Changing Scope from Global to Local Breaking Javascript Program - javascript

Thanks to the help of you fine Overflowians, I fixed up my silly little RNG Addition game and got it working. Now, at one user's suggestion, I'm trying to change the scope of the addition game's code from global to local before I code up the next game; I want each game to be completely contained within its own scope, as I understand that learning to not thoughtlessly contaminate the global scope is a good idea. However, I'm a bit stuck on how to achieve that.
Here's the code for the currently functional addition game:
function beginAdditionChallenge() {
var x = Math.ceil(Math.random()*100);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var a = Number(prompt("Provide the first addend.", ""));
var b = Number(prompt("Provide the second addend.", ""));
if (a + b === x) {
alert("Well done!");
else if (a + b !== x && i < 2) {
alert("Please try again.");
else {
function initChallenge() {
var button = document.getElementById("challengeButton");
button.addEventListener("click", beginAdditionChallenge);
window.addEventListener("load", initChallenge);
And here's my attempt to wrap it, which only succeeds in breaking the game, such that the button doesn't even respond:
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
function beginAdditionChallenge() {
var x = Math.ceil(Math.random()*100);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var a = Number(prompt("Provide the first addend.", ""));
var b = Number(prompt("Provide the second addend.", ""));
if (a + b === x) {
alert("Well done!");
else if (a + b !== x && i < 2) {
alert("Please try again.");
else {
function initChallenge() {
var button = document.getElementById("challengeButton");
button.addEventListener("click", beginAdditionChallenge);
window.addEventListener("load", initChallenge);
Functional code is available on JSFiddle here.

Note that the onLoad option in JSFiddle does the same as your 2nd snippet. You'll want to choose one of the No wrap options when binding to 'load' yourself.
And, the issue stems from attempting to bind to 'load' within a 'load' handler:
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
// ...
window.addEventListener("load", initChallenge);
When the event is already firing and handling the outer binding, it's too late to add more handlers to it. They won't be cycled through and the event shouldn't occur again.
You'll either want to call initChallenge within the outer event binding:
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
// ...
Or, you can use an IIFE with the inner binding:
(function () {
// ...
window.addEventListener("load", initChallenge);


