I have this code so far...
function sendData() {
// this work out where I am and construct the 'cmi.core.lesson.location' variable
var a = "" + (course.length - 1) + "|";
for (i = 1; i < course.length; i++) {
a = a + qbin2hex(course[i].pages).join("") + "|";
if (iLP == 1) {
a = a + course[i].duration + "|";
a = a + course[i].timecompleted + "|"
a = a + course[0].quiz_score_running + "|0|0|0|0|0|0|";
objAPI.LMSSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_location", "LP_AT7|" + a);
bFinishDone = (objAPI.LMSCommit("") == "true");
console.log("Data Sent!");
setTimeout(sendData(), 1000);
However, it doesn't seem to work as intented. Data should be sent off to the server every 1000ms, but that's not happening. What am I missing here?
As I side note, this is SCORM 1.2.
So, you're calling
setTimeout(sendData(), 1000);
which is equivalent to
var foo = sendData();
setTimeout(foo, 1000);
seeing as sendData returns nothing, this becomes equivalent to
setTimeout(undefined, 1000);
you probably meant:
setTimeout(sendData, 1000);
The interval function keeps on looping in the last element that I click. What I want to happen is to cancel the last interval when I click on a new element and start all over again when I click it. I clicking on each item in ng-repeat.
This is my code.
$scope.onClickTab= function(x,tkid, sid, $event){
var vtpostdata = 'TokenId=' + tkid +
',SessionId=' + sid +
',ChatMessageCount=' + 0 +
',retrytimes=' + 10 +
',delayms=' + 100;
$interval(function() {
$http.jsonp(ServiceDomainSite + 'myApi' + vtpostdata + '?callback=JSON_CALLBACK&t='
+ new Date().getTime())
.success(function (data) {
var resultObject = angular.fromJson(data.Rows);
$scope.Chats = resultObject;
}, 1000);
Nice and fine with $interval.cancel(). I also removed var vtpostdata because it is not used in the code untill your $http request again. So there is no need to create a var at this point. Also check the documentation of AngularJS $interval to learn more about $interval handling.
var myInterval = null;
$scope.onClickTab = function(x,tkid, sid, $event){
//cancel current interval
if (myInterval !== null) {
myInterval = $interval(function() {
$http.jsonp(ServiceDomainSite + 'myApiTokenId=' + tkid +
',SessionId=' + sid +
',ChatMessageCount=' + 0 +
',retrytimes=' + 10 +
',delayms=' + 100 + '?callback=JSON_CALLBACK&t='
+ new Date().getTime()).success(function (data) {
var resultObject = angular.fromJson(data.Rows);
$scope.Chats = resultObject;
}, 1000);
$interval service returns a promise which can be canceled at any time so you can use them as per official documentation. For Eg.
var stopTime = $interval(function(){}, 1000);
and for canceling just use
So I have this code that I am running inside of the google chrome console, and every time that I try to run it it give me unexpected identifier on line: 12. I went to that line and it is the setTimeout. I really don't know how to fix this, I tried to just call snipebot() but that didn't work either.
function snipebot(itemID, max_price){
var ItemURL = "http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?id=" + itemID;
$.get(ItemURL, function(data){
var purchaseData = $($(data).find(".PurchaseButton")[0]).data();
if (purchaseData['expectedPrice'] <= max_price){
$.post('/API/Item.ashx?rqtype=purchase&productID=' + purchaseData['productId'] + '&expectedCurrency=1&expectedPrice=' + purchaseData['expectedPrice'] + '&expectedSellerId=' + purchaseData['expectedSellerId'] + '&userAssetID=' + purchaseData['userassetId'], function(){
console.log('[' + purchaseData['expectedPrice'] + ']');
snipebot(itemID, max_price);
snipebot(18426536, 140);
It's unexpected because your call to $.get hasn't been closed properly on the previous line:
function snipebot(itemID, max_price){
var ItemURL = "http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?id=" + itemID;
$.get(ItemURL, function(data){
var purchaseData = $($(data).find(".PurchaseButton")[0]).data();
if (purchaseData['expectedPrice'] <= max_price){
$.post('/API/Item.ashx?rqtype=purchase&productID=' + purchaseData['productId'] + '&expectedCurrency=1&expectedPrice=' + purchaseData['expectedPrice'] + '&expectedSellerId=' + purchaseData['expectedSellerId'] + '&userAssetID=' + purchaseData['userassetId'], function(){
console.log('[' + purchaseData['expectedPrice'] + ']');
}); // <-- here
snipebot(itemID, max_price);
}, 2000); // <!-- See below
snipebot(18426536, 140);
Also note my second comment, where you've missed the 2nd parameter to setTimeout, namely how long to delay for. I've added in a two second delay as an example. Without this, it defaults to 0, which may or may not be what you intended.
