Polymer-Project objects not rendering in OS X 10.10 - javascript

Recently I have been considering using Polymer elements in a project I am working on. However, I am unable to see any elements being rendered in the new beta version of safari for OS X 10.10 Yosemite. I completely understand that Yosemite and Safari are currently in the DP phase, but I am curious as to why the new verison of Safari has broken compatibility with Polymer elements (I can confirm Polymer elements work in Mavericks version of Safari).
I was able to open the developer console and spot an error. I am unable to reach the exact error at this time, but I know the error was at patches-mdv.js at line 57, claiming a Read Only error.
I just tested the Polymer Project website on my iPhone with iOS8, having the same results.
Does anyone have an idea on what I could do to fix this issue temporarily until the Polymer-Project team fixes it?

One apparent problem is that the Safari beta has at least one low-level property accessor (specifially HTMLBaseElement.prototype.href) that is misconfigured from the standard.
So, cursory investigation implies this is a bug in Safari, not Polymer.


OpenLayers 6 HeatMap - Uncaught Error: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined

We have a an OpenLayers application based upon v6 which is blowing up with this error. It was working well yesterday, and today it is not. We're not finding where we broke something. The error is coming from some asynchronous event in the renderer (no obvious top-level function in the backtrace). Lots of single-letter function names in the ol libraries. We're needing some help figuring out where to go next.
The "Ol6 Maps Heatmap" page...
Well, it turns out that Chrome went toxic. The page would render in Brave, Edge, and Firefox but not in Chrome. We closed all of our Chrome windows (Windows 10, Chrome Version 91.0.4472.124 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and then made certain that all of the background processes were dead and re-started the browser. Everything is working everywhere again.
The error was buried deep in the rendering logic in OL, and we were not going to be able to figure this out. Fortunately, we thought to try another browser just to see.

WebRTC Support for Safari 11 Still Broken

I've been anxiously awaiting the release of Safari 11 on OS-X and iOS 11. Now that they're finally here, I can use Safari to record audio data from the microphone -- except that the long-promised support doesn't actually work.
I'm running macOS Sierra 10.12.6 with Safari Version 11.0 (12604. The following demos all fail with errors:
https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/ -- Unhandled Promise Rejection: [object DOMError]
https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/msr/audio-recorder.html -- media error -- TypeError: undefined is not a constructor (evaluating new Recorder(mediaStream))
https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/webaudio-input/ -- Failed to get access to local media. Error: ReferenceError
I've been able to code my own demos that work in FF/Chrome/Edge but capture only "empty" audio in Safari 11 while displaying no errors.
Can anyone out there confirm this behavior? First off, I need to know if I'm alone in seeing WebRTC completely broken in Safari 11.
Next up is Safari 11 in iOS. This is much harder for me to test. It seems like all the demos above are also broken on iOS. Safari 11 on iOS Simulator in XCode doesn't even seem to support WebRTC at all whereas actual Safari 11 on iOS reports to the browser that it's supported but, like desktop, it doesn't actually work.
Does anyone know what in the world is going on? As far as I can tell, the Safari 11 that was just pushed out to iOS 11 and Sierra not only doesn't support audio recording, but MUCH worse, passes the getUserMedia feature detection code implying audio can be captured (but it never actually works).
I'm curious if upgrading to High Sierra fixes anything but I don't want to try because even if it works there, I need access to a broken state to try and come up with some way to work around the busted feature detection.
I need to get a handle on this but it's proving difficult because the only documentation online says that "Safari 11 supports the audio portions of WebRTC" which I cannot replicate anywhere on either my phone or desktop.
Any help or confirmation would be appreciated.
The webaudio-input demo fails due to the lack of an unprefixed AudioContext. Try if
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
fixes things
Also see this issue about some hacks required to make things work.

My Javascript seems to fail on Mobile Chrome, and I'm unable to debug it on my Mac

I just published an app at http://ineedaprompt.com. It relies on front-end Javascript.
It seems to work on all browsers except the somewhat-outdated version of Chrome (v. 42.0.2311.111) I have on my somewhat-outdated Android smartphone. I've never gotten USB debugging to work with my Mac, and so don't seem to have a way of debugging the Javascript for this particular browser.
This may very well be an edge case, but I'm unsure -- I think the odds are if it fails for one browser, it will fail for others.
Are there any recommendations on how I could debug this? Or might some kind-hearted person be able to check their console tell me the reason this JS is failing?
The source code is available at the links below. Since I cannot access the console, I have no idea which lines are causing the error, and so cannot include any code in this question.

version of Chrome supported by Angular.js

I am trying to build a simple AngularJS application using an old Chrome (version 2010).
Then I am facing various problems with routing. Basically Chrome becomes unstable, even crashes often.
I suspect that my old Chrome is not compatible with the specific AngularJS I am using (v1.3.8).
Where can I find such information? I mean the version of Chrome needed by AugularJS of specific version?
I searched AngularJS document, but didn't get a clue.
Quoted from link https://code.angularjs.org/1.3.8/docs/misc/faq:
We run our extensive test suite against the following browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera 15, IE9 and mobile browsers (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari). See Internet Explorer Compatibility for more details in supporting legacy IE browsers.
I think these details above are a little vague as a reference. I understand the recommended practice is upgrading Chrome to the latest. As "Derek 朕會功夫" commented, my environment is restricted to some extent. One of the restrictions is, it is not feasible to upgrade Chrome.
That is why I want to find out the exact Chrome version supported by AngularJS. People may come up with similar concerns with other browsers like Firefox. Right?
Answer To PSL: I am not using bangrang.
BTW, "add a comment" link doesn't work for me , so I have to comment here :(
As far as I can tell, you require Chrome 13 (MDN) from 2011 in order to support the functions tested in the Angular source found here, such as File and Blob.

browser api gamepad not detecting in windows

I'm having a strange problem. I have an ancient microsoft sidewinder version 1 gamepad laying around, And since I'm learning javascript/html5 I thought let's try the gamepad in browser.
I tried it on linux (my laptop, ubuntu 13.04) did:
navigator.webkitGetGamepads()[0] in the console of my chrome browser (version 28.0.1500.71) and the gamepad was detected right away.
Than I tried the same thing on my windows 7 64 bit desktop, running Version 30.0.1599.101 m
did: navigator.webkitGetGamepads()[0] in the console, but no luck here, it keeps telling me undefined. When I go to "my devices" in windows, the gamepad is there.
I have the same problem on my laptop running windows 8, 64 bit.
I have no idea what's wrong, and I have no idea how to fix it. (I hope it's fixable)
Please help
You might want to try the most known gamepad testing scripts first.
Chrome: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/doodles/gamepad/gamepad-tester/tester.html
Firefox (28, use Aurora) : http://luser.github.io/gamepadtest/
If your Gamepad is using DirectInput and not XInput you may have some issues with Chrome, but it will work fine with Firefox then. For instance, I had the same problem with the PS4 Gamepad.
The spec is unfinished, but this repository is a great start. Try it:
It attempts to account for differences in implementations of the unfinished spec, as well as Chrome's prefixed implementation.

