Dynamically created textarea with no .val() - javascript

I'm trying to allow users to edit the text of a paragraph in a website. I take a paragraph and replace the <p> tags with <textarea> tags using the .replaceWith() function. When I try to take the value of the textarea, it returns blank. Here's a JSfiddle.
<p><a class="edit">Edit</a>I'm going to change this into a textarea field and retrieve the value.</p>
$(document).ready(function() {
var object = $('p');
object.on("mouseenter", function() {
var oldText = object.text();
oldText = oldText.substr(4); // Exclude the word 'Edit'
var value = object.val();
alert("Value: "+value);
I'm a programming beginner, so if you have style or implementation tips, feel free to share. This is just my gut reaction to solving the problem; there may be a simpler way to accomplish the same thing.
EDIT: I should also mention that in my website, each paragraph comes from a database table that I'm displaying using an AJAX function. When the user is done editing, he can click a button, and the website will take the new value of the textarea field and UPDATE *table* SET *text*=newText WHERE *text* LIKE oldText;

Try just using contenteditable='true' instead of changing to a textarea. It will make the <p> editable.
Like this:
<p contenteditable='true'><a class="edit">Edit</a>
I'm going to change this into a textarea field and retrieve the value.</p>
If you want to make your text area editable when someone clicks 'Edit', you can create a function that sets the contenteditable attribute to true and then gives focus to the <p> element.

Your code is not trying to get the value of the <textarea>. Your call:
object.replaceWith( ... )
does not change the value of the variable "object" — it's still the jQuery object for the <p> tag, but after that it's out of the DOM. <p> tags don't have a "value" property.
It's almost always a bad idea to set up event handlers inside another event handler (well, an event handler for interaction events anyway). Event handlers accumulate, so each "mouseenter" event will add another "click" handler.

ckersch is right about an easier method being to use contenteditable, but if you're looking to a solution for your specific problem, change your selector from this:
var value = object.val();
To this:
var value = $("textarea").val();
Full code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var object = $('p');
object.on("mouseenter", function() {
var oldText = object.text();
oldText = oldText.substr(4); // Exclude the word 'Edit'
var value = $("textarea").val();
alert("Value: "+value);
There are many ways you could make it more robust, including adding a class or id to your textarea, and then using it to be selected, such as this way:
object.replaceWith($("<textarea class='selectMe'>").val(oldText).css("width",object.css('width')).css('height',object.css('height')));
var value = $(".selectMe").val();

You are using the method replaceWith() wrong. The argument must be a string or a function that returns a string, not a jquery selector. Also, you should place the onclick event outside of the mouseenter event (this is valid for any event, never nest them)

$(document).ready(function() {
function makeTextarea(e) {
var edit = $(e.currentTarget);
var parent = edit.parent();
parent.replaceWith('<textarea>' + parent.text() + '</textarea>');
$('.edit').on('click', makeTextarea);
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/U57v2/4/
"When the document is ready listen for clicks on .edit class. When clicked store a reference to the parent element (<p>) and then remove the edit element. Finally replace the parent element (<p>) with a textarea with the contents of the <p> element."

ckersh is absolutely right about the contenteditable, but if you're looking for a specific answer to your code, there are a few things you could improve.
There are a couple of issues with your code. First, you're rebinding the on('click') handler every time you mouse over the paragraph, so if you mouse over 5 times, you're executing the anonymous function 5 times. You only need to bind the on routine once. Second, the variable object never changes, so when you replace it with a textarea, you need a new selector to get the value.
I've updated your fiddle with the enhancements I've mentioned above. I also added a mouseleave event, because I figure you want to hide the "Edit" button when you leave the paragraph. The updated javascript can be seen below:
$(document).ready(function () {
var object = $('p');
object.on("mouseenter", function () {
}).on("mouseleave", function () {
}).on("click", '.edit', function () {
var oldText = object.text();
oldText = oldText.substr(4); // Exclude the word 'Edit'
object.replaceWith($("<textarea>").val(oldText).css("width", object.css('width')).css('height', object.css('height')));
var value = $("textarea").val();
alert("Value: " + value);


javascript for all textarea

I want apply my JS on all my Textarea
$('#textarea').keyup(function() {
var nombreCaractere = $(this).val().length;
var msg = nombreCaractere + ' caractére(s)';
'<span id=compteur>' 0 caractére(s)'</span>';
This code is in constructor of my class textarea I wnat call him 1 times for all textarea
You should change the jquery selector from $('#textarea') to $('textarea') so as to target all textarea in the document.
Also you may want to use $('.compteur') in place of $('#compteur') so that your can have multiple counters, one for each textarea. Do not forget to update your html correspondingly
Edit: Please use $(this).find('.compteur') in place of $('.compteur') so that only the counter within the current textarea is affected
selects a HTML element with the ID "textarea". So this will be at max one textarea-element. The selector for all textareas would be just
javscript event handlers can take a parameter (Event), so
$('textarea').keyup(function() {
var nombreCaractere = $(this).val().length;
var msg = nombreCaractere + ' caractére(s)';
// code for display, todo!
would put the event handler on every textarea (<textarea>) on your page. However, the display for the character count is a bit more difficult, unless it's one fixed element that scrolls along.
but let's say, your textareas all have an attribute data-charcount="[id]" that has the id of a div or something, that will display the character count.
Then you could replace
// code for display, todo!
$("#"+this.dataset.charcount).text(msg); // <- assuming this works
and your example textarea should look like this:
<textarea data-charcount="compteur"></textarea>
<span id="compteur"></span>
please note: every id should only appear once!
edit replace event.target with this, and fixed small error with string concat

get the html of element itself using jquery .html()

