update cache before unload javascript with form - javascript

I have a form which is updated by the user through javascript. Indeed, the user can add some fields dynamically. So far, all is working great. Let's say my form has one field. The user add one more time that field. He validates it, he reached a new page with the results of his form but then realizes he did something wrong and go back (e.g. browser previous button).
The form is still displayed with the previous input but only with one field. (the one he added with javascript does not appear anymore) Can I update somehow the cache after the submit of the form so that if the user go back, he can see the same form that he just submitted?

Whenever your code changes the form, you should call a function that stores the current form code in the localStorage. Whenever the page is opened, you should check to see if the localStorage contains that information and, if so, set your form code to the stored code. This doesn't update the browser's cache, but it does store the information on the client side.
// do stuff: add form elements, bla bla bla;
function updateStorage(){
var current;
current = $("#container").html();
localStorage.setItem("theUsersPage", current);
function loadFromStorage(){
var old = localStorage.theUsersPage;
jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/JjxV8/1/


Why does HTML change back after Javascript runs

I have this script performed on submit:
function analyze() {
var answer = document.forms["questions"]["answer1"].value;
var item = document.getElementById("content");
Script is performed, but div doesn't keep the value, it changes back.
When you do a submit, your page is going to re-render, causing all of your elements to get back to their initial state. So changing the your div or whatever you have in the HTML with class content is going to reset to being back to being blank.
You probably want to save the answer in Browsers LocalStorage or some sort of data structure and then request it out of there.
Save your answer value to localStorage or sessionstorage and then show the same value in your div. If you are submitting form then it will re-load the page and clear the innerHTML of div.
A submit button causes the page to rerender. You have a number of options to prevent that:
Don't use a submit button, use a normal button that happens to SAY submit. You would then run the function "onClick" for the button, not "onSubmit" for the form. (this is what I recommend)
Return false from that function and/or call PreventDefault.
Actually submit it to the server and have the server do the work and return the page (probably not a good choice for performance reasons).
EDIT: you could do something with local or session storage, but that seem a bit rube-goldburg for the problem you have.

Go back to the actual previous page regardless of a form post error

I have a page with a form. On this page there is also "go back to previous page" link, which uses the following JavaScript:
When the form is posted and there is a validation error, the website returns the user to the same form page. However, clicking on this link in case of a form validation error gets the user to the form page before its submission, not the actual, different previous page.
How can I get the user back to the actual previous page by ONLY using JavaScript? Please note that there could be multiple times of form submission with errors.
You could probably use location.replace() in your redirect after validation error.
This will erase the current page location from the history and replace it with the new one, so it has no effect on page history.
Another option is to use sessionStorage to check if the URL has actually changed after going back one page in the history.
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById("back").onclick = function() {
sessionStorage.setItem("href",location.href); //store current page into sessionStorage
history.go(-1); //go back one page
if (location.href == sessionStorage.getItem("href")) {document.getElementById("back").click();} //if current page is the same as last one, go back one page
else {sessionStorage.removeItem("href");} //clear sessionStorage
In the demos below (SO doesn't allow sessionStorage) I had to simulate both "going through the history", and "page load for every history item", so the code looks a little different, using an array and other vars and functions, but the principle should be the same:
codepen: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/OgBgGg?editors=1011
jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/j0ddnboq/2/
You could store the "actual" previous page in a hidden form field on initial load and send this along with the form, then in your "go back to previous page" link js you could access that data.

How do I add jQuery click event to Django admin save and continue button?

I am trying to add some elaborate javascript validation to a django admin form. When the user clicks any of the three types of save buttons (save, save and continue, or save and add another) my javascript will run. Part of what it does is make an ajax call to provide special checks before posting. When I capture the click event using jquery of the add and continue button, sometimes I stop the form being submitted and sometimes I allow it to be submitted. Sometimes, only warnings are thrown, rather than errors, and then the user can decide that the form should continue to be submitted.
When it is finally submitted in the end, it needs to be submitted using the process dictated by the button they clicked originally. I found that adding JS of form.submit(); only submitted according to the save button, taking the user back to the model list, even if the user originally clicked the save and continue button.
I changed my JS from form.submit(); to capture the button itself and to trigger a click of it that bypasses the validation if the user has chosen to disregard the warnings. But still it returns to the model list after saving, even if the clicked button was save and continue.
What is the Django admin doing client side to dictate a save and continue instead of a plain old save when the user pushes that button?
So here is the short, summarized version of my question...
How can I, using Javascript (including jQuery), force a Django admin form submission that will:
save and continue
save and add another
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I figured this out. I had to create a hidden field with the name of the button that had been clicked and the value of the button that had been clicked and submit that field along with the form. Worked great!
EDIT (From 02/2020)
So I originally posted this Q&A years ago and haven't been working with Django for the last few months, but I see that someone wanted my code. Working from memory and a few pieces of code I still have around, it was something like this (which is untested)...
var frm = $('form');
var chosenBtn = frm.find('[name="_save"]');
var btns = frm.find('[name="_save"], [name="_addanother"], [name="_continue"]');
btns.unbind('click.btnAssign').bind('click.btnAssign', function(e)
chosenBtn = $(this);
frm.unbind('submit.saveStuff').bind('submit.saveStuff', function(e)
// Add your own validation here. If the validation fails, you can call:
// e.preventDefault();
// But if it works, no need for that line. If everything works...
'<input type="hidden" name="',
'" value="',
chosenBtn.attr('value'), // or maybe chosenBtn.text()
'" />'

