How to get own Name & version without AddonManger? - javascript

Is it possible for an overlay add-on to get its own name & version without using the AddonManager?
In an overlay add-on, the add-on ID is not automatically provided (like a bootstrapped add-on) and thus has to be entered manually in order to use the AddonManager. At the moment, I parse install.rdf for the data.
Is there any alternative method of getting above data?

The official API to query add-on information is the AddonManager. Anything else are just hacks or work-arounds.
Parsing install.rdf for the name is such a hack and has its own problems: The add-on manager may have retrieved e.g. an updated name from an online source, e.g. the website, and as such the install.rdf-provided name would be outdated and disagree with the name about:addons would show.
I'd argue that normally and add-on should know it's own ID. But I recognize that there might be some code meant for reuse (like frameworks) where it would be bad to hard-code the id, i.e. edit the file meant for reuse.
In such cases, parsing install.rdf (or some other configuration file) to get the id to be used when querying AddonManager might be a viable alternative.
There is also the (undocumented on MDN) AddonManager.mapURIToAddonID API, which is used internally to map memory measurements to add-ons in about:memory, but which could also be used instead of parsing install.rdf, I guess.

Ok how about this?
Do you know the name of your addon?
AddonManager.getAllAddons(function (addons) {
var cnt = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < addons.length; i++) {
if (addons[i].name == 'Adblock Plus') {
console.log('addons', cnt, addons[i]);
You're going to have to hard code something, the name, the id, something.


