Is it possible to use factory_girl.js with teaspoon? - javascript

As part of my trying to learn web development, I have reached a point were I have some coffeescript classes I would like to test inside my rails environment.
I have a rails 4.03 app that I have been working on (it is based off the rails tutorial).
During the process of learning rails, I got used to working with rspec and FactoryGirl, so I would like to try to follow a similar flow for the coffeescript if possible.
I wrote all my coffeescript as individual classes, each in there own file, so I think they should be testable.
I currently have teaspoon installed, which looks a lot like rspec. I have this working with some basic tests, but now I need to start writing real tests. Teaspoon has support for fixtures, but I noticed that there is a node.js package called factory_girl, which seems like it is a port of the ruby FactoryGirl for rspec. I installed this package using npm -install and now I have it listed in my rails folder under "node_modules".
Can someone tell me if it is possible to use this package to generate objects for testing with teaspoon, and if so how?
I am marking the answer below as accepted, because I was able to get FactoryGirl to run.
What I did was (as suggested in the answer) was to copy the factory_girl.js file into a location that could be loaded by the assets pipeline spec/javascripts/support, and then required it in the spec/javascripts/ file.
The problem is that the functionality does not seem to match what happens in rails (unless I am completely forgetting how it worked in rails). In Rails, I could define a factory for a model and the objects created would be instances of the class I was associating the factory with. Here there does not seem to be any association with the class I am trying to generated instances of. For example, only the properties I define in the factory definition are available, and none of the methods are defined on the objects.
I could be doing something completely wrong , or maybe trying to use coffeescript breaks this somehow.

Teaspoon doesn't use node (mostly), and is primarily rails based in terms of the runner foundation. On top of the rails layer, it uses Jasmine, Mocha, or QUnit as browser test frameworks.
Trying to load a node module in to that is not really easy, or possible in some cases. If factory_girl.js can be loaded into a browser in theory you could require the file (if it's in an asset path) within your spec helper and then use it however you want.
Disclaimer: I'm the primary author of Teaspoon, but have never used factory_girl.js (but have used factory_girl the gem).


Android and Web App sharing Kotlin code

One of the major “selling” points of Kotlin appears to be its ability to compile both to JVM or Android and to JavaScript for the web. To make use of this, it should be possible to have a code base where some files are shared between an Android App and a browser Web App.
However, so far I found little details on how such a thing would be set up, in particularly when working with Android Studio and its underlying Gradle setup, starting from a a run of the Android Studio New Project Wizard. I don't mind if I can only build the Web App on the command line, but I'd like to maintain the Android debugging hookups that Android Studio provides. So far I know very little about Gradle and typical idioms for its use.
I'm sure that I'm not the first person to have this idea, so I'd like to know some best practices on how to set this up. Questions that come to my mind include the following:
Do I mix the kotlin2js and the kotlin-android plugin in a single build file, or do I need to have multiple build files (perhaps I should say “modules” or “projects” except I don't know which)?
If I have multiple build files, should that be two (one Android one Web) or three (one more for shared things)?
If it is two build files, how do I reference the shared sources?
If it is three build files, which plugin(s) do I use for the shared one?
Do I need to split my sources over three different source trees? Are there any conventions how these should be called?
Do I need to split my classes into three groups of packages, or can code for different targets coexist in the same package?
What configuration settings do I need to tweak to make the IDE aware of the layout of my project?
I've read the following relevant documentation, among other:
I would recommend using IDEA wizard to create a simple multiplatfrom project for you (File -> New -> Project -> Kotlin -> Kotlin (Multiplatform - experimental) ). Community edition should suffice.
Answering your questions:
You don't mix plugins. You create a separate module for your common code and use 'kotlin-platform-common' plugin for it.
Three modules, special plugin 'kotlin-platform-common'
Use common sense for source splitting. Put whatever you want/able to reuse in the common code. Put platform-specific code in platform modules.
No package restrictions. You can put everything in the same package if you so desire =)
Pretty sure it should just work. If not, try re-importing.

What is an isomorphic application?

I have been reading multiple different articles about what Isomorphic application is, why this type of architecture is better and so forth. But I still have a bit of uncertainty as to what is meant by such term.
How would you define what "Isomorphic Application" is, without going too much into details?
They are, more recently, also called universal. I'm not sure about the whole app being called isomorphic/universal, but you can certainly have parts of the code base that is universal.
Isomorphic/universal code is code that runs on both the client (browser) and on the server (NodeJS). Since they are both JavaScript this something that is possible if:
you do not mention window, document or any other browser-only methods
you do not mention server, fs or any or any other node-only methods.
If you do need to do the above within some code that is meant to be universal, you should wrap it in a function that either mocks the required method within the alternate environment or wrap it in conditionals so that the app doesn't crash.
An example is console.log which will work both within NodeJS and any browser, along with most other es6 methods in modern browsers.
I use build tools (like webpack) to then help create / export functions within individual files so that we then have a bundle like client-app.js which is included in the HTML file and is the browser only js. The server then might start using server-app.js which is the server-only bundle. Both bundles can be created using a lot of the same universal source code.