How to get the html of element itself using Jquery html. In the below code I would like get the input element inside div using JQuery as shwon below
<div id="content">content div</div>
<input type='text' id="scheduledDate" class="datetime" />
$(function() {
Can I get the $("#scheduledDate") as string which represent the real html code of the input box, because my final requirement is I want to pass it to some other SubView( I am using backboneJS) and eventually use that html code in a dust file.
My original requirement was to get that input field as string so that I can pass it to some other function. I know, if I keep it inside a DIV or some other container, I can get the html by using .html method of JQuery. I dont want use some other for that purpose. I am just trying to get html content of the input box itself using it's id.
If you want to move the input element into div, try this:
If you want to copy the input element into div, try this:
Note: after move or copy element, the event listener may need be registered again.
$(function() {
var content = $('#content');
var scheduledDate = $('#scheduledDate');
As the original author has stated that they explicitly want the html of the input:
$(function() {
var scheduledDate = $('#scheduledDate').clone();
var temporaryElement = $('<div></div>');
var scheduleDateAsString = temporaryElement.append(scheduledDate).html();
// do what you want with the html such as log it
// or store it back into #content
Is how I would implement this. See below for a working example:
A plain or pure JavaScript method, can do better...
scheduledDate.outerHTML //HTML5
or calling by
document.getElementById("scheduledDate").outerHTML //HTML4.01 -FF.
should do/return the same, e.g.:
>> '<input id="scheduledDate" type="text" value="" calss="datetime">'
if this, is what you are asking for
p.s.: what do you mean by "calss" ? :-)
This can be done the following ways:
1.Input box moved to the div and the div content remains along with the added input
$(document).ready(function() {
var $inputBox = $("#scheduledDate");
2.The div is replaced with the copy of the input box(as nnn pointed out)
$(document).ready(function() {
var $inputBox = $("#scheduledDate");
var $clonedInputBox = $("#scheduledDate").clone();
Div is replaced by the original input box
$(document).ready(function() {
var $inputBox = $("#scheduledDate");
to get the input html as string inside the div itself use this
This will give the input objects html as string
Check this js fiddle and tell if this is what you need

jQuery selector can't find added elements in DOM

I know that the solution is the jQuery.on-function but it don't work as I expect it would do.
Following problem:
I pull via Websocket(JSON) data and build my page up inside the document ready function (for connection reasons).
That means I add several input fields via the jQuery.append()-function and try to access the select-input when the SET button is pressed. Accessing the select input fails.
I have selected the body as parent element, every other form field should be in it.
For demo reasons I removed the Websocket-Functions. I have hardcoded the form as it would be in real. The debug-messages are displayed in the firebug-console.
Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gLauohjd/
This is the way I am accessing the select input
$("body").on('click', ':button', function () {
console.log( $( this ).text() ); //Value of the pressed button
var ip = $(this).attr('ip');
var selectvalue = "#" + "modeselect" + ip;
console.log(selectvalue); //Print the selector to verify it is ok
console.log($(selectvalue).val()); //fails ->not found in DOM
Any help on that is very appreciated!
To select a tag with jQuery, use just the tag name.
$("body").on('click', 'button', function () { .. } // any button clicked on body
As for actually retrieving the values, you won't be able to do so unless you escape the dots.
You could use something like:
var selectvalue = "#" + "modeselect" + ip.replace(/\./g, "\\\\.");
Hope this helps.

Can jQuery or Javascript change elements within textareas?

