Why does the select2-removing event not trigger in select2 with allowClear? - javascript

I want to hook an event in my select2 once it gets cleared. The select2 was initalized with allowClear: true. Yet the event
$select.on('select2-removed', function(event) {
does not trigger when resetting the select2 with the clear button.

select2 v4.0.3
$('#smartsearch').on('select2:unselecting', function (e) {
alert('You clicked on X');
For all the select2 Options & Events

For me the only thing that worked is the 'select2:unselect' event... (In non-multiple select box)

According to the select2 source code, the clear method use the event select2-clearing instead of select2-removing. So you should listen to this event too.
select2-clearing and select2-removing are triggered before the removal. select2-removed is triggered after.
Keep in mind that clear does not always trigger the select2-removed event. It look like this event is triggered only if an element is actually removed from the input.

I got it working with the 'select2-removed'-event instead of 'select2-removing' when using the clear button.
As to why it does not trigger still eludes me.

I wanted to get data about the element just got removed on removed event. Following code worked for me;
$('#selector').on('select2:unselect', function (e) {
var data = e.params.data;

If you are working with 4 or above version then use
$('#id').on('select2:unselecting', function (e) {
alert('You clicked on X');
Below 4 version
$('#id').on('select2-removing', function (e) {
alert('You clicked on X');
Make sure for 4 or above version it is select2:unselecting colon(:)
Less than 4 version it is select2-removing -(hyphen)


jQuery "Chosen" on-filter event?

I want to run a function whenever the search input box is changed in chosen (jquery dropdown plugin).
But unable to find such event neither in their documentation nor on the net. Does anyone have experienced or have idea how to call some code whenever search is done in Chosen?
I tried placing the jquery .on('change' event on the textbox but it didn't work.
I wrote
$(".chosen-search input").on("change", function(e) {
I had to "double" wrap the on to get the input event to fire on the Chosen text field search box:
$('#my-chosen-input').on('chosen:showing_dropdown', function() {
$('.chosen-search input').on('input', function() {
// The text has changed, do something...
This should work
Chosen js filters dropdown list onkeyup event. This snippet would work better:
$(document).on('keyup', '.chosen-search input', function() {

Fire an event only when an focused element looses focus

This is my Fiddle JsFiddle
$(function() {
$('.glyphicon-edit').click(function () {
$('.form-control:focus').blur(function() {
What I am trying to do?
I am trying to create a dynamically editable form.It should have
When someone click on edit icon, the corresponding Input field should get focussed and become editable. (I completed this part).
Next i want is when an element is in focus state and it looses focus then i want to add readonly attribute again to that element. This part in not working. can somebody explain me why. and give a solution for it
In the later part i was trying alert("some msg") to check whether the event is getting fired or not. while posting i just replaced it with addAttr. it was a typo
You could use instead:
$(function () {
$('.glyphicon-edit').click(function () {
$(this).parent().find('.form-control').prop("readonly", false).focus().one('blur', function () {
$(this).prop('readonly', true);
There is no addAttr() function. The setter for attr looks like this:
$('.form-control').blur(function() {
$(this).attr("readonly", true);
Also, the :focus psuedo selector here is redundant, as to fire the blur event the element has to have focus in the first place.

Input:Checked jQuery vs CSS?

Unless I am mistaken. jQuery and CSS handle the :checked selector very differently. In CSS when I use :checked, styles are applied appropriately as I click around, but in jQuery it only seems to recognize what was originally in the DOM on page-load. Am I missing something?
Here is my Fiddle
In jQuery:
$('input:checked').click(function () {
input:checked+label {font-weight:bold;color:#5EAF1E}
I should clarify that what I am looking to do is trigger behavior if a user clicks an already selected radio button.
Try setting up the handler this way:
$('body').on('click', 'input:checked', function() {
// ...
The way you have it, you're finding all the elements that are checked when that code runs. The above uses event bubbling so that the test is made when each "click" happens.
Inside your handler, you're updating the style for all checked elements, even though any particular click will only change one. That's not a huge deal if the number of checkboxes isn't too big.
edit — some further thought, and a helpful followup question, makes me realize that inside an event handler for a radio button "click" event, the button will always be ":checked". The value of the "checked" property is updated by the browser before the event is dispatched. (That'll be reversed if the default action of the event is prevented.)
I think it'll be necessary to add a class or use .data() to keep track of a shadow for the "checked" property. When a button is clicked, you'd see if your own flag is set; if so, that means the button was set before being clicked. If not, you set the flag. You'll also want to clear the flag of all like-named radio buttons.
You bound the event only to the inputs that were initially checked. Remove :checked from the first selector and it works as intended (but ugly.)
$('input').click(function () {
you would of course need to "undo" the css change you made with jQuery to make it go away when the input is unchecked.
$('input').click(function () {
Keep track of the status of the radio buttons. For example, use .data() to keep an in-memory state of the radio buttons.
$(function () {
var $radio = $(":radio");
$radio.filter(":checked").data("checked", true);
$radio.on("click", function () {
if ($(this).data("checked")) {
alert("Already selected");
$radio.data("checked", false).filter(":checked").data("checked", true);
See it live here.
I think you want to use .change() here.
$('input:radio').change(function () {
$('input, input+label').css('background', '');
$('input:checked, input:checked+label').css('background', '#f00');
See it live here.

