Angular JS replace values ng grid - javascript

I am newbie in angular JS and I think that I need help.
This is my issue :
I have a ng-grid which is linked with a table. Within there are values and a ID (which is a foreignkey from a another table). I don't want to show the ID but another field in this foreign table.
CompanyFactory.getCompanies().success(function (data) { $scope.objs = data })
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: 'objs',
showGroupPanel: true,
jqueryUIDraggable: true,
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'COMP_NAME', displayName: 'comp_name'},
{ field: 'COUNTRY', displayName: 'country' },
{ field: 'LU_SECTOR_ID', displayName: 'sector', },
I want show the sector_name field instead of the sector_ID field. How can I make the relation between these two tables ?
$scope.countries = [
$scope.sector= [
I would like to show in the ng-grid the SECTOR NAME instead of the SECTOR_ID.

It is difficult to answer the question without the information of the data object.
However, suppose that your data object returned by your CompanyFactory is something like:
"COMP_NAME": "Tomms",
"COUNTRY": "France",
"LU_SECTOR_ID": "9":,
You just need to bind the correct field:
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: 'objs',
showGroupPanel: true,
jqueryUIDraggable: true,
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'COMP_NAME', displayName: 'comp_name'},
{ field: 'COUNTRY', displayName: 'country' },
// Here
{ field: 'SECTOR.SECTOR_NAME', displayName: 'sector', },
But, if you returning both objects separated you will need to link it manually. My suggestion is to perform that in the server side and return the object like I used as an example.

the problem is here
{ field: 'LU_SECTOR_ID', displayName: 'sector', }
you need to change the name of this variable to be the name on the objs and not the id


Edit multiple objects in array using mongoose (MongoDB)

So I tried several ways, but I can't, I can modify several objects with the same key but I can't modify any with different keys, if anyone can help me is quite a complex problem
id: 123,
"infos": [
{ name: 'Joe', value: 'Disabled', id: 0 },
{ name: 'Adam', value: 'Enabled', id: 0 }
In my database I have a collection with an array and several objects inside which gives this.
I want to modify these objects, filter by their name and modify the value.
To give you a better example, my site returns me an object with the new data, and I want to modify the database object with the new object, without clearing the array, the name key never changes.
const object = [
{ name: 'Joe', value: 'Hey', id: 1 },
{ name: 'Adam', value: 'None', id: 1 }
for(const obj in object) {
Schema.findOneAndUpdate({ id: 123 }, {
$set: {
[`infos.${obj}.value`]: "Test"
This code works but it is not optimized, it makes several requests, I would like to do everything in one request, and also it doesn't update the id, only the value.
If anyone can help me that would be great, I've looked everywhere and can't find anything
My schema structure
new Schema({
id: { "type": String, "required": true, "unique": true },
infos: []
I use the $addToSet method to insert objects into the infos array
Try This :
id: 123,
$set: {
"infos.$[x].value": "Value",
"infos.$[x].name": "User"
arrayFilters: [
"": {
$in: [
multi: true
The all positional $[] operator acts as a placeholder for all elements in the array field.
In $in you can use dynamic array of id.
Ex :
const ids = [1,2,..n]
//Same code as it is...
arrayFilters: [
"": {
$in: ids
multi: true
MongoPlayGround Link :
Maybe you look for something like this:
$set: {
"infos.$[x].value": "test1",
"infos.$[x].id": 10,
"infos.$[y].value": "test2",
"infos.$[y].id": 20
arrayFilters: [
"": "Adam"
"": "Joe"
multi: true
You define arrayFilters for all names in objects you have and update the values & id in all documents ...

using a backbone model to fill options of a select field

I would like to populate the options of a select field with the attributes from a "static" model. For example I have a Model and a collections of US states:
State = Backbone.Model.extend({
}) ;
STATES = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: State
states = [
{label: "Select ", value: '__' },
{label: "Alabama ", value: 'AL' },
{label: "Alaska ", value: 'AK' },
{label: "Arizona ", value: 'AZ' },
localstates = new app.STATES(states); // or fetch the list of states from a RESTful site.
I then using back form have any address view and I want to pass localstates into the Form to populate the options of the state field:
UserAddress = Backform.Form.extend({
el: $("#personalInformation"),
fields: [
{name: "address1", label: "Address1", control: "input"},
{name: "address2", label: "Address2", control: "input"},
{name: "city", label: "City", control: "input"},
{name: "state", label: "State", control: "select",
options: **localstates**,
{name: "zip", label: "Zip Code", control: "input"},
{control: "button", label: "Save to server"}
I'm guessing I need to somehow pass the states collection into the User Address view and then access the attributes. But I have not been able to find a good example of how to do this.
edit1: Ok this is a bit silly in this case but:
newstate = new app.STATES(app.states);
var allstates =[];
allstates.push({"label": state.get("label"), "value" : state.get("value")});
Gives me and array I can use at localstate. Basically I just re-created my original array in this case. In the case where it was fetch from a server it would be useful, but is there a better way?
You can do localstates.toJSON() to get a copy of the values to use in the template.
See Collection.toJSON()

