SASS task in gulp with sourceComments: 'map' produces 'Assertion failed' - javascript

I have a web app I'm developing using AngularJS, D3, Pixi.js, and gulp as a build system. It all works great together, except gulp-sass. Here's the relevant code:
gulp.task('sass-dev', ['clean-dev'], function() {
return gulp.src( cfg.appFiles.rootSass )
.pipe( sass({ errLogToConsole: true }))
.pipe( gulp.dest( cfg.buildDir+cfg.destDirs.css ) )
.pipe( livereload( server ) );
cfg is just a variable that has predefined globs. If I make the third line
.pipe( sass({ errLogToConsole: true, sourceComments: 'map' }))
by adding the mapping of the source (useful for debugging), I get the following fatal error.
Assertion failed: (val->IsString()), function _NanGetExternalParts, file ../node_modules/nan/nan.h, line 1725.
Abort trap: 6
On my colleague's computer, it works perfectly with or without mapping. On mine, it fails every time with the source comments mapped, and works perfectly without mapping. Both computers are iMacs running the latest version of node (npm), bower, and OS X.
Any idea what could be causing this? Issue in gulp or gulp-sass itself?

These options worked for me.
{ errLogToConsole: true, sourceComments: 'map', sourceMap: 'sass' }.
There's always seems to be something weird going on.

In my case, the cause was an empty scss file. Adding a comment to the file, or removing the scss file, solved this problem


How to setup source map on Sentry

I'm using Sentry for error reporting on the React app that I created.
The problem with it is that I don't have an idea how to debug certain issues because I don't know what's the exact file the error occurred in:
I'm using Laravel mix for compiling. The webpack.mix.js looks like this:
.react("resources/js/checkout/CheckoutRoot.js", "public/js")
I tried using sourceMaps() like so:
const productionSourceMaps = true;
.react("resources/js/checkout/CheckoutRoot.js", "public/js")
.react("resources/js/checkout/DonationRoot.js", "public/js")
.sourceMaps(productionSourceMaps, "source-map")
But it doesn't seem to work. It appended this right below the file when viewing in Chrome dev tools:
But when I pretty print it still results in the same gibberish:
I'm expecting to see it point out to the component file I'm working on locally. Is that possible?
I tried installing Sentry's webpack plugin:
const SentryWebpackPlugin = require("#sentry/webpack-plugin");
let config = {
output: {
publicPath: "/",
chunkFilename: "js/chunks/[name].js?id=[chunkhash]",
plugins: [
new SentryWebpackPlugin({
// sentry-cli configuration
authToken: "MY_AUTH_TOKEN",
org: "MY_ORG",
project: "MY_PROJECT",
release: "MY_RELEASE",
include: ".",
ignore: ["node_modules", "webpack.config.js"],
Used the same release when initializing Sentry on my source file:
dsn: "MY_DSN",
release: "testing",
Put some failing code:
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Then compiled like usual:
npm run production
I triggered the error on the browser and I got the expected file in there (MobilePayment.js):
But from Sentry, all I get is this:
I would expect to find MobilePayment.js in there but there's none.
When compiling, I got this:
So I assume it uploaded the sources to Sentry.
I even tried the same thing using Sentry-cli:
sentry-cli releases files release upload-sourcemaps --ext js --ext map /path/to/public/js
And it pretty much did the same thing:
I then triggered the same error. But I still got the same output from Sentry dashboard. Please help.
I've run into this before.
IIRC the trick was finding the correct devtool WebPack option.
I can't remember exactly, but I think I used eval-cheap-module-source-map or eval-source-map.

Gulp 4, Tasks don't execute before calling watch

I am using Gulp 4 to compile my code from TypeScript to JavaScript and to build and serve the app.
I've come across one problem that I cannot solve.
I'd like to run the build, copy-html and copy-css tasks before some file gets changed.
According to Gulp documentation I just need to provide a config object with ignoreInitial set to false, but it doesn't work.
I've tried to call the three tasks before I initialize browserSync but for it also didn't work for me.
gulp.task("serve", function() {
// TODO Make a build before first serve
server: {
baseDir: "./dist/"
.watch(["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.html", "src/**/*.css"], {
ignoreInitial: false
gulp.parallel("copy-html", "copy-css"),
Instead of using calling .on() on the returned chokidar interface, add your tasks to the watch command.
["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.html", "src/**/*.css"],
{ ignoreInitial: false },
gulp.parallel("copy-html", "copy-css"),