I'm trying to scrape a number of pages that have a standard format. I've been able to use Phantomjs to successfully scrape a single page, but when I try to iterate over multiple ones, the asynchronous processing makes things hang up. What's the proper way to tell Casper/Phantom to wait?
var page = require('webpage').create();
var fs = require('fs');
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
phantom.outputEncoding = "utf-8";
// this overwrites the previous output file
f = fs.open("lat_long.txt", "w");
// this is the unique identifier for the locations. For now, I just have three datapoints
var EPAID = ["KYD980501076","ME8170022018", "MEN000103584"];
/// this code will be used to loop through the different locations. For now, set to look at only one.
for (q= 0; q < 1; q++) {
var processing = false;
//we construct the target url
var url = "http://iaspub.epa.gov/enviro/efsystemquery.cerclis?fac_search=site_epa_id&fac_value=" + EPAID[0] + "&fac_search_type=Beginning+With&postal_code=&location_address=&add_search_type=Beginning+With&city_name=&county_name=&state_code=&program_search=1&report=2&page_no=1&output_sql_switch=TRUE&database_type=CERCLIS" ;
page.onLoadFinished = function(status) {
if ( status === "success" ) {
page.includeJs("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js", function() {
var str = page.evaluate(function() {
$value = [];
$Object = $(".result tr");
for (i =0 ; i < 10; i++) {
$value.push($Object.find('td').html(),$Object.find('td').next().next().html() );
$Object = $Object.next();
$string = "{ EPAID: "+ $value[0] + ", " +
"Name: "+ $value[1] + ", " +
"City: "+ $value[4] + ", " +
"State: "+ $value[6] + ", " +
"ZipCode: "+ $value[8] + ", " +
"Latitude: "+ $value[14] + ", " +
"Longitude: "+ $value[16] + " }" ;
return $string;
f = fs.open("lat_long.txt", "a");
processing = true;
console.log("writing to file");
// right here it should delay until the previous page is completed
// while (!processing) {
// setTimeout(function(){ console.log("waiting....");},1000);
// }
console.log("finished all pages");
If you switched to using casperJS, it is as simple as changing your page.open() into page.thenOpen(). (This CasperJS - How to open up all links in an array of links question looks very similar to yours?)
If you wanted to stick with PhantomJS you need to start the next page load in the onSuccess callback of the previous load. This is tedious, and needs care to avoid large memory usage. (I did it once or twice, but now simply use CasperJS.)
An alternative approach is to create the page object inside the loop. However that is not quite answering your question, as then they will run in parallel. But you could use setTimeout to stagger each once to avoid a burst of activity if you have hundreds of URLs!
Here is the code that ultimately works (using the timeout approach since I wasn't able to get the success callback to work better).
With casperjs installed, I named this file "process.js" and was able to run it from the command line as "casperjs process.js"
var page = require('webpage').create();
var fs = require('fs');
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
phantom.outputEncoding = "utf-8";
// this overwrites the previous output f
// this is the unique identifier for the locations.
