Swap Case on javascript - javascript

I made a script that changes the case, but result from using it on text is exactly the same text, without a single change. Can someone explain this?
var swapCase = function(letters){
for(var i = 0; i<letters.length; i++){
if(letters[i] === letters[i].toLowerCase()){
letters[i] = letters[i].toUpperCase();
}else {
letters[i] = letters[i].toLowerCase();
var text = 'So, today we have REALLY good day';

Like Ian said, you need to build a new string.
var swapCase = function(letters){
var newLetters = "";
for(var i = 0; i<letters.length; i++){
if(letters[i] === letters[i].toLowerCase()){
newLetters += letters[i].toUpperCase();
}else {
newLetters += letters[i].toLowerCase();
return newLetters;
var text = 'So, today we have REALLY good day';
var swappedText = swapCase(text); // "sO, TODAY WE HAVE really GOOD DAY"

You can use this simple solution.
var text = 'So, today we have REALLY good day';
var ans = text.split('').map(function(c){
return c === c.toUpperCase()
? c.toLowerCase()
: c.toUpperCase()
Using ES6
var text = 'So, today we have REALLY good day';
var ans = text.split('')
.map((c) =>
c === c.toUpperCase()
? c.toLowerCase()
: c.toUpperCase()

guys! Get a little simplier code:
string.replace(/\w{1}/g, function(val){
return val === val.toLowerCase() ? val.toUpperCase() : val.toLowerCase();

Here is an alternative approach that uses bitwise XOR operator ^.
I feel this is more elegant than using toUppserCase/ toLowerCase methods
"So, today we have REALLY good day"
.map((x) => /[A-z]/.test(x) ? String.fromCharCode(x.charCodeAt(0) ^ 32) : x)
So we first split array and then use map function to perform mutations on each char, we then join the array back together.
Inside the map function a RegEx tests if the value is an alphabet character: /[A-z]/.test(x) if it is then we use XOR operator ^ to shift bits. This is what inverts the casing of character. charCodeAt convert char to UTF-16 code. XOR (^) operator flips the char. String.fromCharCode converts code back to char.
If RegEx gives false (not an ABC char) then the ternary operator will return character as is.
Bitwise operators
Ternary operator
Map function

One liner for short mode code wars:
let str = "hELLO wORLD"

const swapCase = (myString) => {
let newString = ''; // Create new empty string
if (myString.match(/[a-zA-Z]/)) { // ensure the parameter actually has letters, using match() method and passing regular expression.
for (let x of myString) {
x == x.toLowerCase() ? x = x.toUpperCase() : x = x.toLowerCase();
newString += x; // add on each conversion to the new string
} else {
return 'String is empty, or there are no letters to swap.' // In case parameter contains no letters
return newString; // output new string
// Test the function.
console.log(swapCase('Work Today Was Fun')); // Output: wORK tODAY wAS fUN
console.log(swapCase('87837874---ABCxyz')); // Output: 87837874---abcXYZ
console.log(swapCase('')); // Output: String is empty, or there are no letters to swap.
console.log(swapCase('12345')); // Output: String is empty, or there are no letters to swap.
// This one will fail. But, you can wrap it with if(typeof myString != 'number') to prevent match() method from running and prevent errors.
// console.log(swapCase(12345));

This is a solution that uses regular expressions. It matches each word-char globally, and then performs a function on that matched group.
function swapCase(letters) {
return letters.replace( /\w/g, function(c) {
if (c === c.toLowerCase()) {
return c.toUpperCase();
} else {
return c.toLowerCase();

#this is a program to convert uppercase to lowercase and vise versa and returns the string.
function main(input) {
var i=0;
var string ='';
var arr= [];
string = input.charAt(i);
if(string == string.toUpperCase()){
string = string.toLowerCase();
arr += string;
}else {
string = string.toUpperCase();
arr += string;

