Mysql database made scolling get stuck [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm building a website and started with this scrolling system, then I added a mysql database but when I get to the pages where he has to scroll it jams. I inspected the element an I can see there are errors but I don't know how to fix them, im very desperate and hopefully someone knows how to fix this problem. The page where the scrolling jammed is: at least that is one of the pages but it is all the same problem on the other pages.

Hopefully this should guide you a bit. I did two things but you'll have to figure the rest it.
1. Checked out the errors that are created:
2. Then I did a quick google search since I don't use jQuery that often.
I'm thinking the browser stopped executing your javascript because of errors in your code. I don't MySQL has anything to do with it.
I did not go through your code.


How to make different pages using Javascript and HTML? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm making a (web) app for a school project, using Phonegap. I'm writing IT in Javascript, HTML and CSS, and I am very new to coding.
My question seems to me to be pretty straightforward, but I can't seem to find any solution on the internet.
I have finished my homepage, but now I need a button which directs you to another page (the menu), from where you can go to other pages within the app. But I just can't find out how to make different pages, and how to direct users to those pages.
There are two ways I see you can do this. Either make a new program (new HTML file) and make the button redirect you to that or completely clear the page using document.write("") and rebuild it.

Reload page if Database changes [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I can't set a javascript timer to reload the page every X seconds. It must be a perfect loop with no wait times.
I can't use AJAX. When the database changes a full screen video must be played, and there's no way I can load an "auto-fullscreen" HTML5 video from AJAX method through someotherfile.php
I spent 6 hours today trying to find a way to do this. Apparently I can't put PHP in a loop to 'listen' by doing sql queries every now and on. Weak language I guess.
It has nothing in common with PHP weaknesses it's about server side and client side.
Answering your question. You should try using HTML5 server sent events check these links it should clarify you how to do it. There are examples given:
BTW you don't need reload page with JavaScript just simple meta referesh does this.
Note: using EventSource is not supported by all browsers.

Creating a 'Like' system with HTML/CSS/Javascript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been working on a project (you should probably see the link to better understand what I am talking about). To make things better, I decided to make a like system.
Each posts contain a like button and a number next to it that indicates how many people liked the post.
Like (4)
The current one in my project is just plain text with an empty link, and the number is a dummy.
Like (4)
Is it possible to actually make the like button actually work? What would I need to use?
I think you need php/SQL to keep track of the votes made. So you need to learn php and SQL or rely on an extension someone else made. If you happen to use one of the more popular CMS's (Joomla/Wordpress) you can probably get it without ever having to worry about the coding.

Page only loads CSS and JavaScript after refresh [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The first time I load the page it's a mess and JavaScript functions don't work. The second time it looks ok and works.
Any brief idea what might be causing this behaviour? I'm using Backbone.js and jQUery Mobile if that makes a difference.
Sorry for no code, but I need to go to a meeting in a moment and the website is huge so I don't really know what part to show you.
If anybody knows why this is happening and doesn't need to see the code, please help.
Here's what seems to be the answer:
Thank you for suggestions, I upvoted the ones that seem relevant.
It sounds like unmet dependencies: some of your functions probably run before the document is fully loaded and can't get their job done correctly (missing elements, etc..). The second time the function work beacuse the page is cached and so loaed in time before the function starts.
I'd start looking at the JavaScript console and post the errors here if you can't figure it out alone, but without proper informations what we could do is just poor absumptions.
Might be javascript source could not be fetched from the url given. You can do inspect element and see what's happening on console or network tab.

Types of output that will work for a callback [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am currently working on a small nodejs project that is responsible for returning search terms from a twitter feed. I have the search working however because I am new to this I am having problems displaying this on my webpage. The search information I want to display is being held by a callback from my function and I want to output this information. Keep in mind this information is ascertained after the webpage is loaded and I think that is why response.write(information); is not working for me. However if I do console.log(information); I do get the information I want but it's just not where I want it. Can someone help me out with outputting please.
I ended up solving this by using JSON.stringify(information);
You are right, it's very likely that once you have returned your webpage the response will be closed.
2 options:
1) you load your webpage first on 1 static route (using static middleware) and this web page then does an ajax call to a second route which returns your information.
2) you don't return your webpage until you have retrieved your information. I'm assuming your information will need to be displayed on this webpage which means you'll have to turn your webpage in a template and merge it with your information. You can use a Jade template or underscore template for example.

