Yii Cgridview update function not working - javascript

I've been working for this for a very long time and I'm nowhere near to understanding what I'm doing so wrong (yii beginner so please show some patience with me).
I have this code in my view code
echo CHtml::dropDownList('symptomCategory',
'', // selected item from the $data
'prompt'=>"Select Symptom Category",
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'selectableRows'=>1, //ability to select one symptom at a time
And my js function is this:
var symptomCategory = $('#categorySelectDropDown').val();
data: symptomCategory.serialize()
return false;
I've tried with $(this).serialize() too. Anyway.
According to examples I've found online this should work, but nope, it doesn't update the cgridview. $this->getSymptomCategories() returns an array of array('A'=>'A','B'=>'B' ect. ect.)
BTW I am creating a model2 = new Symptoms; inside a view rendered by a controller of a different model because I want to use the choice from the gridview to fill in a form of the other model. Any help, documentation (haven't found any useful online), advice, ect will be really appreciated. Thank you for oyur time

Try this way of updating yiiGridView
$.fn.yiiGridView.update('symptoms-grid', {
data: $('#symptomCategory').serialize() // your form id
There can be many reasons why yiiGridView seems like it is not updating, one of the them is that AJAX request is not being sent, another common reason is that search condition logic is not correct, or the requested action does not pass the post data to the model, resulting in the same data being returned, making it look like it is not updating.
See if the AJAX request going to the server from firebug/console etc. If it is going then check if the post data is correct and finally check the model+controller logic is correct and the criteria of CActiveDataProvider is reflecting your search condition


Update a OnDemandGrid based on dstore/Rest result in POST and not PUT

I am puzzled.
I have an OnDemandGrid editable, and under it i have a dstore/Rest collection pointing to my backend (in PHP).
The OnDemandGrid is mixed with the Editor... I can edit my data, but i cannot save it. What i receive on the server side is a "POST" request to insert a full row in the collection... And i never recieve the update.
Should'nt i receive a PUT request instead? I am using id's in the data...
This is the client-side part:
function (...)
var EditGrid = declare([ OnDemandGrid, Keyboard, Editor ]);
var coll = new Rest({
target: 'my.php/x/',
idProperty: 'id',
rangeStartParam: 'range',
rangeCountParam: 'limit',
sortParam: 'sort'
var grid = new EditGrid({ columns: {
label: 'User name',
editor: 'text',
editOn: 'click, dbclick',
autoSave: true,
collection: coll }, 'grid' );
I correctly receive the GET query to populate the table... Then, after editing a row and hitting "return", i get a POST!
The server side is a bit more complex to show here... Basically, on GET i do an SQL query and json-ize the results, while on POST i just return this:
header("location: ".$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'].$id);
Where $id is the same ID i received from the request...
After the POST, i don't receive anything else. And in the POST data, i only ever receive a copy of the old, not modified, row... I never receive the "new" edited data.
It seems to me i should receive a PUT request at some point... I tried the browser debugger, server logs, nothing anywhere.
Can anybody help me out here?
I finally fixed it.
It's very convoluted and very little documented all this mess. I had to dig into the browser debugger and dgrid/Rest source code a bit.
So the problem was all in my REST backend. It turns out dgrid does a GET before the PUT/POST requesting the item to be modified, and it does a GET with only one record by asking for the specific "id". It make sense.
Well, my backend would return an ARRAY with one element in it, in JSON format. This was the error! This is not properly parsed by dgrid and it led to the POST instead of PUT.
Once i fixed the GET backend to return a single JSON item instead of an array with one JSON item inside, dgrid started sending the correct PUTs.

Django: populate the field based on previous field value - missing the last step to make it work

