How to obtain all the URLs generated dynamically in javascript menu? - javascript

I need to download all the images from the gallery of this site but I don't know how to obtain the URL of them or where these URL are stored on.
I tried to download the entire site with some programs but none of them seems to download even the menu.
Hope someone have any idea how to achieve this without having to do it manually one by one.
Here I can saw the code that produce the URLs:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#menubar .button').hover(function(){
$('#menubar .button').click(function(){
var showTextframe = $(this).attr("rel");
$("#" + showTextframe).show();
function showImages (imgLinks){
for (var i = 0; i < imgLinks.length; i++){
//$("#image-box").append($('<img>').attr('src', imgLinks[i]));
var $imgSelector = $('<a>'+ (i + 1) +'</a>')
$("#image-box").find("img").attr('src', $(this).data('imglink'));
//alert ("I open Image" + $(this).data('imglink'));
$.get("", function(semillaMenu){
var markdownConverter = new Showdown.converter();
$semillaMenu = $(markdownConverter.makeHtml(semillaMenu));
var $menuimage = $(this);
var $menulink = $(this).parent("li").find("a");
var menuimages = $"menuimages") || [];
var menuImages = $(this).data("menuimages");
if (menuImages){
$semillaMenu.addClass("sf-menu sf-vertical");
The function showImages seems to generate the URL but I don't know what to do with that.
I found here many question asking something similar but all of them talking about donwloading images with progressive URL (like,, etc.) but it is not the case, the images are generated without a pattern (or not any that I can obtain or deduce).
EDIT: I need to know how those functions work in order to run something similar in the Chrome inspect console that gives me all the URL instead the URL of the clicked option of the menu.
EDIT2: Someone in a IRC channel told me that the script may be jQuery, so I'm adding the tag.

var urls = new Array(); document.images, function( img ){ urls.push( img.src ) } );
console.log( urls );
After execution these lines of code urls will contain sources of all images on the page.

Finally someone on the jQuery chat tell me how to solve my problem. Accesing directly to this link was the answer. The link seems to contain the structure of the menues that semillaMenu function format (aparently) and process to show the images on the site.
This doesn't solve my question yet, because it's only working for this case. What I wanted was a way to obtain the URLs with a script but it's solve my problem.
So I let it be unaswered if someone know how to make a script that gives all the image links without having to process manually the file.


How to update many links in a web page

I am using MVC webgrid and an artifact of navigating the page is I have lots of urls that look like like:
I need to change entrystate=Templates to entrystate=Paging.
Is there a jscript way to make this change for all the links in a simple script ?
The links are being generated by the webgrid component and I have no access to it. They seem to be formed because the grid takes the url that invokes the action and uses it as a base url (entrystate and modelIn are routevalues invoking the action). I have no control over this. My only option seems to be fixing the html after it is created. I am stuck with this lame grid.
Try this:
$('a[href~="/SyntheticData/MasterDetail?"]').each(function() {
$(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href').replace('entrystate=Templates', 'entrystate=Paging'));
I used a wildcard selector to partially match the href so it doesn't loop through links that are unrelated. You may need to adjust it.
oops, you aint using jquery perhaps?
I was hoping for something simplter but this looks like it will work:
var links = $("a[href]");
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var link = links[i];
var urlin = link.attributes.getNamedItem("href");
var urlout = urlin.value.replace("entrystate=Templates", "entrystate=Paging");
var urlout2 = urlout.replace("entrystate=Designer", "entrystate=Paging");
link.setAttribute("href", urlout2);
I ended up using (thx suncat100):
$('a[href*="entrystate="]').each(function () {
var url = $(this)[0].attributes.getNamedItem("href").value;
url = url.replace("entrystate=Templates", "entrystate=Paging");
url = url.replace("entrystate=Designer", "entrystate=Paging");
$(this)[0].setAttribute("href", url);

Change element id and use a new function on that ID

I am trying to construct a thumbnail slideshow with javascript. I am very new to Javascript so my way of doing it might be a little strange...
The problem I am running into is that I have a main image, and then I have 4 thumbnails. When I click on the first thumbnail it changes the main image, and the first thumbnail. But when I click on the changed thumbnail it needs to change the main image with a different photo (the one that corresponds to the new thumbnail)
I initialize my functions with a call like this:
Which uses this function:
function thumbs1(){
num1 = 1;
num2 = 0;
var src1 = largeArray[num1];
var src2 = thumbArray[num2];
And I am trying to change the id of the new thumbnail to "change" and call another function like this:
And this used the following function:
function changed(){
num1 = 0;
var src1 = largeArray[num1];
When using Firebug I found the error, and I believe it is being caused by the fact that the call to document.getElementById('change').onclick=changed;. The browser can not find the Element Id "change" because I have not called the function which changed the ID yet.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem. (I know the code is of low quality... I am teaching my self)
Here is a live link to the page: My Page
Thanks for any help!!
var array = //id's of your images here. you could type them static or search your document for images and get their id attribute.
document.addEventListener("click", function(e){
var clicked_image = || e.srcElement; //using jquery can help with this cause older versions of IE are stupid, but depends on if you want to support them.
var id = clicked_image.getAttribute(id);
var temp = document.getElementById("main").src;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
if(array[i] == id){
document.getElementById("main").src = clicked_image.src;
clicked_image.src = temp;
That's pretty quick and dirty, you would be better off assigning eventlisteners to just your images. You would use the same syntax as above, but it should give you an idea of what to do.
With this you don't have to worry about what image got clicked, you just change the main, and you change the thumb to what the main was. So you eliminate the hassle of trying to keep track of what each image is.