My first SO question! Here's what I am trying to do:
I'm rewriting a tool that generates some code a user can paste directly into Craigslist and other classified ad posting websites. I have created a list of websites (they populate from a database with PHP) the user can choose from with a radio button, and I want their choice to populate as bare text (not a link) between some <p></p> elements in a textarea. I'm using jQuery for this.
Textarea before the user chooses:
<p id="thing"></p>
Textarea after the user chooses:
<p id="thing">www.somewebsite.com</p>
<input type="radio" name="sitechoice" value="www.websiteone.com">www.websiteone.com<br />
<input type="radio" name="sitechoice" value="www.secondwebs.com">www.secondwebs.com
Some stuff already in here
Here is the website you chose:
<p id="thing"></p>
More stuff already here.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input").change(function () {
var website = $(this).val();
JS Fiddle (With comments)
If you see the JS Fiddle, you can see that I put another p element on the page outside the textarea, and it updates just fine, but the one inside the textarea does not. I have read many other like questions on SO and I'm starting to think that I can't change an element that's between textarea tags, I can only change the entire textarea itself. Please, lead me to enlightenment!
You actually can fairly easily manipulate the text contents of the textarea like it is part of the DOM, by transforming its contents into a jQuery object.
Here is a jsFiddle demonstrating this solution: http://jsfiddle.net/YxtH4/2/
The relevant code, inside the input change event:
// Your normal code
var website = $(this).val();
// This turns the textarea's val into a jQuery object ...
// And inserts it into an empty div that is created
var textareaHtml = $('<div>' + $("#textarea").val() + '</div>');
// Here you can do your normal selectors
// And this sets the textarea's content to the empty div's content
The empty div wrapping your HTML is so that you can easily retrieve it as a string later using jQuery's .html() method, and so the parse does not fail if additional text is entered around the p element inside the textarea.
The real magic is $($("#textarea").val()), which takes your textarea's text and parses it into an HTML node contained in a jQuery object.
It can't do it the way that you are thinking (i.e., manipulate it as if it were a DOM element), but it is still accessible as the value of the textarea, so you can retrieve it like that, use basic string manipulation to alter it, and then set the updated string as the new value of the textarea again.
Something like this . . . first give the <textarea> an id value:
<textarea id="taTarget">
Some stuff already in here
Here is the website you chose:
<p id="thing"></p>
More stuff already here.
Then alter your script like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input").change(function () {
var website = $(this).val();
var currentTAVal = $("#taTarget").val();
$("#taTarget").val(currentTAVal.replace(/(<p id="thing">)([^<]*)(<\/p>)/, "$1" + website + "$3"));
Unless you need the <p> element in there, you might consider using a more simple placeholder, since it won't actually act as an HTML element within the textarea. :)
EDIT : Fixed a typo in the .replace() regex.
I know that this answer is a little bit late, but here it goes =)
You can do exactly the way you want to do. But for that, you need to implement a small trick.
by having this HTML
<input type="radio" name="sitechoice" value="www.websiteone.com">www.websiteone.com
<br />
<input type="radio" name="sitechoice" value="www.secondwebs.com">www.secondwebs.com
<p id="thing2"></p>
<textarea id="textarea">
<p id="thing"></p>
you can edit textarea content, as a DOM by implementing something like the function changeInnerText
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input").change(function () {
var website = $(this).val(); // Gets value of input
//$("#thing").html(website); // Changes
//$("#thing2").html(website); // Does not change
var changeInnerText = function(text) {
var v = $("#textarea").val();
var span = $("<span>");
var obj = span.find("#thing")[0];
As you can see, I just get the information from the textarea, I create a temporary variable span to place textarea's content. and then manipulate it as DOM.
Instead of attempting to insert the text into the <p> element, insert the text into <textarea> element and include the <p> tag. Something like this should do the trick:
$("textarea").html('<p id="thing">'+website+'</p>');
And here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/nR94s/

Dynamic text in textarea - getting value

My text/value in textarea it's not static - I'm chaning it. I can't get the current value.
Lorem ipsum
//it's defalut in html file
Putting into textarea:
Dolores is lorem ipsum
Alert is only showing 1 version("lorem ipsum"), but not second ("Dolores is lorem ipsum"). I'm trying to do it in jquery:
var variable = $("#selector").val();
What I'm doing wrong?
I want to catch it to variable :) Not to alert. Alert is only my test :)
var text = $('#textareaID').val();
$('#textareaID').change(function() {
text = $(this).val();
when ever you want text just reference it :)
If your using tabs UI please review the docs and the event management:
Place This outside of bound scope:
var text = $('#textareaID').val(); OR var text = '';
$('#example').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
// Objects available in the function context:
// ui.tab anchor element of the selected (clicked) tab
// ui.panel element, that contains the selected/clicked tab contents
// ui.index zero-based index of the selected (clicked) tab
$('#textareaID').change(function() {
text = $(this).val();
NOTE: $('#example') would be the parent div that holds the tabs and content
Further optimization recommendation.
If you think $('#textareaID') will be called often you may want to cache a reference to it so the selector engine does not have to find it on every instance, this would be done like:
var textarea = $('#textareaID');
var text = $('#textareaID').val();
For this line:
var textarea = $('#textareaID');
Make sure it is inside of a $(document).ready(function() {}); Call and the element is exists
you could check for this by doing:
var textarea = $('#textareaID') || false;
And wrap the code above like this:
$('#example').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
// Objects available in the function context:
// ui.tab anchor element of the selected (clicked) tab
// ui.panel element, that contains the selected/clicked tab contents
// ui.index zero-based index of the selected (clicked) tab
if(textarea) {
textarea.change(function() {
text = $(this).val();
Hope this helps!
$('textarea').change(function() {
Try to tie the alert() to an event:
JS Fiddle demo.
The error is somewhere else.
The code you are using is correct. Check a demo
It sounds like you are trying to assign the .val() to a variable before the value changes. You are correct in that you want to use .val(). Try this jsfiddle to see the differences that are produced by the variable, .val(), .text(), and .html().

