jquery function always return false - javascript

i'm using jquery to validate a form using ajax to check if the old password is correct then compare the new password to the confirm password input but the function always return false the submit button doesn't work at all here's the code (the returned data from ajax is correct i've checked it)
function check_pwd() {
var pass = $("#oldPWD").val();
ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.open("POST", "ajax/check_pass.php?pass=" + pass);
ajax.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) {
result = ajax.responseText;
if (result.indexOf('wrong') !== -1) {
alert("wrong password");
return false;
} else {
return true;
function confirmPwd() {
var pwd1 = $("#newPWD").val();
var pwd2 = $("#newPWD2").val();
if (pwd1 !== pwd2) {
alert("do not match");
return false;
} else {
return true;
function check_form() {
if (!check_pwd() || !confirmPwd()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;

Make new password validation when the old one is already veryfied.
function confirmPwd() {
var pwd1 = $("#newPWD").val();
var pwd2 = $("#newPWD2").val();
if (pwd1 !== pwd2) {
alert("do not match");
return false;
} else {
return true;
function check_form() {
var pass = $("#oldPWD").val();
ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.open("POST", "ajax/check_pass.php?pass=" + pass);
ajax.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) {
result = ajax.responseText;
if (result.indexOf('wrong') !== -1) {
alert("wrong password");
return false;
} else {
if (!check_pwd() || !confirmPwd()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;


parameter.includes() is not a function

I'm pretty new at js programming. I'm developing an admission form as part of our project to be submitted. It's also my first time asking a question here.
I'm creating a form of validation to prevent any invalid values to be entered. I also need some optimizations at my code. If you have any suggestions to make it shorter, I'll be glad to accept your suggestion too.
I tried executing the matchCheck() function on other scenarios, but it just works fine. I also tried executing validateDate() on the console and other scenarios, but it also worked without any errors. I got an error when the functions are executed at if statements.
Here is the error message: Unknown TypeError: arrayToBeChecked.includes is not a function
I got an error at these function and if statements:
function matchCheck(arrayToBeChecked, findingValue) {
return arrayToBeChecked.includes(findingValue);
if (matchCheck(date[0], "null") === false)
if (validateDate(bdate) === true)
Here is the code (Excluded some of the unrelated variables and codes):
//Check Match
function matchCheck(arrayToBeChecked, findingValue) {
return arrayToBeChecked.includes(findingValue);
//Date Validator
//Expected Format [MM/DD/YYYY]
function validateDate(date) {
//check if the date is valid
var leapYear = date[2] % 4;
var mos31 = ["1", "3", "5", "7", "8", "10", "12"];
var mos30 = ["4", "6", "9", "11"];
var flyInv = ["30", "31"];
var fnlyInv = ["29", "30", "31"];
var mos30Inv = "31";
if (matchCheck(date[0], "null") === false) {
if (matchCheck(date[1], "null") === false) {
if (matchCheck(date[2], "null") === false) {
if (leapYear == 0) {
if (date[0] == "2") {
if (matchCheck(flyInv, date[1]) === false) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else if (matchCheck(mos31, date[0]) === true) {
return true;
else if (matchCheck(mos30, date[0]) === true) {
if (matchCheck(mos30Inv, date[1]) === false) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false
else {
if (date[0] == "2") {
if (matchCheck(fnlyInv, date[1]) === false) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else if (matchCheck(mos31, date[0]) === true) {
return true;
else if (matchCheck(mos30, date[0]) === true) {
if (matchCheck(mos30Inv, date[1]) === false) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
//Contact Number Validator
//Expected Format [09XXXXXXXXX]
function cnValid(nos) {
if (nos.value.length === 11) {
if(nos.indexOf("09") > -1) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
//Check for empty selects
function checkEmptySelects(el) {
var selects = document.querySelectorAll(el);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) {
if (selects[i].value == "0") {
return true;
else {
return false;
//Valid Relation Values
var vrv = ["mother", "father", "grandmother", "grandfather", "auntie", "uncle", "housemaid", "Mother", "Father", "Grandmother", "Grandfather", "Auntie", "Uncle", "Housemaid", "Aunt", "aunt", "brother", "Brother", "sister", "Sister", "cousin", "Cousin"];
//Start Review
function reviewForm() {
var letters = /^[a-zA-Z\s]*$/;
var mailFormat = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*#\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/;
var noScFormat = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\\,\\.\s]/g;
//Perform Checks
if (checkEmptySelects("select") === false) {
if (ln.value.match(letters)) {
if (fn.value.match(letters)) {
if (mn.value.match(letters)) {
if (eml.value.match(mailFormat)) {
if (age.value >= 0) {
if (age.value <= 100) {
if (validateDate(bdate) === true) {
if (pob.value.match(noScFormat)) {
if (ca.value.match(noScFormat)) {
if (rlg.value.match(letters)) {
if (nsl.value.match(letters)) {
if (cmn.value.match(letters)) {
if (mo.value.match(letters)) {
if (cfn.value.match(letters)) {
if (fo.value.match(letters)) {
if (gn.value.match(letters)) {
if (matchCheck(vrv, rts) === true) {
if (cnValid(cn) === true) {
if (lrn.value.length === 12) {
//Submit Data to db if all of the requirements are passed.
else {
//Error Message;
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
else {
//Error Message
The error occurs when the "arrayToBeChecked" value that is passed to the "matchCheck()" function is not an arry. To fix this, you could convert "arrayToBeChecked" to an array if it's not already an array.
function matchCheck(arrayToBeChecked, findingValue) {
// Convert arrayToBeChecked to an array if it's not already an array
if (!Array.isArray(arrayToBeChecked)) {
arrayToBeChecked = [arrayToBeChecked];
return arrayToBeChecked.includes(findingValue);

