Google Chrome flickers calling jQuery.html() method - javascript

In my project I use jQuery.html() to refresh an element on the page. The content is received from the server using AJAX. In FF and IE it is working perfect, but in the Chrome I see that it flickers. I realized that it is not related to AJAX. Problem is that Chrome always gets images from the server even they are not changed. Following example demonstrating it. How to prevent Chrome from reloading images from server?
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="//"></script>
<p id="XXX">
setInterval(function () {
$("#XXX").html('This is dynamic content from server with an image <img src="alarms.png">');
}, 1000);

You can check here on how to optimize caching the content. You could also try preloading the image first here.

Try putting window.onload = before your setInterval function. It will load the function when the webpage is loaded.


Load markdown file into HTML's textarea

I'm trying to use Remark.js to create HTML presentations based on the template provided. The template includes the textarea tag with id='source' where the markdown is simply copied in. I wanted to go for a solution where I can leave the template and just change the file that is loaded, so that I don't have to work inside the HTML file and keep the markdown separate.
I've tried using jQuery (I'm a noob) but it does not seem to work, the page stays empty. Here's what I tried:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8' />
<title>My presentation</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='presentation.css'>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<textarea id="source"> </textarea>
var slideshow = remark.create();
I don't get any errors in the JS console, but I also don't see anything. When I simply copy the file into the textarea it works, as expected, so the markdown file is OK.
I ran Chrome with the --allow-file-access-from-files so that at least I don't get the cross-origin requests error. However, that is not satisfactory as I intend to place the HTML file (and the related files) in Dropbox. If possible, I don't want to run a web server locally as it's just a 'simple' HTML file with some text copied in from another file.
What's the best way to achieve this, i.e. copying in a file as-is?
This willl solve your problem:
Create the remark after you loaded the data by adding the call to your callback function.
$('#source').load('', function() {
var slideshow = remark.create();

Window Onload Still Holding Up Whole Page

I put the following script on my page so that it would load after everything else and wouldn't slow down my page (I have an api call in the append which is why, but I've let it out for this), but it's still loading with the rest of the page.
As explained in my comment above, $(window).load gets called after all external resources load fully.
If you want to execute a script before everything loads, you may consider the following

How to use html file as div

I'm very new to html and trying to make a website. So far, I've got an html file that has the header for my site and I would like to use it in all the pages I create for the site using jQuery's load function.
So basically what I want to do is load Header.html into Page.html.
This is the code in Page.html:
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jQuery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
<div id="Header"></div>
Header.html looks something like this:
<div id="Header_Name">Adabelle Combrink</div>
<div id="Header_GameProgrammer">Game Programmer</div>
The only thing that comes up on the screen is "Hi" at the moment.
Looks good, apart from the backslashes in the src attributes should be forward slashes.
Is there any particular error you are getting?
Also, as has been pointed out, PHP would be better suited to this job.
<?php include 'header.php'; ?>
Aside from the accessibility question, there might also be a negative SEO impact.
Assuming your path to jQuery is correct, then the code you posted should work (it does for me).
Things to try / be sure of:
You are running this on a server (i.e. not just opening the file in your browser, as this will fall foul of the same origin policy). Check that the address in your address bar doesn't start with file://
Make sure that the path to the jQuery library is correct
Make sure that Page.html and Header.html are in the same folder
Check your broswer's error console. Instructions.
you can use iframe for including html file into the div.
Otherwise you have to follow some server side include method.
like, in php <?php include("includes/header.php"); ?>
your code looks fine.
are you running the site on a web server, such as out of visual studio (iis express) ?
You can't run it locally. Ajax wont work that way.
Open your page in chrome, and press f12 to open up dev tools.
go to the network tab.
do you see the ajax request being fired on the load function?
by the way, regarding the header div,
a div is not a self-closing tag. Its a container. Its best that you close it using a closing tag.
Otherwise you might get unpredictable results in some browsers. ( I have not checked in a while, but it was that way a few years ago, probably in explorer 8)
url: 'header.html',
type: 'get',
<div id="header_container">....</div>
The content returned by the request will go inside the header_container div
Div elements require a closing div tag like so <div></div>.
there is no need to call small pieces of code from another js file, just write your code in the head element like so:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/jQuery.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
<div id="Header"></div>
Don't be afraid to ask for more info.

jquery's ready function not working on my laptop

I'm running this simple code on "000webhost" free server:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
Thing is, this code works perfectly well if running on localhost.
Another weird thing, is that this code works on my mobile phone, and on my PC at home.
only when running on my laptop(running windows 8), it just get stucked on "waiting for"
I have tried runnig it on latest FF,chrome,IE. - same result on each browser.
It feels like the page never finish loading on my laptop.
Any ideas on what can cause this issue?
Tools > Options > Enable JavaScript in any browser;
check your internet connection.. since you refer jquery from google CDN, if the connection is down, the page may have an issue loading its content.
Did you try this :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
are same.
I'm experiencing the same problem. Also on 000webhost.
I'm pretty sure its an issue with that host. They may be running their own scripts that are not finishing or something (I really havent investigated it).
Anyway this issue only seems to happen on 000webhost and only at certain times, at other times my javascript has run fine, which is what leads me to believe it is a problem at their end.

jQuery script not working when page viewed on localhost

I'm just starting to playing around on a Mac for the first time and I have created a very simple HTML page that uses jQuery to do a simple text swap when an h1 tag is clicked.
When I don't view the page through the webserver and just open it directly in Safari (file:///Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/test/mypage.html) it works as expected. However, when I try to view through Apache (http://localhost/test/mypage.html) it doesn't work.
Here's the code:
<title>My Awesome Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
function sayHello()
{ $('#foo').text('Hi there!');
<h1 id="foo" onclick="sayHello()">Click me!</h1>
Am I missing something on the Mac? Wouldn't be an Apache setting since its client-side code.. right?
I should probably also mention that I loaded XAMPP to run Apache and MySQL. I have tested Apache to ensure its working using a simple PHP file.
Use Firebug and access the page. One things that might be a culprit is that the web server cannot open jquery.js file because of file permission. Firebug will show if the jquery loaded in page, even you can add the jQuery code on-the-fly in the Console tab.
If you access it using Safari, use Web Inspector and see the if any error showed in Console tab.
One last thing, make a habit to avoid onclick, do this instead:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
function sayHello()
$('#foo').text('Hi there!');
//wait DOM loaded
Also, it's better to put the js code near the page end, before </body>, so it would not block concurrent page element's loading.

