Clarification regrading circular reference - javascript

I don't think I quite understand this concept.
I get how having stuff that require each other leads to a infinite loop but I don't see how this happens in some examples I view
function setHandler() {
var elem = document.getElementById('id')
elem.onclick = function() {
// ...
How is this a problem? I just see a element being attached a function on click.
It says there's a reference through the outer LexicalEnvironment - but isn't this occurring once?
Thanks in advance.

How is this a problem?
It was a major problem in early versions of IE 6 as it created "memory leaks" because circular references involving DOM elements led to memory not being released when a page was unloaded, so they consumed more and more memory, making the browser less responsive. There's a good article here.
In regard to the particular pattern in the OP, the circular reference is easily avoided:
function setHandler() {
var elem = document.getElementById('id')
elem.onclick = function() {
// ...
// Break circular reference
elem = null;

JavaScript uses something called lexical scoping. Scopes
define what variables are visible in a certain context (corollary: they define what variables are no longer visible to anyone and may be garbage collected safely)
are created for every function (every time you use the keyword, a new scope is created)
can be nested (because functions can be nested)
are persisted for every function (when you call a function it is guaranteed that it can see all variables in all scopes (!) that were available when it was created)
That means:
// +- global scope
// |
function setHandler() { // |+- scope for setHandler()
// || sees: own, global
var elem = document.getElementById('id'); // ||
// ||
elem.onclick = function() { // ||+- Scope for anonymous function
// ... // ||| sees: own, setHandler, global
} // |||
} // ||
// |
Now the anonymous function you assign to onclick can see the variables elem and setHandler and everything from the global scope.
If the element is destroyed (removed from the DOM), the garbage collector considers what variables went out of scope. A less advanced garbage collector might do this by keeping a reference count for any in-memory object and clean up that object (free the memory) when the reference count reaches zero.
Now the anonymous click handler function cannot be cleaned up because it holds a reference to elem (via the scope) which in turn holds a reference to the anonymous function (via its onclick property). The reference count for both objects stays at 1 because the two refer to each other.
Note point 4 from above: Scopes are persistent, so the "lexical environment" of setHandler() is kept alive even though program execution has already left that function - because it is needed by the anonymous inner function. (This is called "closure" and is one of the cornerstones of JS.)
Modern garbage collectors can spot that situation and clean up the event handler appropriately, but notably old versions if IE misbehaved and leaked the memory.


JavaScript experts: Do block-scopes with `{}` and anonymous functions both help garbage-collection?

