Increase width automatically by dragging of children but with scrolls - javascript
The above link demonstrates my problem.
I want to increase the size of the container when trying to drag children out of it, keeping the size of parent fixed & hence, a scroll should appear within parent with overflow:scroll for complete scrolling of container
The main intention is to increase the size of the canvas keeping the viewport size constant & hence, should have scrolls.
Have been struggling for 2 days but no luck.

You need to calculate the amount that you have dragged the element once it reaches the boundary, then on the "drag" event, increase the size of the container while dragging depending on the direction that you are going. X or Y.


Intersection Observation continues when intersectionRatio is 1

Want to get some perspective on the Intersection Observer API.
For simplicity, I have a div element (Square 500px x 500px) that will rotate based on the user's scroll position. This is obtained by
However, once the intersectionRatio reaches 1 (the element is in full view of the window), the square will stop rotating until it begins to fall outside of the viewport.
The threshold of the observer is set to an array from [0-100] and I understand once the element is in full view, the observer's job is more or less done but I want the rotation to still occur as the user scrolls down further and the square is still in view.
Some workarounds I found..
Div container with 100vh
Square height to be a percentage and offset the rootMargin within observer options.
Is it possible for the observer to still work when it is fully in view?
Would like to hear other approaches!

Google Charts: tooltips have wrong position when inside a scrolling container

I'm using Google Charts (the Timeline in particular) and I am facing a weird issue.
When the timeline is placed inside a container that can scroll vertically, the bars' tooltip's vertical position is wrong if the container is scrolled.
Basically, the more you scroll the more the tooltip "drifts down", I've taken some screenshot to illustrate this:
Here is the tooltip when the container is not scrolled, the position is correct:
Now, let's scroll a bit, the tooltip vertical position starts to drift:
...and the more we scroll, the more it drifts:
I've tried reproducing this in JSfiddle but with no success, unfortunately the original code is quite complex and difficult to replicate as a simple example, but any suggestion on how to even approach this is welcome.
Well, while waiting for answers I developed this workaround:
//This instruction selects the internal div that actually shows the scrollbar
//The div is generated automatically by the Google library when you put the Timeline inside
//an element (#maincontainer in our case) that has a fixed height too small to fit the entire timeline
//It unfortuantely has no classes to make a more specific selector
let scrollElem = $(`#maincontainer > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div`);
//We then monitor mouse movement on the scrollable div
scrollElem.on('mousemove', function( event ) {
//When mouse moves, we determine how much the container is scrolled vertically
let scrollAmnt = scrollElem.scrollTop();
//then we update a CSS style tag that forces the tooltip to a specific position
//Y-axis position = level with mouse pointer (= mouse Y-position relative to scrolling container - scroll amount)
//X-axis position = just to the right of the mouse pointer
top: ${event.offsetY - scrollAmnt}px !important;
left: ${event.offsetX + 15}px !important;
maybe not the prettiest of solutions, but works great.
I'll leave the question open for a few days to see if someone has a more "proper" solution.

jquery change offset relative to its width

Is there away to increase to increase a div's offset.left when its width changes. for example am resizing a div element with jQuery resize function .resize(function)
Now everything work well but i would like to make the div move the opposite side of resize,. like if am resizing to make it bigger the left offset should extend left and thus lessening the left offset relative to the new width.

How to obtain clientWidth & clientHeight before DIV is visible

I want to obtain the dimensions of a DIV element (used to display a popup menu at the cursor position) while it's style.display='none;', however the dimensions of the DIV always return 0. The only way I seem to be able to get the dimensions is to make the DIV style.display='block;' at 0,0 and then move it to the required position, but that looks jumpy.
I've tried making the DIV visible outside of the visible screen area but that doesn't work. Is there a way to get the clientWidth and clientHeight values whilst the DIV is hidden?
If your DIV is not visible, you won't be able to get its dimensions.
However, there is a workaround. Your div has to be "visible", but that doesn't mean it's opacity and position have to be 1 and relative.
Set the opacity to 0 and the position to "absolute" and you'll be able to get the DIV dimensions.
Since I think more people will have a similar problem, I feel I should explain my answer a little more.
If you try to get the size of a hidden element with JavaScript, you will always get 0.
So there are techniques to get the real size without displaying the element to the user. My favourite is the one I already wrote about above. Here are the more detailed steps:
you set the elements opacity to 0. This way it won't be displayed to the end user while you are getting the dimensions.
you set the element position to "absolute". This way it won't take up any space.
now it's safe to set the display to "inline-block".
you read the elements dimensions. This time you'll get the real values.
You set the display back to "hidden" and set the opacity and position back to its original values.
And now you have the size of a hidden element.
If you'd like to know the size of an element onscreen without it being visible you need it to be painted to the screen but not shown.
In order to get clientHeight and clientWidth you need it to be rendered so the calculations can be performed based on the screens current state (unless you have pre-programmed width and height, which I'm guessing you don't)
you can find out more information at MDN here
So you have options:
create your div offscreen using positioning (fixed or absolute) combined with z-index or opacity
use width: 0 and height: 0 and overflow: hidden then use scrollHeight and scrollWidth to find the overflow size
choose which option is best for your site, considering things like responsiveness and screen reflows and repaints

Scrollable div (css + js)

I basically have one smaller div with overflow set to auto. Inside I have another, big div of the size of the grid and inside this div I have canvas element, that should have the size of the first smaller div.
What I want to achieve is to have the canvas always shown in the smaller div, no matter where I scrolled.
I set the position of canvas to relative and the top and left attributes are set as scrollTop and scrollLeft in javascript whenever I scroll. This way my canvas will have always fixed size ( no performance issues) and in javascript I can compute the position in which I am scrolled in.
var s=document.getElementById("scrollable");
var c=document.getElementById("canvas");
var maxw = s.scrollWidth;
var maxh = s.scrollHeight;
s.onscroll = function(){ = s.scrollTop + "px"; = s.scrollLeft + "px";
The problem I am having is that when I reach the end of scrolling, canvas seems to overflow the big div (thanks to size of the scrollbars I believe) and thus the big div's size is increasing and scrolling continues while it shouldn't.
Link to simple example:
I think you are right about the scrollbars causing the problem. they shrink the viewable area of your div, so the canvas is always overflowing over the right and bottom (since you keep moving the canvas down, you can never scroll all the way there). You can add this to your "wrap" div to fix:

