Promises.all does not hit catch() block when one promise fails? - javascript

I'm trying to run a function when two compilation steps are complete, but the success callback keeps getting called even one fails. Here's the code:
function compile(tplStr) {
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
// compile template here
var tpl = new function(){};
function parse(json) {
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
try {
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
} catch(err) {
console.log('JSON parse failed');
var i = 0;
function bothReady() {
function oneFailed(err) {
console.log('oneFailed hit');
var compileProm = compile($('#a').val());
var parseProm = parse($('#b').val());
$('#a').on('input', function() {
$('#b').on('input', function() {
code pen
When I create a syntax error in the JSON portion it logs "JSON parse failed" but does not log "oneFailed hit" like I'd expect. Why not? Shouldn't the .catch block be ran if any of the promises are rejected?

Your code doesn't work correctly when something is typed inside of #b because instead of passing an iterable to Promise.All 2 parameters are passed instead.
The result is that while both promises run, only the result of the first one is taken into account by the continuation of all.
The code read
Instead of
PS: The 2 other calls are correct it explain why the problem seem to happen only when editing the JSON.


In parse; doesnt return anything why?

Here is my code, it loops through forEach and prints out '1' but never returns from & never prints out 2, 3 or anything else. I have tried a bunch of other ways but none seems to work.
Note: response.succes(or error) is not being called anywhere, the code is definitely waiting for to be completed.
var promise = new Parse.Promise();
var query = new Parse.Query("SomeClass");
query.find().then(function(results) {
var promises = [];
results.forEach(function(object) {
object.set("SomeColumnName", true);
promises.push(, {
success: function(result) {
return ;
error: function(result, error) {
return ;
Parse.Promise.when(promises).then(function() {
console.log('inside resolve');
}, function() {
console.log('inside reject');
return promise;
You're on the right track, but you should take advantage of the fact that most of the sdk functions create and return promises for you. With those, you can substantially simplify the code:
// very handy utility library that provides _.each among many other things
var _ = require('underscore');
// answer a promise to modify all instances of SomeClass
function changeSomeClass() {
var query = new Parse.Query("SomeClass");
// if there are more than 100 rows, set query.limit up to 1k
return query.find().then(function(results) { // find returns a promise
_.each(results, function(result) {
result.set("SomeColumnName", true);
return Parse.Object.saveAll(results); // and saveAll returns a promise
Wrap it in a cloud function and call success/error like this:
Parse.Cloud.define("changeSomeClass", function(request, response) {
changeSomeClass().then(function(result) {
}, function(error) {
You can only have one Parse request happening at a time for each object. If multiple requests are sent, all but the first are ignored. You're probably trying to do this while other threads are making Parse requests for those objects. I know that if you save an object, it also saves it's child objects, so you could be hitting a problem with that. Make sure you do as much as you can in background threads with completion blocks, or use saveEventually / fetchEventually where possible.

Conditional promises in WinJS

I've got two pieces of code which may or may not run when my app starts. Both produce a messageDialog, so the second must wait on the first. I'm trying to use promises to do this but I'm having issues with the returned value. Can someone point me in the right direction?
.then(function () {
// readTempFile returns a promise, see code below
if (localSettings.values["lastContent"] != 0) {
return readTempFile();
// what am I supposed to return here? false?
.then(function () {
// check for release notes
if (localSettings.values["release"] == null) {
var updates = "Updates in this version";
var msg = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(updates, "Updates");
msg.commands.append(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand("OK", null, 0));
function readTempFile(){
return new WinJS.Promise(function (complete, error, progress) {
// is my try / catch block redundant here?
try {
.then(function (file) {
file.openReadAsync().done(function (stream) {
// do stuff with the file
var msg = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("unsaved work", "Warning");
msg.commands.append(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand("OK", null, 0));
}, function () {
// file not found
catch (e) {
If both conditions are true, I get an access denied error. As I understand it, readTempFile() returns a promise object which my first then() statement should accept. But I'm not returning anything if the first conditional is met. I don't think that matters in this case as it just falls through to the next then, but it's not good programming.
Amended the readTempFile function to show that it produces a MessageDialog.
Well, let's try an analogy:
function fetchIfNotCached(){
// nothing here
This is exactly like your case, only asynchronous. Because it utilizes promises you hook on the return value so:
what am I supposed to return here? false?
Anything you want, I'd personally probably just omit it and refactor it to if(!cached) return doSomething() in the .then. Promises chain and compose and you do not need to create them from callback interfaces unless there is a really good reason to do so.
As for readTempFile you're doing a lot of excess work as it looks like getFileAsync already returns a promise. This is a variation of the deferred anti pattern and can be rewritten as:
return tempFolder.getFileAsync("tempFile.txt").then(function (file) {
return file.openReadAsync();
}).then(function (stream) {
// do stuff with the file, note the return as we wait for it
Found the answer. Inside the readTempFile function, I needed to add a done() to the showAsync() of my messageDialog, and put the complete() call in there. Otherwise, complete() was returning the promise while the dialog was still up.
function readTempFile(){
return new WinJS.Promise(function (complete, error, progress) {
// is my try / catch block redundant here?
try {
.then(function (file) {
file.openReadAsync().done(function (stream) {
// do stuff with the file
var msg = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("unsaved work", "Warning");
msg.commands.append(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand("OK", null, 0));
// must be inside done(), or it will return prematurely
}, function () {
// file not found
// have to add a complete in here too, or the app will
// hang when there's no file
catch (e) {
After a couple of experiments, I figured that out myself.
As to what needed to return in my empty else statement, it was another
.then(function () {
// readTempFile returns a promise, see code below
if (localSettings.values["lastContent"] != 0) {
return readTempFile();
.then(function () {
// check for release notes
if (localSettings.values["release"] == null) {
var updates = "Updates in this version";
var msg = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(updates, "Updates");
msg.commands.append(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand("OK", null, 0));
I found the answer in a Google Books preview of Beginning Windows Store Application Development – HTML and JavaScript Edition By Scott Isaacs, Kyle Burns in which they showed an otherwise empty else statement returning a

$httpBackend.flush() getting into inifinite loop

I want to be thorough, so please bear with me, there's going to be a lot here. We have a remote logging service function that will send us some client-side information when we want to. Something like this:
callHome: function(message){
var deferred, promise;
if (someService.getRemoteLoggingEnabled())
//collect all the info into remoteLog
promise = $"Logging", remoteLog);
deferred = $q.defer();
promise = deferred.promise;
if (!promise)
deferred = $q.defer();
promise = deferred.promise;
return promise;
This all works just fine when running it in the actual app. The problem comes when trying to write unit tests for it. I have tests for when remote logging isn't enabled and for when there is an error. Those look like this:
it ("should resolve the promise with nothing when remote logging is turned off", inject(function($rootScope) {
remoteLoggingEnabled = false; //this is declared above a beforeEach that mocks getRemoteLoggingEnabled
var successSpy = jasmine.createSpy("success");
var failSpy = jasmine.createSpy("fail");
var promise = loggingService.callHome("Hello World");
promise.then(successSpy, failSpy);
it ("should reject the promise when there is an error with the error message", inject(function($rootScope) {
remoteLoggingEnabled = true;
var successSpy = jasmine.createSpy("success");
var failSpy = jasmine.createSpy("fail");
//angular.toJson is called while it's gathering client-side info
spyOn(angular, "toJson").andCallFake(function() {throw new Error("This is an error");});
var promise = loggingService.callHome("Hello World");
promise.then(successSpy, failSpy);
expect(failSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("This is an error");
These work great. I next wanted to add tests for when it actually made the makes the request. I put together a test like this:
it ("should resolve the promise with the http info when it makes a successful request", inject(function($rootScope, $httpBackend) {
remoteLoggingEnabled = true;
var successSpy = jasmine.createSpy("success");
var failSpy = jasmine.createSpy("fail");
$httpBackend.expect("POST", new RegExp("Logging"), function(jsonStr){
//not concerned about the actual payload
return true;
var promise = loggingService.callHome("Hello World");
promise.then(successSpy, failSpy);
expect(successSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(/*http info*/);
However, this test just hangs. I stepped through the code and it gets stuck in the $rootScope.$digest() call of $httpBackend.flush(), specifically in this while loop:
while(asyncQueue.length) {
try {
asyncTask = asyncQueue.shift();
} catch (e) {
lastDirtyWatch = null;
I've inspected the asyncTask.expression as it loops through, but I can't find any pattern to what it's doing.
I'm still getting a grasp on promises and how to use them, so I hope there's just something fundamentally wrong I'm doing here. Any help would be much appreciated.
The problem was just in the setup of my test (not shown as part of the question). This callHome function gets called anytime there is an Error via a decorated $exceptionHandler. There was an error during the test on callHome, so it got called again, and then just looped from there. I fixed that error, and now it all works just fine.

