Replacing image inside a table cell doesn’t work - javascript

I have a table in which rows are added dynamically using jQuery (latest row on top using prepend). If it is an errorLine, text in the first column will be “x”. If it is a successLine the text in the first column will be numerals like 1,2,3…
If the latest row is an errorLine, I need to apply background color (using class “firstErrorLine”) and replace the text “x” with an image. At the same time I need to remove image from all other lines and replace image with text “x”. I tried multiple jQuery approaches but didn’t work. Following is one of the failed approaches.
//$("#tblVisualAidResult tbody tr td:first img").hide().parents("tr td:first").html('x');
Any thoughts how we can achieve this?
Demo – jsFiddle
jQuery Code
$(document).ready(function ()
function styleFirstErrorLine(isFailureExist)
$("#tblVisualAidResult tbody tr").removeClass('firstErrorLine');
//$("#tblVisualAidResult tbody tr td:first img").hide().parents("tr td:first").html('x');
$("#tblVisualAidResult tbody tr:first").addClass('firstErrorLine');
var firstCell = $("#tblVisualAidResult tbody tr:first td:first");
$(firstCell).html('<img width="50" height="50" class="errorImage" src="../images/Error2_BMP.JPG"/>');
<table id="tblVisualAidResult" class="resultLog" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="width: 100%; display: table; background-color: rgb(229, 219, 226);">
<td class="Heading3" style="width: 20%;">
Serial No
<td class="Heading3" style="width: 30%;">
Container ID
<td class="Heading3">
<tr class="Normal">
<td style="padding-left: 5px">
Case Label does not Exist
<tr class="Normal">
<td style="padding-left: 5px">
Received 2 of 2 of work lot S318214501
<tr class="Normal">
<td style="padding-left: 5px">
<img width="50" height="50" class="errorImage" src="../images/Error2_BMP.JPG"></td>
Case Label does not Exist
<tr class="Normal">
<td style="padding-left: 5px">
<img width="50" height="50" class="errorImage" src="../images/Error2_BMP.JPG"></td>
Case Label does not Exist
<tr class="Normal">
<td style="padding-left: 5px">
Received 1 of 2 of work lot S318214501
<tr class="Normal">
<td style="padding-left: 5px">
<img width="50" height="50" class="errorImage" src="../images/Error2_BMP.JPG"></td>
Case Label does not Exist

If I understand correctly what you are trying to achieve, you should use td:first-child instead of td:first.
jsFiddle demo


Input field to the next line with CSS or JavaScript without altering the HTML

I'm working on a Survey and on the system that I work I don't have access to change the HTML directly but I can add CSS or JavaScript to the existing code.
I have the following HTML and I would like the input field to be right underneath the first name. I can only use the ID's as the classes are the same in many other fields that I don't want changing them. I'm a bit stack so if anyone has an idea I would really appreciate..Thanks!
<div id="pnlPersonalDetails2">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="surveyquestions">
<td colspan="2" class="pd_question">
<span id="lbl2"></span>
<td class="pd_label">FIRST NAME<span class="red"> *</span></td>
<input name="Name微statictext_2" type="text" id="Name微statictext_2" class="pd_textbox">
<td class="error_label">
<span id="ctl03" style="visibility:hidden;">Required Field</span>
Please check if this helps you to achieve the desired style
td.pd_label ~ td {
float: left;
position: absolute;
left: 7px;
margin-top: 1em;
The same selector (td.pd_label ~ td) works in JavaScript also.
You can use the + selector
#pnlPersonalDetails2 + .surveyquestions td {
<div id="pnlPersonalDetails2">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="surveyquestions">
<td colspan="2" class="pd_question">
<span id="lbl2"></span>
<td class="pd_label">FIRST NAME<span class="red"> *</span></td>
<input name="Name微statictext_2" type="text" id="Name微statictext_2" class="pd_textbox">
<td class="error_label">
<span id="ctl03" style="visibility:hidden;">Required Field</span>
<div id="someId"></div>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="surveyquestions">
<td colspan="2" class="pd_question">
<span id="lbl2"></span>
<td class="pd_label">FIRST NAME<span class="red"> *</span></td>
<input name="Name微statictext_2" type="text" id="Name微statictext_2" class="pd_textbox">
<td class="error_label">
<span id="ctl03" style="visibility:hidden;">Required Field</span>