Split the string and use the map function to swap the case of letters.
We'll get the array from #1.
Join the array using join function.
let str = 'The Quick Brown Fox Jump Over A Crazy Dog'
let swapedStrArray = str.split('').map(a => {
return a === a.toUpperCase() ? a.toLowerCase() : a.toUpperCase()
//join the swapedStrArray
console.log('swapedStrArray', swapedStrArray.join(''))

A new solution using map
let swappingCases = "So, today we have REALLY good day";
let swapping = swappingCases.split("").map(function(ele){
return ele === ele.toUpperCase()? ele.toLowerCase() : ele.toUpperCase();

As a side note in addition to what has already been said, your original code could work with just some minor modifications: convert the string to an array of 1-character substrings (using split), process this array and convert it back to a string when you're done (using join).
NB: the idea here is to highlight the difference between accessing a character in a string (which can't be modified) and processing an array of substrings (which can be modified). Performance-wise, Fabricator's solution is probably better.
var swapCase = function(str){
var letters = str.split("");
for(var i = 0; i<letters.length; i++){
if(letters[i] === letters[i].toLowerCase()){
letters[i] = letters[i].toUpperCase();
}else {
letters[i] = letters[i].toLowerCase();
str = letters.join("");
var text = 'So, today we have REALLY good day';


UpperCase the even index of a string

i am trying to UpperCase() the even indexes of a string;
input: hello world;
output: HeLlO WoRlD;
somehow its not working, i think it is because i cannot mutate a string since it is returning the initial value. Can someone help me solve this problem ?
/* Alternating Caps
Write a function that takes in a string of letters
and returns a sentence in which every other letter is capitalized.
Example input: "I'm so happy it's Monday"
Example output: "I'M So hApPy iT'S MoNdAy"
function altCaps(str){
let string = str
for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if(i % 2 === 0) {
Strings are immutable, you need to create a new string and append the letters one by one.
function altCaps(oldStr){
let newStr = '';
for(let i = 0; i < oldStr.length; i++)
newStr += i % 2 === 0 ? oldStr[i].toUpperCase() : oldStr[i];
return newStr;
console.log(altCaps("I'm so happy it's monday"))
Notice this isn't attempting to mutate newStr, it's getting a new string reassigned for every letter we append.
function altCaps(text,mode=0) {
return text.split('').map((c,i) =>
i % 2 == mode ? c.toLowerCase() : c.toUpperCase()
console.log(altCaps("I'm so happy it's Monday",1));
The problem with your solution is that .toUpperCase() doesn't modify the string it's called on. Rather, it returns a new upper-cased string.
Here's one way the problem could be solved:
const test = "Hello World";
const toAltCase = s => s.split("")
.map((c, i) => (i % 2 != 0)?
c.toLowerCase() :
console.log(toAltCase(test), "<-", test);

How to get odd and even position characters from a string?