Fetch multiple properties from an array of objects and form a new one : Javascript

Been trying to do the following thing:
I have an array of objects ,
var arr = [
{ key: "aabFaa", text: "aabFaa" ,field: "firstName",checked: true},
{ key: "aAaaaa", text: "aAaaaa", field: "firstName", checked: true },
Would want to fetch the "text" and "field" out of it and form a new array of objects something like this:
result = [ { "field" : "firstName" , value : "aabFaa" , type :"add"},
{ "field" : "firstName" , value : "aAaaaa" , type: "add"}
Here type is hard coded one, where as rest are fetched from the "arr"
Whats the easier way to do this?
Have tried this:
var arr = [
{ key: "aabFaa", text: "aabFaa" ,field: "firstName",checked: true},
{ key: "aAaaaa", text: "aAaaaa", field: "firstName", checked: true },
let result = => a.text);
But this has to be written in multiple lines to get desired properties.Is there an easier approach?
use map with Object Destructuring.
var arr = [
{ key: "aabFaa", text: "aabFaa" ,field: "firstName",checked: true},
{ key: "aAaaaa", text: "aAaaaa", field: "firstName", checked: true },
const output ={field, text}) => ({field, value: text, type: "add"}));
Using map seems like a good approach, but you would return a new object and not just one property:
let result = => ({value: a.text, type: 'add', field: a.field}));
let result = => ({
field: obj.field,
value: obj.text,
type: "add"

pdfmake how to add more than one element in a column

I'm trying to generate pdf files using pdf make. But when I define a column I can't add more than one element to that column. I want to add a table and a separate text. But text doesn't appear in the generated pdf file.
This is my code.
columns: [
text: `Timesheet${timesheet}\n`
text: `Rate${rate}\n\n`
text: "Amount Due",
table: {
body: xyz
Here table appears but the text Amount Due doesn't appear.
How do I fix this?
You can set an array of objects inside the column (instead of an object of objects) as follows:
columns: [
text: `Timesheet${timesheet}\n`
text: `Rate${rate}\n\n`
{text: "Amount Due"},
{table: {
body: xyz
You may want to use stack, that will allow you to add multiple elements in the same column.
var dd = {
content: [
columns: [
text: `Timesheet\n`
text: `Rate\n\n`
stack: [
{text: "Amount Due"},
{table: {
body: [
["one", "two"],
["three", "four"]

Show underlying row if aggregated row only aggregates one row Angular UI-Grid

I'm using Angular UI-Grid for grouping around an ID but for my use case there are a lot of rows where the grouped row is only aggregating one row. If that's the case I would like to just show the underlying row instead of showing the grouped row which feels redundant. Is this possible.
I've tried to recreate my situation in this plnkr
Here is my columnDefs and my data
$scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [{
field: "GroupId",
grouping: { groupPriority: 0 },
}, {
field: "UnderlyingId"
}, {
field: "Name"
field: 'someVal',
treeAggregationType: uiGridGroupingConstants.aggregation.SUM
$scope.myData = [{
'UnderlyingId': 'ABC',
'GroupId': 'Alphabet',
'Name': 'Three Letters',
'someVal': 4
}, {
'UnderlyingId': 'DEF',
'GroupId': 'Alphabet',
'Name': 'Some more letters',
'someVal': 2
}, {
'UnderlyingId': 'GHI',
'GroupId': 'Alphabet',
'Name': 'Even More letters???',
'someVal': 1
}, {
'UnderlyingId': '123',
'GroupId': 'Numbers',
'Name': 'Some numbers here',
'someVal': 9
So basically (in the plnkr) instead of showing the aggregate row for numbers I would like it to just show the underlying row.