addEventListener (and removeEventListener) function that need param

I need to add some listeners to 8 object (palms).
These object are identical but the behaviour have to change basing to their position.
I have the follow (ugly) code:
root.palmsStatus = ["B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B"];
if (root.palmsStatus[0] !== "N")"click", palmHandler = function(){ palmShakeHandler(1); });
if (root.palmsStatus[1] !== "N")"click", palmHandler = function(){ palmShakeHandler(2); });
if (root.palmsStatus[2] !== "N")"click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(3); });
if (root.palmsStatus[3] !== "N")"click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(4); });
if (root.palmsStatus[4] !== "N")"click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(5); });
if (root.palmsStatus[5] !== "N")"click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(6); });
if (root.palmsStatus[6] !== "N")"click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(7); });
if (root.palmsStatus[7] !== "N")"click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(8); });
I have two needs:
1) doesn't use an anonymous function on click event.
I wrote this code, but it doesn't work"click", palmShakeHandler(8));
So this one works fine"click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(8); });
But I didn't understand how remove the event listener.
I try this solution, but it doesn't work"click", palmHandler = function(){ palmShakeHandler(8); });"click", palmHandler);
2) add and remove listener in a for cycle
I wrote the follow code but the behaviour is not correct.
for (i=1; i <= root.palmsStatus.length; i++){
if (root.palmsStatus[i-1] !== "N"){["palm" + i].addEventListener("click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(i); });
the listeners was added but the value of the parameter passed to the palmShakeHandler is always 8.
Nobody could help me to fix these issues?
There is a actually, a perfect way to do that in JavaScript using the Function.prototype.bind method.
bind let you define extra parameters that will be passed, as arguments, of the function.
You should also keep in mind that bind creates a new function and doesn't modify the initial function.
Here is what it looks like:
function palmHandler(number) {
// your code working with `number`
var palmHandler8 = palmHandler.bind(null, 8)
// the palmHandler8 is now tied to the value 8.
// the first argument (here null) define what `this` is bound to in this function
This should fix your problem, and you will be able to remove handlers easily :)
Your code will look like this:
for (i=1; i <= root.palmsStatus.length; i++){
if (root.palmsStatus[i-1] !== "N"){["palm" + i].addEventListener("click", palmShakeHandler.bind(null, i));
To be able to remove the handler afterward, you need to keep a reference to the function you create with bind. This would be the way to do this.
var boundHandler = handler.bind(null, i);
If you want to know more about the awesome bind method in JavaScript, the MDN is your friend :)
BTW, the problem with you function always returning 8 is a very common question in JavaScript. This thread will explain everything (spoiler, it's a matter of scoping :) )
So in case your array of »palms« is very huge, it is basically a bad Idea to add a single event listener to each of them, because that causes performance flaws. So I would suggest a different approach:
var handlers = [function (e) {}, …, function (e) {}]; (palm, idx) {
palm.setAttribute('data-idx', idx);
<palmsparent>.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
var c =, idx = -1;
while (c) {
if (c.hasAttribute && c.hasAttribute('data-idx')) {
idx = parseInt(c.getAttribute('data-idx'));
c = c.parentNode;
//here you also check for the »palm status«
if (idx >= 0) {
One event listener for all, much easier to remove and better for performance.
In your last solution you are pasing the same var to every function and that is what make al the functions work with 8 because is the last value of the variable.
To work arround that you can use "let" ( please at least use var, otherside that "i" is global and can be changed every where in the code) but since I dont know wich browser you target I propose other solution.
for (var i=1; i <= root.palmsStatus.length; i++){
if (root.palmsStatus[i-1] !== "N"){["palm" + i].addEventListener("click", (function(index)
(return function(){
Since its look like You are targeting modern browsers I will use let.
for (var i=1; i <= root.palmsStatus.length; i++){
let index = i;
let intermediateFunction = function(){palmShakeHandler(index);};
if (root.palmsStatus[i-1] !== "N"){["palm" + i].addEventListener("click",intermediateFunction);["palm" + i].removeHandShake = function(){this.removeEventListener("click",intermediateFunction)};
So now you just need to call "removeHandShake" and will remove the listener,
I have code this right here so it ease some minor errors to pop

eventListener is not triggering

I have the following code:
function expandTextarea () {
var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
for (var i = 0; i < textareas.length; i++) {
if (textareas[i].scrollHeight > 100) {
textareas[i].style.height = textareas[i].scrollHeight + 2 + 'px';
} else {
textareas[i].style.height = '100px !important';
textareas[i].addEventListener('onchange', adjustTextareaHeight(this));
// textareas[i].addEventListener('keyup', adjustTextareaHeight(textareas[i]));
// textareas[i].addEventListener('paste', adjustTextareaHeight(textareas[i]));
// textareas[i].addEventListener('cut', adjustTextareaHeight(textareas[i]));
function adjustTextareaHeight (textarea) {
if (textarea.length > 0) { = textarea.scrollHeight + 2 + 'px';
For some reason the event listener is never fired. Note that expandTextarea is called from my window.onload = function () {} function.
When I call expandTextarea directly it runs without any issues but when I make a change, pressing enter a bunch, it never calls the onchange event.
You have to pass a function to addEventListener. Currently you are passing undefined, the return value of adjustTextareaHeight. So the browser doesn't know what to execute when the event occurs.
What you want is:
textareas[i].addEventListener('change', function() {
In your code you are calling adjustTextareaHeight immediately (not on change). this likely refers to the global object (window) and window.length is undefined, which is not > 0.