LaunchDarkly Bootstrapping: (JS) Property Assignment Expected

I am setting up LaunchDarkly to control my first feature flag and its working fine from server & client side.
Now I am trying LaunchDarkly Bootstrap approach (From the below given Link) and tried like below my code, but it's not accepting the double braces and I do not know How to get flag value by using the bootstrap approach, so where I did go wrong in my code?. Could anyone please help me with an example?
Initialized client with Bootstrap option as below,
client = LDClient.initialize(sdkKey, userContext.user, options = {
bootstrap: {
{{ ldclient.all_flags(userContext.user) }}
And my function to get the flag value,
isFeatureEnabled: function (featureFlag, properties) {
console.log("Before Variation");
//we shall update the custom properties into user context.
if (properties) {
for (var k in properties) {
userContext.user.custom[k] = properties[k];
//later make the identity call to update the user details.
client.identify(userContext.user, null, function () { /*rules updated*/
console.log("New user's flags available");
//validate the feature flag
var showFeature = client.variation(featureFlag);
if (!showFeature) {
console.log("after Variation");
Full disclosure, My name is John, and I am part of the support team here at LaunchDarkly. I'll be happy to help you out with this problem
Firstly, it appears you are using an older version of the bootstrapping example. The new example has a typo fix, and uses the new all_flags_state method.
I see two major issues here. There is the primary issue of how to bootstrap flag variations from the back-end to the front-end, and how to appropriately utilize LaunchDarkly when using bootstrapping. I will tackle the issue of how to bootstrap flag variations from the back-end first.
The example in LaunchDarkly's documentation utilizes templating to include the bootstrapped values to the front end. Templating is a strategy for including programmatically generated content in your static source or text files. Templating is commonly used when compiling or deploying code, or at runtime when serving content to clients. This is done to render information only available at that time in the final version.
Different templating languages behave in different ways, but generally speaking you include tokens in your source or text files which direct the template renderer to replace that token with data you supply it.
In the documentation it mentions that this example is for templating using Ruby, but the example is using Mustache rendering, and Mustache is available in many different languages. Templating is a strategy for including programmatically generated content in your static source or text files. This is commonly used when compiling or deploying code, or at runtime when serving content to clients. This is done to render information only available at that time in the final version.
The example may not work depending on which back-end language and framework you are using. According to the tags associated with your question, I feel safe to assume that you are using .NET to power your back-end, which doesn't have a prescribed templating language. There are many open source solutions out there, though.
In the following example I'm going to use to render the a users bootstrapped flag values into the result variable. I am going to borrow code available from the example in the handle bars repo, and from LaunchDarkly's hello-bootstrap and hello-dotnet repos, which are available here: &
string source =
<script src=""""></script>
<h1>LaunchDarkly server-side bootstrap example</h1>
<li><code>normal client</code>: <span class=""normal"">initializing…</span></li>
<li><code>bootstrapped client</code>: <span class=""bootstrap"">initializing…</span></li>
var user = window.ldUser;
console.log(`Clients initialized`);
var client = LDClient.initialize(window.ldClientsideId, user);
var bootstrapClient = LDClient.initialize(window.ldClientsideId, user, {
bootstrap: window.ldBootstrap
client.on('ready', handleUpdateNormalClient);
client.on('change', handleUpdateNormalClient);
bootstrapClient.on('ready', handleUpdateBootstrapClient);
bootstrapClient.on('change', handleUpdateBootstrapClient);
function handleUpdateNormalClient(){
console.log(`Normal SDK updated`);
render('.normal', client);
function handleUpdateBootstrapClient(){
console.log(`Bootstrapped SDK updated`);
render('.bootstrap', bootstrapClient);
function render(selector, targetClient) {
document.querySelector(selector).innerHTML = JSON.stringify(targetClient.allFlags(user), null, 2);
var template = Handlebars.Compile(source);
Configuration ldConfig = LaunchDarkly.Client.Configuration.Default("YOUR_SDK_KEY");
LdClient client = new LdClient(ldConfig);
User user = User.WithKey("")
.AndCustomAttribute("groups", "beta_testers");
var data = new {
ldBootstrap: JsonConvert.SerializeObject(client.AllFlagsState(user)),
ldUser = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user),
ldClientsideId = "YOUR_CLIENT_SIDE_ID"
var result = template(data);
You could take this example and adapt it to render your static source code when serving the page to your users.
The second issue is how you are utilizing the SDK. I see that you are calling identify before evaluating your user every time. Each time you call identify the SDK needs to reinitialize. This means that even after bootstrapping your initial variations you will force the SDK to reinitialize by calling identify, removing all benefits of bootstrapping. As a solution, detect if your user object has changed. if it has, then call identify. Otherwise, do not call identify so that the SDK uses the cached user attributes.
If you want to dive deeper into this and provide us with some more of the source for your wrapper you can reach out to us at

How to use JavaScript or/and PHP, to detect a website/page being stolen/cloned and then redirect reader back to my website

