How to achieve recursive call - jquery - javascript

I have a custom created dialog module.
I am passing a mvc view called Cart to this module.
The cart view has a link called 'Create New Contat' clicking on which the view(Cart) will be replaced with another view(Contact) using an ajax call. The contact view has a button called cancel. When the user clicks on Cancel the old view(Cart) will replace the existing view(contact).
The problem I am facing is after replacing the view none of the links or buttons work on the view.
Can some body pls directed me towards a better way of doing this.
Pasted below is the code.
$(document).on('click', '.ddlCart li', function(e) {
var ddlselectedVal = $(this).attr('id');
var selectedListinsCount = selected_Listings.length;
var SelectedMlsnums = selected_Listings.join();
var agentId = $("#AgentId").val();
var Action;
var EnvironmentURL = $("#EnvironmentURL").val();
var postData = { AgentId: agentId, Mlsnums: SelectedMlsnums, ActionTypeValue: “PreAddToCart” };
var close = function (event, ui) {
var open = function (event, ui) {
var url = EnvironmentURL + "MLSReports/Stats/SearchContacts";
$("#btncart_cancel").on("click", function () {
$("#btncart_submit").on("click", function () {
var url = EnvironmentURL + "MLSReports/Stats/Cart";
//Send the data using post and put the results in a div
$.post(url, {
AgentId: agentId, Mlsnums: SelectedMlsnums, ActionTypeValue: "AddToCart"
function (data) {
// Replace current data with data from the ajax call to the div.
$("#lnkCreateNewcart").on("click", function () {
var url = EnvironmentURL + "MLSReports/Stats/Cart";
//Send the data using post and put the results in a div
$.post(url, {
ActionTypeValue: "preAddorEditContact"
function (data) {
// Replace current data with data from the ajax call to the div.
$("#btnCancelContact").on("click", function () {
////********** replace the view (Contact) with the view (Cart).
// In the cancel event I am loading the previous page.I am having problem here. after post none of the controls work.
$.post(url, {
ActionTypeValue: "PreAddToCart"
function (data) {
// Replace current data with data from the ajax call to the div.
if (ddlselectedVal == "AddtoCart") {
var rd = Mod.ReportsDialog({ title: 'Add To Cart', close: close, open: open });
rd.url = EnvironmentURL + "/MLSReports/Stats/Cart";
rd.targetElement = '#dvModalDialog'// '#dvSendEmail'
rd.formName = '#frmCart'
rd.postData = postData;


Datatable : click on button does not open view

I have a datatable which displays overview data correctly.
I added a button which should go to my controller and from there open a new view displaying the details of the selected row.
The click works, I arrive at the method on my controller. But my details view doesn't open.
This is my javascript:
$("#search-logs tbody").on('click', 'button', function () {
var self = this;
var tr = $(self).closest('tr');
var dtRow = datatable.row(tr[0]);
var rowData =;
var processId = rowData[0];
$.get("#Url.Action("Details","Logs")", { id: processId });
And this is the code in my controller:
public ActionResult Details(int id)
return View();
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
you can try:
$("#search-logs tbody").on('click', 'button', function () {
var self = this;
var tr = $(self).closest('tr');
var dtRow = datatable.row(tr[0]);
var rowData =;
var processId = rowData[0];
location.href = '#Url.Action("Details","Logs")?id='+ processId;
The problem with your code is that you are calling an ajax get function, that is returning a View, instead of a simple HTTP response. To render this view, you need to redirect your page to that url, instead of doing an ajax request.
$("#search-logs tbody").on('click', 'button', function () {
var self = this;
var tr = $(self).closest('tr');
var dtRow = datatable.row(tr[0]);
var rowData =;
var processId = rowData[0];
location.href = '#Url.Action("Details","Logs")?id='+ processId;
Also if you still want to use get request, mostly to check if the id exists as it can return 404 Not found, you can the ajax function like this,
$("#search-logs tbody").on('click', 'button', function () {
var self = this;
var tr = $(self).closest('tr');
var dtRow = datatable.row(tr[0]);
var rowData =;
var processId = rowData[0];
$.get("#Url.Action("Details","Logs")", { id: processId },
function(data, statusText, xhr){
if(xhr.status == 200) location.href = '#Url.Action("Details","Logs")?id='+ processId;
else alert('Sorry, this id does not exist');
You can open the constructed link in a new window or load in current window
//opens in new window, '_blank');
//opens in current window;
there are a lot of ways to achieve that.
You can add an onclick="operate(row['info'], row['info'])" to your button which calls a function with specified data
from the datatable row, you will not bother to search for clicked button and row.
function operate(selectedRow, data, ...){
//logic of button for row

