how to repeat tpl blocks inside tpl - javascript

I have a boxcomponent that I'm creating with a tpl. So in initTemplate I set the template I want by doing
this.tpl = new Ext.Xtemplate( my_template ).
So in my_template, which is a bit long actually, I have a block which I wish to repeat more than once inside my_template.
What's the best way to achieve that? I wish I didn't have to copy the block over and over, specially if that block is long.
for example, let's say that my_template =
'<tpl for="value1">',
'<div class="c1">{a}</div>',
'<div class="c2">{b}</div>',
'<tpl for="value2">',
'<div class="c1">{a}</div>',
'<div class="c2">{b}</div>',
my data looks like:
data = {
value1: {
a: 'blah',
b: 'bleh'
value2: {
a: 'bloh',
b: 'bluh'
So, in my example, I'd like to know if there's a way to sort of call a function that will repeat
'<div class="c1">{a}</div>',
'<div class="c2">{b}</div>',
So I'd have
'<tpl for="value1">',
'<tpl for="value2">',

Now it is entirely different question, after you have edited it. Nevermind, the answer is yes, you can use member functions to generate the content. This is example from XTemplate docs. As you can see, anything returned from isBaby and isGirl methods below is rendered in the resulting html. You only need to set myFunction and then call it within the template: this.myFunction()
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<p>Name: {name}</p>',
'<p>Kids: ',
'<tpl for="kids">',
'<tpl if="this.isGirl(name)">',
'<p>Girl: {name} - {age}</p>',
'<tpl else>',
'<p>Boy: {name} - {age}</p>',
'<tpl if="this.isBaby(age)">',
'<p>{name} is a baby!</p>',
// XTemplate configuration:
disableFormats: true,
// member functions:
isGirl: function(name){
return name == 'Aubrey' || name == 'Nikol';
isBaby: function(age){
return age < 1;
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);
And data:
var data = {
name: 'Don Griffin',
title: 'Senior Technomage',
company: 'Sencha Inc.',
drinks: ['Coffee', 'Water', 'More Coffee'],
kids: [
{ name: 'Aubrey', age: 17 },
{ name: 'Joshua', age: 13 },
{ name: 'Cale', age: 10 },
{ name: 'Nikol', age: 5 },
{ name: 'Solomon', age: 0 }

It depends if data you feed into the template also repeats - if it is an array. As you have <tpl for=".">, you can have <tpl for="innerArray"> so if your data looks similar to the following:
{item:'value', innerArray:[{
it will work.

new Ext.XTemplate([
'<tpl for=".">',
'<tpl for="list">',
'{[ this.getTemplateIfDataPresent(values, "key_a") ]}',
'{[ this.getTemplateIfDataPresent(values, "key_b") ]}',
'</tpl> ',
].join(""), {
compiled: true,
templateStr: '<p> {0}: <b>{1}</b> </p>',
getTemplate: function(values, key) {
if (!values || !values[key]) {
return '-';
var result = String.format(this.templateStr, key, values.list[key]);
return result;


How to add extra element in data view while using tpl

How to add extra element in data view while using tpl.
I am using tpl with itemselector. Now I have add some extra div in that which is not coming from the store. How to add that ?
Here is my data view
onPanelLoad : function( panel , width , height , eOpts){
var mypanel = panel.query('#somepanel')[0],
imageStore = Ext.create('', {
model: Ext.define('Image', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{ name:'src', type:'string' },
{ name:'caption', type:'string' }
data: [{
src: '',
caption: 'Drawing & Charts'
}, {
src: '',
caption: 'Advanced Data'
}, {
src: '',
caption: 'Overhauled Theme'
var imageTpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
/* My Try
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="item box-wrap">',
'<div class="content-box app-category" style="width:160px; height:160px;">',
'<div class="content-item">',
'<img src="{src}" />',
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;" class="thumb-wrap">',
'<img src="{src}" />',
xtype : 'dataview',
tpl: imageTpl,
itemSelector: 'div.thumb-wrap',
emptyText: 'No images available',
This is what I am trying to add.
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="item box-wrap">',
'<div class="content-box app-category" style="width:160px; height:160px;">',
'<div class="content-item">',
'<img src="{src}" />',
When I am trying I am getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'internalId' of undefined
Any work around for this?
Please take a look at the fiddle, which does not have the problem.
I added both types of itemTpl.
Please check if you are readding items, that way you might get duplicated IDs.
I added the dataview via items inside the view and tried it on the load event of the store. Both work.
Please be aware I added some styling to app.css, which should not be your problem
You can load additional data to a store creating a record using the model with data.
I updated the fiddle.