I found hundreds of cloned versions of my website.
Whoever is doing that are using some code that clones my web pages, changes my website name to,, etc and this makes it impossible to use a simple JS or PHP to check if the header URL is = to then redirect.
It also does not work using the .htaccess
For this reason I have created this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.href== "{{{ $title->id }}}-{{ (Str::slug($title->title)) }}/cat2/{{ $se->n }}/cat3/{{ $episode->ep_n }}")
window.location.href = '';
This script completes its purpose but is too long and is also very restrictive because it must contain the exact URL.
I'm looking to do this:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.href== "http://
//contains this part in its URL , , , clone4....
window.location.href = '';
How can I create a global JS (JavaScript), that would detect if the current page is not on my domain and then redirect the reader to my domain and the same page?
Many thanks
1. Best Solution - Early Detection
Depending on your main traffic source, it is possible to detect who is scrapping you and block them based on their IP, Headers, number of page views and other data, using PHP & HTACCESS.
I really like this answer on the StackOverflow, that discusses almost all the options available for early detection.
How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL
2. Plugins & Extensions for Open Source Content Management Systems
If using Wordpress CMS, you can try some plugins, like WordFence, that can detect and block fake Google Crawlers, block based on the number of page views etc.
Other CMS
If you can't find a similar solution for your CMS of choice, consider to ask a community for a help with creating the solution like that, as I believe many people could benefit from it.
3. Solution for already stolen content with JavaScript
Sometimes the easiest road to hide something in JS, is to actually HIDE something by OBFUSCATING and by hiding in multiple important files. For example, obfuscate some important file on your website without which the website just wouldn't work properly.
For example, put an obfuscated version of the code below somewhere in JS file in the header, Obfuscate this code using any free services online or download your own library on Github:
w=''; // Current URL e.g. ''
function check_origin(){
var check = 587;
if(window.location.hostname != w){
window.location.href = w;
return check;
var check = check_origin();
Obfuscated example:
var _0x303e=["\x6D\x79\x73\x69\x74\x65\x2E\x63\x6F\x6D","\x68\x6F\x73\x74\x6E\x61\x6D\x65","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E","\x68\x72\x65\x66"];w= _0x303e[0];function check_origin(){var check=587;if(window[_0x303e[2]][_0x303e[1]]!= w){window[_0x303e[2]][_0x303e[3]]= w};return check}var check=check_origin()
Now put an additional code in some Footer JS File, to verify the code above wasn't modified in any way:
Non-Obfuscated example:
if(w!==''||check == false || typeof check == 'undefined' || check !== 587 ){
window.location.href = '';
var _0x92bb=["\x6D\x79\x73\x69\x74\x65\x2E\x63\x6F\x6D","\x75\x6E\x64\x65\x66\x69\x6E\x65\x64","\x68\x72\x65\x66","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E"];if(w!== _0x92bb[0]|| check== false|| typeof check== _0x92bb[1]|| check!== 587){window[_0x92bb[3]][_0x92bb[2]]= _0x92bb[0]}
I have used free online service from Google's search results for the term "Free Online JS Obfuscator:
4. Fight thieves with available methods e.g. Request a Ban from Search Engines – The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
Here is a blog-post that describes what to do when someone is stealing your content.
You can investigate who is doing that and report them to their partners, search engines, advertisers - to disrupt their business.
Depending on their country of origin and yours, it is maybe even possible to sue them and win.
why not check if hostname is your ?
if(window.location.hostname != ''){
window.location.href = '';

Issuing MySQL queries from standalone Javascript (no, I'm not crazy, my vendor is)

Our lab recently got an Agilent Bravo pipetting robot (it precisely dispenses tiny quantities of liquid for doing rapidly doing many biology or chemistry experiments). Apparently the glue language for extending the software that controls the robot is Javascript! I know, right?
Anyway, for the robot to be useful, we have to be able to retrieve information about the samples it's handling but every example I can find for sending queries in Javascript depends on PHP and usually the assumption that the script is running in a web-browser.
Is there some way to wrap a command-line mysql or is there already some library or utility that does this? The OS we're running is Windows 7.
Wow, thanks for the quick and useful answers.
In addition, I found a platform-specific answer:
Long story short, VWorks (control software for Agilent's equipment) has a run() global function that does exactly that. But, the above answers are probably more useful to this site than my own is, because they are relevant to a broader range of problems, so thanks again.
"sending queries in Javascript depends on PHP"
no it doesn't.
Just send retreive data(json) using ajax, I'd use
Yes, you can use ADO with Javascript on Windows to access various data sources. Search for "jscript ado" and you will get lots of information on this, e.g.:
// path to database
var DBpath="\\\\Server\\Path\\myDB.mdb"
// set up a few object constants
var adLockReadOnly=1
var adOpenForwardOnly=0
var adCmdText=1
// create and open a new connection (MSAccess)
var cnn=new ActiveXObject("ADODB.connection")
cnn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + DBpath
// could not open connection
// view details in err.Description and err.Number
return 0
//open a read only recordset
var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open("Select * from myTable", cnn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly)
// could not open recordset
return 0
// do something
According to info here, you can develop plugins using Visual Studio/C#. Maybe that is of some use? You could write a plugin to send the data somewhere...

