Is it possible to declare global variables in Node/Express 4.0 - javascript

I have multiple routes that need to access a database, for development I use a local database, and obviously production I use a hosted database
The only problem is every time I go to push a release I have to go through each route manually changing the database link
var mongodb = require('mongojs').connect('urlhere', ['Collection']);
It would be nice if I could declare a variable in app.js like
app.set('mongoDBAddress', 'urlhere');
then in each file do something like
var mongodb = require('mongojs').connect(app.get('mongoDBAddress'), ['Collection']);
Does anybody know if this is achievable I've been messing around with it for about an hour googling and trying to include different things but I have no luck. thanks.

From the docs:
In browsers, the top-level scope is the global scope. That means that
in browsers if you're in the global scope var something will define a
global variable. In Node this is different. The top-level scope is not
the global scope; var something inside a Node module will be local to
that module.
You have to think a bit differently. Instead of creating a global object, create your modules so they take an app instance, for example:
// add.js
module.exports = function(app) { // requires an `app`
return function add(x, y) { // the actual function to export
app.log(x + y) // use dependency
// index.js
var app = {log: console.log.bind(console)}
var add = require('./add.js')(app) // pass `app` as a dependency
add(1, 2)
//^ will log `3` to the console
This is the convention in Express, and other libraries. app is in your main file (ie. index.js), and the modules you require have an app parameter.
You can add a global variable to GLOBAL, see this this question, although this is probably considered bad practice.

We have two methods in node.js to share variables within modules.
But your problem seems to be different, what I got is you want to connect your application to different databases without changing code. What you need to do is use command line params
For more ref
var connectTo = {
dev : "url1"
production : "url2"
var mongodb = require('mongojs').connect(connectTo[process.argv[2]], ['Collection']);
Run your server.js as
node server.js dev
// for connecting to development database
node server.js production
// for connecting to prodiction database
To share connection across diffrent modules
//Method 1
global.mongodb = require('mongojs').connect(connectTo[process.argv[2]], ['Collection']);
//Method 2
exports.mongodb = require('mongojs').connect(connectTo[process.argv[2]], ['Collection']);
exports.getMongoDBAddress = function() {
return connectTo[process.argv[2]]


How to set environment variables like test environment for playwright-cucumber js

I've been using Playwright with Cucumber for e2e-automation of a react web application. This repo has been my starting point and it's been working out pretty good.
However, I'm looking for pointers on how to run these tests on different test environments - like development or QA, so that the target urls and other params vary as per the environment passed. For eg -
if (env == dev){
baseurl = dev_url
baseurl = qa_url
The Cucumber documentation mentions the World parameter - an this issue looks like a similar issue, however I'm skeptical of passing a different JSON for this task.
Can this be achieved only at a Cucumber level or is there a Playwright or Node way of doing this?
As you are already using cucumber, define your world file like this:
First you can segregate your properties files into: properties-dev.json and properties-qa.json. Below code reads properties file based on env we are passing in defaultOptions object and stores entire properties file data into 'this'. Use 'this' in your hooks file and call this.keyNameForUrl to get url specific to environment.
Note: 'this' can be accessible only in world and hooks files (refer // If you need this data in other files, create a separate class and declare all public static varibles in it. In Hooks BeforeAll function, reassign values from 'this' to the static variables created in the class.
import { setWorldConstructor } from 'cucumber';
const fs = require('fs');
const defaultOptions = {
env: 'qa'
function processOptions(options) {
let envFile = 'properties-' + options.env + '.json';
let environment = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(envFile));
return Object.assign(options, environment);
function World(input) {
this.World = input;
Object.assign(this, processOptions(Object.assign(defaultOptions, options)), options);

Difference between require('module')() and const mod = require('module') mod() in node/express