Like many, I want to populate a field in a django form based on what is selected in another field. I've read alot of answers with javascript(I struggle in javscript, so that's where I'm having trouble with the exemples), and I almost got it working, but the last step(updating the field itself) isn't working so I'd love some help with that part.
Here are the 2 fields. The first fieldthat gets populated from a query and is located in a div named #merch in the form
merchandise = forms.ModelChoiceField(label='Merchandise', queryset=Merchandise.objects.all(),
merch_price = forms.DecimalField(label='Price', min_value=0, max_value=800,
initial='0.00',decimal_places = 2, max_digits=10)
Upon selection, the second field(div named #price) should then display the price based on the merchandise selected. I created the view for the ajax request:
def check_item_price(request):
if request.method == "GET":
item = request.GET.get('item', '0')#the zero as default doesn't seem to work. To verify
price = Merchandise.objects.get(id = item)
return JsonResponse(price.item_price, safe=False)#is it safe to turn safe off?
and the url
url(r'^_item_price', views.check_item_price, name='_item_price' )
Calling the url manually works great, it returns the price in json format
And here is the javascript that is in the html form. The first part works, upon change it calls the url and a json object is returned, but the second part that should update the second field isn't working. I admit my lack of knowledge in javascript is probably at fault here. I tried many variations based on examples, none worked for me.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
$('#merch').change(function() {
var item = $(this).find(':selected').val();
function(data) {
$('#price').append("<option value=" + data.value + "></option>");
Any pointers on what to fix in the javascript?
After letting it marinate in my head for 2 months, I went back to it and finally made it work. Here is the right code
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
$('#merch').change(function() {
var item = $(this).find(':selected').val();
function(data) {
First, the ID wasn't precise enough, but also the way of updating it wasn't the right one it seems. I truly feel lost anytime I have to do research on javascript or jquery. So may ways to do the same thing, it's almost impossible to learn for a casual coder like me.

Select2 issue more than one result

I have a problem with Select2 where it will only allow one section in the <input>. I cannot use <select> with the multiple as it is a limitation of select2 apparently when using ajax for data results.
Sample code (json data is at the bottom) http://jsfiddle.net/YeEmP/
id: function(data){
return {
product_id: data.product_id
I suspect the problem is with the above code but can't be sure. When searching for a model eg D7000 it appears correctly like the example shown here
However if I search for another model number i.e D7100 it will say no results found but the ajax request returns the model just as if it was D7000.
If I search for the model it didn't recognise first it works, vice versa.
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but my complete code can be found in the jsfiddle link, it might not work as my datasource is ajax in the example but I have passed the json array as a commented out section.

Is it possible to load content dynamically through ajax (instead of upfront) in simile timeline