How to use Javascript to check active directory to see if a user is in a memberof a particular group?

I have at my disposal Javascript and Classic ASP. Using these two how can I check to see if a user is a member of a particular active directory group? I know VBSCRIPT has memberof function but I can only use javascript. Any help is appreciated
You'll need to ensure that your web server is set to use Windows Authentication. Then you can use Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") to get the current user's domain\username.
You'll then query Active Directory using ADSI to get group membership.
Here's a link to msdn's ADSI pages.
This page has some sample scripts (in vbscript)
As far as I know there is no possibility to access activeDirectory by using Javascript. Javascript runs within the browser - and may not access anything out of this sandbox.
In case I misunderstood your question und you ment server-side checking - use ASP functions to check for.
You might also try using Javascript to instantialte a WScript.Network object
var WshNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");
From there, you can get
var netWorkUserName = WshNetwork.UserName;
var netWorkDomain = WshNetwork.UserDomain;
A word of warning: I'm pretty sure this is IE only and requires security changes in IE.
You'll need AJAX and a connection to the AD using ADODB.Connection with the "ADsDSOObject" provider.
EDIT: I saw your comment above. Here's a start:
ldapCommand.CommandText = "select sn from '" & _
"LDAP://,DC=com" & _
"' WHERE samAccountName=" & "'" & username & "'"
Set ldapRecordSet = ldapCommand.Execute
ldapCommand is an ADODB.Command, and if Execute throws an error, then the user is not in the domain.

How can I fool a site that looks at the JavaScript object 'navigator' to see that I'm not on Windows?

I am trying to browse a website, however, it only works under Windows and Mac because they use the navigator.platform from JavaScript to find out the architecture I am running on. Of course, they also use the browser's user agent, but that was easy to spoof.
Here is the .js in question: The code responsible for browser detection is at the top. Is there any way of changing the .js file before the site runs, or something similar, so I can eliminate the check?
Using the JavaScript console yields:
Linux i686
Evidently I changed the browser's user agent, but navigator.platform does not seem to take it's value from the user agent.
Maybe someone knows how to change the value returned by navigator.platform, because I hate running Windows under VirtualBox to use this site.
This could be of interest because Linux users might be artificially denied access to websites, and can do nothing about it.
var fakePlatformGetter = function () {
return "your fake platform";
if (Object.defineProperty) {
Object.defineProperty(navigator, "platform", {
get: fakePlatformGetter
Object.defineProperty(Navigator.prototype, "platform", {
get: fakePlatformGetter
} else if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__) {
navigator.__defineGetter__("platform", fakePlatformGetter);
Navigator.prototype.__defineGetter__("platform", fakePlatformGetter);
Since you can't directly set navigator.platform, you will have to be sneaky - create an object that behaves like navigator, replace its platform, then set navigator to it.
var fake_navigator = {};
for (var i in navigator) {
fake_navigator[i] = navigator[i];
fake_navigator.platform = 'MyOS';
navigator = fake_navigator;
If you execute this code before the document loads (using GreaseMonkey, an addon or a Chrome extension), then the page will see navigator.platform as "MyOS".
Note: tested only in Chrome.
Provided that the browser you're using supports Object.defineProperty() (it likely does), a more modern way of achieving the same goal is as follows:
Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'platform', {
value: 'my custom value',
configurable: true // necessary to change value more than once
This allows you to set it to any custom value you want, and it also allows you to change it as many times as you want without needing to reload the page.
For a Mozilla-based browser, GreaseSpot / Code Snippets # Hijacking browser properties demonstrates how it may be done. This code may be injected from a GreaseMonkey script.
about:config - > general.platform.override
Attempting to change this property (at any time) in Firefox yields:
Error: setting a property that has only a getter
Source File: index.html
Line: 1
So I think you will have a hard time.
I'd try to contact the author about obtaining a fix.