Boolean value doesnt change

My JS code:
var name_valid = false;
$("#InputName").blur( function(){
if ($(this).val() != ""){
name_valid = true;
} else {
name_valid = false;
if (name_valid === true){
I don't actually understand why my code is not working.
If my <input> is not empty I have to get alert ('ok'), but I don't get anything.
Why my boolean value is still false at the end?
Because it's a callback function, which executes only after the blur function is complete. This means that this line if (name_valid === true) is executing before this line if ($(this).val() != "").
Try changing your code to this:
var name_valid = false;
$("#InputName").blur( function(){
if ($(this).val() != ""){
name_valid = true;
} else {
name_valid = false;
if (name_valid === true){
You made a little mistake, you should put your last if statement inside callback function, like below:
var name_valid = false;
$("#InputName").blur(function () {
if ($(this).val() !== "") {
name_valid = true;
} else {
name_valid = false;
if (name_valid === true) {
Your conditional only runs on page load. You want it inside the event handler so it runs when the event actually gets triggered
var name_valid = false;
$("#InputName").blur(function() {
if ($(this).val() != "") {
name_valid = true;
} else {
name_valid = false;
if (name_valid === true) {
var name_valid = false;
$("#InputName").blur( function(){
if ($(this).val() !== ""){
name_valid = true;
if (name_valid === true){
Please try this.
$(document).ready(function () {
var name_valid;
$("input").blur(function () {
if ($(this).val() != "") {
name_valid = true;
} else {
name_valid = false;
if (name_valid) {

Why my below javascript code in asp.net not working?

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function validate() {
summary += isvalidFirstName();
summary += isvalidMobile();
summary += checkPassword();
summary += checkEmail();
if (summary != "") {
return false;
} else
return true;
function isvalidFirstName() {
var uid;
var temp = document.getElementById("<%=txtFirstName.ClientID %>");
uid = temp.value;
if (uid == "") {
return ("Please enter firstname" + "\n");
} else
return "";
function isvalidMobile() {
var mob = /^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{9}$/;
var txtMob = document.getElementById(txtMobile);
if (mob.test(txtMob.value) == false) {
alert("Please enter valid mobile number");
return false;
} else
return true;
function checkPassword(inputtxt) {
var pass = /^[A-Za-z]\w{7,14}$/;
if (inputtxt.value.match(pass)) {
alert("Password is correct");
return true;
} else {
return false;
function checkEmail(inputtxt) {
var mail = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*#\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/;
if (inputtxt.value.match(mail)) {
return true;
} else {
alert("Please enetr a valid email id");
return false;
I have added the above javascript code inside an .ASPX page and called the function validate on button click but it is not working. Can anyone help me?