Reset inputs in the previous form for a Jquery Mobile Multi Page Application

I developed an application using Jquery Mobile with multi pages (each one has an individual form) in a single html file.
And I haven't figure out until now how I can clear all fields of a previous form when the
button Back (type data-rel="back" located on page header) is pressed, and the previous form is showed.
My flow is similar as described bellow:
Show page Login
On Login page fill fields (user, password), validate the form and submit it.
After submit, change page for second page (Same HTML, data-role="page" )
After press Back Button on the second page (not browser), the Login page
still showing all input fields filled.
I saw a lot of snippets but not in particular related with this issue and when I tried
to apply some of them I didn't get the clue to solve this.
Someone could help, please. Thanks!
If you want to clear the fields each time the form is visited you can simply use the pagebeforeshow event:
$('#page1').on('pagebeforeshow', function (event, data) {
//clear fields here
If you only want to clear the fields when coming back from the second page, the same event has a second argument which tells you where you are coming from.
$('#page1').on('pagebeforeshow', function (event, data) {
var prevPageID = $(data.prevPage).attr("id");
if (prevPageID == "page2"){
//clear fields
API doc can be found here: http://api.jquerymobile.com/pagebeforeshow/

How to determine when a user is leaving a webpage (excluding certain links)

The situation: I have a Grails webpage with two tables. One table displays a persons information (including certain flags), and the second table has a list of flags with an "add button" that allows the user to add a given flag to themselves.
Now, there is a save button that, when clicked, pushes the current "state" of the users flags to our database. So I want to be able to display a prompt if there is unsaved information being displayed when a user tries to navigate to another part of the site. This is easy enough by using an existing isDirty boolean that each flag stores. I can just loop through the persons active flags and check if it is dirty or not. If the person contains at least 1 dirty flag, I need to display a prompt if they try to leave, because that data won't be saved unless they explicitly hit the button.
The problem: There are many ways to navigate away from this page. I am using
<body onbeforeunload="checkForDirtyFlags();">, where checkForDirtyFlags() is a basic js function to check for any dirty flags. But here's the thing - when a user adds or removes a flag, that causes a page reload because the way the page is setup is to redirect to a url like this:
The controller then knows to add the flag with id 123456 to the current person. This does NOT change where the person is in the website however, because the same page is still rendered (it just contains updated tables). So basically, when I see a URL with addFlag or removeFlag, I do not want to prompt the user if they are sure they want to navigate away from the page, because in the eyes of the user they are not leaving the page.
The question: Is there any way to determine what the target is during an onbeforeunload? So that I can have something like this in my javascript:
function checkForDirtyFlag() {
if( justAdding ) { //We are just adding a flag. No prompt necessary
//Don't do anything
else if( justRemoving ) { //We are just removing a flag. No prompt necessary
//Don't do anything
else { // In this case, we want to prompt them to save before leaving
alert('You have unsaved data on the page. Leaving now will lose that data. Are you sure you want to leave?');
If any of this isn't clear, please let me know and I'll try and clear it up.
I don't think you can get the target location in unload event. What I'd do is bind the save/submit button to a function that disables the unload event if the button is pressed, therefore disabling the prompt. If the user tries to leave by pressing back etc, the unload event would fire.
Why don't you push the changes immediately to the database, without them having to press the Save Button, or store them in a temporary database so that they do not lose their unsaved changes when the navigate to a different part of the site.
I'm not quite sure if I get you right - but you actually wrote the solution already down there. Why don't you just return a string-message from within an onbeforeunload when necessary ?
For instance:
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
if( justAdding ) { //We are just adding a flag. No prompt necessary
//Don't do anything
else if( justRemoving ) { //We are just removing a flag. No prompt necessary
//Don't do anything
else { // In this case, we want to prompt them to save before leaving
return 'You have unsaved data on the page. Leaving now will lose that data. Are you sure you want to leave?';
If you return a string value from that event, the browser will take care of a modal dialog window which shows up. Otherwise nothing happens.

