Animate jQuery chart by changing rel on hover - javascript

I'm trying to modify a jQuery knob plugin to use as an animated chart.
This is what I have so far:
<ul id="chart">
<li rel="100">Cats</li>
<input class="knob animated donut" value="0" rel="70" />
$('.knob').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var myVal = $this.attr("rel");
readOnly: true,
displayInput: false,
bgColor: "cccccc",
fgColor: "e60022"
value: 0
value: myVal
}, {
duration: 1000,
easing: 'swing',
step: function () {
$('#chart > li').mouseover(function(){
I'd like to be able to hover over the <li> element and use the rel value to apply it to the chart. I think I might need to include some JS to redraw the chart on hover though as well, but not sure how to do that either (I don't have much JS knowledge).
Any help is appreciated.

You need to set the animate properties in the event handler. So, initialize your "knob" element as you did, then in the event handler retrieve the values and run the animation.
In the demo I used a data attribute (it just makes more sense to me), not the rel attribute, but the following should work with your markup:
var donut = $('.knob');
donut.knob({readOnly: true,
displayInput: false,
$('#chart > li').on('mouseenter', function(){
var myVal = $(this).attr('rel');
donut.stop().animate({value: myVal}, {
duration: 200,
easing: 'swing',
step: function () {
HTML: change the input to use the data attributes for color, as there is a bug in FF
<input class="knob" data-fgColor="#e60022" data-bgColor="#ccc" value="" />


JS chart knob: animate from value to value rather than 0

I have this animated donut that changes value on li hover. However, currently it resets to 0 and then animates to the new value. Ideally it should animated from value to value.
Here's a JSFiddle:
My JS:
var dial = $('.dial');
readOnly: true
$('.pets > li').on('mouseenter', function () {
var button = $(this);
var myVal ='value');
button.css('backgroundColor', 'yellowgreen').siblings().css('backgroundColor', '#ccc');
value: myVal
}, {
duration: 200,
easing: 'swing',
step: function () {
complete: function () {
dial.val(myVal + '%');
I have located the problem; it's this:
dial.val(myVal + '%');
When you animate something with a val attribute, it automatically uses that val value as its starting point. However, your code is setting val to a string. jQuery then gets confused and defaults to 0 the next time you want to animate. If you change the line to
you'll see it works as desired—with the obvious drawback that you lose your percent sign. You can add it back with knob's format feature, seen here, but I can't get it to work in your jsFiddle.

I can't change values in javascript dynamically, once PHP page loads

In my code below, I want to change the initial value with a slider. The slider works and everything, but it's not changing the values of the timeout, shown under the $('ul.<?php echo $this->session->userdata('username'); ?>').innerfade({ line.
The value of slider in the line $('#ex1').on('slide', function(slider) is equal to the value of the input-form attribute data-slider-value which is 100.
Now, when I start to adjust the input slider, it will change the attribute from its initial value of 100 to whatever the user slides to.
But the problem is, the slider won't change the values inside the jquery code...
So to make it more clear:
In the JS code, the variable 'value' is declared, but not yet initialized to a value.
The variable 'value' is then assigned to 'slider.value'
And so the logical conclusion is that the 'timeout' variable should change dynamically, according to the values inputted by the slider.
<!-- Start slider -->
<input id="ex1" data-slider-id='ex1Slider' type="text" data-slider-min="1" data-slider-max="1000" data-slider-step="1" data-slider-value="100"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var value;
$('#ex1').on('slide', function(slider)
value = slider.value;
$('ul.<?php echo $this->session->userdata('username'); ?>').innerfade({
speed: 0,
timeout: value,
type: 'sequence',
containerheight: '480px'
It's normal, your animation is already made. Your have to remake your animation or better, change the option.
edit :
There is the idea (not sure if is the correct syntax) :
//make it
var usernameInnerFace = $('ul.<?php echo $this->session->userdata('username'); ?>').innerfade({
speed: 0,
timeout: value,
type: 'sequence',
containerheight: '480px'
//change it
usernameInnerFace.options['timeout'] = new_value;
You cant because the innerfade function runs before the on('slide').
On sliding you should call a function that sets the innerfade like this.
$('#ex1').on('slide', function(slider)
function setFade(value){
$('ul.<?php echo $this->session->userdata('username'); ?>').innerfade({
speed: 0,
timeout: value,
type: 'sequence',
containerheight: '480px'
The slide function will get 2 args: event and ui. The value of the slider is in the ui object, so I would try this:
$('#ex1').on('slide', function(event, ui) {
value = ui.value;
as documented here:

tooltip is shown after the 2nd hover

I have a problem, I'm trying to add a tooltip to some already rendered elements. The code that I have makes the tooltip appear after the 2nd hover which is kind of normal because on the first one is not set yet, do you know what can I do to have it displayed from the first hover?
Thanks in advance!
I have the following code:
$(".checkWidth").live("mouseenter",function() {
var size = measureText($(this).text(), 12, 'Tahoma')
var limit = $('#my_container').width() - 67;
if( size.width > limit){
$(this).attr('title', $(this).text());
$('#tiptip_content').css('font-size', '13px');
maxWidth: "auto",
defaultPosition: "right",
fadeIn: 100,
fadeIn: 100,
attribute: "title"
Calling $(this).tipTip({...}); sets up the tooltip, it doesn't show it. So you don't actually set up the tooltip until you mouseover the element, and the tooltip is shown the next time you mouse over (handled by the plugin).
You'll need to call that on DOM ready. I think you may need something like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#tiptip_content').css('font-size', '13px');
var limit = $('#my_container').width() - 67;
$('.checkWidth').each(function () {
var size = measureText($(this).text(), 12, 'Tahoma');
if (size.width > limit) {
$(this).attr('title', $(this).text());
maxWidth: "auto",
defaultPosition: "right",
fadeIn: 100,
fadeIn: 100,
attribute: "title"
Edit another possibility:
$('#tiptip_content').css('font-size', '13px'); //this should be able to be done elsewhere...
$("document").on("mouseenter", '.checkWidth', function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($'tipInit') === true) { return; }
$'tipInit', true);
var size = measureText($(this).text(), 12, 'Tahoma')
var limit = $('#my_container').width() - 67;
if (size.width > limit) {
$this.attr('title', $this.text());
maxWidth: "auto",
defaultPosition: "right",
fadeIn: 100,
fadeIn: 100,
attribute: "title"
it depends on your code structure. But I will try the following:
Try changing the .live() to .on()
I would try to change the function to .on('hover', function)
I would also try to use mousenter and mouseleave

Set div height to default in a jQuery animation

I have created a drop-down-menu, the html for the drop-down part basically looks like this:
<div class="menu-item">
<!-- Menu title -->
<div class="drop-down">
<!-- Content -->
I want to animate this using jQuery-Code (with the easing-plugin), but the following Code does not work:
function deactivate()
var dropdown = $(this).find("div.drop-down");
{height: '0px'},
{queue: false,
duration: 600,
easing: 'easeOut'
function activate()
var dropdown = $(this).find("div.drop-down");
{height: 'auto'},
{queue: false,
duration: 600,
easing: 'easeOut'
The message in the error console is: "Warning: Error in parsing value for 'height'. Declaration dropped."
If I use "height: '100px'" or somthing similar in the activate-Function it works as expected. But for maintainability reasons i want the height to be calculated autmatically, so the drop-down adapts its size to its content.
How can this be achieved?
I would try to use slideUp() and slideDown() for this animation. Note that those functions accept easing functions.
Other option, if for some reason you need to use animate for this, you might want to do something like this in your activate function:
function activate(){
var dropdown = $(this).find("div.drop-down");
{height: 'auto'},
{queue: false,
duration: 600,
easing: 'easeOut'
One solution could be store the height value in the deactivate method and use it when activating. I do not think that jQuery supports animating a dimension property to a string value.
var menu_handler = (function(){
var orig_height = 0;
return {
deactivate : function deactivate () {
var dropdown = $(this).find("div.drop-down");
orig_height = dropdown.height();
{height: '0px'},
{queue: false,
duration: 600,
easing: 'easeOut'
activate : function activate () {
var dropdown = $(this).find("div.drop-down");
{height: orig_height},
{queue: false,
duration: 600,
easing: 'easeOut'

Slide out and fade effect using jQuery and localScroll

I'm using localScroll to create a content slider. The problem is that I want to give a fade effect to the div that I'm sliding out, to make it fade before it disappears.
Does anyone have any idea how can I make this? I tried something with onBefore and onAfter but I didn't get what I expected.
LE: here is the code that I'm using:
$(document).ready(function() {
var localScroll = $('#slider .slideshow-wrapper')
var localSections = $('#slider .slideshow-wrapper ul.slideshow li');
var local = $('#slider ul.slideshow');
local.css('width', localSections[0].offsetWidth * localSections.length);
var localScrollOptions = {
target: localScroll,
items: localSections,
navigation: 'ul.tabs li a',
hash: 'false',
axis: 'xy',
duration: 500,
easing: 'swing'
//onAfter: fadeAway
$('ul.tabs').find('a span').click(selectNav);
You can't use fadeOut because it sets the div style to display:none and thus the div has a zero height and width making the scrollTo plugin mess up pretty bad. I would suggest using opacity. In the code below I set the minimum opacity to 0.2 because when I set it to zero, it was hard to tell the content was scrolling.
I took the LocalScroll Demo and made these modifications - it seems to work pretty well. I didn't try to match your code because I know the code below works with the demo and your question title says localScroll but your code uses serialScroll. Anyway, I'm guessing the ul.slideshow li in your code should be equivalent to the .sub in the code below.
target: '#content', // could be a selector or a jQuery object too.
queue: false,
duration: 500,
hash: false,
easing: 'swing',
onBefore:function( e, anchor, $target ){
// The 'this' is the settings object, can be modified
$('.sub').animate({ opacity: 0.2 }, 250);
onAfter:function( anchor, settings ){
// The 'this' contains the scrolled element (#content)
$(anchor).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250);
Edit: I posted a demo at this pastebin