In the book "You don't know JS: scopes & closures", Kyle simpson states that a block-scoped variable helps with garbage collection, here is the specific example:
function process(data) {
// do something interesting
let someReallyBigData = {};
var btn = document.getElementById("my_button");
btn.addEventListener("click", function click(evt) {
}, false);
Now the above example is supposed to help with garbage-collection since the variable someReallyBigData will be dropped from memory as soon as the block ends, unlike this example, which doesn't help with garbage-collection:
function process(data) {
// do something interesting
var someReallyBigData = {};
var btn = document.getElementById("my_button");
btn.addEventListener("click", function click(evt) {
}, false);
Now I am sure this guy is correct about the examples he provided (the first one); however, i am wondering whether or not everything would be the same if we used an anonymous IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) along with a normal var instead of the {} curly braces and the let variable. Let me turn that into an example:
function process(data) {
// do something interesting
var someReallyBigData = {};
var btn = document.getElementById("my_button");
btn.addEventListener("click", function click(evt) {
}, false);
Looking at it from the surface, they both should do the same thing; since just as the block-scoped someReallyBigData variable could not be accessed anymore by anything after the block of code had executed, the code inside the anonymous function cannot be accessed by anything once it has executed, by anything, from anywhere.
So, do they really have the same effect on the garbage-collection mechanisms of the Javascript engine ? I was almost certain this was the case until I googled "anonymous function garbage-collection" and almost all the material that showed up said only negative things like "anonymous functions cause memory leaks" and etc.
I would be glad if someone could shed some light on this thing.
Please don't forget that my question is a bit specific to the examples I provided, thanks!
(V8 developer here.) Yes, there are several ways to make objects unreachable, including at least all of the following:
Put stuff in let-declared variables in a block scope
Put stuff into an IIFE
Clear the variable (var or let) when you're done with it: someReallyBigData = null;
The end result will be the same in all cases: objects that are no longer reachable are eligible for garbage collection.
Other notes based on the discussion here:
The advice quoted in the question makes sense for top-level code. Within a reasonably sized function, I wouldn't worry about it -- the function will probably return soon enough that there is no difference, so you don't need to burden yourself with such considerations.
There's a big difference between "an object can be freed now" and "an object will be freed now". Letting something go out of scope does not cause it to be freed immediately, and does not cause the garbage collector to run more often. It just means that whenever the garbage collector next decides to go looking for garbage, the object in question will be eligible.
IIFEs are IIFEs regardless of whether they're anonymous or not. Example:
(function I_have_a_name() {
var someReallyBigData = ...;
// someReallyBigData can be collected now.
I_have_a_name(); // ReferenceError: I_have_a_name is not defined
Creating closures in and of itself does not keep things alive. However, if closures reference variables in their outer scope, then (of course!) those can't be collected as long as the closure is around. Example:
var closure = (function() {
var big_data_1 = ...;
var big_data_2 = ...;
return function() { return; }
// big_data_2 can be collected at this point.
closure(); // This needs big_data_1.
// big_data_1 still cannot be collected, closure might need it again.
closure = null;
// big_data_1 can be collected now.
The optimizing compiler has little influence on all this. It usually operates on a per-function bases, and usually the top-level is not optimized (because most logic tends to be in functions). Within a function, the optimizing compiler is very well aware of the lifetimes of objects (that's part of what it means to be an optimizing compiler).
JavaScript only has block level scope when you use the let or const keywords in declarations. Just because you have {} alone does not create block-level scope (as is the case in most other languages).
Aside from that, garbage collection is implementation dependent and you would most likely not notice any difference in performance due to block scoping.
Anonymous functions can have an impact on garbage collection because the function can be set up in such a way that it doesn't have to be stored for potential calling later. A good example of this would be a function that needs to run only once (i.e. when the document is fully parsed):
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ . . . });
However, that doesn't mean that all anonymous functions provide this benefit because the function could wind up being stored (i.e. if it is returned from a function and then captured in a variable) or if the anonymous function sets up closures, then all bets are off.
Also, be aware that you can't unit test anonymous functions as simply as you can named functions.
I am wondering whether or not everything would be the same if we used an anonymous IIFE
Sure that's possible, it's what transpilers do to emulate block scopes as well. However IIFEs look a bit awkward, block scopes with let/const variables are easier to use. See also Will const and let make the IIFE pattern unnecessary?.
Now the first example is supposed to help with garbage-collection since the variable someReallyBigData will be dropped from memory as soon as the block ends, unlike the second example, which doesn't help with garbage-collection.
Notice that the word is helps, not enables. Today's engines can garbage-collect the variable just fine, as their optimiser sees that it's not used in the preserved closure. The block scope only makes this kind of static analysis easier.

JavaScript Closures and variable reference

I'm reading Cameron's, HTM5 JavaScript & JQuery. In his section on JavaScript and closures he gives this example:
function f2()
var i = 0;
return function() {
return ++i;
When the anonymous function was defined inside function f2 it “closed” over its environment as it existed at that point of time, and kept a copy of that environment. Since the variable i was accessible when the function was declared, it is still available when the function is invoked. JavaScript has realised that the anonymous function refers to the variable i, and that this function has not been destroyed, and therefore it has not destroyed the i variable it depends on.
In this bold section where he writes "JavaScript has realised..." does this mean that when JS identifies a dependency between an enclosed variable (i.e. outside the closure) and a closure, that it retains the reference to the variable for later use, whereas if there was no dependency upon the variable it would be destroyed (garbage collected)? So var i below would be destroyed, whereas var i in the closure example above is not?
function f2()
var i = 0;
Cameron, Dane (2013-10-30). A Software Engineer Learns HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery: A guide to standards-based web applications (p. 74). Cisdal Publishing. Kindle Edition.
The short answer to your question is 'yes, that is correct' perhaps a longer example will help?
function main() {
var i = 0;
var int = setInterval(
function() {
if ( i > 9 ) {
}, 100);
As per the example you gave, the variable i is referenced from the inner function, and is therefore kept around for as long as that inner function is in use.
In this example, int is also kept alive for the same reason, but here we also demonstrate how the GC will clean up when it can. Once i > 9 the Interval timer is cleared, meaning that there is no longer a reference to the inner function. This then also means that the variables i and int referenced by that inner function are no-longer referenced, meaning that the GC can destroy them all.

Does V8 do garbage collection on individual pieces of a scope?