'No Data' view getting opens first and then Detail Page opens with the data in Fiori

I am developing a Master Detail application in which if the service URL doesn't return data, then a view called 'NoData' should open. But what actually is happening that first, the 'NoData' view opens and then the Detail Page with the data gets displayed. I don't know why and how that 'NoData' page is appearing first. Below is my code for Master Page :
Controller.js :
onInit: function () {
this.router = sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
this._custTemp = this.getView().byId("listItemTemp").clone();
this.refreshFlag = true; // Flag to get new data or not for customers
this.totalModel = sap.ui.getCore().getModel("totalModel");
this.getView().setModel(this.totalModel, "totalModel");
this.oDataModel = sap.ui.getCore().getModel("DataModel");
this.getView().setModel(this.oDataModel, "DataModel");
this.oInitialLoadFinishedDeferred = jQuery.Deferred();
var oEventBus = sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus();
this.getView().byId("listId").attachEvent("updateFinished", function () {
oEventBus.publish("MasterPage", "InitialLoadFinished", {
oListItem: this.getView().byId("listId").getItems()[0]
if (! {
}, this);
this.functionData = [];
waitForInitialListLoading: function (fnToExecute) {
jQuery.when(this.oInitialLoadFinishedDeferred).then(jQuery.proxy(fnToExecute, this));
_getFirstItem: function () {;
this.waitForInitialListLoading(function () {
// On the empty hash select the first item
var list = this.getView().byId("listId");
var selectedItem = list.getItems()[0];
if (selectedItem) {
list.setSelectedItem(selectedItem, true);
var data = list.getBinding("items").getContexts()[0];
this.router.navTo('DetailPage', {
QueryNo: data.EICNO
} else {
}, this);
onBeforeRendering: function () {
_fnGetData: function (oEvent) {
var that = this;
this.getView().setModel(this.totalModel, "totalModel");
if (this.refreshFlag === true) {;
url: "/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZHR_V_CARE_SRV/EmpQueryInitSet('10002001')?$expand=QueryLoginToQueryList/QueryToLog",
method: "GET",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
that.refreshFlag = false;
error: function (err) {
MessageBox.information(err.responseText + "Please try again");
totalModel is a json model, right? You'll get two updateFinished events on app load. The first one is triggered once the list control is rendered and binding is done (when the model has no data), and the second comes after your $.ajax call updates data to totalModel.
I think you can solve it by moving your NoData navigation to both 'success' and 'error' callbacks of your $.ajax call. Doing so may cover other use cases e.g. if you are using URL navigation parameters and a user changes the entity ID in the URL to some random number, it'd navigate to your NoDatapage.

How to show confirmation pop up when changing page in DataTable

I am landing on the first page of DataTable, make some changes.
Then I move to the second page.
Actually, confirmation popup is shown but it navigate to the second page.
Expected: confirm pop is shown but it still landing on the first.
Here is my code:
$('#dataTable-id').on( 'page.dt', function (event) {
if( change ){
title: "Confirmation",
message : "Discard changes?",
buttons :{
main: {
label : "Leave",
className : "btn-primary",
callback: function (){
// To avoid broking page/length controller
// move to other pages
return true; // cancel draw
cancel: {
label : "Stay",
className : "btn-default",
callback : function() {
// stay at current page.
return true;
},onEscape: function () {return true;}
How to show confirmation popup before page change?
The page.dt event is only informational, it can not be canceled.
You can workaround that restriction by writing a custom preDrawCallback like discussed here:
EDIT: You have to cancel the redraw generally and do the paging manually in the bootbox callback (as it does not work as a real modal dialog like the native javascript confirm()). I modified the above example to incorporate a bootbox confirm dialog on paging:
$(document).ready(function () {
var pageLen = 10;
var originalPage = 0;
var originalPageLen = pageLen;
var gotoPage = 0;
var gotoPageLen = originalPageLen;
var fromBootbox = false;
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
"pageLength": pageLen,
"preDrawCallback": function (settings) {
if(table){ // ignore first draw
if (!fromBootbox) {
// To avoid broking page/length controller, we have to reset the paging information
gotoPage = settings._iDisplayStart;
gotoPageLen = settings._iDisplayLength;
bootbox.confirm("Are you sure?", function(result) {
console.log("goto page" + gotoPage + " (result: " + result + ")");
if (result) {
fromBootbox = true;; / gotoPageLen).draw(false);
fromBootbox = false;
settings._iDisplayStart = originalPage;
settings._iDisplayLength = originalPageLen;
return false; // cancel draw
originalPage = settings._iDisplayStart;
originalPageLen = settings._iDisplayLength;