var EPAID = ["NED981713837",... , "FLD049985302", "NJD986643153"];
f = fs.open("lat_long.txt", "w");
var count = 0;
var target = 1400;
var written = [];
function yourFunction(){
if (count < target) {
setTimeout(yourFunction, 5000);
} else {
function process(counter){
var processing = false;
console.log("Beginning record #" + counter);
//we construct the target url
var url = "http://iaspub.epa.gov/enviro/efsystemquery.cerclis?fac_search=site_epa_id&fac_value=" + EPAID[counter] + "&fac_search_type=Beginning+With&postal_code=&location_address=&add_search_type=Beginning+With&city_name=&county_name=&state_code=&program_search=1&report=2&page_no=1&output_sql_switch=TRUE&database_type=CERCLIS" ;
page.onLoadFinished = function(status) {
if ( status === "success" ) {
page.includeJs("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js", function() {
var str = page.evaluate(function() {
$value = [];
$Object = $(".result tr");
for (i =0 ; i < 10; i++) {
$value.push($Object.find('td').html(),$Object.find('td').next().next().html() );
$Object = $Object.next();
$string = "{ \"EPAID\": \""+ $value[0] + "\", " +
"\"Name\": \""+ $value[1] + "\", " +
"\"City\": \""+ $value[4] + "\", " +
"\"State\": \""+ $value[6] + "\", " +
"\"ZipCode\": \""+ $value[8] + "\", " +
"\"Latitude\": "+ $value[14] + ", " +
"\"Longitude\": "+ $value[16] + " }," ;
return $string;
if (written[counter] === undefined) {
f = fs.open("lat_long.txt", "a");
written[counter] = true;
console.log("Writing to file #"+ counter);
I've been working on a script which collates the scores for a list of user from a website. One problem is though, I'm trying to load the next page in the while loop, but the function is not being loaded...
casper.then(function () {
var fs = require('fs');
json = require('usernames.json');
var length = json.username.length;
leaderboard = {};
for (var ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) {
var currentName = json.username[ii];
this.thenOpen("http://www.url.com?ul=" + currentName + "&sortdir=desc&sort=lastfound", function (id) {
return function () {
this.capture("Screenshots/" + json.username[id] + ".png");
if (!casper.exists(x("//*[contains(text(), 'That username does not exist in the system')]"))) {
if (casper.exists(x('//*[#id="ctl00_ContentBody_ResultsPanel"]/table[2]'))) {
tgsagc.cacheCount = 0;
continue = true;
this.echo("------------ " + json.username[id] + " ------------");
while (tgsagc.
continue) {
this.then(function () {
var findDates, pageNumber;
pageNumber = this.evaluate(tgsagc.pageNumber);
findDates = this.evaluate(tgsagc.getFindDates);
this.echo("Found " + findDates.length + " on page " + pageNumber);
this.echo(tgsagc.cacheCount + " Caches for " + json.username[id]);
this.echo("Continue? " + tgsagc["continue"]);
leaderboard[json.username[id]] = tgsagc.cacheCount;
console.log("Final Count: " + leaderboard[json.username[id]]);
} else {
this.echo("------------ " + json.username[id] + " ------------");
this.echo("0 Caches Found");
leaderboard[json.username[id]] = 0;
} else {
this.echo("------------ " + json.username[id] + " ------------");
this.echo("No User found with that Username");
leaderboard[json.username[id]] = null;
while (tgsagc.continue) {
var findDates, pageNumber;
pageNumber = this.evaluate(tgsagc.pageNumber);
findDates = this.evaluate(tgsagc.getFindDates);
this.echo("Found " + findDates.length + " on page " + pageNumber);
this.echo(tgsagc.cacheCount + " Caches for " + json.username[id]);
this.echo("Continue? " + tgsagc["continue"]);
return this.click("#tgsagc-link-next");
Ok, looking at this code I can suggest a couple of changes you should make:
I don't think you should be calling return from within your function within then(). This maybe terminating the function prematurely. Looking at the casperjs documentation, the examples don't return anything either.
Within your while loop, what sets "tgsagc.continue" to false?
Don't use "continue" as a variable name. It is a reserved word in Javascript used for terminating an iteration of a loop. In your case this shouldn't be a problem, but its bad practice anyhow.
Don't continually re-define the method within your call to the then() function. Refactor your code so that it is defined once elsewhere.
We ended up having to scope the function, so it loads the next page in the loop.
This is mainly because CasperJS is not designed to calculate scores, and it tries to asynchronously do the calculation, missing the required functions
I've been doing web development for quite sometime and have never seen this behavior with JavaScript. This is the code I started out with:
function processLogin() {
if (loginReq.readyState == 4) {
var data = eval('(' + loginReq.responseText + ')');
data = data.userData;
var focus = data.team.focus.coordinates;
thisTeam = new Team(data.team.id, data.team.missionId, data.team.name, data.team.operatingArea.coordinates[0]);
if (data.team.zoomLevel != '') {
thisTeam.zoomLevel = data.team.zoomLevel;
if (focus.length > 0) {
thisTeam.focusLat = focus[1];
thisTeam.focusLon = focus[0];
for (var i = 0; i < data.teams.length; i++) {
var temp_team = new Team(data.teams[i].id, data.teams[i].missionId, data.teams[i].name, []);
var teamDropDownText = [];
for (var j = 0; j < teams.length; j++) {
if (thisTeam.teamId == teams[j].teamId) {
teamDropDownText.push('<option value="' + teams[j].teamId + '" selected="selected">' + teams[j].name + '</option>');
} else {
teamDropDownText.push('<option value="' + teams[j].teamId + '">' + teams[j].name + '</option>');
// When all this has finished, make the
// rest of the calls to get the rest of the data
What I have written there isn't that important, and let me explain why.