I'm interested in whether V8 does garbage collection on the contents of individual variables within a scope or whether it only does garbage collection on the entire scope?
So, if I have this code:
function run() {
"use strict";
var someBigVar = whatever;
var cnt = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
// do some recurring action
// interval just keeps going
// no reference to someBigVar in here
}, 1000);
someBigVar = somethingElse;
Will V8 garbage collect someBigVar? The closure in run() remains alive because of the setInterval() callback and obviously the cnt variable is still being used so the whole scope of run() cannot be garbage collected. But, there is no actual ongoing reference to someBigVar.
Does V8 only garbage collect an entire scope at a time? So, the scope of run() can't be garbage collected until the interval is stopped? Or is it smart enough to garbage collect someBigVar because it can see that there is no code in the interval callback that actually references someBigVar?
FYI, here's an interesting overview article on V8 garbage collection (it does not address this specific question).
Yes, it does. Only variables that are actually used inside of a closure are retained. Otherwise closure had to capture EVERYTHING that is defined in the outer scope, which could be a lot.
The only exception is if you use eval inside of a closure. Since there is no way to statically determine, what is referenced by the argument of eval, engines have to retain everything.
Here is a simple experiment to demonstrate this behaviour using weak module (run with --expose-gc flag):
var weak = require('weak');
var obj = { val: 42 };
var ref = weak(obj, function() {
setInterval(function() {
// obj.val;
}, 100)
If there is no reference to ref inside of the closure you will see gc printed.

Advanced Javascript initialisation

I'm having trouble deciphering the following Javascript initialisation statement:
(function(NAMESPACE) {
NAMESPACE.nav = {};
var nav = NAMESPACE.nav,
_init = false,
_isNavOpen = false,
_inner = document.getElementById('inner-wrap');
// constants
nav.CLASS = 'js-nav-open';
nav.CLASS_READY = 'js-nav';
nav.CONTAINER = '#nav';
nav.DURATION = 400;
nav.HAS_CSSTRANSITIONS = $('html').hasClass('csstransitions') && $('html').hasClass('csstransforms3d');
// toggle open/close
nav.toggle = function(event) {
if(_isNavOpen && $('html').hasClass(nav.CLASS)) {
} else {;
// this is for the links
if(event) {
It seems unnecessarily complicated - calling (or setting?) 'nav' 3 times in 2 lines. Can somebody please explain what the point is of flipping it around like this?
This is an example of a JavaScript closure which is commonly used to create private scope and avoid having the objects pollute the global scope.
It is very common to create plugins this way to avoid conflicts with other functionality on the page as a result of variables with the same name etc. Essentially it's a mechanism for managing scope.
This is a common practice when using jQuery:
(function ($) {
var div = $('#my-div');
// Etc
Wrapping your script in a closure ensures that certain variables will have the values you expect them to.
For example, jQuery uses the $ for doing just about everything. Most people like to use $('do something') rather than jQuery('do something').
But say that you have another library on the page that also uses the global variable $.
By wrapping your code in the closure, you "reserve" the $ as jQuery's, and jQuery's alone. (When you pass in jQuery as the argument to closure, $ can only mean "jQuery," in the scope of this function.)
Similarly, in your example, you are reserving the NAMESPACE variable. Even if there were another variable called NAMESPACE, causing a racket somewhere else on the page, by passing in a variable at the end of your closure, you will be guaranteed that NAMESPACE will be the object you expect it to be (at least within the closure).
Say that you had a global variable called AbominableSnowman, but you wanted to use AS as a shortcut. By doing this:
var AS = "Apple Soup";
(function (AS) {
Your code will still function as you intended. (Proof:
As for "flipping it around," it seems like the original programmer wanted to shorten NAMESPACE.nav down to nav. This was probably the best way of doing that.
An alternative (not recommended):
// It's best to limit your assignments to 1-per-line
// This kind of code isn't fun to debug, or even read
var nav = NAMESPACE.nav = {};
It doesn't seem like something worth fretting over. However, since this script interacts with NAMESPACE.nav quite often, it will be slightly, slightly faster to directly reference the .nav property with the nav variable. (This really is a micro-optimization, but in this case it's conveniently justifiable for a different reason [sake of clarity].)
Here's a line-by-line explanation (with headers just to break it up):
// Create an anonymous function expression taking `NAMESPACE` as a parameter.
// Likely the *real* namespace will be passed to the function at the end
// with ... })(realnamespacetomodify);
(function(NAMESPACE) {
// Create the new part of the namespace. Note that we are editing a reference
// so really this change happens on whatever object was passed in.
NAMESPACE.nav = {};
// Create a local pointing to this new sub-namespace. Probably just for
// convenience, also possibly for portability (if the name is used in closures,
// then those closures don't need to refer to NAMESPACE directly).
var nav = NAMESPACE.nav,
Module definition:
// While nav refers to an object likely in global scope, nav itself can
// never be referred to from global scope because it is a local here.
// These variables are local here. They can never be referred to by global scope.
_isNavOpen = false,
_inner = document.getElementById('inner-wrap');
// These variables, added to nav, can be accessed using the object that
// nav refers to in global scope (see the end).
nav.CLASS = 'js-nav-open';
// This function is also added to nav, therefore it can be accessed outside
nav.toggle = function(event) {
// This reference to _isNavOpen resolves because this function
// is a closure, and binds variables outside its scope
// to the function itself. So even though _isNavOpen can't be
// accessed globally, it can be accessed here, making it like
// a private member of this namespace.
if(_isNavOpen && $('html').hasClass(nav.CLASS)) {
// nav is also bound by the closure and can be accessed here
} ...
Use in global space:
console.log(PROJECT_NAME.nav.CLASS); // "js-nav-open"
console.log(PROJECT_NAME.nav.toggle); // Function object
This is a module pattern. It is used for several reasons:
Code portability (not referring to global objects inside the module)
Scoping (avoiding assigning unnecessary vars to global namespace)
Visibility (hiding private access variables)
As for the first three lines themselves (your original question), they could refer to PROJECT_NAME directly, but it looks like it's been set up to aid code portability. You'll notice that the anonymous function itself never points to the real object (PROJECT_NAME). That means that you can copy and paste this part around and only change that reference in one place.
The other answer mentions scope, and while that's important too, it doesn't explain all benefits of this code, such as why it doesn't just directly refer to existing global variables. The scope-hiding benefits themselves are achieved with this part of the pattern:
(function() {
... // Anything set here is local, not global.