I have two files: server.js and db.js
server.js looks as such:
const app = express();
app.use('/db', db());
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server started on port 3000')
and db.js as such:
function init() {
const db = require('express-pouchdb')(PouchDB, {
mode: 'minimumForPouchDB'
return db;
This works just fine, and I am able to reach the pouchdb http-api from my frontend. But before, I had const PouchDBExpress = require('pouchdb-express'); in the top of db.js, and the first line in init() looked like this; const db = PouchDBExpress(PouchDB, {. This gave an error in one of the internal files in pouchdb saying cannot set property query on req which only has getters (paraphrasing).
So this made me copy the exaples from pouchdb-servers GitHub examples which requires and invokes pouched-express directly, and everthing worked fine. Is there an explanation for this? I'm glad it works now, but I'm sort of confused as to what could cause this.
The only difference between:
const mod = require('module');
is that in the second case, you retain a reference to the module exports object (perhaps for other uses) whereas in the first one you do not.
Both cases load the module and then call the exported object as a function. But, if the module export has other properties or other methods that you need access to then, obviously, you need to retain a reference to it as in the second option.
For us to comment in more detail about the code scenario that you said did not work, you will have to show us that exact code scenario. Describing what is different in words rather than showing the actual code makes it too hard to follow and impossible to spot anything else you may have inadvertently done wrong to cause your problem.
In require('module')(), you don't retain a reference of the module imported.
While in const mod = require('module'); mod(), you retain a reference and can use the same reference later in your code.
This problem might be due to some other reason like -
Are you using a some another global instance of the db, and your code works in the given case as you are making a local instance
Some other code dependent scenario.
Please provide more details for the same

Best way to share an instance of a module that is inside a closure [duplicate]

If I want to span my JavaScript project across multiple source files, but have each file have access to the same private variable, how would one do that?
For example, if I have the following code:
APP = (function () {
var _secret = {},
app = {};
// Application part 01:
app.part01 = (function () { /* function that uses _secret */ }());
// Application part 02:
app.part02 = (function () { /* function that uses _secret */ }());
return app;
How do I put app.part01 and app.part02 in seperate files, but still have access to _secret?
I don't want to pass it as an argument. That's just giving the secret away, as app.part01() could be replaced by any other function.
Maybe I am asking the impossible, but your suggestions might lead me in the right way.
I want to work with multiple files, but I don't know how. Copying and pasting everything inside a single function each time before testing is not something I want to do.
How do I put app.part01 and app.part02 in seperate files, but still have access to _secret?
That's impossible indeed. Script files are executed in the global scope, and don't have any special privileges. All variables that they will be able to access are just as accessible to all other scripts.
Copying and pasting everything inside a single function each time before testing is not something I want to do
What you are looking for is an automated build script. You will be able to configure it so that it bundles your files together, and wraps them in an IEFE in whose scope they will be able to share their private state. The most simple example:
echo "APP = (function () {
var _secret = {},
app = {};" > app.js
cat app.part01.js >> app.js
cat app.part02.js >> app.js
echo " return app;
}());" >> app.js
The only way that you can share _secret is attaching it to the application object and then application object to the window object. Here is an example.
var application; // will be attached to window
(function(app) {
app.secret = "blah!"; // will be attached to application
})(application || (application = {}));
var application;
(function(app) {
app.method1 = function(){ console.log(app.secret); }; // will be attached to application;
})(application || (application = {}));
console.log(application.method1()); // will display 'blah!' on the console
Working example on jsbin
One way I was able to accomplish this was to create a JS file that contained the global object.
// Define a global object to contain all environment and security variables
var envGlobalObj = {
appDatabase: process.env.YCAPPDATABASEURL,
sessionDatabase: process.env.YCSESSIONDATABASEURL,
secretPhrase: process.env.YCSECRETPHRASE,
appEmailAddress: process.env.YCAPPEMAILADDRESS,
appEmailPassword: process.env.YCAPPEMAILPASSWORD
module.exports = envGlobalObj
Then in the files I wish to reference this object, I added a require statement.
var envGlobalObj = require("./envGlobalObj.js");
This allowed me to centralize the environment and secrect variables.

Express - Passing mysql connection to scripts

I defined mysql connection with all parameters necessary to app.js, how can make visible to other scripts in routes/ by default, without requiring or redefining mysql parameters, just using client.query(..)?
A pattern I use is to set up my db object in a module once and export it: (let's call it utils/mySQL.js)
//I haven't used real mysql in node so excuse the pseudo-syntax:
var db = require('mysql-driver-thingy');
db.connect('localhost', 'sqlport', options...);
console.log("Finished db setup. You should only see this message once! Cool.");
module.exports = db;
And then I can require the db object everywhere I need it. Since requires are cached, this does't actually call the setup methods multiple times.
In app.js:
var db = require('./utils/mySQL.js');
In models/user.js:
var db = require('../utils/mySQL.js');
A final option, which isn't recommended, is to pollute the global namespace. This seems to be the answer you're really after:
//set up your db
// and now make it available everywhere:
global.client = db.client
You can now magically use the client object in all your modules, without even requiring it.
There are many reasons globals are bad, though:
If your code and other code define globals, they could conflict and overwrite each other.
It's hard to find where you defined the db/client object, etc.
You can inject mysql connection into other scripts like this:
var mysqlConnection = new Conection(params);
module.exports = function(mysqlConnection) {
// You can access your mysql connection here
You can inject several variables same way. Also you still can export methods from module if you need this:
var mysqlConnection = new Conection(params);
var news = require('model/news.js)(app, mysqlConnection);
news.list(function(err, news) {
// Do something
module.exports = function(app, mysqlConnection) {
var methods = {};
// mysql connection and app available from here
methods.list = function(cb) {
mysqlConnection.list(function(err, data) {
cb(err, data);
return methods;

Node.js global variable property is purged

my problem is not about "memory leakage", but about "memory purge" of node.js (expressjs) app.
My app should maintain some objects in memory for the fast look-up's during the service. For the time being (one or two days) after starting the app, everthing seemed fine, until suddenly my web client failed to look-up the object bacause it has been purged (undefined). I suspect Javascript GC (garbage collection). However, as you can see in the psedu-code, I assigned the objects to the node.js "global" variable properties to prevent GC from purging them. Please give me some clue what caused this problem.
Thanks much in advance for your kind advices~
My node.js environments are node.js 0.6.12, expressjs 2.5.8, and VMWare cloudfoundry node hosting.
Here is my app.js pseudo-code :
var express = require("express");
var app = module.exports = express.createServer();
// myMethods holds a set of methods to be used for handling raw data.
var myMethods = require("myMethods");
// creates node.js global properties referencing objects to prevent GC from purging them
global.myMethods = myMethods();
global.myObjects = {};
// omited the express configurations
// creates objects (data1, data2) inside the global.myObjects for the user by id."/createData/:id", function(req, res) {
// creates an empty object for the user.
var myObject = global.myObjects[] = {};
// gets json data.
var data1 = JSON.parse(req.body.data1);
var data2 = JSON.parse(req.body.data2);
// buildData1 & buildData2 functions transform data1 & data2 into the usable objects.
// these functions return the references to the transformed objects.
myObject.data1 = global.myMethods.buildData1(data1);
myObject.data2 = global.myMethods.buildData2(data2);
res.send("Created new data", 200);
// returns the data1 of the user.
// Problem occurs here : myObject becomes "undefined" after one or two days running the service.
app.get("/getData1/:id", function(req, res) {
var myObject = global.myObjects[];
if (myObject !== undefined) {
} else {
// omited other service callback functions.
// VMWare cloudfoundry node.js hosting.
app.listen(process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT || 3000);
Any kind of cache system (whether is roll-your-own or a third party product) should account for this scenario. You should not rely on the data always being available on an in-memory cache. There are way too many things that can cause in-memory data to be gone (machine restart, process restart, et cetera.)
In your case, you might need to update your code to see if the data is in cache. If it is not in cache then fetch it from a persistent storage (a database, a file), cache it, and continue.
Exactly like Haesung I wanted to keep my program simple, without database. And like Haesung my first experience with Node.js (and express) was to observe this weird purging. Although I was confused, I really didn't accept that I needed a storage solution to manage a json file with a couple of hundred lines. The light bulb moment for me was when I read this
If you want to have a module execute code multiple times, then export a function, and call that function.
which is taken from So my code inside the required file changed from this
var foo = [{"some":"stuff"}];;
to that = function (bar) {
var foo = [{"some":"stuff"}];
And then it worked fine :-)
Then I suggest to use file system, I think 4KB overhead is not a big deal for your goals and hardware. If you familiar with front-end javascript, this could be helpful