Year Only in ExtJs, overriding css of extjs

I need a date picker which let me choose 'year' only in extjs.I already have multiple datepicker in my application, but for this i need to choose year only. Is there any way i can override css of datepicker(Extjs have component which shows month and year but not year only). I don't want to define custom component, i want to use datepicker by overriding it's css. I found one custom css example over stackoverflow.Please check it out here.
Ext.onReady(function() {
Ext.define('Ext.ux.OnlyYearPicker', {
xtype: 'onlyyearpicker',
extend: 'Ext.picker.Month',
afterRender: function(){
this.el.setStyle({width: '106px',})
renderTpl: [
'<div id="{id}-bodyEl" data-ref="bodyEl" class="{baseCls}-body">',
'<div style="display: none; width:0px;" id="{id}-monthEl" data-ref="monthEl" class="{baseCls}-months">',
'<tpl for="months">',
'<div class="{parent.baseCls}-item {parent.baseCls}-month">',
'<a style="{parent.monthStyle}" role="button" hidefocus="on" class="{parent.baseCls}-item-inner">{.}</a>',
'<div id="{id}-yearEl" data-ref="yearEl" class="{baseCls}-years">',
'<div class="{baseCls}-yearnav">',
'<div class="{baseCls}-yearnav-button-ct">',
'<a id="{id}-prevEl" data-ref="prevEl" class="{baseCls}-yearnav-button {baseCls}-yearnav-prev" hidefocus="on" role="button"></a>',
'<div class="{baseCls}-yearnav-button-ct">',
'<a id="{id}-nextEl" data-ref="nextEl" class="{baseCls}-yearnav-button {baseCls}-yearnav-next" hidefocus="on" role="button"></a>',
'<tpl for="years">',
'<div class="{parent.baseCls}-item {parent.baseCls}-year">',
'<a hidefocus="on" class="{parent.baseCls}-item-inner" role="button">{.}</a>',
'<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'clear"></div>',
'<tpl if="showButtons">',
'<div class="{baseCls}-buttons">{%',
'var me=values.$comp, okBtn=me.okBtn, cancelBtn=me.cancelBtn;',
'okBtn.ownerLayout = cancelBtn.ownerLayout = me.componentLayout;',
'okBtn.ownerCt = cancelBtn.ownerCt = me;',
'Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(okBtn.getRenderTree(), out);',
'Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(cancelBtn.getRenderTree(), out);',
Ext.define('Ext.form.field.Month', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Date',
alias: 'widget.monthfield',
requires: ['Ext.picker.Month', 'Ext.ux.OnlyYearPicker'],
alternateClassName: ['Ext.form.MonthField', 'Ext.form.Month'],
selectMonth: null,
createPicker: function() {
var me = this,
format = Ext.String.format;
return Ext.create('Ext.ux.OnlyYearPicker', {
pickerField: me,
ownerCt: me.ownerCt,
renderTo: document.body,
floating: true,
hidden: true,
focusOnShow: true,
minDate: me.minValue,
maxDate: me.maxValue,
disabledDatesRE: me.disabledDatesRE,
disabledDatesText: me.disabledDatesText,
disabledDays: me.disabledDays,
disabledDaysText: me.disabledDaysText,
format: me.format,
showToday: me.showToday,
startDay: me.startDay,
minText: format(me.minText, me.formatDate(me.minValue)),
maxText: format(me.maxText, me.formatDate(me.maxValue)),
listeners: {
select: {
scope: me,
fn: me.onSelect
monthdblclick: {
scope: me,
fn: me.onOKClick
yeardblclick: {
scope: me,
fn: me.onOKClick
OkClick: {
scope: me,
fn: me.onOKClick
CancelClick: {
scope: me,
fn: me.onCancelClick
keyNavConfig: {
esc: function() {
onCancelClick: function() {
var me = this;
me.selectMonth = null;
onOKClick: function() {
var me = this;
if (me.selectMonth) {
me.fireEvent('select', me, me.selectMonth);
onSelect: function(m, d) {
var me = this;
me.selectMonth = new Date((d[0] + 1) + '/1/' + d[1]);
Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Month', {
format: 'Y',
fieldLabel: 'Date',
renderTo: Ext.getBody()

How to display the message below the comboBox dropdown

I created a comboBox,
var states = Ext.create('', {
fields: ['abbr', 'name'],
data : [
{"abbr":"AL", "name":"Alabama"},
{"abbr":"AK", "name":"Alaska"},
{"abbr":"AZ", "name":"Arizona"}
Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', {
fieldLabel: 'Choose State',
store: states,
queryMode: 'local',
valueField: 'abbr',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
// Template for the dropdown menu.
// Note the use of "x-boundlist-item" class,
// this is required to make the items selectable.
tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="x-boundlist-item">{abbr} - {name}</div>',
// template for the content inside text field
displayTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
'<tpl for=".">',
'{abbr} - {name}',
below the drop down I wanted to display some messages.
Can anybody give some idea which component I will use or how to display some message below the drop down. Please check in screenshot.
You can override the renderTpl of Ext.view.BoundList, like:
listConfig: {
renderTpl: [
'<div id="{id}-listWrap" data-ref="listWrap"',
' class="{baseCls}-list-ct ', Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls, '">',
'<ul id="{id}-listEl" data-ref="listEl" class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'list-plain"',
'<tpl foreach="ariaAttributes"> {$}="{.}"</tpl>',
'<div style="border: solid 3px #000; padding: 2px;">Message</div>',
'var pagingToolbar=values.$comp.pagingToolbar;',
'if (pagingToolbar) {',
'Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(pagingToolbar.getRenderTree(), out);',
'%}', {
disableFormats: true
Working example:

Sencha Touch: how to get config from tpl?

With Sencha Touch, I created a component to display a table for my mobile application.
Here's my component code:
Ext.define('MyApp.components.table.Table', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
xtype: 'table',
config: {
cls: 'myTableCSS',
scrollable: 'vertical',
tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
'<tpl for=".">',
'<tpl for="headers">',
'<tpl for="rows">',
'<tr class="{[]}" >',
'<tpl for="columns">',
Here's my view implementation:
xtype: 'table',
id: 'myRedTable',
data: [
headers: [
{ html: 'firstname' },
{ html: 'lastname' },
{ html: 'age' }
rows: [
columns: [
{ html: 'John' },
{ html: 'Smith' },
{ html: '38' },
In my component, when I use {[]} I would like to get the id of my view implementation (i.e. myRedTable) but it doesn't work.
Is there any solution to achieve this?
It seems you wrote the syntax for inline arbitrary code correctly, but there's a problem with scope. this refers to the instance of Ext.XTemplate itself, not the table view.
You should try another way to get the reference of your table instance instead, for example, in your table's definition file:
initialize: function(){
var me = this;
// blah blah ...
// now you can use "me" to refer to your table instance

Extjs Combo diplay value - if value is not found

I am using this technique to accomplish an auto-complete feature for a combo box , it returns name and type of a car, sometimes the type is unknown so nothing returns, I would like it to be "No Data" so I used this valueNotFoundText: 'No Data' but didn't work
xtype: 'combo',
store: s,
typeAhead: false,
id: 'search',
queryMode: 'remote',
queryParam: 'query',
displayField: 'name',//+'type',
valueField: 'name',//+'type',
//valueNotFoundText: 'No Data',
,listConfig: {
loadingText: ' Loading...',
getInnerTpl: function() {
return '{name}'+'<br>'+'<p><font size="1">{type}'+':type</font></p>';
, listeners: {
I guess you are looking for sort of this (simplified working example.)
Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', {
fieldLabel: 'Choose State',
store: states,
typeAhead: true, // this will simply show the typed text if nothing is found.
queryMode: 'local',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'abbr',
tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="x-boundlist-item">{abbr}</div>',
displayTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
'<tpl for=".">',
'<tpl if="name.length == 0"> ',
'no data', // You can return any other additional value or formating here
'<tpl else>',
'{name}', // You can return any other additional value or formating here
valueNotFoundText: 'no data' // this will be displayed if no record is found after setValue()
Here's a working JSFiddle
So how does this work
Simply set the Template for the dropdown menu (if this is needed at all in your case) and set the template for the display field.
Both examples are simplified cause I do not know your entire template.
Updated examples
Note: I would not use type as property-name cause this is sort of a reserved name, cause it identifies the type of the field object/primitive
var states = Ext.create('', {
fields: ['abbr', 'name','ctype'],
data : [
{"abbr":"AL", "name":"Alabama", "ctype":"AL"},
{"abbr":"AK", "name":"Alaska", "ctype":"AK"},
{"abbr":"AZ", "name":"Arizona", "ctype":""}
// Create the combo box, attached to the states data store
Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', {
fieldLabel: 'Choose State',
store: states,
typeAhead: true, // this will simply show the typed text if nothing is found.
queryMode: 'local',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'abbr',
tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
'<tpl for=".">',
'<tpl if="ctype.length == 0"> ',
'<div class="x-boundlist-item">{name}<p><font size="1">no data</font></p></div>',
'<tpl else>',
'<div class="x-boundlist-item">{name}{ctype}<p><font size="1">{ctype}</font></p></div>',
displayTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
'<tpl for=".">',
'<tpl if="itype.length == 0"> ',
'no data',
'<tpl else>',
valueNotFoundText: 'no data', // this will be displayed if no record is found after setValue()
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
You can use the emptyText config option on in the list config!/api/Ext.view.AbstractView-cfg-emptyText. ComboBoxes internal list class BoundList extends from View so it follows the same api.!/api/Ext.form.field.ComboBox-cfg-listConfig
listConfig: {
emptyText: 'No Data'

