namespaced toggling for CSS classes - javascript

jquery has this function
but it does not allow name-spacing. With name-spacing you can toggle between multiple classes as if they were radio buttons.
for example
toggleClass(el, 'ns1', 'test')
will check ns1 and will remove any other class with this namespace and replace it with the class test
I wrote this library function to keep my application code.
One mistake I made was I prefixed the class with the namespace rather then make it a separate argument.
Here is my in progress use of a custom toggleClass with name-spacing:
// apply event listeners to the input elements
applyEL: function (input_element, label_element) {
var self = this;
self.J.input = $(input_element);
self.J.input.on("blur", function () {
if (input_element.value === '') {
$A.toggleClass(input_element, self.S.toggle_border_show);
$A.toggleClass(label_element, self.S.toggle_label_show);
$A.expandFont(label_element, 'up', self.S.speed);
}, false);
self.J.input.on("focus", function () {
if (input_element.value === '') {
$A.toggleClass(input_element, self.S.toggle_border_obscure);
$A.toggleClass(label_element, self.S.toggle_label_obscure);
}, false);
self.J.input.on("paste keypress drop", function () {
$A.setTimeout(function (label_element, input_element) {
$A.toggleClass(label_element, this.S.toggle_label_hide);
$A.toggleClass(input_element, this.S.toggle_border_hide);
}, 0);
}, false);
Is there a better way to do this, other from what I mentioned.

Better way would be, rather add a class to html or body element, which would act as a name space, much like common theme switchers?
And if you need a local name space for a specific element you would reference the parent element.
And boom, you have name spaces!


How do I change the css of an element on a drop event in interact.js?

This is my code, I've tried using setAttribute and don't understand why it doesn't work. I've also tried using .transform with the same result.
setAttribute is located in the ondrop event function.
// Require a 75% element overlap for a drop to be possible
overlap: 0.75,
// listen for drop related events:
ondropactivate: function (event) {
// add active dropzone feedback'drop-active')
ondragenter: function (event) {
var draggableElement = event.relatedTarget
var dropzoneElement =
// feedback the possibility of a drop
ondragleave: function (event) {
// remove the drop feedback style'drop-target')
ondrop: function (event) {
event.relatedTarget.setAttribute('resize-drag', 'width:100px')
event.relatedTarget.setAttribute('resize-drag', 'height:100px')
ondropdeactivate: function (event) {
// remove active dropzone feedback'drop-active')'drop-target')
Just for debugging purposes, can you try adding a classList ? That way you'll see the class appended
Create a custom class to change something visible such as the background as example. That might help you.
Also, try to provide a sandbox if you can, it's easier to help that way!

How can I apply event handlers to new elements without refreshing the tab?

I have a JQuery function:
click: function () {
if (!CheckZero()) {
if ($('.cart-bubble').hasClass('active')) {
else {
}, mouseenter: function () {
if ($('.cart-bubble').hasClass('active') != true && !CheckZero()) {
if ($('.cart-bubble ul.items li').size() > 0) {
if ($('.cart-bubble').hasClass('hidden')) {
}, mouseleave: function () {
if ($('.cart-bubble').hasClass('active') != true) {
if ($('.cart-bubble').hasClass('hidden') != true) {
timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 800);
}, dblclick: function () {
if (!CheckZero()) {
The CheckZero() function checks if there are li elements inside something and returns true or false.
Everything works fine, but at the moment I add a li element I have to refresh the page to be able of toggling the .cart-bubble classes
you need to use event delegate
$('document').on('click','.btn-cart-toggle',function () {
//your code
You can use a syntax like the one you're using but have to modify it a little bit.
Now you have this:
What this does is to subscribe the events to the selected objects already exisintg in the page.
If you need to subscribe to objects which will existe in the future you have to do it this way:
$('parent selector').on(eventObject,'filter');
If you do it this way you have to specify:
the "parent selector" must select a DOM element which contains all the elements whose events you want to handle
the "filter" must select only the DOM elements whose events you want to handle
No doubt, this will work for you:
But most probably you can choose an element smaller than the document itself.
How does it work? The events bubble up through the DOM element tree. When the event reaches the 'parent object' it checks if the element which started the event fulfills the filter. If so, the event is handled. If not, nothing is done.