Gulp eslint doesn't find my .eslintrc file

It looks like my .eslintrc file is not found my gulp-eslint
I defined a lint task:
gulp.task('lint', function () {
gulp.src(['src/**/*.js', 'src/**/*.jsx'])
It runs but doesn't show any error.
My .eslintrc file is defined in src folder. I tried to move it to the root folder of my project but it didn't change anything.
It's a pretty simple file:
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"ecmaFeatures": {
"classes": true,
"jsx": true
"plugins": [
"extends": "eslint-config-airbnb"
When I run eslint src in the terminal, I get a bunch of eslint errors, which is fine.
Any idea what is not properly working?
According to the docs you need to fail on error in the pipe.
gulp.task('lint', function () {
// ESLint ignores files with "node_modules" paths.
// So, it's best to have gulp ignore the directory as well.
// Also, Be sure to return the stream from the task;
// Otherwise, the task may end before the stream has finished.
return gulp.src(['**/*.js','!node_modules/**'])
// eslint() attaches the lint output to the "eslint" property
// of the file object so it can be used by other modules.
// eslint.format() outputs the lint results to the console.
// Alternatively use eslint.formatEach() (see Docs).
// To have the process exit with an error code (1) on
// lint error, return the stream and pipe to failAfterError last.
Just a heads-up, the documentation is extremely useful and succinct on using configuration files, their precedence of usage and how they are located. You can also add the path to specify the location of your configuration file for a particular pipe:
gulp.task('lint', function () {
gulp.src(['src/**/*.js', 'src/**/*.jsx'])
.pipe(eslint({ configFile: '.eslintrc'}))
In the gulp-eslint documentation it should be noted that usage of the failOnError() and failAfterError() methods are advisable in that the task/stream is stopped and hence there is no invalid code written to the output.
If you use neither then the error is still caught but displayed only in the console output. So dependent on your task flow and design the destination file may still be written but you can conveniently correct the error immediately and carry on without having to start up your pipe processing/watch task again. An alternative is to look into gulp-plumber or some other means whereby you're not breaking out of a gulp watch task and yet also not writing a file containing code that doesn't pass linting validation.

UNKOWN error thrown when compiling typescript using Gulp in VS2015

I have installed Visual Studio 2015 (with no other previous versions) on a new laptop and have pulled down the source for our MVC web app. We have a gulp file with tasks to compile our less and typescript.
When running this task ...
cmd.exe /c gulp -b "C:\Code\Trunk\MyProj\MyProj.Web" --color --gulpfile "C:\Code\Trunk\MyProj\MyProj.Web\Gulpfile.js" typescript
... I get the following error:
[09:43:16] Using gulpfile C:\Code\Trunk\MyProj\MyProj.Web\Gulpfile.js
[09:43:16] Starting 'typescript'...
[09:43:34] Plumber found unhandled error:
Error: UNKNOWN, open 'C:\Code\Trunk\MyProj\MyProj.Web\app\allergy\main.js'
Process terminated with code 0.
Here is the task in the gulp file (with other parts removed for brevity):
var gulp = require("gulp");
var plumber = require("gulp-plumber");
var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var typescript = require("gulp-typescript");
var merge = require("merge2");
var paths = {
typescript: {
globpatterns: {
all: "./Scripts/**/*.ts",
excludedefinitions: "!./Scripts/**/*.d.ts"
gulp.task("typescript", function () {
var result = gulp.src([
removeComments: true,
declarationFiles: false,
noImplicitAny: false,
noEmitOnError: true,
module: "amd",
target: "ES5"
return merge([
My colleague has the same set-up as me and gets no error.
Typescript is set to version 1.0 in the project file (<TypeScriptToolsVersion>1.0</TypeScriptToolsVersion>) and I can't change this just now. I wondered if the reason was beacuse I don't have this version installed on my machine but my colleague doesn't either. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript only has a folder for 1.7
I noticed that the task completes successfully if I remove either of the 2 lines with in the merge block.
It's a different .js file in the error message each time
I searched the web to see what the UNKNOWN error even means but couldn't find anything obvious / helpful. Anyone know how to fix this error? Or how I go about finding out why it's being thrown?
EDIT 20-Jan-2016
So, I was getting this error consistently for about a week ... and now it has stopped happening. I haven't made any changes to my development environment either. I'd like to leave this question open since I'm curious as to why this happened.

Gulp watch quits when failing task uses streamqueue

I'm watching for changes on files like this:['./src/js/**/*', './src/templates/**/*', config.vendor.js], ['js']);
Part of my build process involves using the "angular-filesort" module (don't think this is important though). If I implement the task as follows and use plumber, when filesort fails gulp doesn't quit and "watch" will keep checking for updates which is what I want:
gulp.task('js', function() {
However, if I wrap up this process in a streamqueue, gulp will exit when filesort fails which I don't want:
gulp.task('js', function() {
objectMode: true
How can I fix this?
Specifically, I'm doing something like this to process 3 different sets of JavaScript files then concating them:
objectMode: true
module: mainAngularModuleName
Is there perhaps a way I can do the above without streamqueue to work around this issue?
I had a similar issue and switching from streamqueue to stream-series resolved it for me. It's also cleaner than streamqueue because you don't need to specify the object mode.
I found reinstalling node and upgrading all my packages fixed this.