I'm trying to figure out how to remove every second character (starting from the first one) from a string in Javascript.
For example, the string "This is a test!" should become "hsi etTi sats!"
I also want to save every deleted character into another array.
I have tried using replace method and splice method, but wasn't able to get them to work properly. Mostly because replace only replaces the first character.
function encrypt(text, n) {
if (text === "NULL") return n;
if (n <= 0) return text;
var encArr = [];
var newString = text.split("");
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i += 2) {
encArr[j++] = text[i];
newString.splice(i, 1); // this line doesn't work properly
You could reduce the characters of the string and group them to separate arrays using the % operator. Use destructuring to get the 2D array returned to separate variables
let str = "This is a test!";
const [even, odd] = [...str].reduce((r,char,i) => (r[i%2].push(char), r), [[],[]])
Using a for loop:
let str = "This is a test!",
odd = [],
even = [];
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
i % 2 === 0
? even.push(str[i])
: odd.push(str[i])
It would probably be easier to use a regular expression and .replace: capture two characters in separate capturing groups, add the first character to a string, and replace with the second character. Then, you'll have first half of the output you need in one string, and the second in another: just concatenate them together and return:
function encrypt(text) {
let removedText = '';
const replacedText1 = text.replace(/(.)(.)?/g, (_, firstChar, secondChar) => {
// in case the match was at the end of the string,
// and the string has an odd number of characters:
if (!secondChar) secondChar = '';
// remove the firstChar from the string, while adding it to removedText:
removedText += firstChar;
return secondChar;
return replacedText1 + removedText;
console.log(encrypt('This is a test!'));
Pretty simple with .reduce() to create the two arrays you seem to want.
function encrypt(text) {
return text.split("")
.reduce(({odd, even}, c, i) =>
i % 2 ? {odd: [...odd, c], even} : {odd, even: [...even, c]}
, {odd: [], even: []})
console.log(encrypt("This is a test!"));
They can be converted to strings by using .join("") if you desire.
I think you were on the right track. What you missed is replace is using either a string or RegExp.
The replace() method returns a new string with some or all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement. The pattern can be a string or a RegExp, and the replacement can be a string or a function to be called for each match. If pattern is a string, only the first occurrence will be replaced.
Source: String.prototype.replace()
If you are replacing a value (and not a regular expression), only the first instance of the value will be replaced. To replace all occurrences of a specified value, use the global (g) modifier
Source: JavaScript String replace() Method
So my suggestion would be to continue still with replace and pass the right RegExp to the function, I guess you can figure out from this example - this removes every second occurrence for char 't':
let count = 0;
let testString = 'test test test test';
console.log('original', testString);
// global modifier in RegExp
let result = testString.replace(/t/g, function (match) {
return (count % 2 === 0) ? '' : match;
console.log('removed', result);
like this?
var text = "This is a test!"
var result = ""
var rest = ""
for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++){
if( (i%2) != 0 ){
result += text[i]
} else{
rest += text[i]
Maybe with split, filter and join:
const remaining = myString.split('').filter((char, i) => i % 2 !== 0).join('');
const deleted = myString.split('').filter((char, i) => i % 2 === 0).join('');
You could take an array and splice and push each second item to the end of the array.
function encrypt(string) {
var array = [...string],
i = 0,
l = array.length >> 1;
while (i <= l) array.push(array.splice(i++, 1)[0]);
return array.join('');
console.log(encrypt("This is a test!"));
function encrypt(text) {
text = text.split("");
var removed = []
var encrypted = text.filter((letter, index) => {
if(index % 2 == 0){
return false;
return true
return {
full: encrypted + removed.join(""),
encrypted: encrypted,
removed: removed
console.log(encrypt("This is a test!"))
Splice does not work, because if you remove an element from an array in for loop indexes most probably will be wrong when removing another element.
I don't know how much you care about performance, but using regex is not very efficient.
Simple test for quite a long string shows that using filter function is on average about 3 times faster, which can make quite a difference when performed on very long strings or on many, many shorts ones.
function test(func, n){
var text = "";
for(var i = 0; i < n; ++i){
text += "a";
var start = new Date().getTime();
var end = new Date().getTime();
var time = (end-start) / 1000.0;
console.log(func.name, " took ", time, " seconds")
return time;
function encryptREGEX(text) {
let removedText = '';
const replacedText1 = text.replace(/(.)(.)?/g, (_, firstChar, secondChar) => {
// in case the match was at the end of the string,
// and the string has an odd number of characters:
if (!secondChar) secondChar = '';
// remove the firstChar from the string, while adding it to removedText:
removedText += firstChar;
return secondChar;
return replacedText1 + removedText;
function encrypt(text) {
text = text.split("");
var removed = "";
var encrypted = text.filter((letter, index) => {
if(index % 2 == 0){
removed += letter;
return false;
return true
return encrypted + removed
var timeREGEX = test(encryptREGEX, 10000000);
var timeFilter = test(encrypt, 10000000);
console.log("Using filter is faster ", timeREGEX/timeFilter, " times")
Using actually an array for storing removed letters and then joining them is much more efficient, than using a string and concatenating letters to it.
I changed an array to string in filter solution to make it the same like in regex solution, so they are more comparable.