Creating promises

I am having trouble with creating / understanding promises. I understand the advantages and understand how to use them. Creating own promise-functionality is the difficult part. Simply, how do I convert this function to work with promises:
ret.getDataByGame = function (gameID, playerID) {
var cb = new callbackHelper();
models.gameData.find( { }, function (err, found) {
if (err) {
console.log("error in getting gamedata for gameID: "+gameID);
cb.setData(void 0);
} else {
return cb;
function callbackHelper() {
var self = this; = false;
this.setData = function (data) { = data;
It should not matter what framework or vanilla js you use to show the example to me.
ret.getGameDataByGame = lib.promisify(models.gameData.find);
might suffice. Or use a dedicated node-style callback helper function:
ret.getGameDataByGame = function(gameID, playerID) {
return lib.ninvoke(models.gameData, "find", {…});
For the Q library, check the Adapting Node section of its docs.
For creating a promise with the pattern you've used for your callbackHelper thing, your promise library typically offers Deferreds. You would use them like this:
ret.getDataByGame = function (gameID, playerID) {
var def = new lib.Deferred();
models.gameData.find({…}, function (err, found) {
if (err) {
def.reject("error in getting gamedata for gameID: "+gameID);
} else {
return def.promise;
See also the The Beginning section in the Q docs.
Just to give a second input, I quickly looked at the promise implementation of Q docs, but this is the implementation that I use, which is supported by default, in browsers (except IE). With respect to your posted algorithm:
//define promise structure for callback function of interest
ret.getDataByGame = function(gameID, playerID){
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject)
//do any callback function etc. which you want to do
models.gameData.find({},function(err, found){
console.log("error in getting gamedata for gameID: "+gameID);
reject(err); //if there is error, save as reject
resolve(found); //if have solution, save as resolve
{reject('Error exc gameData.find: '+exc.message);}
}); //end of Promise
And then where you call your class functions etc.:
//where you physically call the function you defined as a promise function
alert("woohoo, you are awesome!, output = "+output);
alert("Output error:\r\n"+error);
Here is the definition and implementation of promises which I consider as the "standard" thus far, with browser support versions: Promise doc + tutorial. An the cool thing if you do it for massive amounts of data, and they are async, you really optimize your execution time!! such as:
//repeat promise function
function repeatPromise(inputDataArray)
for(var i = 0; i < inputDataArray.length; i++)
//where you physically call the function you defined as a promise function
alert("Output is in async, output = "+resolve);
alert("Output error:\r\n"+error);
} //end of for loop
} //end of function
Hope this helps :)

JavaScript callbacks for asynchronous functions: is there any pattern to differentiate between "return value" and "exception"?