Remove css class if element is empty with JS

I have multiple tables that hold images throughout my document. Each table has 3 rows (Caption/Image/Source). I need to style my caption to have a border using CSS, but when the caption is blank, the caption class still appears in my markup, resulting in a random border appearing.
Table with caption:
<table class="img-include">
<td class="caption">My Caption </td>
<td class="image"><img src="..." /></td>
<td class="source">My Source</td>
Table with no caption, with the class="caption" still in the table cell:
<table class="img-include">
<td class="caption"></td>
<td class="img"><img src="..." /></td>
<td class="source">My Source</td>
I want to remove the caption class for cells that are empty, but my current JS removes the class for all my elements:
//remove empty caption
if ($('.caption').is(':empty')){
$("td").removeClass( ".caption" );
How can I update this so it only removes the class for empty .caption cells
JS Fiddle:
very easy
Instead of removing the class with JS, you can use the CSS pseudo-class :empty with :not, to style only non empty captions:
table {
margin: 20px 0
.caption:not(:empty) {
border-bottom: 1px solid red;
.source {
font-size: .85em;
color: #777
<table class="img-include">
<td class="caption">My Caption </td>
<td class="image"><img src="" /></td>
<td class="source">My Source</td>
<table class="img-include">
<td class="caption"></td>
<td class="image"><img src="" /></td>
<td class="source">My Source</td>
<table class="img-include">
<td class="caption">My Caption </td>
<td class="image"><img src="" /></td>
<td class="source">My Source</td>

How do I iterate through table rows with specific img alt attribute and delete cells in javascript

Have an html table as follows (# of rows vary)..
<table id="issuetable">
<tr id="issuerow13210" rel="13210" data-issuekey="Ticket-215" class="issuerow focused">
<td class="issuetype"><a class="hidden-link issue-link" data-issue-key="Ticket-215" href="/browse/Ticket-215" tabindex="-1" title="Ticket-215"></a> <a class="issue-link" data-issue-key="Ticket-215" href="/browse/Ticket-215"> <img src="/servicedesk/issue-type-icons?icon=it-help" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="IT Help" title="IT Help - For general IT problems and questions."></a></td>
<td class="issuekey">
<a class="issue-link" data-issue-key="Ticket-215" href="/browse/Ticket-215">Ticket-215</a>
<a class="issue-link" data-issue-key="Ticket-215" href="/browse/Ticket-215"></a>
<td class="issue_actions"> <div class="action-dropdown aui-dd-parent">
<a class="aui-dropdown-trigger aui-dd-link icon-tools-small issue-actions-trigger trigger-happy" id="actions_13210" title="Actions (Type . to access issue actions)" href="/rest/api/1.0/issues/13210/ActionsAndOperations?atl_token=B3EQ-V14Z-C9T2-CSQ1|a8670a0d83de2caedc2f08b4935ffa3acc8d8488|lin">
<tr id="issuerow13209" rel="13209" data-issuekey="Ticket-214" class="issuerow">
<td class="issuetype"><a class="hidden-link issue-link" data-issue-key="Ticket-214" href="/browse/Ticket-214" tabindex="-1" title="Ticket-214"></a> <a class="issue-link" data-issue-key="Ticket-214" href="/browse/Ticket-214"> <img src="/servicedesk/issue-type-icons?icon=it-help" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="Task" title="Task"></a></td>
<td class="issuekey">
<a class="issue-link" data-issue-key="Ticket-214" href="/browse/Ticket-214">Ticket-214</a>
<td class="issue_actions"> <div class="action-dropdown aui-dd-parent">
<a class="aui-dropdown-trigger aui-dd-link icon-tools-small issue-actions-trigger trigger-happy" id="actions_13209" title="Actions (Type . to access issue actions)" href="/rest/api/1.0/issues/13209/ActionsAndOperations?atl_token=B3EQ-V14Z-C9T2-CSQ1|a8670a0d83de2caedc2f08b4935ffa3acc8d8488|lin">
How can I use javascript once the page finishes loading to iterate through each row and delete the cell "issue_actions" only if the row contains an image with alt="IT Help"?
My own suggestion would be:
$('img[alt="IT Help"]').closest('td').siblings('.issue_actions').empty();
The use of .empty() removes the content of the <td> elements, but does not remove the <td> itself, which should prevent the table layout being distorted by rows with differing cell-counts.
$('img[alt="IT Help"]').closest('td').siblings('.issue_actions').empty();
img[alt="IT Help"] {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #f00;
td {
border: 1px solid #000;
<script src=""></script>
<img src="" alt="IT Help" />
<td class="issue_actions">This shouldn't be visible</td>
<img src="" alt="Not IT Help" />
<td class="issue_actions">This should be visible</td>
<img src="" alt="IT Help" />
<td class="issue_actions">This shouldn't be visible</td>
The following uses remove(), which demonstrates the slight visual problem:
$('img[alt="IT Help"]').closest('td').siblings('.issue_actions').remove();
img[alt="IT Help"] {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #f00;
td {
border: 1px solid #000;
<script src=""></script>
<img src="" alt="IT Help" />
<td class="issue_actions">This shouldn't be visible</td>
<img src="" alt="Not IT Help" />
<td class="issue_actions">This should be visible</td>
<img src="" alt="IT Help" />
<td class="issue_actions">This shouldn't be visible</td>
Attribute-equals ([attribute="value"]) selector.
Use the pseudo selector :has and then, find your element you want to remove :
$('tr:has(img[alt="IT Help"]) .issue_actions').remove();