The line with the single semicolon after thisTeam.zoomLevel = data.team.zoomLevel; was giving me a syntax error in firebug. I read and re-read my code, and couldn't figure out what I did wrong, so I put the semicolon on the same line as thisTeam.zoomLevel = data.team.zoomLevel and it told me it had a syntax error on the blank line!
To do another test, I moved this whole function to it's own JavaScript file and put everything after that line on one line and even tried to condense some of the code above, so now it looks like this:
function processLogin() {
if (loginReq.readyState == 4) {
var data = eval('(' + loginReq.responseText + ')');
data = data.userData;
var focus = data.team.focus.coordinates;
thisTeam = new Team(data.team.id, data.team.missionId, data.team.name, data.team.operatingArea.coordinates[0]); if (data.team.zoomLevel.length > 0) { thisTeam.zoomLevel = data.team.zoomLevel; } if (focus.length > 0) { thisTeam.focusLat = focus[1];thisTeam.focusLon = focus[0];} for (var i = 0; i < data.teams.length; i++) { var temp_team = new Team(data.teams[i].id, data.teams[i].missionId, data.teams[i].name, []); teams.push(temp_team); } var teamDropDownText = []; for (var j = 0; j < teams.length; j++) { if (thisTeam.teamId == teams[j].teamId) { teamDropDownText.push('<option value="' + teams[j].teamId + '" selected="selected">' + teams[j].name + '</option>'); } else { teamDropDownText.push('<option value="' + teams[j].teamId + '">' + teams[j].name + '</option>'); } } $('#addIncidentTeam').html(teamDropDownText.join('')); $('#editIncidentTeam').html(teamDropDownText.join('')); /* When all this has finished, make the rest of the calls to get the rest of the data */ startTimer(); downloadDevices(); initializeMap(); var kmlLink = document.getElementById('kmlLink'); var geoserverLink = document.getElementById('geoserverLink') if (user_role.substring(0, 1) == 'M') { kmlLink.href = "https://www.intelink.gov/giatstldni/hermes/webservice/kml/download/M&" + thisTeam.missionId + "&48"; kmlLink.innerHTML = "https://www.intelink.gov/giatstldni/hermes/webservice/kml/download/M&" + thisTeam.missionId + "&48"; geoserverLink.href = "https://www.intelink.gov/giatstldni/geoserver/wms/kml?layers=hermes_all&cql_filter=mission_id+=+" + thisTeam.missionId; geoserverLink.innerHTML = "https://www.intelink.gov/giatstldni/geoserver/wms/kml?layers=hermes_all&cql_filter=mission_id+=+" + thisTeam.missionId;} else { kmlLink.href = "https://www.intelink.gov/giatstldni/hermes/webservice/kml/download/T&" + thisTeam.id + "&48"; kmlLink.innerHTML = "https://www.intelink.gov/giatstldni/hermes/webservice/kml/download/T&" + thisTeam.id + "&48"; geoserverLink.href = "https://www.intelink.gov/giatstldni/geoserver/wms/kml?layers=hermes_all&cql_filter=team_id+=+" + thisTeam.id; geoserverLink.innerHTML = "https://www.intelink.gov/giatstldni/geoserver/wms/kml?layers=hermes_all&cql_filter=team_id+=+" + thisTeam.id; } } }
I did this just to see what error I would get, I knew it wouldn't work correctly. But now it's telling me there's an error on a line that doesn't exist in the file! I get:
syntax error
[Break On This Error] (10 out of range 8)
I went and commented more code out and it just made it 10 out of range 6! I don't understand!
I found the culprit. One of the values of the JSON returned was empty (no quotes or anything). Not a very helpful error message.