As a novice in Javascript, I'm confused on which could be the best way to differentiate between the result computed by an asynchronous function, and any exception/error.
If I'm right, you cannot use try-catch in this scenario, as the called function
ends before the callback, and it is this latter who actually may throw an exception.
I've seen so far some library functions expecting a callback like: function(err, result).
So, one have to test err before using result.
Also I tried myself to return either the actual result or an Error object.
Here, the callback is of the form function(result)
and you have to test result instanceof Error before using it.
It follows an example of this:
function myAsyncFunction ( callBack ) {
async_library_function( "some data", function (err, result) {
if (err) { callBack ( new Error ("my function failed") ); return; }
callBack ( some calculation with result );
} // myFunction ()
// calling myFunction
myAsyncFunction ( function (result) {
if (result instanceof Error ) { log ("some error occurred"); return; }
log ("Alright, this is the result: " + result);
What is the best (maybe the common) way to do this?
There are three main approaches that I've been using myself:
Having an "error" parameter passed to the callback.
Having an "error" callback. This is usually combined with (1).
Having some sort of global exception manager.
I'll start with the third one. The idea is to have an object that will allow dispatching errors as well as catching them globally. Something like this:
var ErrorManager = {
subscribers: [],
subscribe: function (callback) {
dispatchError: function (error) {
this.subscribers.forEach(function (s) {
s.apply(window, [ error ]);
This is quite specific to a given situation because there's basically no easy way of tracking the origin of an error as well as it's easy to mess up with this. For example, if you need to hide a dialog box whose contents failed to load, you'd have to propagate this information (e.g. dialog box Id/element) to all the subscribers.
The above approach is good when you want to execute an action that doesn't alter (or alters an independent part) of the web application (e.g. displays a status bar or a message to a console).
The second approach basically makes a separation between successful call and a failure. For example:
$.ajax('/articles', {
success: function () { /* All is good - populating article list */ },
error: function () { /* An error occured */ }
In the above example, the success callback is never executed in case of a failure so if you want to have some default behavior to always trigger, you'd need to either sync between the two callbacks or have a callback that is always called (for the above example - complete).
I personally prefer the first approach - having a callback where you have an error object passed along with potential result. This eliminates problems with having to "track" the origin/context on an error as well as worrying about the clean-up procedure (default behavior). So, something like you provided:
function beginFetchArticles(onComplete) {
$.ajax('/articles', {
complete: function (xhr) {
onComplete(xhr.status != 200 ? xhr.status.toString() : null,
$.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)); /* Something a bit more secure, probably */
Hope this helps.
It depends vastly on your implementation. Is this a recoverable error? If it isn't, then the way you are suggesting should work just fine. If it is recoverable then you shouldn't be returning an error. You should be returning an "empty" result. Keep in mind maintainability as well. Do you want instanceof checks throughout the code? Also, I know some programmers like that JavaScript is loose with types, but you run into consistency issues when the expected object passed through can actually be unexpected. Is it a result, or an error, or even something else altogether?
That's one way to do it. Though I'd usually leave any manipulations/processing of the result to the callback function.
Another way is you can pass back both the error and result values to the callback:
callback (err, result); \\ if no error, err = null, if no result, result = null
Alternatively, you can ask for separate error and success callbacks:
function myAsyncFunction ( successCallBack, errorCallBack ) {
\* ... *\
And then trigger the appropriate function depending on the received response.
One approach can be like this:
function Exception(errorMessage)
this.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
this.GetMessage = function()
return this.ErrorMessage;
function ResultModel(value, exception)
exception = typeof exception == "undefined"? null, exception;
this.Value = value;
this.Exception = exception;
this.GetResult = function()
if(exception === null)
return this.Value;
throw this.Exception;
And in your usage:
function myAsyncFunction ( callBack ) {
var result;
async_library_function( "some data", function (err, result) {
if (err)
result = new ResultModel(null, new Exception("my function failed"));
result = new ResultModel(some calculation with result);
callBack ( result );
myAsyncFunction ( function (result) {
log ("Alright, this is the result: " + result.GetResult());
log ("some error occurred" + ex.GetMessage());
If you want to make robust programs, you should use promises. Otherwise you have to handle 2 different kinds of errors which is pretty crazy.
Consider how to read a file as JSON without crashing the server:
var fs = require("fs");
fs.readFile("myfile.json", function(err, contents) {
if( err ) {
console.error("Cannot read file");
else {
try {
var result = JSON.parse(contents);
console.log(result); //Or continue callback hell here
catch(e) {
console.error("Invalid json");
With promises e.g:
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var readFile = Promise.promisify(require("fs").readFile);
}).catch(SyntaxError, function(e){
console.error("Invalid json");
console.error("Cannot read file");
Notice also how the code grows vertically like with synchronous code instead of horizontally.