How to Hide an image stored in second TD based on the values of table stored in first TD with JQuery?

I have a 2 columns TABLE with first TD containing another TABLE with 3 rows of contents and second TD with an image as below:-
<table id="myTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td style="padding-top: 10px;">
<td align="left">
Wellness and Care
<td align="left">
630 Woodbury Drive
<td align="left">
<td align="left">
No Webaddress
<td align="right">
<img src="images/phone.png" class="imgHeader" id="imgPhone">
<td style="padding-top: 10px;">
<td align="left">
<td align="left">
<td align="left">
<td align="left">
No Webaddress
<td align="right">
<img src="images/phone.png" class="imgHeader" id="imgPhone">
I am trying to disable the image on the second column of the row, if the Value of one of the TD is "N/A". I am stuck at getting the parent TR and going to second TD to do something.
My try is as follows:
$('#myTable tr').each(function () {
if ($(this).find("td").text().trim() == "N/A") {
var cellIndex = $(this).index();
var nextTD = $(this).children('td').eq(1).index();
// I am basically stuck here in getting next TD
Any help is appreciated!!
$('#myTable td:first-child td:contains("N/A")').parents('td').next().find('img').hide();
$( '#myTable td:first-child td:contains("N/A")' ).closest('tr').closest('td').next().find('img').hide()
Demo: Fiddle
What I would do in your case is add a class for your 4 tr tags with text. Then you can just parse through each of those 4 by their class and if one of them is equal to 'N/A' you can grab the image by its ID and hide it.
<td class="test" align="left">
Wellness and Care
$('.test').each(function () {
if($(this).text().trim() == 'N/A') {
This should be enough to get you started:
$( '#myTable td:first td' ).each(
function() {
if ( $( this ).text().trim() == 'N/A' ) {
$( '#myTable td' ).eq( 1 ).hide();

resizable gridview columns

i have found this
Resizable Gridview columns using javascript
and happy to implement this but it is working on any table(
<table >
<tr class="first">
<td width="100">
<td width="200">
) but creating problem on gridview render html table(
<table >
<th ></th><th></th>
<td ></td><td>
If you mean how to have that plugin work only on certain tables instead of all tables, change this line:
To this instead:
Then to any table you want it applied to, add class columnresize like this:
<table class="columnresize">