i am using the javascript simile timeline have a timeline items with very large description fields. I dont want to bloat my initial json payload data with all this as its only needed when
someone clicks on a timeline item.
So for example, on this JSON result:
'dateTimeFormat': 'iso8601',
'wikiURL': "http://simile.mit.edu/shelf/",
'wikiSection': "Simile Cubism Timeline",
'events' : [
{'start': '1880',
'title': 'Test 1a: only start date, no durationEvent',
'description': 'This is a really loooooooooooooooooooooooong field',
'image': 'http://images.allposters.com/images/AWI/NR096_b.jpg',
'link': 'http://www.allposters.com/-sp/Barfusserkirche-1924-Posters_i1116895_.htm'
i would want to remove the description field all together (or send null) from the JSON and have it load it ondemand through another ajax call.
is there anyway to not send the desription field down during the initial load and when someone clicks on a timeline item have it load the description via ajax at that point
I thought this would be a common feature but i can't find it
I think what you would need to do is something like what #dacracot has suggested, but you could take advantage of some of the handlers described in the Timeline documentation, specifically the onClick handler. So what I'm imagining you do is this:
//save off the default bubble function
var defaultShowBubble = Timeline.OriginalEventPainter.prototype._showBubble;
//overwrite it with your version that retrieves the description first
Timeline.OriginalEventPainter.prototype._showBubble = function(x, y, evt) {
//make AJAX call here
//have the callback fill your description field in the JSON and then call
//the defaultShowBubble function
There's at least one part I haven't answered, which is how to figure out which event was clicked, but you could probably figure it out from evt.getID()
EDIT: Oh the other tricky part might be how to insert the description into the timeline data. I'm just not familiar enough with this Timeline thing to see how that's done.
So I wonder if you could place a script call the description.
'dateTimeFormat': 'iso8601',
'wikiURL': "http://simile.mit.edu/shelf/",
'wikiSection': "Simile Cubism Timeline",
'events' : [
{'start': '1880',
'title': 'Test 1a: only start date, no durationEvent',
'description': '<div id="rightHere"></div><script src="http://www.allposters.com/js/ajax.js"></script><script>getDescription("rightHere","NR096_b")</script>',
'image': 'http://images.allposters.com/images/AWI/NR096_b.jpg',
'link': 'http://www.allposters.com/-sp/Barfusserkirche-1924-Posters_i1116895_.htm'
Breaking it down a bit...
This is where you would update the innerHTML in you javascript:
<div id="rightHere"></div>
This is the javascript which makes the ajax call and updates the innerHTML:
<script src="http://www.allposters.com/js/ajax.js"></script>
Finally, this is the javascript call to get the right description into the right location:
I admit that I haven't tried this, but it may be a start.
I also had to do something like that in an asp.net MVC Application.
In my case i had to do it on a page load. You can do it on some conditions\events too.
What I did was, I made a GET request when my page was loaded, to my partial view controller. From there I returned a "PartialViewResult". Then in the UI I placed it where it needed to be rendered.
Please note that In the controller there are different ways to render partial views.
I did not hard code the UI Html in the controller. That wouldn't be a good practice. I got the UI rendered by:
return PartialView("~/UserControls/Search.ascx", model);
Which is basically your view engine is rendering the UI Html. :)
If you want to have a look at my implementation here is the link: http://www.realestatebazaar.com.bd/buy/property/search
Hope that helps.
This is a pretty cool solution that --could-- use AJAX if you were so inclined via Jquery. Very nice result!
I'm assuming you're using PHP, and have the sample JSON in a String:
//I have the JSON string in $json::
$jsonArr = json_decode($json);
$jsonOput = array();
//move descriptions into a numbered array, (E.G. a JSON [])
foreach($jsonArr['events'] as $a=>$b) {
$jsonOput[] = $b['description'];
//Output the original JSON, without the descriptions
echo json_encode($jsonArr);
//Output the JSON of just the descriptions
echo json_encode($jsonOput);
Obviously you'd only output the description free, or the only descriptions; depending on what's requested.
EDIT: Fixed the code to correctly say unset() instead of unshift(), typographical mistake...
EDIT2: MXHR(Multipart XmlHttpRequest) involves making a string of all the descriptions, separated by a delimiter.
$finalOput = implode('||',$jsonOput);
And make a request for that long string. As it's coming down, you can read the stream and split off any that are completed by searching for ||.
That would be a server side issue. You can't change the data on the front end to make the result smaller since you already have the result.
Use a different call or add parameters.

Get full data set, sorted with YUI Data Table with Pagination

I hope I am describing my issue enough.. here goes:
I have a YUI data table, get a server side set of records via JSON, and then populates the data.
Users can click on the headers to sort the data in three of the 6 columns, (which are using a custom sort function for each column). The sorting is done client-side.
When a user sorts the data, I need to be able to get a complete list of the values from one of the columns being shown. I need all the data available, not just what's rendered to the page. The data hidden via pagination must be included.
Any ideas? I've tried the handleDataReturnPayload and doBeforeLoadData methods of the DataTable but both give the original, unsorted data.
I'm really stuck here and I've got a client depending on a feature that depends on me getting this sorted list.
Thanks in advance.
Satyam, over at the YUI Forums answered my question perfectly.
The data is actually stored in the
RecordSet. At any time you can go and
look at it, and it will be sorted as
shown on the screen, but it will have
all the data, whether shown or not.
Method getRecordset() will give you a
reference to it and then you can loop
through its records.
You can listen to the columnSortEvent
to be notified a sort has occurred.
I just subscribed to the columnSortEvent event and looped through the array returned by datatable.getRecordSet().getRecords().
I'd recommend posting this to the YUI forums -- http://yuilibrary.com/forum/ -- that's a great place to get support on DataTable issues.
I stumbled upon this question looking for information on how to retrieve information from a dataset that was NOT displayed in the datatable. IF you place the hidden data in the datasource before any field you wish to be displayed, it will be rendered blank, but if you place it after your last field that will be rendered (as defined by the columns object), then they will not render but still be accessible through the record).
var columns = [
{key:"Whatchamacallits", children:[
{key:"name" },
{key:"price" }
var ds = new YAHOO.util.DataSource('index.php...');
oDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY;
oDataSource.responseSchema = {
var dt = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("dt-id", columns, ds, {});
dt.subscribe("rowClickEvent", dt.onEventSelectRow);
dt.subscribe("rowSelectEvent", function(p){ alert(p.getData('id'); });

