Timeout from navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition is not triggering error callback - javascript

I have the following Javascript code, for getting user localization:
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(getStores, getStoresError, {
'enableHighAccuracy' : true,
'timeout' : 10000,
'maximumAge' : 0
Both callbacks are being called when the user accepts or rejects the localization request. But if no answer is provided in 10 secs I was expecting timeout to expire and getStoresError to be called. This is not happening. Any ideas?

The timeout timer doesn’t start counting down until after the user gives permission to even try to calculate their position
var options = {timeout:10000,enableHighAccuracy:true,maximumAge:0};

Try creating a global variable which is only updated on the success method for navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition. You can then create a setTimeout function lasting 10 secs which checks whether that value has been updated or not.
The only problem with this is that if the user clicks on Allow and your timeout expires just before the location is retrieved, you might be handling the response prematurely.

After try a lot in dev environment. I finally found that from 2016 chrome has disable that api in unsecured environment, it has to be done from https, hope this would save people's time. See this link below, https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/04/geolocation-on-secure-contexts-only.


how to exit php code after a few seconds?

I want to exit my php code after 10 seconds. Is there any possible way to do that? I have already found this code but it's not working.
set_time_limit(10); *//this line is blocked from the server*
ini_set('max_execution_time', 10);
Did you put set_time_limit at the begining of the script? if not - do it, because if you look at official documentation you will see next:
When called, set_time_limit() restarts the timeout counter from zero.
In other words, if the timeout is the default 30 seconds, and 25
seconds into script execution a call such as set_time_limit(20) is
made, the script will run for a total of 45 seconds before timing
Also check it's return value:
"Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure."
"The set_time_limit() function and the configuration directive max_execution_time only affect the execution time of the script itself. Any time spent on activity that happens outside the execution of the script such as system calls using system(), stream operations, database queries, etc. is not included when determining the maximum time that the script has been running. This is not true on Windows where the measured time is real."
Does it help?
All written above you can find in http://php.net/manual/en/function.set-time-limit.php
I think that this code may help you:
$starttime = time();
//make something
while ((time() - $starttime)<5); //stop with 5 seconds

long-poll jQuery.ajax() fails to callback after phone sleeps?

My web app uses the 'long poll' method to keep up to date with the latest data from my server. The server only responds when it has new data, which can be many minutes apart. (It is a heating control system where you only see updates when room temperatures changes or somebody changes the settings).
var version = "0";
function updater() {
type: "POST",
url: "/listen",
data: version,
success: function (data) {
version = handleUpdates(data);
error: function () {
setTimeout(updater, 1000);
It works fine on desktop browsers and on phones except in one case. I have found that on android phones with Chrome something odd happens after the phone has gone to sleep for more then about 10 minutes. The post request seems to be dropped, which I guess is reasonable since the phone is asleep. In the Chrome debugger's Network tab, the Status Text of the POST request says (canceled).
The problem is when I wake the phone up while the request is cancelled, neither the success() or error() function is called, and my web app never gets updated. $.ajax() has broken its promise to call me back.
The problem only happens on some devices. I have been able to do a few ad-hoc tests by borrowing devices off friends. So far I have only seen the problem on android phones. But not is the phone is connected to a charger. I have not seen it on any tablets, on apple devices or windows PCs.
I have tried adding a timeout to the ajax settings:
timeout: 120 * 1000,
This helps because the error() function is eventually called up to 2 minutes after the wake up. But I'd like the user to see updates within 1 or 2 seconds. I don't want to make the timeout so short because it would create unnecessary server traffic.
I have also tried detecting whether device is asleep by looking for lateness in a one second setInterval as described in Can any desktop browsers detect when the computer resumes from sleep?.
When I detect the wake up, I abort() the post and start another. This helps in most cases. But it turns out to be unreliable. Sometimes time events seem to keep ticking normally during sleep and the post request gets cancelled anyway. And it it does not feel like a reliable fix.
I am using latest version of jQuery: (2.1.2) and Chrome (47).
I not sure this will work or not, I cannot test it now but give it a try
$(window).focus(function() {
I've had problems in the past with JavaScript calls getting suspended when the phone goes to sleep. The solution I ended up with was to use window.setInterval() which seems to suspend, but come back to life when the phone is woken up.
So I would recommend setting an interval which cancels the call every so often and reinitiates it. This might help it survive through a phone sleep.
Something roughly like:
var myCall = $.ajax({...});
Window.setInterval (refreshCall(), 10000);
function refreshCall (){
myCall.abort ();
myCall = $.ajax({...});
How about a higher-level watcher function like this:
var restartTimer = null;
function updater(){
type: "POST",
url: "/listen",
data: version,
success: function (data) {
version = handleUpdates(data);
error: function () {
setTimeout(updater, 1000);
// Kick it when the phone wakes up.
restartTimer = setTimeout(function(){
}, 6000);
You know that the $(window).focus will fire when the phone wakes up, so you try updater() as Almis suggests, but with a fail-safe timer. If updater fires (on laptops or iOS), the timer is canceled and all is well, but if updater is dead, the fail-safe timer fires in 6 seconds and reboots your entire app by calling initializeAll().
How about a setInterval, that stores the time it was called, then compares the last time it was called to the current time - if your interval is 10 seconds and the time passed since the last run was 5 minutes, you can assume you've just woken from sleep? Then abort the current ajax call, and restart it.
The best answer is "don't do that". You're having the server wait to respond while it tracks for changes at the server side. Just have the server respond and have the jQuery ping on an interval. You can include lastchanged or haschanged if you want to prevent actually refreshing when there's no status change, but if the server is doing the same work either way, just let it respond and wait for the next poll.
setInterval(function () {
$.post({"/listen", version, function (data) {
version = handleUpdates(data);
}).fail(function () {
// any error correction on failed call
}, 1000);