Get current URL and modify subdirectory and then go to URL with Javascript

I'm creating a bilingual website for a client. Two versions of the site in different languages will be created and stored in two folders:
What I want to do is create a link to toggle between the two languages. On the conceptual level, I understand that Javascript can detect the current URL and split it into its different components, modify parts of it (in this case change between /en/ and /chi/), and then go to that new URL when the link is clicked.
But I have zero knowledge in javascript so I have no idea how to execute... I have come across this page:
but it doesn't explain how to modify and go to the new link.
You help will be greatly appreciated!!
To not break usability considerations like Shift + Click to open in a new window, you should create a plain old link (<a>) that points to the other language URL. There's nothing wrong with building the link via JavaScript, but you could also do it on the server using PHP or whatever templating language you're using.
Here's a script that does this with JavaScript if that's what you decide you'd like to do.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Content before the link.
(function () {
// this assumes you're on the en version and want to switch to chi
var holder = document.createElement("div");
var url = window.location.href.replace("/en/", "/chi/");
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.innerText = "Chewa"; // or whatever the link should be
link.href = url;
Content after the link.
If you simply want to take the full URL and replace /en/ with /chi/ or vise-versa, use the code below.
<span onclick="SwitchLang()">View [Some other Language]</span>
function SwitchLang() {
//Does URL contain "/en/"?
if(window.location.href.indexOf("/en/") != -1) {
//URL contain "/en/", replace with "/chi/"
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("/en/", "/chi/");
//Does URL contain "/chi/"?
else if(window.location.href.indexOf("/chi/") != -1) {
//URL contain "/chi/", replace with "/en/"
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("/chi/", "/en/");
Or, a bit more concise (un-commented version)
function SwitchLang() {
if(window.location.href.indexOf("/en/") != -1)
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("/en/", "/chi/");
else if(window.location.href.indexOf("/chi/") != -1)
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("/chi/", "/en/");
Note: In JS, when you modify window.location.href, the new URL is automatically loaded.
Here's a working fiddle for you to play with.
It looks like you need to change the window.location.pathname. For example:
// assuming the url ``
var paths = window.location.pathname.split("/");
// change `en`
paths[1] = "chi";
// go to the new url
window.location.pathname = paths.join("/");

getting pictures into an array in javascript

im kinda new to javascript i mean i know the syntax but not so much the libraries.
i need some help to get some files (pictures) from a folder into an arry lets say:
var[] pictures = ?;
(the folder is in my project and contain some pictures)
so i can loop over them and diplay them on the page i did some search but i didnt find any guide on how to do this.
i realy want to understand on how to do this for future projects even a link to known guid you guys know we will be a big help.
if it help im using
Well, there are a lot of ways to approach the problem, to me what you can do is (if you don't know the location of the images beforehand) make a service that returns the src of every image, store that in an array, and then show them in the page.
I believe you are using jQuery so you can make an ajax request like this:
url: /*path to*/"Service.asmx/getSources"
//options, check documentation
then, from asp, make a new service (Service.asmx in my case) and create a method that returns the location of the pictures (in my case the method is called getSources)
I recommend you use JSON (and jQuery.getJSON() method) so you can return a List<string>.
Lastly you can iterate or store the sources in an array, I'll put an example with the getJSON method
var sources = []
jQuery.getJSON("Service.asmx/getSources", function(data) {
for(var i = 0, len = data.length; i<len ; i++) {
sources.push(data[i]);//store every source in the array
once you have the sources you can display them like this fiddle
Tell me if it helped or if you need another solution.
If you want an array of pictures just to display them later, you can simply use:
var sources = [
// ...
var pics = [];
for(var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
var pic = new Image();
pic.src = sources[i];
pics[i] = pic;

debug help with rare unexpected output in js

I have the following javascript on my page that is supposed to generate and go to a url instead of posting a form:
var tokenList = ["auto", "usate"];
var dirList = [];
function makeUrl(prov, manuf, model, price){
if (_addToken(prov)){
if (_addToken(manuf)){
if (price){
return _joinDirs() + "?prezzo=" + price;
return _joinDirs();
function _addToken(tok){
if (tok){
tokenList.push(tok.replace(/ /g,"_"));
return true;
return false;
function _joinTokens(){
tokenList = [];
function _joinDirs(){
if (tokenList){
var url = '/' + dirList.join('/');
if (url.charAt(url.length-1) == '/'){
url = url.slice(0, -1);
return url;
It's triggered by this code:
$('#navForm').submit(function() {
var prov = $("[name=select-provincia]").val();
var manuf = $("[name=select-marca]").val();
var model = $("[name=select-modello]").val();
var price = $("[name=select-prezzo]").val();
var url = makeUrl(prov, manuf, model, price);
window.location = url;
return false;
It's been a long while since I translated this code from its original python. I've been getting rare errors in my server logs occasionally that show users trying to visit strange urls that look almost like two urls concatenated. I haven't been able to ever duplicate such an error, but my best guess is that there is something going on with my javascript. The last two times I got this error I noticed that the user was using firefox 3.6 and iphone. Could this be some kind of browser incompatibility? Is there anything wrong with my javascript at all? Is the error just in userland?
For reference here is an example wrong url:
and two possible correct ones:
Any unrelated suggestions for optimizing the code are welcome since I am bad at this.
Not sure it that's the case, but I think those strange URLs might be a result of appending the generated URL to the URL of the page being viewed. You are generating just the pathname part of the URL, not including the protocol and host name ( -- it's possible that some browsers are interpreting this path as relative to the current one. Try prepending the URL with the protocol and hostname.
You might also want to see this answer: Setting JavaScript window.location and follow the advice to write the URL to window.location.href.