How to query multiple conditions or results of anonymous functions in jQuery

First of all, I have a form with several input fields and some Bootstrap-Buttons. Now, what I want to do is to check, if two conditions ("Are all input fields filled?" ; "Is at least one Button pushed down?") are fullfilled to enable the user to click the submit button.
This is my code:
function checkInput() {
var inputFields = $("input[name=inp1],[name=inp2],[name=inp3]");
var buttons = $("button[name=btn1],[name=btn2],[name=btn3]");
var empty1;
var empty2;
buttons.click(function() {
if(!$(this).hasClass('active')) {
empty1 = false;
} else {
empty1 = true;
inputFields.keyup(function() {
inputFields.each(function() {
if($(this).val().length == 0) {
empty2 = true;
} else {
empty2 = false;
if(empty1 == true && empty2 == true) {
$('button[name=submitBtn]').prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$('button[name=submitBtn]').prop('disabled', true);
The alert(...) functions say, that empty1 and empty2 are "undifined", which i can understand. But my question is, how can I retrieve the true or false values from buttons.click() and inputFields.keyup() to query them afterwards?
The problem is the scope of the variables, those vars need to be global:
var empty1;
var empty2;
function checkInput() {
var inputFields = $("input[name=inp1],[name=inp2],[name=inp3]");
var buttons = $("button[name=btn1],[name=btn2],[name=btn3]");
buttons.click(function () {
if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) {
empty1 = false;
} else {
empty1 = true;
inputFields.keyup(function () {
inputFields.each(function () {
if ($(this).val().length == 0) {
empty2 = true;
} else {
empty2 = false;
if (empty1 == true && empty2 == true) {
$('button[name=submitBtn]').prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$('button[name=submitBtn]').prop('disabled', true);
Move it outside of the function an it will works:
see it in jsFiddle working example

Javascript showing alert without refreshing the page

when I click submit button it shows the validation right but after that alert message the page is being refreshed and i loos all other datas from the fields :S, how can i make it to still remain the others field filled.
I tried to remove the window.location.reload() after submit event is called but still not working :S. ANYONE any suggestion?
this is the code:
function formValidation() {
var uid = document.registration.userid;
var passid = document.registration.passid;
var uname = document.registration.username;
var uadd = document.registration.address;
var ucountry = document.registration.country;
var uzip = document.registration.zip;
var uemail = document.registration.email;
var umsex = document.registration.msex;
var ufsex = document.registration.fsex;
if (userid_validation(uid, 5, 12)) {
if (passid_validation(passid, 7, 12)) {
if (allLetter(uname)) {
if (alphanumeric(uadd)) {
if (countryselect(ucountry)) {
if (allnumeric(uzip)) {
if (ValidateEmail(uemail)) {
if (validsex(umsex, ufsex)) {}
return false;
function userid_validation(uid, mx, my) {
var uid_len = uid.value.length;
if (uid_len == 0 || uid_len >= my || uid_len < mx) {
alert("User Id should not be empty / length be between " + mx + " to " + my);
return false;
return true;
function passid_validation(passid, mx, my) {
var passid_len = passid.value.length;
if (passid_len == 0 || passid_len >= my || passid_len < mx) {
alert("Password should not be empty / length be between " + mx + " to " + my);
return false;
return true;
function allLetter(uname) {
var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
if (uname.value.match(letters)) {
return true;
} else {
alert('Username must have alphabet characters only');
return false;
function alphanumeric(uadd) {
var letters = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;
if (uadd.value.match(letters)) {
return true;
} else {
alert('User address must have alphanumeric characters only');
return false;
function countryselect(ucountry) {
if (ucountry.value == "Default") {
alert('Select your country from the list');
return false;
} else {
return true;
function allnumeric(uzip) {
var numbers = /^[0-9]+$/;
if (uzip.value.match(numbers)) {
return true;
} else {
alert('ZIP code must have numeric characters only');
return false;
function ValidateEmail(uemail) {
var mailformat = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*#\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/;
if (uemail.value.match(mailformat)) {
return true;
} else {
alert("You have entered an invalid email address!");
return false;
function validsex(umsex, ufsex) {
x = 0;
if (umsex.checked) {
if (ufsex.checked) {
if (x == 0) {
alert('Select Male/Female');
return false;
} else {
alert('Form Succesfully Submitted');
return true;
Two problems...
Missing return
onSubmit="return formValidation();"
Missing return true;
if (validsex(umsex, ufsex)) { return true; }

