized&theme=black
setProperties(cookieValue, '2', 'theme', 'black');