Should I encapsulate blocks of functionality in anonymous JavaScript functions?

My intuition is that it's a good idea to encapsulate blocks of code in anonymous functions like this:
(function() {
var aVar;
aVar.func = function() { alert('ronk'); };
aVar.mem = 5;
Because I'm not going to need aVar again, so I assume that the garbage collector will then delete aVar when it goes out of scope. Is this right? Or are interpreters smart enough to see that I don't use the variable again and clean it up immediately? Are there any reasons such as style or readability that I should not use anonymous functions this way?
Also, if I name the function, like this:
var operations = function() {
var aVar;
aVar.func = function() { alert('ronk'); };
aVar.mem = 5;
does operations then necessarily stick around until it goes out of scope? Or can the interpreter immediately tell when it's no longer needed?
A Better Example
I'd also like to clarify that I'm not necessarily talking about global scope. Consider a block that looks like
(function() {
var date = new Date(); // I want to keep this around indefinitely
// And even thought date is private, it will be accessible via this HTML node
// to other scripts.
document.getElementById('someNode').date = date;
// This function is private
function someFunction() {
var someFuncMember;
// I can still call this because I named it. someFunction remains available.
// It has a someFuncMember that is instantiated whenever someFunction is
// called, but then goes out of scope and is deleted.
// This function is anonymous, and its members should go out of scope and be
// deleted
(function() {
var member;
})(); // member is immediately deleted
// ...and the function is also deleted, right? Because I never assigned it to a
// variable. So for performance, this is preferrable to the someFunction
// example as long as I don't need to call the code again.
Are my assumptions and conclusions in there correct? Whenever I'm not going to reuse a block, I should not only encapsulate it in a function, but encapsulate it in an anonymous function so that the function has no references and is deleted after it's called, right?
You're right that sticking variables inside an anonymous function is a good practice to avoid cluttering up the global object.
To answer your latter two questions: It's completely impossible for the interpreter to know that an object won't be used again as long as there's a globally visible reference to it. For all the interpreter knows, you could eval some code that depends on window['aVar'] or window['operation'] at any moment.
Essentially, remember two things:
As long as an object is around, none of its slots will be magically freed without your say-so.
Variables declared in the global context are slots of the global object (window in client-side Javascript).
Combined, these mean that objects in global variables last for the lifetime of your script (unless the variable is reassigned). This is why we declare anonymous functions — the variables get a new context object that disappears as soon as the function finishes execution. In addition to the efficiency wins, it also reduces the chance of name collisions.
Your second example (with the inner anonymous function) might be a little overzealous, though. I wouldn't worry about "helping the garbage collector" there — GC probably isn't going to run in the middle that function anyway. Worry about things that will be kept around persistently, not just slightly longer than they otherwise would be. These self-executing anonymous functions are basically modules of code that naturally belong together, so a good guide is to think about whether that describes what you're doing.
There are reasons to use anonymous functions inside anonymous functions, though. For example, in this case:
(function () {
var bfa = new Array(24 * 1024*1024);
var calculation = calculationFor(bfa);
$('.resultShowButton').click( function () {
var text = "Result is " + eval(calculation);
} );
This results in that gigantic array being captured by the click callback so that it never goes away. You could avoid this by quarantining the array inside its own function.
Anything that you add to the global scope will stay there until the page is unloaded (unless you specifically remove it).
It's generally a good idea to put variables and function that belong together either in a local scope or in an object, so that they add as little as possible to the global namespace. That way it's a lot easier to reuse code, as you can combine different scripts in a page with minimal risks for naming collisions.