Check whether function has run fully before, based on variable

I have a function which "types" out a header title as though it is being typed on the screen.
The typer only starts typing once a particular section of my site is "active" or is seen on the screen.
At present, it takes the outputID aka the area where this text will be typed into. There are two instances of this function being run, each with different outputIDs - I only want the function to run once per outputID.
This is how the function is initially called.
<h2 id="typer-get-in-touch" class="typer" data-text="Get in Toche^^^^^ Touch"></h2>
if(anchorLink == 'contact'){
var outputID = $("#typer-get-in-touch");
}else if(anchorLink == 'expertise'){
var outputID = $("#typer-expertise");
This is the textTyping function
function textTyping(outputID){
var textString = $(outputID).data("text");
var textArray = textString.split("");
var texttypeing = setInterval(
function() {
}, 170);
function typeOutText(outputID,textArray) {
if (textArray[0] == "^"){
outputID.text(function(index, text){
return text.replace(/(\s+)?.$/, '');
}else {
if (textArray.length > 0) {
} else {
My issue at present is that the function runs multiple types, and continues to type each time the original anchorLink trigger is achieved. The result is that is writes the title many times e.g:
Get In TouchGet In TouchGet In Touch
Each time the section is navigated to, the typing starts again.
How can I run this function only ONCE per outputID? So once the outputID has been used, the function can no longer run for that data?
JSFiddle of non-working example:
JSFiddle of mplungjan's solution:
function textTyping(outputID){
var textString = $(outputID).data("text");
function textTyping(outputID){
var textString = $(outputID).data("text");
if (textString=="") return;
What you need to do is to bind the event handler for each ID and then unbind it after it's been triggered the first time. Since you're already using jQuery, you can use the "one" method to do exactly this for each outputID:
$( "#typer-get-in-touch" ).one( "click", function() {
I suppose you could store your processed outputIds into an array and then check if the given outputId is present in the array before starting?
Define your array, check for the existence, if not found, do code example:
var processedIds = [];
function textTyping(outputID) {
var foundItem = false;
for (var i = 0; i < processedIds.length; i++)
if (processedIds[i] == outputID) {
foundItem = true;
if (!foundItem) {
//the rest of your code goes here
You can add some check at the beginning of your function:
var called = {};
function textTyping(outputID) {
if (called[outputID]) {
called[outputID] = true;
// your code

Integrate a variable from within a function

I am having troubles getting the total hours needed depending on method of transport.
This is my first code as a lesson to familiarize myself with coding.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#calculateTotal').click(function () {
var a = ($('#car').val()) ? parseInt($('#car').val()) : 0;
var c = ($('#bus').val()) ? parseInt($('#bus').val()) : 0;
document.getElementById("qr1").onclick = function() {
if (this.checked) {
var b = 1;
else {
b = 0;
var totalTime = a+b+c;
var b is not being recognized as a variable when I click on Calculate Total. Can anyone show me the way as to how to declare var b in a way that makes sense in coding?
Thank you.
You are declaring "b" inside of a function.
Because you want it to be globaly accessible outside of the function it was created in, remove the var from in front of it in the first statement.
document.getElementById("qr1").onclick = function() {
if (this.checked) {
b = 1;
else {
b = 0;
Alternatively you could set b outside of the function to 0
b = 0;
document.getElementById("qr1").onclick = function() {
if (this.checked) {
b = 1;
As an aside, global s are usually frowned upon (I use them a lot) so you could create an object to house everything. This way you are nice and tidy.
Also, as mentioned in the comments, the qr1 click handler should be placed outside of the calculate total function.

Why does one JavaScript closure work and the other doesn't?

There are two versions, supposedly when the user click the first link, it will alert "1", and the second link, "2", etc.:
Version 1:
click me
click me
click me
click me
click me
<script type="text/javascript">
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
document.getElementById('link' + i).onclick = (function() {
return function() {
var n = i;
return false;
Version 2:
click me
click me
click me
click me
click me
<script type="text/javascript">
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
document.getElementById('link' + i).onclick = (function() {
var n = i;
return function() {
return false;
Version 1 will not work. Version 2 will. I think I know the reason why, but would like to compare with other people's explanations as to why version 1 doesn't work.
Version 1 does not work because there's a common variable "i" (a global variable in this case, because you forgot var) that is shared by every "click" handler function the loop creates.
In the second version, you create a new lexical scope with the little wrapper function. That gives each "click" handler it's very own private "i".
In the second example you create a var n = i; it makes i value scoped inside the onclick function. While at the first one the onclick function still uses global value of i
I'd suggest this usage instead:
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
document.getElementById('link' + i).onclick = (function(i) {
return function() {
return false;
In this case you'll get the same behaviour since i will be the local variable for onclick function as it's an argument.
First does not work because: i is the part of each closure. After 5 iterations now i is 6 due to postfix increment operator. Each time when event handler is invoked it gets the value of i from its closure scope that is always 6.
Second part works: because each closure makes a copy of i in n, n is part of each closure.