A smart toggle class in jQuery

I am trying to implement a script to set different class name on a specific element…
Let's suppose the dom looks like this:
<body class='pre-existing-class-name'>
If I make
smartToogle('body', 'new-class');
// the dom should look like this
// <body class='pre-existing-class-name new-class'>
smartToogle('body', 'new-class-2');
// the dom should look like this
// <body class='pre-existing-class-name new-class-2'>
I did the following code but it does not work:
var smartToogle = function (element, newClassName) {
var oldClassName;
var $element = $(element);
if (oldClassName !== newClassName) {
oldClassName = newClassName;
1) I am using query
2) I would like to pass just one class name, the new one.
The following code works but I do not like it because it uses global variable.
Any hint to fix it?
function myToggle(newClassName) {
if (window.oldClassName) {
window.oldClassName = newClassName;
You can use data attribute for the element, that is accessible using
Just a small change is required in your method
function myToggle(newClassName) {
if (window.oldClassName) {
window.oldClassName = newClassName;
can be replaced with
function myToggle(element, newClassName) {
if ($(element).data('oldClassName')) {
$(element).data('oldClassName', newClassName)
Hope this solves it for you.
There is one thing you need to understand.
If you want two different behaviors you don't need 2 different classes for the change in behavior.
One is enough, because you can change the behavior based on weither the class is on or off.
Let's say I want my element to have a red hover event in one way.
And want it to have a blue hover event the other way with CSS.
Then this is the way to go:
JSFiddle Demo
Here we use a button to toggle all the divs and change their CSS behavior, looks easy now right?
However if you need to toggle Javascript/jQuery events as well this won't do. In that case you will need to use 3 other methods to manage this; .on(), .off(), and .hasClass().
} else {
$(this).on('click', function(){
alert('You are clicking on an active div.');
JSFiddle Demo 2
As you can see we have added an if statement. If the element has the .active class we turn .off() the .click(). And if there isn't an active class we turn the .click() .on(). Under the if statement we always toggle the .active class. So this doesn't have to be placed inside the if statement.
I hope this clears everything up for you, good luck!
Old Answer:
It is better to use .toggleClass() here.
Use a first class on the element for the default properties and a second like .active for example for the interaction.
Also, using a .on('click', function(){}) bind will make you able to add interaction that will be bound instantly once the element is toggled.
Here's a fiddle:
I little jQuery plugin for that. Removes the current smart class (if any) and adds the new smart class. If called without parameter className the current smart class gets only removed.
$.fn.smartToggle = function (className) {
var dataId = 'smartToggle';
return this.each(function () {
var $el = $(this);
.removeClass($ || '')
.data(dataId, className);
​use it like every other jQuery method:
Works similar to before, with 2 additions: 1.) works if there is no class initially and 2.) works if other functions change the elements class in between calls. I also changed the function name so it doesn't interfere with jQuerys native toggleClass.
$.fn.fancyToggleClass = function(new_class) {
return this.each(function() {
// get the last class this function added (if exists) or false (if not)
var $this = $(this),
toggled_class = $'toggled-class') || false;
// if we dont have an original class, then set it based on current class
if (toggled_class) {
// add new class and store as data,
// which we check for next time function is called
$this.addClass(new_class).data('toggled-class', new_class);
// alert the class, just as a check to make sure everything worked!
// remove this for production, or switch to console.log
alert('element class: ' + $this.attr('class'));
updated fiddle:
I would suggest storing the original class in the elements data attribute. Then, your function can check if this data is set, and if so clear the elements class adding the original class from the elements data and also the new class you passed in the function.
If data is not set, the function will store the current class as data the first time it runs.
Check out this fiddle for a working example with comments:
here is the code. It's a jquery function so it can be called on any element (and is chainable too!)
$.fn.toggleClass = function(new_class) {
return this.each(function() {
// cache selector for this
$this = $(this);
// get original class (if exists) or false (if not)
var original_class = $'original-class') || false;
// if we dont have an original class, then set it based on current class
if (!original_class) {
original_class = $this.attr('class');
$'original-class', original_class);
// we do have an original class, so we know user is now trying to add class
// here we clear the class, add the original class, and add the new class
} else {
// assign the original class, and new class,
// and a space to keep the classes from becoming one
$this.attr('class', original_class + ' ' + new_class);
// alert the class, just as a check to make sure everything worked!
// remove this for production, or switch to console.log
alert('element class: ' + $this.attr('class'));
Hope this helps!
To avoid a global variable you can use data attribute as #ankur writes. Here is a working solution for your problem:
function myToggle(element, newClassName) {
if (!$(element).data('baseclassname')) {
$(element).data('baseclassname', $(element).attr('class'));
.attr('class', $(element).data('baseclassname'))
Does this do your job?
var smartToogle = function (element, preExistingClassName, newClassName) {
$(element)[0].className = preExistingClassName + ' ' + newClassName;
Just use hasClass. But you'll have to tell the function what both classes are:
function smartToggle(element, class1, class2) {
var $element = $(element);
if ($element.hasClass(class1)) {
else {
var smartToggle = function (element, newClassName) {
var elementClasses = element.attr('class');
// check if there is more than one class on the element
if(elementClasses .indexOf(' ') >= 0){
var oldClassNames = elementClasses.split(" ");
if (oldClassNames[oldClassNames.length - 1] !== newClassName) {
element.removeClass(oldClassNames[oldClassNames.length - 1]);
smartToggle($('.test'), 'newclass');
smartToggle($('.test'), 'newclass2');
Demo - (look at the console to see what it is doing on each pass)
That should do what you want but as #T.J. Crowder said it is rather fragile and assumes that the class you want to remove is the last one on the element.
As an answer to your question, I would go with ankur's answer
As a follow-up to Sem's answer, regarding the handling of jQuery events :
you can use the on function to handle any jquery event from a parent node, based on a live filter :
function myToggle(element, newClassName) {
if ($(element).data('oldClassName')) {
$(element).data('oldClassName', newClassName);
//event delegation : 'on' is called on the $('.divContainer') node, but we handle
//clicks on '.divItm' items, depending on their current class
.on('click', '.divItm.plain', function(){ myToggle( this, 'red' ); })
.on('click', '', function(){ myToggle( this, 'blue' ); })
.on('click', '', function(){ myToggle( this, 'plain' ); });
//initialize each item with the 'plain' class
myToggle( $('.divItm'), 'plain' );
Here is the jsFiddle.
You will note that the function called each time you click on an item depends on its "live" class, and that you don't need to manually enable/disable click handlers each time an item changes class.
You can learn more details from the documentation page.
var smartToogle = function (element, newClass) {
var $element = $(element),
currentClass = $'toggle-class');
if (currentClass != newClass) $'toggle-class',newClass).removeClass(currentClass || '');
or the other variant:
$.fn.smartToogle = function (newClass) {
currentClass ='toggle-class');
if (currentClass != newClass)'toggle-class',newClass).removeClass(currentClass || '');
In this implementation you'll have to keep the a reference to this instance of fancytoggle.
var fancytoggle = function(el, oldClass){
// create a function scope so we'll have a reference to oldClass
return function(newClass) {
// toggle the old class and the new class
$(el).toggleClass(oldClass+ ' ' + newClass);
// update the new class to be the old class
oldClass = newClass;
for your example the code would look something like.
var bodytoggle = fancytoggle('body', 'pre-existing-class-name');
// 'new-class' replaces 'pre-existing-class-name'
// 'new-class-2' replaces 'new-class'
to see it in action refer to