How to replace all same charter/string in text with different outcomes?

For example let's say I want to attach the index number of each 's' in a string to the 's's.
var str = "This is a simple string to test regex.";
var rm = str.match(/s/g);
for (let i = 0;i < rm.length ;i++) {
str = str.replace(rm[i],rm[i]+i);
Output: This43210 is a simple string to test regex.
Expected output: This0 is1 a s2imple s3tring to tes4t regex.
I'd suggest, using replace():
let i = 0,
str = "This is a simple string to test regex.",
// result holds the resulting string after modification
// by String.prototype.replace(); here we use the
// anonymous callback function, with Arrow function
// syntax, and return the match (the 's' character)
// along with the index of that found character:
result = str.replace(/s/g, (match) => {
return match + i++;
Corrected the code with the suggestion — in comments — from Ezra.
Arrow functions.
"Regular expressions," from MDN.
For something like this, I would personally go with the split and test method. For example:
var str = "This is a simple string to test regex.";
var split = str.split(""); //Split out every char
var recombinedStr = "";
var count = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if(split[i] == "s") {
recombinedStr += split[i] + count;
} else {
recombinedStr += split[i];
A bit clunky, but works. It forgoes using regex statements though, so probably not exactly what you're looking for.

Javascript: String search for regex, starting at the end of the string

Is there a javascript string function that search a regex and it will start the search at the end?
If not, what is the fastest and/or cleanest way to search the index of a regex starting from the end?
example of regex:
Maybe this can be useful and easier:
Perhaps something like this is suitable for you?
function lastIndexOfRx(string, regex) {
var match = string.match(regex);
return match ? string.lastIndexOf(match.slice(-1)) : -1;
var rx = /<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>?/gi;
console.log(lastIndexOfRx("", rx));
console.log(lastIndexOfRx("<i>it</i><b>bo</b>", rx));
And just for interest, this function vs the function that you choose to go with. jsperf
This requires that you format your regex correctly for matching exactly the pattern you want and globally (like given in your question), for example /.*(<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>?)/i will not work with this function. But what you do get is a function that is clean and fast.
You may create a reverse function like:
function reverse (s) {
var o = '';
for (var i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
o += s[i];
return o;
and then use
var yourString = reverse("Your string goes here");
var regex = new Regex(your_expression);
var result = yourString.match(regex);
Another idea: if you want to search by word in reverse order then
function reverseWord(s) {
var o = '';
var split = s.split(' ');
for (var i = split.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
o += split[i] + ' ';
return o;
var yourString = reverseWord("Your string goes here");
var regex = new Regex(your_expression);
var result = yourString.match(regex);
Andreas gave this from the comment:
String.prototype.regexLastIndexOf = function(regex, startpos) {
regex = (regex.global) ? regex : new RegExp(regex.source, "g" + (regex.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (regex.multiLine ? "m" : ""));
if(typeof (startpos) == "undefined") {
startpos = this.length;
} else if(startpos < 0) {
startpos = 0;
var stringToWorkWith = this.substring(0, startpos + 1);
var lastIndexOf = -1;
var nextStop = 0;
while((result = regex.exec(stringToWorkWith)) != null) {
lastIndexOf = result.index;
regex.lastIndex = ++nextStop;
return lastIndexOf;
Which gives the functionality that I need, I tested my regex, and it is successful. So I'll use this
It depends what you exactly want to search for. You can use string.lastIndexOf or inside the regexp to use $ (end of the string).
try the regexp
var m = text.match(/.*(<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>?)/i);
if (m) {
textFound = m[1];
position = text.lastIndexOf(textFound);
Use .* to skip as much text as posible, capture the text found and search it with lastIndexOf
Well, if text is found, no need to search with lastIndexOf. m[0] contains the full coincidence (including all the initial padding), and m[1] the searched text. So position of found text is m[0].length - m[1].length
var m = text.match(/.*(<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>?)/i);
if (m) {
textFound = m[1];
position = m[0].length - m[1].length;
Assuming you're looking for a string 'token', then you need the position of 'token' that has no other 'token' following until the end of the string.
So you should compose your regex something like that:
$token = 'token';
$re = "/(?:$token)[^(?:$token)]*$/";
This will find your 'token' where no further 'token' can be found until string end. The "(?:" grouping simply makes the group non-storing, slightly speeding up performance and saving memory.

How do you sort letters in JavaScript, with capital and lowercase letters combined?

I'm working on a JavaScript (jQuery's OK too if this needs it, but I doubt it will) function to alphabetize a string of letters. Let's say the string that I want to sort is: "ACBacb".
My code as of now is this:
var string='ACBacb';
This returns ABCabc. I can see why that happens, but that is not the format that I am looking for. Is there a way that I can sort it by putting the same letters next to each other, capital letter first? So when I put in ACBacb, I get AaBbCc?
Array.sort can have a sort function as optional argument.
What about sorting the string first (ACBacbA becomes AABCabc), and then sorting it case-insensitive:
function case_insensitive_comp(strA, strB) {
return strA.toLowerCase().localeCompare(strB.toLowerCase());
var str = 'ACBacbA';
// split the string in chunks
str = str.split("");
// sorting
str = str.sort();
str = str.sort( case_insensitive_comp )
// concatenate the chunks in one string
str = str.join("");
As per Felix suggestion, the first sort function can be omitted and merged in the second one. First, do a case-insensitive comparison between both characters. If they are equal, check their case-sensitive equivalents. Return -1 or 1 for a difference and zero for equality.
function compare(strA, strB) {
var icmp = strA.toLowerCase().localeCompare(strB.toLowerCase());
if (icmp != 0) {
// spotted a difference when considering the locale
return icmp;
// no difference found when considering locale, let's see whether
// capitalization matters
if (strA > strB) {
return 1;
} else if (strA < strB) {
return -1;
} else {
// the characters are equal.
return 0;
var str = 'ACBacbA';
str = str.split('');
str = str.sort( compare );
str = str.join('');
You can pass a custom comparison function to Array.sort()
The already given answers are right so far that you have to use a custom comparison function. However you have to add an extra step to sort capital letters before lower case once:
function cmp(x,y) {
if(x.toLowerCase() !== y.toLowerCase()) {
x = x.toLowerCase();
y = y.toLowerCase();
return x > y ? 1 : (x < y ? -1 : 0);
// or
// return x.localeCompare(y);
If the letters are the same, the originals have to be compared, not the lower case versions. The upper case letter is always "larger" than the lower case version.
DEMO (based on #Matt Ball's version)
a working example http://jsfiddle.net/uGwZ3/
var string='ACBacb';
function caseInsensitiveSort(a, b)
var ret = 0;
a = a.toLowerCase();b = b.toLowerCase();
if(a > b)
ret = 1;
if(a < b)
ret = -1;
return ret;
Use a custom sort function like this:
function customSortfunc(a,b){
var lca = a.toLowerCase(), lcb = b.toLowerCase();
return lca > lcb ? 1 : lca < lcb ? -1 : 0;
var string='ACBacb';
You can read more about the sort function here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort
Beware: if you use localeCompare like other answer suggests "u" and "ü" will be sorted together as the same letter, since it disregards all diacritics.
basic example for another replace, combined with lowercase :D
<button onclick="myFunction('U')">Try it</button>
<p id="demo"></p>
function myFunction(val) {
var str = "HELLO WORLD!";
var res = str.toLowerCase().split("o");
var elem = document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML
for(i = 0; i < res.length; i++){
(i > 0)?elem += val + res[i]:elem += res[i];

