Separating Id from string by using regex - javascript

how can I get the first part of ID from the following string?
sText ='DefId #AnyId #MyId';
sText = sText.replace(/ #.*$/g, '');
The result should be as follows: "DefId #AnyId "
Many thanks in advance.

var sText ='DefId #AnyId #MyId';
var matches = sText.match(/(DefId #.*) #.*/);
if(matches && matches.length > 0) {
Move the grouping parenthesis right 1 character if you also want the space after the first ID. This assumes that the IDs won't contain a #.

You could use this regex,
JS code,
> var sText ='DefId #AnyId #MyId';
> sText = sText.replace(/(.*)#.*?$/g, '$1');
'DefId #AnyId '
If you don't want any space after #AnyId, then run the below regex to remove that space.
> sText = sText.replace(/(.*) #.*?$/g, '$1');
'DefId #AnyId'

If you need to get rig of everything after last # in the string, use:
sText.replace(/#[^#]+$/, '');


javascript replace all

I have a sting like:
var tmp='Hello
I am
( Peter';
I want to replace all words with this pattern &...; to '';
How I can change the code below to make it work:
/g, "");
Thank you.
Update regex with \d{2} instead of the 10 to match any two digit numbers.
var tmp = 'Hello
I am
( Peter';
tmp = String(tmp).replace(/&#\d{2};/g, "");
try this /&#(\d+)(;)/g .Its match the numbers upto reach of ; end
Normal Regex
var tmp='Hello
I am
( Peter';
Remove the Empty space also use: /(\s+)&#(\d+)(;)/g .\s+ match the empty space before the pattern
Empty space match
var tmp='Hello
I am
( Peter';

Remove whitespace after a particular symbol

I've got a string which has the > symbol multiple times. After every > symbol there is a line break. How can I remove whitespaces after every > symbol in the string?
This is what I tried for spaces. But I need to remove whitespaces only after > symbol.
str.replace(/\s/g, '');
<Apple is red>
<Grapes - Purple>
<Strawberries are Red>
If you are trying to remove newline characters you can use RegExp /(>)(\n)/g to replace second capture group (\n) with replacement empty string ""
var str = `<Apple is red>
<Grapes - Purple>
<Strawberries are Red>`;
var res = str.replace(/(>)(\n)/g, "$1");
Try this:
str.replace(/>\s/g, '>')
console.log(`<Apple is red>
<Grapes - Purple>
<Strawberries are Red>`.replace(/>\s/g, '>'))
Use the following approach:
var str = 'some> text > the end>',
replaced = str.replace(/(\>)\s+/g, "$1");
You must use /m flag on your regex pattern
You must use $1 capture group symbol on your replacement text
var text = '<Apple is red>\r\n<Grapes - Purple>\r\n<Strawberries are Red>';
var regex = /(>)\s*[\n]/gm;
var strippedText = text.replace(regex,'$1');

Remove dot . sign from the end of the string

I have this requirement where it is required to remove only the last . dot sign from a string.
Say if we have var str = 'abcd dhfjd.fhfjd.'; i need remove the final dot sign which would output abcd dhfjd.fhfjd .
I found this link ( Javascript function to remove leading dot ) which removes the first dot sign but I am new to this whole thing and could not find any source on how to remove a specific last character if exists.
Thank you :)
Single dot:
if (str[str.length-1] === ".")
str = str.slice(0,-1);
Multiple dots:
while (str[str.length-1] === ".")
str = str.slice(0,-1);
Single dot, regex:
str = str.replace(/\.$/, "");
Multiple dots, regex:
str = str.replace(/\.+$/, "");
if(str.lastIndexOf('.') === (str.length - 1)){
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
This will remove all trailing dots, and may be easier to understand for a beginner (compared to the other answers):
while(str.charAt(str.length-1) == '.')
str = str.substr(0, str.length-1);

Javascript Remove strings in beginning and end

base on the following string
How can i remove the . on the beginning and end of string like the trim that removes all spaces, using javascript
the output should be
These are the reasons why the RegEx for this task is /(^\.+|\.+$)/mg:
Inside /()/ is where you write the pattern of the substring you want to find in the string:
/(ol)/ This will find the substring ol in the string.
var x = "colt".replace(/(ol)/, 'a'); will give you x == "cat";
The ^\.+|\.+$ in /()/ is separated into 2 parts by the symbol | [means or]
^\.+ and \.+$
^\.+ means to find as many . as possible at the start.
^ means at the start; \ is to escape the character; adding + behind a character means to match any string containing one or more that character
\.+$ means to find as many . as possible at the end.
$ means at the end.
The m behind /()/ is used to specify that if the string has newline or carriage return characters, the ^ and $ operators will now match against a newline boundary, instead of a string boundary.
The g behind /()/ is used to perform a global match: so it find all matches rather than stopping after the first match.
To learn more about RegEx you can check out this guide.
Try to use the following regex
var text = '\n..there...\';
var replaced = text.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, '');
Here is working Demo
Use Regex /(^\.+|\.+$)/mg
^ represent at start
\.+ one or many full stops
$ represents at end
var text = '\n..there...\';
alert(text.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, ''));
Here is an non regular expression answer which utilizes String.prototype
String.prototype.strim = function(needle){
var first_pos = 0;
var last_pos = this.length-1;
//find first non needle char position
for(var i = 0; i<this.length;i++){
if(this.charAt(i) !== needle){
first_pos = (i == 0? 0:i);
//find last non needle char position
for(var i = this.length-1; i>0;i--){
if(this.charAt(i) !== needle){
last_pos = (i == this.length? this.length:i+1);
return this.substring(first_pos,last_pos);
and see it working here :
Slightly more code-golfy, if not readable, non-regexp prototype extension:
String.prototype.strim = function(needle) {
var out = this;
while (0 === out.indexOf(needle))
out = out.substr(needle.length);
while (out.length === out.lastIndexOf(needle) + needle.length)
out = out.slice(0,out.length-needle.length);
return out;
var spam = "this is a string that ends with thisthis";
alert("#" + spam.strim("this") + "#");
Use RegEx with javaScript Replace
var res = s.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, '');
We can use replace() method to remove the unwanted string in a string
var str = '<pre>I'm big fan of Stackoverflow</pre>'
str.replace(/<pre>/g, '').replace(/<\/pre>/g, '')
Check rules on RULES blotter

What is the correct pattern for splitting a string in javascript, leaving just a-z words

I have the next code that was given to me to split up a string into an array.
var chk = str.split(/[^a-z']+/i);
The problem I'm having with this solution is that if the string has a period in the end, it's being replaced with ","
For example:
If I have the next string: "hi,all-I'm-glad."
The solution above results: "hi,all,I'm,glad," (notice the "," in the end).
I need that the new string will be: "hi,all,I'm,glad"
How can I acheive it ?
Check for a . being the last character and remove it first
var str = "hi,all-I'm-glad. that you, can help,me. that-doesn't make any-sense, I know.";
if(str.charAt( str.length-1 ) == ".") {
str = str.substring(0,str.length-1);
var chk = str.split(/[^a-z']+/i);
var chk = str.match(/[a-z']+/gi);
You could check to see if the last element of your string array returns an empty string and remove that element
if (chk[chk.length-1] == "")
var chk="".split(/[^a-z']+/i); if(chk[chk.length-1].length==0){chk.pop()}; console.log(chk);
To remove the last value of your array using pop if this one is empty.
You can utilize the pure regex power:
"hi,all-I'm-glad. that you, can help,me. that-doesn't make any-sense, I know.".replace(/[\-\.\s]/g, ',').replace(/,{2,}/g, ',').replace(/,$/,'')