SignalR Stops Working After A While

For some reason, SignalR will just stop calling client methods after a short period of time (about 1 hour or less I estimate). I have a page that shows Alerts... a very simple implementation. Here's the Javascript:
$(function () {
// enable logging for debugging
$.connection.hub.logging = true;
// Declare a proxy to reference the hub.
var hub = $.connection.alertHub;
hub.client.addAlert = function (id, title, url, dateTime) {
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
console.log("Alert Ready");
If I refresh the page, it works again for about an hour, then will stop calling the client event addAlert. There are no errors in the log, no warnings. The last event in log (other than the pings to the server) is:
[15:18:58 GMT-0600 (CST)] SignalR: Triggering client hub event
'addAlert' on hub 'AlertHub'.
Many of these events will come in for a short while, then just stop, even though the server should still be sending them.
I am using Firefox 35.0.1 on Mac and SignalR 2.0.0.
I realize that a work-around is to force a page refresh every 10 mins or so, but I'm looking for a way to fix the root cause of the problem.
I enabled SignalR tracing on the server. I created an "alert" on the server after a fresh refresh of the Alert page and the alert came through. I waited about 10 mins and I tried it again, and it failed to come through. Here's what the logs read (sorry for the verbosity, not sure what was relevant):
SignalR.Transports.TransportHeartBeat Information: 0 : Connection b8b21c4c-22b4-4686-9098-cb72c904d4c9 is New.
SignalR.Transports.TransportHeartBeat Verbose: 0 : KeepAlive(b8b21c4c-22b4-4686-9098-cb72c904d4c9)
SignalR.Transports.TransportHeartBeat Verbose: 0 : KeepAlive(b8b21c4c-22b4-4686-9098-cb72c904d4c9)
SignalR.Transports.TransportHeartBeat Verbose: 0 : KeepAlive(b8b21c4c-22b4-4686-9098-cb72c904d4c9)
SignalR.Transports.TransportHeartBeat Verbose: 0 : KeepAlive(b8b21c4c-22b4-4686-9098-cb72c904d4c9)
There are dozens more of the SignalR.Transports.TransportHeartBeat messages, but nothing else.
i think theres a timeout of default 110 seconds for signalr. Can you try signalr disconnected event to reconnect it back.
$.connection.hub.disconnected(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
and in startHub() you can start connection again.
reference : https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/issues/3128
and How to use SignalR events to keep connection alive in the right way?
As it turns out the problem was the way I was handling the AlertHub connections. I am using Enterprise Library Caching to store connections backing the AlertHub, and I was expiring the cache entries 20 minutes after they were created. Ergo, when the server called the client method, no errors where reported because there were no client(s) to send the message(s) to.
I have since increased the cache expiration to a reasonable value, which solved the problem.
You can refresh page if client is inactive, no mouse movement (in about every 15-30 min). I had same problem and solved it that way. That was nasty workaround but later i forgot about it and never fixed it completly ;)