How to unextend Extendables framework, keeping just the logger and Jasmine test functionalities

I'm using a nice framework for Adobe ExtendScript called Extendables. I forked the project here:
A problem though is that in some ways using the framework is worse than not because the framework extends javascript objects with more functionality. And on an initial review of the code files, they seem rather interdependent such that it will take some work to uncouple the strict dependencies to make it optional/configurable to load only what you need and skip the rest in case of issues with particular features (i.e. you can just not load/include what you don't use - I don't think that's currently possible, although I might be mistaken). See the issue tracker in my project for details but in general the issues encountered using the full framework is failure of try/catch blocks and object iteration includes unintented properties.
For me, I'd just like at a minimum to make all functionality optional and just load the logger and Jasmine test framework as those are the only two feature/modules that I really use with Extendables. I don't care for the extensions to strings, files, object, arrays, etc.
As I'm a novice in javascript/ExtendScript, and this is not a trivially simple javascript framework, I could use suggestions on how to decouple the dependencies so that every module (baring it's dependendencies) can be optionally loaded, and where there are dependencies we can group into sets as in you can load or not load this set of features.
Sorry that I can't include code snippets as its too much to post, you can find it in my Github fork.
Not sure if this is best StackExchange site to post but starting here.
You should be able to extract the log module from this file:
Try to use it like this (not tested):
#include "core-packages/logging/lib/index.jsx"
Log.debug("Log this");
You might need to adjust some things in there e.g. Folder.extendables does not exist in ExtendScript. Also exports.Log at the end will throw an error.

Using Karma to test javascript in a play 2.2.x application

I've got a Play 2 application where my angular js dependencies (and possibly others) are declared using WebJars. When I serve up a page, I use the routing helper to fetch these javascript files.
If I want to test my javascript with Karma I need to specify the path to angular javascript files in order to run my angular dependent code. The examples I've seen on the web don't use web jars and just specify the path as ../app/assets/javascripts/lib/angular.js (or whatever). Is there a better way to do this?
I am not familiar with playframework and therefore I am not entirely understanding the restrictions it is bring to your JS Files but if this helps you can also do something like this in karma.cofig
files: [
I performed some quick tests and it worked fine.

OpalRb with MeteorJS?

I have been intrigued by the power and elegance that Opal offers in the way of using pure Ruby vs CoffeeScript or, of course, JS.
How would one go about leveraging Opal for Meteor as the primary language for development?
UPDATE: just wanted to share that we have shifted focus over to Volt for our realtime needs in an isomorphic environment that offers Ruby from bottom to top. It has been a fantastic experience and even Matz has tweeted about it a few times now.
I just released an initial version.
This will compile Ruby files to Javascript, but there is nothing meteor specific (yet).
I plan on porting Meteor to a Ruby class at some point, stay tuned or even better submit pull requests...
Yes, check out how the coffeescript package is implemented in Meteor in order to compile .coffee to .js. Specifically, the following - The undocumented _transitional_registerBuildPlugin function which tells meteor how to turn coffeescript files into js files - The script that compiles files and generates source maps. for how compiled files are served.
If everything is super well designed, you probably shouldn't have to touch the bundler to create a smart package that will build OpalRb files. However, I'm guessing that you are probably going to have to fire off a pull request or two to core in the bundler area in order to get it to play well with your package. Right now, the preprocessor treats all files individually, which may not be possible with your language (I'm not sure.) In the process, however, you'll be contributing to make Meteor's support of other JS dialects and compilers even better!
I'll reiterate my point that Coffeescript seems ideal if you want some sort of high level language for writing JS, especially since it supports in-browser source maps for debugging now.
Maybe a little late on the boat: I wrote a build plugin for Opal in Meteor.
You can find it on atmosphere
You can install the plugin using
meteor add massimoronca:opal
meteor add mikamai:opal
Every file ending in .rb or .js.rb will be automatically compiled.
You'll have to wrap Meteor builtin Objects, until I'll release a package that does that, you can find a small example on how to do it in this gist
For example the Meteor global Object can be wrapped in Opal like this
class Meteor
def self.server?
def self.client?
def self.cordova?
def self.startup(&block)
`#{ if block_given?}`
and used this way
puts "Hello from server" if Meteor.server?
EDIT: moved the plugin under the Mikamai account