How to set the focus for a particular field in a Bootstrap modal, once it appears

I've seen a couple of questions in regards to bootstrap modals, but none exactly like this, so I'll go ahead.
I have a modal that I call onclick like so...
This works fine, but when I show the modal I want to focus on the first input element... In may case the first input element has an id of #photo_name.
So I tried
But this was to no avail. Lastly, I tried binding to the 'show' event but even so, the input won't focus. Lastly just for testing, as I had a suspiscion this is about the js loading order, I put in a setTimeout just to see if I delay a second, will the focus work, and yes, it works! But this method is obviously crap. Is there some way to have the same effect as below without using a setTimeout?
$("#modal-content").on('show', function(event){
}, 0500);
Try this
Here is the old DEMO:
(Here is a working DEMO with Bootstrap 3 and jQuery 1.8.3)
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#modal-content').on('shown', function() {
Starting bootstrap 3 need to use shown.bs.modal event:
$('#modal-content').on('shown.bs.modal', function() {
Just wanted to say that Bootstrap 3 handles this a bit differently. The event name is "shown.bs.modal".
$('#themodal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
or put the focus on the first visible input like this:
.modal('show').on('shown.bs.modal', function ()
I am using this in my layout to capture all modals and focus on the first input
$('.modal').on('shown', function() {
I had the same problem with bootstrap 3, focus when i click the link, but not when trigger the event with javascript.
The solution:
$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
}, 100);
Probably it´s something about the animation!
I had problem to catch "shown.bs.modal" event.. And this is my solution which works perfect..
Instead simple on():
$('#modal').on 'shown.bs.modal', ->
Use on() with delegated element:
$('body').on 'shown.bs.modal', '#modal', ->
Seems it is because modal animation is enabled (fade in class of the dialog), after calling .modal('show'), the dialog is not immediately visible, so it can't get focus at this time.
I can think of two ways to solve this problem:
Remove fade from class, so the dialog is immediately visible after calling .modal('show'). You can see http://codebins.com/bin/4ldqp7x/4 for demo. (Sorry #keyur, I mistakenly edited and saved as new version of your example)
Call focus() in shown event like what #keyur wrote.
I've created a dynamic way to call each event automatically. It perfect to focus a field, because it call the event just once, removing it after use.
function modalEvents() {
var modal = $('#modal');
var events = ['show', 'shown', 'hide', 'hidden'];
$(events).each(function (index, event) {
modal.on(event + '.bs.modal', function (e) {
var callback = modal.data(event + '-callback');
if (typeof callback != 'undefined') {
modal.removeData(event + '-callback');
You just need to call modalEvents() on document ready.
$('#modal').data('show-callback', function() {
So, you can use the same modal to load what you want without worry about remove events every time.
I had the same problem with the bootstrap 3 and solved like this:
$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function (e) {
Bootstrap has added a loaded event.
capture the 'loaded.bs.modal' event on the modal
$('#mymodal').on('loaded.bs.modal', function(e) {
// do cool stuff here all day… no need to change bootstrap
Bootstrap modal show event
$('#modal-content').on('show.bs.modal', function() {
A little cleaner and more modular solution might be:
$('.modal').success(function() {
Or using your ID as an example instead:
$('#modal-content').modal('show').success(function() {
Hope that helps..

Sequence of Events, alert is faster then removeAttr

i got following problem, i need to build a two checkboxes; where only one can be selected at a time, but onchange there will be a live calculation.
$('#calculator input, #calculator select').change(function() {
$('#calc_keller_true').click(function() {
$('#calc_keller_false').click(function() {
This is how it looks like, which is working but it seems to slow cause in my function liveCalculate i do this.
function liveCalculate() {
// Getting the value of the checked checkbox
var calc_keller = $('input[name=calc_keller]:checked').val();
So when i click on the false button the alert will trigger before my removeAttr and both Checkboxes will be 'checked' at the moment of the alert.
Anyone got a plan why exactly the liveCalculate function triggers faster then the removeAttr ?
Do i miss some basic knowledge in how the order works in javascript ?
Best Regards,
You only need to add click-handlers once. In your above example, you are adding them again and again, for every 'change' event you have on the select box.
Furthermore, you are not actually removing the attr on the change event, that happens during the click events. However, you fire liveCalculate after the change event.
Consider the following:
$('#calc_keller_true').click(function() {
$('#calc_keller_false').click(function() {
$('#calculator input, #calculator select').change(function() {
I'm not entirely sure if that accomplishes what you're expecting (simply because it isn't 100% clear to me what you do expect to happen).