Cancel Javascript timeout

I have a long process hosted on a Web Server. The thing is triggered from a Web Page, at the click of a button by a user. Some Javascript polls regularly via Ajax to check if the operation has completed server side. To do this, I use setInterval, and later on clearInterval to stop polling.
If this takes too long (e.g. server has crashed), I'd like the client to be informed by some sort of timeout. I've done some research and found about setTimeout. Problem is, if the operation finishes successfully before the timeout, I'd like to cancel this one.
How to do this ?
Would you suggest a different approach ?
PS : I'm targetting IE7/IE8 in particular, but always open to some JQuery
As long as you store your interval's id in a variable, you can use it to clear the interval at any time.
var interval = window.setInterval(yourFunction, 10000);
For more information see the Mozilla Documentation's setInterval example.
Put together a quick JS Fiddle containing a modified version of Mozilla's Example.
To clear a setTimeout, use clearTimeout.
You want two timers (as you said)
repeating interval to do the next poll and
one-time expiration to give up if the server never responds
If the polling is successful you want to clear both the polling interval and cancel the failure timer. If the expiration timer fires you want to clear the polling interval
var checkCount = 0;
function checkComplete() {
console.log("test " + checkCount);
if (checkCount++ > 10) {
console.log("clearing timeout");
function cancelPolling(timer) {
console.log("clearing poll interval");
var pollInterval = window.setInterval(checkComplete, 500);
var expireTimer = window.setTimeout(cancelPolling, 10000);
You can fiddle with the checkCount constant "10" - keep it low to simulate polling success, raise it higher for the timeout to occur before the checkCount is reached, simulating polling failure.

Any way to gracefully enforce a timeout limit when loading a slow external file via javascript?

I'm using javascript to include some content served up from a php file on another server. However, this other service can sometimes get flaky and either take a long time to load or will not load at all.
Is there a way in JS to try to get the external data for x number of seconds before failing and displaying a "please try again" message?
<script type="text/javascript" src="htp://otherserver.com/myscript.php"></script>
Couple issues: you can use timeout thresholds with XMLHttpRequest (aka ajax), but then since it's on an otherserver.com you cannot use XMLHttpRequest (and support all A-grade browsers) due to the Same Origin Policy restriction.
If the script introduces any kind of global name (eg any variable name, function name, etc) You can try setTimeout to keep checking for it:
var TIMELIMIT = 5; // seconds until timeout
var start = new Date;
setTimeout(function() {
// check for something introduced by your external script.
// A variable, namespace or function name here is adequate:
var scriptIncluded = 'otherServerVariable' in window;
if(!scriptIncluded) {
if ((new Date - start) / 1000 >= TIMELIMIT) {
// timed out
alert("Please try again")
else {
// keep waiting...
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100)
}, 100)
The problem as I see it is you cannot cancel the request for the script. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong but removing the <script> from the DOM will still leave the browser's request for the resource active. So although you can detect that the script is taking longer than x seconds to load, you can't cancel the request.
I think you may be out of luck.
The only way I can think of doing this is to create a proxy on another (PHP-enabled) server which will fetch the data for you, but will stop when a certain timeout limit has been reached (and it can just return an empty result).
This is purely, purely theoretical:
<script> tags can be dynamically inserted into the DOM, at which point the script will be fetched and processed. This dynamic script tag injection is how some achieve cross-domain "AJAX."
I would imagine you could declare a global variable var hasLoaded = false;. At the end of the script you are attempting to load you could set that variable to true hadLoaded=true;. After injecting the script tag into the DOM you could then kickoff a setTimeout() whose callback function checks to see if "hasLoaded" is set to true. If it isn't, you can assume the script has not yet loaded fully into the browser. If it has, you can assume it has loaded completely.
Again, this is theoretical, but if you test it be sure to report back, I'm very curious.
I think that the only way to do this is take the content of the file via ajax and then set a timer. If the request finishes before the timer you can evaluate the respons with eval(that's not the better solution anyway), otherwise you can stop the ajax request and write the error message.