Making sure my form isn't being submitted multiple times with jquery show/hide

So when someone hits Reply, I am attempting to pop-up a form to type your response. Once the form is submitted, it disappears until the next time you hit Reply.
This is working except after the 1st time, I am submitting the information twice. If I do it a third time, the form submits three times. Essentially what is happening is the previous form doesn't seem to be resetting after I hide it again.
I checked this website/google and have tried using reset() but it didn't work. Below is the code:
$(document).on('click', '.secretfeed button', function () {
var message_id = $(this).attr('name');
var value = document.getElementById("m_id").value;
$('#comment_form').submit(function (e) {
var commentData = $(this).serialize();
$.post('../../process_comment.php', commentData, processData);
function processData(data) {
Rather than initializing the submit function on every click, move it outside the click function. jQuery may be creating an instance of it for each click.
$('#comment_form').submit(function (e) {
var commentData = $(this).serialize();
$.post('../../process_comment.php', commentData, processData);
function processData(data) {
$(document).on('click', '.secretfeed button', function () {
var message_id = $(this).attr('name');
var value = $("#m_id").val();
The alternative is to unbind the click function before reusing it.
We want a reusable way to handle the state. We will save the state of the button in a boolean which gets turned on and off depending on the status of the request. The pattern is the following:
var isSending = false;
function onSubmit() {
isSending = true;
// Send data
function onComplete() {
// done sending data
isSending = false;
if (!isSending) {
// When data sending is finished:
The above can be encapsulated in a more functional way that uses promises to manage the state. (jQuery AJAX functions all return a promise-like object):
function oneAtATimeFunction(promisedFunction) {
var pendingPromise;
function reset() { pendingPromise = null; }
return function() {
if (pendingPromise) { return pendingPromise; }
pendingPromise = promisedFunction.apply(promisedFunction, arguments)
return pendingPromise;
function submitForm() {
return $.ajax({
url: '/foo',
method: 'POST',
data: { data: 'from form' }
$('#submit-button').on('click', oneAtATimeFunction(submitForm));
Adding a little flare to the UI We can add a way to turn on and off the submit button. First we will define a helper function to handle the on and off state:
function buttonEnable(enabled) {
$('#submit-button').attr('disabled', !enabled);
buttonEnable(false); // disable the button
buttonEnable(true); // enable the button
Putting it all together:
function onClick() {
return onSubmit()
.always($.proxy(buttonEnable, null, true));
// The above is also the same as:
// .always(function() { buttonEnable(true); });
$('#submit-button').on('click', oneAtATimeFunction(onClick));
To see this in action here is a JSBin example.

reinitiate jquery plugin after ajax, causes events to fire multiple times

I have a query plugin I'm working on and I certain functions after ajax content has loaded. The problem is that let's say I re-initiate it 15 times, a click event will then fire 15 times when it's only clicked once.
Is there a way so it doesn't keep piling up? I'm calling addToCart onload and also from itemDetail after the ajax return
function addToCart()
$(options.add_to_cart).click(function ()
var id = $(this).attr('id');
store_item_id_val = id.replace('store-item-id-', '');
var quantity = $('.quantity-' + store_item_id_val);
if (quantity.val() < 1)
showError('Please enter a quantity of 1 or more.');
return this;
{ store_item_id: store_item_id_val, quantity: quantity.val() },
function (data)
var result = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
return this;
function itemDetails()
$('.item-details').click(function ()
var url = $(this).attr('href');
$.getJSON(url, function (result)
$('.modal-close').click(function ()
Based on the code you provided, I would probably say that you have some other code calling itemDetails(). Each time itemDetails() is called, it ADDS another event handler for click to your .item-details. You may want to instead do:
$('.item-details').click(function ()
var url = $(this).attr('href');
$.getJSON(url, function (result)
$('.modal-close').click(function ()
This would put the event handler on your .item-details classed items, and only fire the events once. If you have dynamic .item-details added and removed you probably should use:
$('.item-details').live('click', function() ...