JQuery - using .on with element insertion

I have a function which creates a tooltip for specific objects. Currently, I am running a tooltip function after ajax insertions to create and append the new tooltip objects. I am curious if there is a way to use .on() to auto-run the tooltip function on insertion, rather than manually running it.
For instance:
$('[title]').on('inserted', function(){
I did some reading and it looks like custom triggers might be the way to go, but I'd love if it something like this existed :)
Here's the pseudo code as per request.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('body').on('added','*',function() {
console.log($(this),'has been added');
$('body').append('<div>This is the first div</div>');
(function($) {
fncs = {
// etc.
// we're assigning the original functions in this
// object to be executed (applied) later
$.fn.append = function() {
return $(this);
$.fn.appendTo = function() {
return $(this);
// no need to trigger because this function calls the one
// above for some reason, and it's taking care of the
// triggering the right element(s I think)
This is not the response you're looking for, but I would not attach tooltips directly on elements. Instead I would use a class for the ones I want the tooltip to show on mouseover and use the .on() event handler in the following way:
$('body').on('mouseover','.tooltip',function() {
// show tooltip
return false;
}).on('mouseout','.tooltip',function() {
// hide tooltip
return false;
So that whatever you add to the body (not necessarily as a direct child) will trigger this event handler.
I would probably just create an additional function to assign the tooltip data to each element along with the class.
tooltip:function(text) {
text = text || '';
return $(this).each(function() {
$('#someID').tooltip("Click me!");
$('button').tooltip("I'm a button");

Is there an easier way to reference the source element for an event?

I'm new to the whole JavaScript and jQuery coding but I'm currently doing this is my HTML:
<a id="tog_table0"
href="javascript:toggle_table('#tog_table0', '#hideable_table0');">show</a>
And then I have some slightly ponderous code to tweak the element:
function toggle_table(button_id, table_id) {
// Find the elements we need
var table = $(table_id);
var button = $(button_id);
// Toggle the table
table.slideToggle("slow", function () {
if ($(this).is(":hidden"))
} else {
I'm mainly wondering if there is a neater way to reference the source element rather than having to pass two IDs down to my function?
Use 'this' inside the event. Typically in jQuery this refers to the element that invoked the handler.
Also try and avoid inline script event handlers in tags. it is better to hook those events up in document ready.
NB The code below assumes the element invoking the handler (the link) is inside the table so it can traverse to it using closest. This may not be the case and you may need to use one of the other traversing options depending on your markup.
$('#tog_table0').click( toggle_table )
function toggle_table() {
//this refers to the element clicked
var $el = $(this);
// get the table - assuming the element is inside the table
var $table = $el.closest('table');
// Toggle the table
$table.slideToggle("slow", function () {
$":hidden") ? $el.text("show") : $el.text("hide");
You can do this:
and change your javascript to this:
$('a.tableHider').click(function() {
var table = $(; // this refers to the link which was clicked
var button = $(this);
table.slideToggle("slow", function() {
if ($(this).is(':hidden')) { // this refers to the element being animated
else {
return false;
edit: changed script to use the name attribute and added a return false to the click handler.
I'm sure this doesn't answer your question, but there's a nifty plugin for expanding table rows, might be useful to check it out:

